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' j j r - T _ A ir u / r ^
'N GROOT reúnie vir alle oud-
lede van 1 Eskader word aan- 75 YEARS UNDEFEATED
staande maand by die Lug-
magbasis Hoedspruit beplan.
Die verrigtinge vind plaas
V o l 38 J a n u a rie 1987
op Vrydag 27 Februarie 1987
en alle Lugmagpersoneel wat
voorheen aan 1 Eskader ver-
bonde was, word uitgenooi
om dit by te woon - vlleëniers,
tegniese- sowel as administra- Feesjaar-boodskappe van New products.................... 32
tiewe personeel is welkom. Minister van Verdedi- • POSTAL ADDRESS SA Leërvrouekollege neem
Belangstellendes kan Kap ging, H SAW en voorsit- Private Bag X I58, hul eie vaandel in ge-
I.R. van Eeden op LMB Hoed­ ter van Krygkor.............. 4 Pretoria 0001. bruik............................... 34
spruit skakel vir meer beson- SACP/ANC terror plan un­ SAW word 75: Wat 'n fees-
derhede. Die telefoonnommer • STREET ADDRESS:
masked............................ 7 jaar!................................ 39
is 0131732-51 uitbreiding 267 Paulhof
SA Air Force Museum Minnaar/Paul Kruger Streets Fiksste troep in Kmdmt
of 187. opened by OVS ................................ 44
Min Pik Botha................ 9 Durban Navy Yard’s OC
Kersfees ook n tyd van • TELEPHONE:
Leaves............................ 44
vrede en geluk in Pretoria (012) 211015/6/7/8 Badges, badges every­
die SAW........................... 10 where.............................. 45
General public is thinking Verjaardag gevier met
of you!’ ............................ 11 spogkoek....................... 45
Christmas Day at Salisbury SUBSCRIPTIONS Impressive passing-out
Island.............................. 12 RSA & SWA parade at SAS Jalsena... 46
MANAGEMENT R14 — 12 months
Happy faces at Indian war veterans visit
SASZONNEBLOM........ 13 R25 — 24 months Naval Base Durban........ 49
TEE; Brig J.T. Krynauw, Director Face to face with real Paraguayan officer happy
and GST (postage in­ in SA Navy...................... 50
Public Relations SADF
Father Christmas'.......... 13
cluded) Martello Tower - tough
World’s oldest pilot talks to
Paratus........................... 14 FOREIGN little treasure.................. 51
PERIODICALS; Col A.C.J. Collo- Palace Barracks - a cen­
Oud-valskermsoldate van R25 — 12 months
cott tury of service................ 51
oorsee spring in Siiid- (surface mail)
Afrika.............................. 18 1 Valskermbataljon deeglik
R35 — 12 months
EDITORIAL STAFF Buitelandse attachés be- met wildbewaring.......... 52
soek Bloemfontein........ 19 Oranjejeug verenig vrou
EDITOR; Cmdt J.H. Moody agter die soldaat............ 52
Brig Otto neem leisels oor
NEWS EDITOR: Maj M.P.A. Les­ SA Blacks misled and mur­ Marietjie herenig met haar
in die Vrystaat................ 19
sing dered by theV\NC.......... 25 'soldat’............................ 53
Delville Wood a symbol of Boere se durf en samewer- SA vlieeniers van beste in
sacrifice and courage.... 20 king keer terroriste by wêreld............................. 54
van de Venter, Lt S. Blom and
Adj min Breýtenbach be- diegrens........................ 26 Crossword Puzzle............. 55
8 Sgt L. Rourke socik die Operasionele Kol Peter McGregor Forward March!................ 56
CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER: Sgt S GeWed............................ 24 tre e a f............................. 28 Project Anchor.................. 58
de Andrade Order of the Star of South Bybels aan Swart werkers Opgeloste knelpunt.......... 59
Africa for attaché........... 24 oorhandig...................... 31 Sportmanne onderneem
ADMINISTRATION Centre for relaxation and Leerdamesvereniging ver- lang staptoer.................. 60
meditation opened........ 25 eer mev Margot Malan... 31 SPORT............................... 64
• Opinions expressed in this issue do not necessarily present the offi­ VOORBLAD: Ons is gereed!
SECRETARY; Mrs R. Beukes
cial viewpoint of the SADF. Getrou aan hul leuse staan die
LIBRARIAN: Mrs. E. Mostert
• Menings in hierdie uitgawe uitgespreek is nie noodwendig die amp- 1986-studente van die SA Leer-
telike standpunt van die SAW nie. vrouekollege op George netjies
BRANCH OFFICES op aandag. Geskiedenis is by die
ADVERTISEMENTS; Perskor Intermedia, Johannesburg 776- Kollege gemaak toe ’n eenheids-
CAPE TOWN: (021) 4087911 - 9111. vaandel tydens 'n indrukwek-
L CpI S.B. Cohen and Sea A.B. In­ Cape Town: Kritz Odendaal (021) 245-105. kende parade deur die Staats-
gram president, mnr P.W. Botha, aan
DISTRIBUTION: National News Distributors, Johannesburg.
DURBAN: (031) 3051585 - Amn dié eenheid oorhandig is. (Arti-
J.J. Cleland kel op bl 34-37). Foto: S Sers
SIMON'S TOWN: (021) 862300 - Printed for the SADF by Perskor, 28 Height Street. Ooornfonteln. Johanrwsburg 2001. LEONIE ROURKE)
L CpI G.D. Cohen

SM lede en NDPs met die rang korporaal (of ekwlvalent) en PF members and NSM from the rank of corporal (or equiva­
hoer wat maandeliks R0.60 betaal vir 'n persoonlike kopie lent) upwards who are paying R0.60 per month for a personal
van PARATUS om dit by n adres van hul keuse te laat af- copy of PARATUS sent to an address of their choice but who
lewer. maar wat ons nog nie van hul posadres voorsien het have not yet given us their postal address, must do so with­
nie. moet dit onverwyld doen deur 'n poskaart met besonder- out delay by sending a postcard to PARATUS, Private Bag
hede wat hul magsnommer insluit te stuur aan PARATUS, X158, Pretoria 0001. We also need your service number. PRI­
KORPORAALS (OF EKWIVALENT) wat maandeliks R0,20 be­ are paying R0.20 a month for access to Paratus at their unit
taal om by hul eenheid toegang tot Paratus te genlet in lees- where copies are delivered for reading rooms etc, must
kamers ens, moet laat weet as hulle Paratus nie gereeld sien please let us know If they are not seeing Paratus regularly.
nie, Gebruik bostaande adres. Use the address given above.


1 9 1 2 -1 9 8 7

75 jaar se trots
(Boodskap deur genl Magnus Malan, Minister van Verdedlging)

ie Suid-Affrikaanse W eerm ag is op 1 Julie van jaar 75 jaar oud. Binne d ie breér tydsbestek

D van die Suid*Afrii(aanse gesiciedenis is 75 ja a r ’n ko rt tydsverloop. Dit is e g te r in dió tyd-

p erk d at Suid-Afrika en Suid-Afrikaners in ’n sm eitkroes van konfiik, versoening en binding as
s ta a t en nasie g es taite gekry en volle wasdom b ereik iiet.
Net soos die Suid-Afri- anker van die Suid-Afrikaanse has retained public confi­
kaanse Weermag in die afge- nasie: onbeweegllk en on- dence and inspired and moti­
lope 75 jaar ’n integrerende versteurbaar in sy Iojaiiteit vated the public not to buckle
deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse teenoor sy land, grondwet en under the pressure of hostile
samelewing was, is sy geskie- nasie. propaganda. And the very
denis ook dié van Suid-Afrika. characteristics which over the
Dit het twee jaar ná sy tot- v e n as the South African
standkoming midde in ’n Re-
beliie gestaan, en is terselfder-
E Defence Force reaches
its 75th milestone and
years have become trade­
marks, as it were, of the South
can African Defence Force will en­
tyd in 'n wêreidoorlog gedom- look back with pride, we are sure its success in the future:
pel. already on the threshold of a loyalty, national pride, fighting
Dit aiies het gebeur terwyi new era. spirit, the will to win and moral
die Unieverdedigingsmag nog The South African Defence fearlessness.
in sy kinderskoene gestaan Force stands once again in a
time of great change which The South African Defence
het as ’n weermag waarin ge-
makes great demands on not Force is after 75 years as pre­
vestigde Britse militêre tradi- pared and flexible as ever.
sies met dié van die Afrikaner- only its physical prepared­
Genl Magnus Malan. ness, but also on its spiritual Therefore we need have no
voik sinvoi geïntegreer moes
and moral fibre. More than fear of the dangers and on­
word. Dit moes plaasvind op 'n
politieke geskille uitstyg. Meer ever, the South African De­ slaughts of the future - even If
tydstip toe die herinnering van
nog: dit is die verhaal van die fence Force must do its duty in South Africa's former allies in
die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog
Suid-Afrikaner se vegters- the face of an onslaught two world wars turn their
nog diep in die voiksgeheue backs, and even if isolation is
ingesny het. gees, sy onwrikbare wil om te aimed mainly at the socio­
oorleef en sy waagmoed. economic and psychological total.
Maar die Unieverdedigings­
mag het, ondanks die hewige In tyd van oorlog en in vre- breakdown of South Africa. Never has South Africa
politieke stryd in die volksge- destyd kon dit aan die een This does not make the role found it necessary to call in
ledere, sy beslag gevind en kant homself deurentyd ver- of the South African Defence the help of an ally to protect
met onverdeelde iojaiiteit sy nuwe en aanpas by die eise Force less important. In fact, it her territory. After all, we have
gegewe taak uitgevoer. Dit het van omstandighede; aan die is by its very example that the the South African Defence
groot oorwinnings op die slag- ander kant was dit die vaste South African Defence Force Force - still champions!
veld behaai en in 1918 met on-
derskeiding uit die stryd ge-
tree. In 1939 is dit in soortge-
lyke omstandighede tot die
stryd opgeroep, maar weer
eens het dit sy opdrag getrou
en lojaal uitgevoer.
LESSE VAN 75 JAAR (Boodskap deur genl Jannie Geldenhuys, H SAW)
Hierna was daar die Ber-
EDURENDE 1987 sal ons ter saaklike wetenskap met
lynse Lugbrug (1948) en Korea
in die vroeë vyftigerjare. In die
sestigerjare het dit voor nuwe
G die totstandkoming van
die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag
praktiese toepassings en as 'n
leerskool waaruit waardevolle
uitdaginge te staan gekom en (SAW) 75 jaar gelede herdenk. lesse geleer kan word.
moes dit aanpas by die ver- Ofskoon ons die SAW se stig- In die afgelope 75 jaar het
eistes van onkonvensionele tlng op 1 Julie 1912 uiteraard ons sekerlik bale uit ons ge­
oorlogvoering. Dit is deeglik as 'n belangrike historiese ge- skiedenis geleer. Duidelike
beproef in die Angolese Bur- beurtenis voor die gees kan lesse is aan ons en ons voor-
geroorlog (1975 - 1976) en in roep, strek die herdenking van gangers opgedring en ons er-
die stryd teen terrorisme. 1987 veel verder. Van groter varings het die grondslag ge-
belang is alles wat die SAW in vorm vir nuwe doktrines, be-
Dit sou nouliks moontlik
die afgelope 75 jaar meege- leidsbepaling, strategiese en
wees om in enkele sinne reg te
maak het: sy groei en ontwik- taktiese formulerings, organi-
laat geskied aan ’n kleurryke
keling, sy welslae en terug- satoriese strukturering en be-
geskiedenis soos dié. 0ns kan
slae, sy optredes in tye van planning, en mannekragaan-
hoogstens besin oor die bly-
oorlog en vrede en sy rol in die wending, om maar net ’n paar
wende kenmerke en betekenis
nasionale ontwikkeling van aspekte te noem.
daarvan. Eerstens is dit 'n ge­ Genl Jannie Geldenhuys.
die Republiek van Suid-Afrika. In hierdie opsig is die ge­
skiedenis wat getuig van on-
skiedenis natuurlik nie die
gelooflike aanpassingsver- Vir die SAW gaan dit egter daarby mag ons nie volstaan
enigste riglyn nie. Die heer-
moë in u iters m oeilike ook nie bloot om 75 jaar se nie. Soos enige ander vakdis-
sende situasie en eise van die
omstandighede. Maar dit is huldeblyke nie. Weliswaar kan sipline moet die Geskiedenis
omstandighede is faktore wat
ook 'n getuigskrif vir onver­ ons op 'n kleurryke geskiede­ (en veral Krygsgeskiedenis)
deelde Iojaiiteit wat bokant nis aanspraak maak, maar analities beoefen word as ’n • Vervolg op bl 6


at Westchester Country Club
New York. USA.

alive with flavor

The best tasting American blend cigarette
• Vervolg van bl 4 skiedenis per se meet onder- vertoik ons die SAW se geskie­ hierdie organisasie opreg be-
in ag geneem moet word. Nog- soek nie, maar eerder die on- denis, en wat is ons gevolg- dank vir huile lojaie diens en
tans kan ons ’n filosofiese be- derliggende beginsels en dryf- trekking? En liierby kom die die eensgesindheid waarin
nadering opbou uit ons kennis vere meet probeer blootíd. vraag: wat het ons uit die ver- hulle hul piig nagekonn het. Ek
van en insig in die SAW se ge- Terwyi onsdie feitevandie ge- lede geieer en hoe gaan ons wil die hoop uitspreek dat ons
skiedenls. skiedenis aanvaar, moet ons dit in die toekoms toepas? van 1987 nie net ’n herden-
My filosofie is dat ons nie kritles staan teenoor die fak- Dit is myns insiens die ge- kingsjaar sal maak nie, maar
historiese gebeure in ons ge- tore wat die verioop van die slndheid waarmee ons die ook ’n jaar van besinning en
geskiedenis bepaai het: strate- 75ste bestaansjaar van die nuwe denke. Mag ons in hier­
giese en taktlese oorwegings, SAW moef vier. Met die 75ste die jaar diep delf in ons ge­
evaiuerings, besluite en op- gedenkviering van die SAW skiedenis en waardevolle
tredes. Metanderv\^oorde; hoe wil ek dan ten siotte elkeen in lesse daaruit put.

artnershÍD ensures success

(Message from Cmdt P.G. Marais, Chairman o f Armscor)

h e relationship i>etween tlie South Afri­ Following the implementa­

T can D efence Force and Armscor is m ore
than m erely th a t of a client and a supplier. It
tion of the United Nations
Arms Embargo in 1977, Arms­
cor as it is structured today,
is a partnership ensuring the e ffe ctive de* was formed to meet the vary­
Cmdt P.G. Marais. fen ce of the Republic of South Africa. ing armaments requirements
of South Africa.
From somewhat humble be­
ginnings a bond, based on
mutual respect and admira­
tion, has developed between
Armscor and the SADF over
the years. As the SADF is its
major customer, Armscor
places much value on this re­
lationship and is proud to be a
member (albeit a relatively
young one) of the South Afri­
can Defence Family.
The contribution the SADF
makes to this partnership is vi­
tal - as the end user it plays an
essential role in defining the
various weapon systems it
uses, for Armscor to develop
and manufacture.
In meeting these require­
ments, Armscor takes pride in
having played a part in supply­
ing the necessary hardware
Gen Jannie Geldenhuys, Chief which has made the SADF the

11 FIELD POSTAL of the SADF, awards Cmdt Ru­

dolf van Heerden, OC 11 Field
Postal Unit, with a citation
honouring the unit's ten years'
formidable force it is today, a
force which is virtually unpa­
ralleled on the African conti­

UNIT HONOURED uninterrupted service in the

Operational Area.
At the same time, the SADF
can lay claim to being able to
deploy weapon systems which
can be rated with the best
4 4 Field Postal Unit bution to ensuring a high mor­ years' service) Cmdt R. van available anywhere in the
II was recently hon­ ale among the fighting men. Heerden. world - and in certain in­
oured at the first ever in­ The citation includes the John Chard Medal (12 stances, even better.
door medal parade held at words: “The long hours of years’ good service) Maj G.R. Armscor has enjoyed its as­
the South African Army selfless and arduous labour in Conradie, Maj H.P. van Vree- sociation with the SADF and
College in Voortrekker- support of the battle by mem­ den, S Sgt J.S. Beukes and wishes it well on its 75th anni­
hoogte. bers who often serve in a S Sgt C.J.J.G. van Zyl. versary.
For ten years' uninterrupted totally voluntary capacity mer­ We look forward to an even
its high praise and is suitably Pro Patria Medal: Lt E.F. happier association during
service in the Operational
recognised by way of this cita­ Furter, Lt P.J. Nel, Lt W.J. Pi- the next 75 years!
Area, 11 Field Postal Unit was
tion." tout, 2Lt G.P. Solomon, 2Lt
awarded a citation, read by the 1 9 1 2 -1 9 8 7
G.G. Jacobs, Sgt I.P. Rauten-
Chief of the SADF, Gen Jannie Several members of 11 bach, CpI N.D. Graham, L CpI
Geldenhuys, at the parade. Field Postal Unit received R. Cordier, L CpI M. McBride
The unit, run by service vol­ medals at the parade. They and L CpI R.C. Opperman.
unteer postal office workers were;
and national servicen^en, has C SADF Commendation
created an indispensable link John Chard Decoration Certificate: MrW.T.B. Ridgard,
between the fannily, home and (Clasp for 30 years’ service) Postmaster General (accepted
the troops in the field and thus W01 J.J. Blumenthal. by Mr Van Rensburg, Deputy
made a considerable contri- John Chard Decoration (20 Postmaster-General).
While South Africans were preparing for a peaceful Christmas
H IL E m o st S o u th

W Africans w ere pre­

paring to spend a
p e a c e fu l C h ris tm a s w ith
th eir fam ilies, elem ents both
SACP/ANC terror
plans unmasked
inside and outside our coun>
try w ere threatening to dis­
turb th e p ea c e w e associate
w ith C h ris tm a s , said th e
S ta te P resident, Mr P.W. Bo­
tha, in an address broadcast
by SABC Television on 12 De­ "Thirdly we have intelligence regarding • Attempts to make more effective use
the identities of a large number of per­ of the UDF as a mass organisation in their
cem ber 1986. sons who are known to us, who are serv­ efforts to foment revolution.
ing in those structures and who are in­ • Action against the citizens of the na­
In order not to promote the objectives volved in questionable activities. It is tional and independent states.
of these elements, regulations had been clear from irrefutable intelligence that In this regard it is, for example, specifi­
announced regarding the release of cer­ units of murderers inside our country are cally stated that Chief Minister Buthelezi
tain security related information by the controlled by the structures in our neigh­ of KwaZulu and his supporters should re­
media. bouring states. These were therefore not ceive special attention, pointed out Mr
Mr Botha said he noticed that, as in the actions directed against innocent per­ Botha.
past, we also now find that hostile propa­ sons and bystanders. They were aimed at • Attempts to cause division among
ganda is being spread throughout the the SACP/ANC collaborators manning the Whites.
world. "I wish to use this opportunity to structures, and the structures them­ • Involving the Progressive Federal
inform you that our security forces have selves. They were also directed against Party youth groups and the End Cons­
over the past 24 hours been compelled to those who allow themselves and their or­ cription Campaign in a so-called "broad
conduct certain preventative security ganizations - especially the UDF - to be democratic front”.
measures. These security measures were misused and misguided by the forces of • Encouraging dialogue between
aimed at the SACP/ANC structures that terror. South African delegations and the ANC in
are involved in the planning, co-ordi- "The emphasis of the actions was par­ Lusaka.
nation and execution of revolutionary vi­ ticularly on the underground units speci­ • Making use of neighbouring states
olence. It was aimed at those forces under fically responsible for acts of sabotage, as springboards for further acts of mur­
the direction of the SACP/ANC terrorist- murder and terror. No one should accuse der and terrorism in the Republic of
alliance which has as its aim the foment­ us of flights of fantasy. The results of South Africa.
ing of revolution in our country. those bloody inhuman acts are visible for • Plans to incite revolution in the RSA
"The ANC itself acknowledges that they all to see. Our actions were made possible before, on and after 16 December 1986 by
have, during the past two years, suffered by vital information received from way of extensive acts of sabotage and
severe setbacks in Mozambique, Swazi­ sources and agents on all levels within mass actions.
land, Lesotho and Botswana. The ANC the ANC as well as from recently arrested
thus admits that it is operating from our terrorists and ANC deserters."
r Botha said from the contents of
neighbouring states, and is misusing the
territories of those states for the perpetra­
r Botha continued that further in­
M these documents it is clear beyond
all doubt that the ANC is now striving to
tion of violence in the RSA.
"The security action to which I want to
refer, is based on irrefutable information
M formation included a number of key
ANC documents:
divide our Black communities, and to in­
cite them against the Whites, and to en­
that has been assembled and evaluated • The one document contains reports courage the committing of acts of viol­
with great care and self-sacrifice. Re­ of ANC commissions compiled for its ence against Whites, even if these were to
cently published regulations regarding June 1985 conference, which were re­ include large-scale bloodshed. In this
the media should also be viewed in the cently re-affirmed as guidelines for ac­ process the ANC places a high premium
light of this information." tion. on underground structures that have to
• The second ANC document contains execute this barbaric plot.
the major resolutions and recommenda­ “The State cannot allow overt and
tions of the abovementioned conference. underground structures created for the

T HIS information concerned:

• Firstly, the intended terror planned

• The other document was distributed
from Lusaka in October 1986 following a
joint meeting of the ANC’s National Ex­
execution of violent revolution, to func­
tion undisturbed-neither within, norout-
side the country. There should be no
by the terrorist alliance for December ecutive Committee and its so-called Poli­ doubt whatsoever regarding the real aim
1986 and for 1987. In ANC pamphlets, for tico-Military Council concerning this or­ of these acts of revolutionary violence.
instance, 16 December 1986 was consid­ ganisation’s planning for 1987. At that "Oliver Tambo recently explained it in
ered as the appropriate occasion to step meeting the ANC's top structure recon­ the following way:
up terror and murder. sidered the decisions taken at the 1985 ‘We are revolutionaries, and our busi­
• Secondly, there is the so-called conference and authorised the continu­ ness is to make revolution. . . All revol­
structures of this alliance in neighbouring ation of violence. utions are about state power. Our's is no
states and within South Africa. Of special The ANC planning set out in these exception . . . Our bottom-line is the rev­
importance is the unholy alliance's so- documents inter alia comprises the fol­ olutionary seizure of power. ’
called Politico-Military Council described lowing: "Some individuals and organisations
by itself as its "war council”. • The expansion of murder, sabotage knowingly or unknowingly contribute to­
"Overall control is centred in Lusaka and arson to White residential areas and wards the enhancement of the ANC's
with regional command structures and urban centres. status and pcJsition. Any meeting with a
so-called "machineries ' in neighbouring • The expansion of murder, arson and South African organisation is viewed as a
states which are responsible for the ex­ intimidation to White farms in rural areas, victory for the ANC.
ecution of acts of violence and subver­ including the laying of landmines on farm
sion,’’ said Mr Botha. tracks. • Continued on p 47




SAAF Museum opened
by Minister Botha
t a sm all parade flan ked by a irc ra ft of a bygone era, M r
A R.F. Botha, M inister of Foreign Affairs, Chief Patron of
the SAAF Museum and Honorary Colonel of 3 Squadron, of­
ficiated a t th e reopening of th e SAAF Museum workshop a t
Lanseria Airport.

The Minister also expressed a special hibit articles and records pertaining to
word of welcome to the sole remaining the heritage and traditions of the SAAF
pioneer of military aviation in South and Military aviation associated with it.
Africa, Maj Gen Kenneth van der Spuy. At (b) To interest and educate the general
the age of 94, Maj Gen van der Spuy is the public, particularly the youth, in military
patron of the friends of the SAAF Museum aviation,
Society. (c) To undertake research into and to
In his speech, the Minister outlined the accumulate and disseminate information
aims of the SAAF Museum. and knowledge relating to the history and
(a) To collect, preserve, restore and ex- traditions of the SAAF.
After his speech Mr Botha officially
opened the SAAF Museum workshop. A
bust of Maj Gen van der Spuy, by Mike
Edwards, was also unveiled by the Minis­
The museum itself has several out­
standing exhibits. Included in these are
the tiny model aircraft built by members
Maj Gen Kenneth van der Spuy, patron of
of the staff, to the giant twin enginéd
Lockheed Lodestar. There are also nu­ the friends of the SAAF Museum, gave a
short speech after a bust of him had been
merous other interesting aircraft on dis­
unveiled by Min R.F. Botha (right). Behind
play, each of which represents an import­
them stands Cmdt A.E. Smit, OC of the
ant chapter in the history of the SAAF.
The DH Vampire, for instance, is familiar
to many as the first jet propelled aircraft
to enter SAAF Squadron service.
Another such aircraft is the Canadair There are many more interesting dis­
Sabre, which was used by 2 Sqn to sup­ plays, each one a tribute to the pioneers
port the UN forces in Korea in 1951. 2 Sqn of South African Military Aviation history.
received citations from the South Korean- The museum affords the visitor a glimpse
and USA Presidents for their illustrious into the past, when those magnificent
Two of the guests at the opening of the
services. Also on display from this chap­ men in their flying machines first took to
Museum, Mr F.J. de Virion and Mr Z.J.
ter in the history of the SAAF are flying the South African skies. A fitting tribute
Fudakowski, enjoy a drink and a chat at
jackets, medals and badges. indeed.
the reception held after the parade.

Mr R.F. Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, addresses the parade at the reopening of the SAAF Museum workshop at Lanseria. With him
are Maj Gen A.J.S. van der Lith, Chief of Air Staff Operations and Cmdt A.E. Smith, OC of the SAAF Museum.


pragtlge K e r^xw m stengem aak en wer-

Kersfees ook ’n sler. Olé boom b g M te n k ë a ir m nr

C hristo Pe^jm, die íjyrg e in era te r van
Krugersdorp, nadat die vroue m n die Sui-
ëerkruisfontís op sy dorp die vers«»k to t
hom gerig het.

tyd van vrede Die S uiderkruisfonds se vroue het ook

fsgdeur die hospilaal gerorg v ir versie-
rings en geskenkpakkies v ir manne wie se
ouers te ver w c»n om die dag saam met
hulte ta kon deurbríng.

en geluk in Die hospitaal het ook gesorg v ir ander

w rm a a klikh « te soos 'n K e r^ a ríy tjie v lr
die ho sp ita a lp e re o n ^l se kteingoed en ’n
ete ¥ir die sw art pereoneei.

die SA Weermag
K ERSFEES Is ^ wir vraug-
ite m mm Im t
d ie SA S e s o iil d a t e fc e
wmË mm e m t ©# » n -
rtw red® in lilé tfá nfe » f se­
t t o p s km i wmm tri«, g@mi ver>
a o r i is.
Aan almaí w at op diens was, is 'n tieer-
like Kersete v o o r ^ it en die manne op
patroltle Is ook nie wergeet nle. Met hul
tenigkeer is daar ook aan húite 'n smaak-
like ete voorgesit.
Die A djunk-m inister van Verdediging,
m nr W ynand B reytenbach, het die
grensgebiede besoek om pereoontík
boodskappe aan die manne oor te dra.
’n Ander groepie Weermagiede ¥ir wie
Kerefees m inder vreugdevol was, is die
siekes in die m llltêre hospiíaie. Maar daar
is ook moeite gedoen om húl v e its p daar
m eer aangenaam te maak.
By t M ilitêre Hospitaaí in P retoria het
die S uiderkruisfonds soos gewoonlik ONDER: Die kinders het Ketswader inge- ’n Dankie-mentjie v ir Kersvader vir ’n
pakkies aan die sisk soWate oortiandig en wag tm hy by hul K e rs ^rty tp e by 1 Mi- reuse-gmkenkpakkie. Die kinders van die
in die voorportaal van die hospitaai is ’n litêm Hospitaai ’n draai gemaak het om personeel van 1 Militêre Hospitaai het
geskenke u it te deei. heerlik Kersparty gehou saam met
Kersvader, Micky Muis, 'ntomertaarendie
snaakse At IJebtm.

10 PWWTus • jMmjmr i» 7
m«ia<Éía'Ma-«Éa tp 'n q


‘General public is
thinking of you!’
IN true C hristm as spirit, m em bers of tiie S outiiem Cross Fund
handed g ift parcels to patien ts a t 1 M ilitary Hospital and their
m essage to a ll w as: “The general public is thinking of you!”
After raising funds in excess of R14 mil­ Another “useful goodie ” in the pack­
lion in the 1985/86 financial year, it was age was a sponge buff puff.
clear South Africans were contributing “We have found that National Service­
generously towards the Fund’s cause, men make use of it for general cleaning The Mayor of Krugersdorp, Mr Christo
said Mrs Elizabeth Albrecht, the National purposes and use it on patrols to moisten Peyper, with patients of 1 Mil Hosp. He
President. dry cracking lips, ” said Mrs Albrecht.
donated the hospital's Christmas tree.
“When they use the items in the par­
cels, 1 hope the men will remember it
comes from the people of South Africa,”
she said.
Speaking at a small function in the hos­
pital, Mrs Albrecht said the Fund was
“moving with the times". And referring to
rising terrorism inside the country, she
said the Fund had changed its baste
motto from "working for the men on the
border" to “working for men in uniform".
“We try to look after men on the bor­
ders inside South Africa as well, ” she
Gifts distributed to patients included
‘The Southern Cross Bag’, a small zip-up
hold-all. Inside were “useable ” items
such as a pen knife, comb, writing pad,
key ring and shoe brushes.

ONDER: Ná ’n jaar se harde werk is n

heerlike Kersete net die antwoord. Die
swart personee! van 1 Militêre Hospitaal is Christmas spirit came to 1 Military Hospital when members of the Southern Cross Fund
deur die tiospitaal getrakteer en die disse presented gifts to patients. Mrs Elizatieth Albrecht, National President of the fund stands
tiet in almal se smaak geval. Die Bevel- third from right with Brig A.P. Coetzer, OC of the hospital.
voerder van die hospitaal, brig A. P. Coet-
zer, tiet almal by dié geleentheid ook 'n
voorspoedige 1987 toegewens.
It was the Southern Cross Fund’s ele­ ranged a set of mirrors for his con­
venth Christmas visit to 1 Military Hospital venience.
in their nineteenth year of service to Na­ “It means a lot to them, to see secure
tional Servicemen. “We are no strangers people from outside coming to their bed­
to the patients, in fact each floor at the side,” said Mrs Theron,
hospital has its own “foster mother’,” said And in full support of Mrs Theron’s
Mrs Albrecht. statement, a National Serviceman, Pte
Giving hours of their time each week, Cedric Jones, who was sharing a ward
the women of the Fund visit patients, with three other young men, said the la­
helping them wherever possible. Mrs An- dies “give us something to look forward
nekie Theron, a businesswoman in Pre­ to. I’ll never forget the time I needed some
toria, is a typical “foster mother’. deodorant because my girlfriend was visi­
“Through my contacts and through facto­ ting. I mentioned it to one of the ladies
ries it is easier for me to organize gifts for and the next day they sorted me out. ”
servicemen,” she said.
Spending two to three hours with pa­
tients every Wednesday evening, Mrs
Theron helps to supply patients with
soap, face cloths and other necessities.
Once she supplied a needy patient with a
portable radio. She recalls a National Ser­
viceman last year who was unable to
move because of his injuries, and ar­
By Amn Jonathan Cleland


A fine example of
cameraderie, friendship
m iS T M A S HAY a t S alis- NE of the Naval fur>ctions that was
C b u iy Isia m f in 0 u fte n w as
Oil® M M w ill! flie usual Am am i
manned with particular dedication
was that of the SAS Scorpion Main Signal
Office (MSO Scorpkm). Able Seaman
fe s tiv ity , a s w eH as ra m e m te r-
Grant Leversha was doing his first camp
k m w lia t O iris tm a s P a f is a il after com pleting his National Service in
alN H it. July 1985. In civilian life Grant holds the
A s is Wm c a s e in a tif w eH -nin position of Corporate Financial Ffepre-
m ilita iir e s fa M ls itm e iit, how - sentative and the degree of responsibility
afforded to Grant through his civilian
fo m in g ttefa* e v e i^ d a f liiity a s if work h » ensured that he continues his Sea Sagren Naidoo of SAS Jalsena (22),
It w m m a n o ttie r dasf.” camps as a signal operator. was on duty at the main gate to the base.

A t the SAS Jalsem, a training unit

where Sndian volunteers undergo basic
tra in in g the itie n on duty mere Invited to
tjrin g th e ir imm ediate fam ilies fo r a mag­
n ifice n t Christm as lunch at the unit. The
meal was “ on the house" for men on duty
and their guests. Any other relatives or
friends who also wanted to enjoy the
meal, had to pay a nominai charge of
R5.00 per head.
The officer of the day at the SAS Jal­
se m on Christm as Day was S Lt Gavin
Price, who actually volunteered to per­
form his duty on Christmas Day so that
fellow duty officers whose fam ilies lived
up country could go home for the festive
season - certainly a fine example of the
friendship and cameraderie that exists
among these young men. S Lt Price ob­
tained two videos to help while away the
24 hours’ duty on what was inevitably a
quiet day.
T tie four Officers of the Day over the
festive season at SAS Jalsena were a ll Na­
tional Servicemen, like S Lt Price. The
other officers were Ensign Jan Olwagen
and Midshipmen Nick Smith and Werner The three men who manned the Main Signal Office at SAS Scorpion on Christmas Day
Hadley. were, from left. Able Seaman Glen Dale, Sea Richard King and Able Seaman Grant
The young man who welcomed us at Leversha.
the base. Sea Sagren Naidoo, lives in
Umhtatuzana near Chatsworth. Sea Nai-
doo’s only complaint was that “there was About working on Christmas Day, There was, of course, a strike craft on
not as much traffic as usual". Grant had nothing but positive com­ standby in case of an emergency, but
ments. “Doing camps in you home-town most of the ship’s company were relaxing
is privilege enough for me,” says Grant. "I and having a good time in the true spirit
can’t complain about my position, so of Christmas cheer.
working on Christmas Day is ju s t part of It is often a sobering thought that while
the deal." most of us were enjoyirig the festive sea­
Grant's colleagues at MSO Scorpion son, there were some dedicated men
felt the same way as he did, although they keeping the cogs of the SA Navy on Salis­
are Permanent Force members. Both Sea bury Island well-oiled and prepared, as al­
Richard King and Able Seaman Glen Dale ways.
are from the Cape and even being so far
away from their families didn't mind work­
ing on Christmas Day. They are both hop­

ing to be posted down to the Cape some
time in the New Year. None of the three
men at MSO are m arried.

S Lt Gavin Price, the Officer of the Day on

Christmas Day at the base.

very successful Chrlst-
mas party was heki at
the Silvermine sports fields
for the staff of the SAS Zon­
neblom's children. Children
from all over SAS Zonneblom
gathered with their parents to
await the arrival of Father
Christmas. Seen here are Lt
S. Fourie, organiser of the
party, and U Cdr M. Norton
with a group of children from
their unit.

Face to face with ‘real Father Christmas’

ITH smites stretching
W from ear to ear and ex­
citement reaching fever pitch,
the youngsters of the 2 Mili­
tary Hospital Créche received
their presents from Father
Christmas at the créche’s arv-
nual Christmas tree held at the
Father Christmas arrived in
a hardly recognisable Army
jeep, ft was brightly decorated
in the true spirit of Christmas,
with red and white mistletoe
and bells painted on the card­
board panels covering it. It
was decorated to look like a
snow sleigh.
Father Christmas was actu­
ally WOl A.H. MacKenzie. He
was previously the Regimental
Sergeant Major at Natal Medi­
cal Command. He has since
Seen here are some of the
children who enjoyed the oc­
casion and who were rather
awe struck at coming face to
face with the “real Father

PARATUS • JANUABie 1987 13


Fighter pilot, prisoner in Russia, O fficer Commanding of five

d ifferen t units, founder m em ber of tlie Soutii A frican Air
Force, pioneer in aerial photography and aerial com bat,
author, veteran of tw o World W ars and a tru e gentlem an.

ny of the aforementioned aptly

A describes one of the South Afri­

can Defence Force’s oldest and
most legendary figures, Maj
Gen Kenneth Reid van der Spuy.
Maj Gen van der Spuy, born in Stellen­
bosch on 18 t^arch 1891, is the only sur­
viving member of a group of ten men who
were selected in 1913 in Kimberley to be
trained as pilots under the direction of
British aeroplane designer, Compton Pa­
terson, in one of his earliest models, the
Paterson Biplane. Of the original ten, only
six eventually passed out as qualified pi­
“Training was done on a very crude ba­
pilot The fruits of many years of service in the
military. Maj Gen van der Spuy shows off
his decorations.
sis in those days,” recalls Maj Gen van

der Spuy. “I received my licence after
only one hour and forty minutes flying
time. ”
This is a far cry from the Intensive train­
ing undergone by today’s pilots. However,
judging by the stories related by Maj Gen
van der Spuy, it was just as tough.
On one occasion during a training
flight, the General and Paterson were in­
volved in a crash from which they were
both lucky to escape with their lives. An
unperturbed Paterson, armed with a pair of pliers, was rallying the men around to
help rebuild the wreck which only fifteen
minutes earlier had almost claimed his

t the -outbreak of the First World

A War, Maj Gen van der Spuy was
transferred to the Royal Flying Corps and
posted to 2 Squadron. He served in
France on reconnaissance duties.
His initiation into aerial combat was in
Sois Sons in France when he encoun­
tered an enemy aircraft while on a routine
flight. A dog-fight ensued. After both pi­
lots had unsuccessfully tried to shoot
each other down and had run out of am­
munition, they waved good-buy and flew
their separate ways.
On returning to base, the maintenance
crew checked the plane for damage, and
after scrutinous investigation failed to
find a single bullet hole in the fuselage.
It was during one of these reconnais­
sance flights that the General, a keen
photographer, took a few photographs of
the enemy lines. His superiors were most
impressed with the information that such
photographs could provide and ordered
that similar photographs be taken on all
flights. Aerial photography was born.
The original group of ten men who were to undergo training as pilots in South Africa The General’s initiative and ingenuity
under the direction of Compton Paterson, Maj Gen van der Spuy is seated second frorh were once again evident with his revol­
left. utionary idea of mounting a machine gun


By P te G. P en to p o u lo s
Photos: Sm n A.B. In g ram

onto the framework of the piane instead

of firing hand-held weapons, which was
customary in those days.
“Originally we used sawn off shot-guns
and revolvers in dog-fights. We filled the
shot-guns with nuts and bolts or anything
else which we thought would sufficiently
damage an enemy plane in order to take it
out of the sky. This was rather cumber­
some and very inefficient, and more often
than not we did more damage to our own
planes than anything else.”
Pilots in those days also resorted to
throwing darts overboard, but these had
little effect on the helmets of the men in
the trenches.
"It was then that I decided to mount a
Lewis Gun by means of leather straps at­
tached to the struts of the wings. It was
suspended in front of the gunner and he
could manoeuvre it much more easily. It
also meant that he could fire out along
the wings and not damage the propellor
by shooting it full of holes.”
He also recalls the long days they spent
in the air. They took off at dawn and re­
turned to base only for refuelling and a
quick cup of tea, before flying off again.
This went on until nightfall.
“Times were tough in those days, and
we had not only the enemy to contend
with but the army and navy as well. They
referred to aircraft as a "new fang led toy’’
which were only good for frightening the
cavalry’s horses. ”
However, it was not long before the Air
Force's true worth was recognised and BELOW: A photograph of Maj Gen van Maj Gen van der Spuy seated at the con­
the co-ordination of air, land and sea der Spuy's original Aviators' Certificate. trols of the replica of the Paterson Bi­
forces changed the face of warfare for Note the num ber-he was the 803 rd pilot plane which was constructed in 1981. The
good. ever trained by the Royal Aero Club of the Paterson Biplane was the machine in
United Kingdom. which he first learnt to fly in 1913. (Photo
Diamond Fields Advertiser)

N 1915 he was recalled to assist Gen

/ *’ , .
I Botha in his German South West Africa
campaign. The Royal Air Force could not
spare any of their aircraft for the cam­
/ ■,. t ///ffj' /ffi' paign. so the Union Defence Force had to
/ '/ . / ,f!l /
V >' '• ///• make alternative arrangements.
In the French town of Boc, Maj Gen van
der Spuy succeeded in obtaining four
f: ;.. Canton Unne water-cooled engines which
were then mounted in planes designed by
/ ./fe e í« /
the Frenchman Henri Forman. The new

machines were named The Forman All
Steel Aeroplane. These were used
„ i
- ! .’/r' /■’j rff'/r throughout the German South West
' »r- / V. / //
'■XP' p- Africa campaign and according to the
tHí aer:> :-i.s -&0 k General, were the finest in use at the time.
Although the South African Air Force
was only officially instituted in 1920, these
four Forman All Steel Aeroplanes, and

• Continued on p 16


W orld’s oldest
pilot talks

• Continued from p 15

their use in South West Africa in 1915,

were the seeds from which our own pow-
erfui Air Force germinated.
In 1918 Maj Gen van der Spuy com­
manded Allied air units in Northern Rus­
sia in the rank of lieutenant colonel. In
April 1919 the general In charge of the Be-
reznik front ordered that a group of eight
aircraft of the Russian Air Force and Lt
Col van der Spuy in a Sopwith Camel go
on a reconnaissance and bombing mis­ Maj Gen van der Spuy plays with his dog while Mrs Una van der Spuy tends the roses in
sion on an important enemy headquarters their immaculate garden
forty miles into Bolsnevik territory. During
the flight things did not go smoothly. The also necessary in the early stages to im­
bombers were constantly flying out of for­ provise. The huge crates that the aircraft
mation, getting behind or lost, (t got so arrived in were the original offices of the
bad that Lt Col van der Spuy decided to SAAF.
go ahead on his own. Between 1933 and 1938, he was the
He arrived at his objective, dropped his commander of Natal, Cape Province, Ro­
bombs and then turned sharply to shower berts Heights (now Voortrekkerhoogte)
the headquarters with machine gun fire. and Transvaal Commands respectively. In
Suddenly his engine cut out and only the 1937, he commanded the South African
shrill whistling of the wind through the Coronation Contingent,
wires was audible. In 1939 he became South Africa's liai­
He managed to glide to within twenty son officer in London, responsible among
miles of a British base when he was other duties, for the purchase of military
forced to make a crash landing. His plane equipment for the SAAF. He returned to
overturned, trapping him underneath it. South Africa in 1941 as Director General
The petrol tanks had burst, covering him Technical Services until his retirement in
and the plane in fuel. The fire risk was 1945. Maj Gen van der Spuy now lives in
great and Russian soldiers had already the town of his birth, Stellenbosch, with
appeared on the opposite bank of a his wife Una. Their home is a picturesque
nearby river. wine estate called Old Nectar. The garden
Somehow he found the strength to A photo of Maj Gen van der Spuy when he is immaculately maintained by the
wriggle free and made a beeline for the was still a captain. couple. Una has the distinction of having
forest nearby. no fewer than nine books on horticulture
April in Northern Russia is early spring. to her credit.
Snow and ice still covered much of the At the National Museum of Military His­
guards a pleasant evening and carried on tory there is a display of the major gener­
countryside, and that which had melted
walking. The guards stood there open
made the ground soft and marshy. With­ al's uniforms and numerous decorations,
mouthed as they watched the old “Rus­ including the Most Excellent Order of the
out any food or weapons, he had to make
sian farmer" walk off into the forest.
his way through the forest in his quest for British Empire (Commander/CBE), the
The next morning, while crossing a
freedom. Military Cross and the French Croix de
road, he was accosted by a group of Rus­
That night he returned to the river to try Guerre avec palmes.
sian cavalrymen. He was a Russian pris­
and find a large piece of ice on which he It is truly an honour for the South Afri­
could float downstream to the Allied base. can Defence Force to have a man of the
After two years in a number of different
In his search along the river, he acci­ calibre of Maj Gen van der Spuy amongst
Russian prisons and a diet of hot water
dently found himself right in front of a its ranks. He is the personification of the
and black bread, Kenneth Reid van der expression. An Officer and a Gentleman.
communist camp. He crawled past this
Spuy was set free. Back home he had
new threat on his stomach.
been declared missing, presumed dead. It
His nocturnal adventures were not yet
was with much emotion and joy that he
over. Further along he found another
was reunited with friends and family.
river. Fortunately this one had a bridge so
he would not have to swim its icy waters.
What he had not considered was that it o r the next thirteen years he worked
might be guarded. Suddenly he was con­
fronted by two ominous looking Russian
F with Gen Sir Pierre van Ryneveld es­
tablishing the South African Air Force. A
guards. lot of assistance was received from the
He pulled his greatcoat tighter and in Royal Air Force in the way of aircraft,
his best Russian accent, wished the maintenance staff and machinery. It was



*Jou finansieringsvoorkeurskema omsluit

ook ANDER DIENSTE, byvoorbeeld:
Aftredebepianning, Sanhjmbank-krediefkaart,
Boedelbeplanning, om maar 'npaarte noem.
Indien jy in enige van die diensfe wat onder
'n Finansieringsvoorkeurekemo is met jou finansieringsvoorkeurskema aangebied wore),
Sanfambank aangegaan waarvolgens jy feen belartgsf^, en meer daaroor wiSvemeem, free
besondere gunstige mntekoene om kreaief en ander assebliefmetjou naaste Santambank-takin verbinding
fasiliteilemag aansoek doen. of volfooi die onderstaande koepon en stuur sonder
*Daardie nuwe motor, woorma ofmeubek versuimterog.
isnou binnejou bewik. Tree eers rmions in verb'mdinQ Tree eers m e t ons in verbinding
almnens jy eniae ooreenkoms akluit en vind uitpmsies a lw re n s jy enige ooreenkom s a fslu it.
hoeveel jy deur 'n AFSETALINGSVERKOOP-
OOREENKOA^ (Huurkoop), aangegaan onder die
finansieringsvoorkeurskema, kanbespaar. Noam;.........
Huisverbeierings; vakansies; molorhefslel-
werk; lastige skulde ens. vereis kontant. 'n Goec/ícoop
PERSOONLIKE LENING, met^riefíike maandelikse
paaiemenh, kragtem die finansieringsvoorkeurskema,
isdie anfwoord.
Vndienjy 'n OORTROKKE TJEKFASILITEIT Poskock:.......
by ons wil aangaan, sal jy kragtens die finansierings­ hieftJieko^x>n uit&n pos CKsn:
voorkeurskema ook kwalifíseer vir 'n rentekoers wat AFDEIING SK, SANTAMBANK
her as die normah markkoers is.
‘fbmise wotjy by die bank op SPAAR OF
VA5TE BELEGGING plaas verdien, kragtens die
fmansieringsvoorkeurskema, 0,5% meer rente os die
normale beleggingskoerse.

' p i ^ b o i k v ir c b Á A á j w d u . .

B e rig te en fo to ’s: o kpi J . B otes

ROEP b u ite la n d s e
attach es het
B lo e m fo n te in on>
langs besoek. B ehalw e die
besoek aan ’n a a n ta l m iiitére
eenhede h et die besoekers
o o k m e e r v a n d ie s ta d
Bloem fontein g eleer.
Volgens kmdt J. Malan, die Suid-
Afrikaanse begeleidingsoffisier, is
die besoek deel van die jaarlikse ak-
tiwiteitsprogram wat die SAW vir
mitítêre attachés aanbied. !n 1986
was Bloemfontein vir die eerste
keer ook op die program. So-
doende word die land, sy mense en
soveel moontlik binne mílitére ver-
band aan die mense bekend gestel.
So n program siuit gewoonlik n
Die attaches is dear kol C.E. le Roux van 1 Valskermbataljon tydens tiuf besoek besoek aan die Grens ook in. 1986
aan Bloemfontein met n toer deur die eenheid vergas. Hulle het onder andere se program het byvoorbeeld be-
die Gedenkmuur en die nuwe Opieidingstak besoek. soeke aan die grensgebied. Walvis-


van cAe Intem asio-
n a le V a ls k e rm s o i*
datebo nd h et 1 Valskerm ba*
ta ljo n besoek as gaste van

van oorsee kom

d ie Bioemf onteinse
V a ls k e rm d o e k . D ie besoe­
kers w a t uit Frankryk, Arne-
rika en Kanada afkom stig

spring op SA bodem
w as, h et die kans gekry om
op S uid'A frikaanse bodem ’n
sprong uit te voer en die
v ieu els van 1 V aiskerm batal-
jon t e ontvang.
n Kransleggingseremonie is op Die volgende dag was die hoogte- Ná die sprong is die groep na die
die paradegrond van 1 Valskermba­ punt - die sprong! Die oudste pragtige tuin van die gesin Von Ma­
taljon gehou. Kranse is gelê ter ere springer, kol Lemaitre, was 74 jaar litz gebring waar hulle hul vieuels
van gesneuwelde valskermsoldate oud. Die sprong het sonder enige van geni maj Du Plessis ontang het.
van 1 Valskermbataljon. ’n Krans is voorvalle verloop. Die plaas Thorn- Dit is gevier op die Franse manier -
gelê deur geni maj M.J. du Plessis, grove van mnr P.J. von Malitz, van met bottels sjampanje.
Hoof van Leërstaf Personeel, wat pas Bloemfontein, Is vir die geleentheid
afgetree het; kol André Lemaitre vaii aan 1 Valskermbataljon beskikbaar
Frankryk en kol Donald Strobaugh gestel.
van die VSA. GenI maj Du Plessis het
’n krans gelê namens die Valskerm-
soldatebond van Suid-Afrika, kol
C.E. le Roux namens 1 Valskermba­
taljon en kpl T. Kluyts namens die
Valskermdoek van Bloemfontein.
Ná die kranslegging is die gaste
deur die eenheid onthaal. Diegene
wat belanggestel het om die vol-
gende dag te spring, kon uitrusting
gaan trek en het valskermopleiding
in die eenheid se ultra-moderne
valskermopleidingstak ontvang. Dié
nie-springers is op ’n toer deur die
eenheid geneem.
Die aand is die groep deur die bur-
gemeester van Bloemfontein, prof
Voet du Plessis, onthaal. Daarna is
met die besoekers uitbeweeg na Lek-
kerhoekie, De Brug, waar hulle met ’n
Suid-Afrikaanse vieisbraai onthaal is.
Dié wat belanggestel het, kon die
aand daar in die veld slaap. Die res is
terug na die hotel. Van die Franse besoekers.
Buítelandse attachés
gekry en die Militêre Fort-museum,
die Oorlogsmuseum en die Vroue-
monument, Nasionale Museum en
die Sand du Plessis-teater besoek.
Die dames wat die besoekers­
groep vergesei het, het die geleent-
heid gekry om wanneer hul mans
die militêre basisse besoek het, op
’n alternatlewe besienswaardig-
baai, Oos-Transvaal, Middeiburg en guaanse Leer, kdr en mev Hsuan heidstoer deur Bloemfontein te
Potchefstroom ingesluít. Pen-lai van die VIoot van die Repu- gaan.
Die program verskil elke jaar. Die bliek van China, kdr C. Raysbrook Die eerste aand waarop die at-
attachés word só die kans gegun van die VSA-Vloot en maj L.J. tachés en hul vroue in Bloemfon­
om mense van elke streek en alle Sw^antiver van die VSA Lugmag, tein was, is hulle deur die Bloem-
vlakke van die samelewing te ont- Hulle is vergesei deur kmdt J. fonteinse stadsraad onthaal - in die
moet. Hulle kan dus ’n eie mening Malan en kmdt M.M. Martins van Bloemfonteinse dieretuin! Dit was
van die land as geheel vorm. die SAW, wat as begeleidingsoffi- ’n regte bosveld-atmosfeer in die
Die besoekersgroep het ingestuit siere opgetree het. hart van die stad. Met die gebrul
kol G.S. Carrsaco van die Chileense Tydens hul besoek het hulle die van leeus en ander naggeluide in
Lugmag, die vrou van kapt E. Guz­ Pantserskoot. 1 Suid-Afrikaanse In- hulle ore. kon hulle die Suid-Afri­
man van die Chileense VIoot <wat fanteriebataljon en 1 Valskermba- kaanse spesialiteit geniet - braai-
ongelukkig nie self kon kom nie), taljon besoek. Oaarby het hulle ook vleis.
kol P.V. Ovieda van die Para- die stad Bloemfontein te siene

Brig Otto neem die

leisels in OVS
M ’n m an soos brig W illie to t genI m aj en die nuw e Be-
O M eyer op te volg as Be-
velvoerder van Kommande-
velvoerende G eneraal SWA
G ebiedsm ag.)
m ent OVS, verg ’n uiters be- Kol Otto is met ingang 1 Januarie
k w am e m an, ’n bale goeie 1987 met die rang van brigadier aan-
leie r en ’n uitstekende m ilita* gestel as die Bevelvoerder van Konr>-
ris. D it is m oeilik om so ’n mandement OVS. Hy is ’n oud-bevel-
persoon te vind, m aar hulle voerder van die Pantserskool en 1
Brigadier (hiernog kolonel) Reg Otto
het horn gekry: kolonel Reg Spesiale Diensbataljon en dus ’n ou
en mev Kobie Otto.
O tto! (Brig M eyer is bevorder bekende in Bloemfontein en die Vry-
Hy het sy Weermagloopbaan in
1963 begin as tweede luitenant by 1
SDB in Bloemfontein waarna hy nie
lank daarna nie verplaas is na
Grahamstad en in 1966 na die Leër-
kollege in Pretoria.
Hy het weer na Pantserskool in
Bloemfontein gekom en was ook by 2
Pantserkarregiment in die jare 1967
tot 1969. In 1970 is hy terug Pretoria
t o e n a d ie G e s a m e n t l i k e
Gevegsmagte en in 1973 begin hy
werk by Direkteur Pantser by die
Leerhoofkwartier in Pretoria. In 1974
word hy die tweede in tievel van 2
SDB op Zeerust met die rang van ma-
joor en in 1975 en 1976 het hy weer
na Bloemfontein gekom waar hy by
Pantserskool ’n offisierinstrukteur
In 1977 word hy die Bevelvoerder
van 1 SDB met die rang kommandant
en in 1980 word hy die Bevelvoerder
van Pantserskool met die rang kolo­
nel. In 1984 is hy terug na Pretoria
n Krans is hier ter ere van die gesneuwelde valskermsoldate van 1 Valskerm- verplaas en het hy by die Direkteur
bataljon gelé deur kol Donald Strobaugh van die VSA, kol André Lemaitre van van Projekte gewerk tot met sy hui-
Frankryk en geni maj M.J. du Plessis van die SAW. dige bevordering.




These words greet visitors to the South African Delville Wood Com­
memorative Museum in the Somme area of Northern France. The Mu­
seum was inaugurated by the State President, Mr P.W. Botha, on Ar­
mistice Day 1986.
O South African
aw a re of his coun­
try ’s history should
m iss th e opportunity, should
he be visiting Europe, of
m aking a detour to the RSA’s
only N ational W ar M em orial,
a t D elville Wood in the Pic­
a rd y d is tric t of N o rthern
The Memorial, now augmented by a
Commemorative Museum telling the story
of South Africa’s contribution to the
cause of freedom in two world wars and in
the Korean War, Is a monument to the
memory of 25 000 South African volun­
teers, men and women of all races and The South African Delville Wood Commemorative Museum
creeds, who laid down their lives in those
conflicts. Minister of South Africa, Gen J.B.M. Hert- the display was in any case quite inad­
A full report on the official inauguration zog, in 1926. equate to illustrate the heroic deeds per­
of the Commemorative Museum was pub­ The seeds from which the museum formed by South Africans in battle, not
lished in the December 1986 edition of sprang were planted at that time, for the only at Delville Wood but also in other
Paratus. In this edition, Paratus deals museum started as a small display in a theatres, campaigns and wars.
with the museum itself. The original mem­ room of the caretaker's cottage. Seen by For many years parties of war veterans
orial was unveiled by the then Prime very few of the visitors to the memorial, returning from pilgrimages to the battle-

Part of a bronze panel by Jo Floos, portraying South Africa s participation in various campaigns during World War I. Four panels by
South African artists are featured among other items on display in the museum.
Scenes of DeMlle Wood after the historic
battle during the Somme Offensive of
1916. Of 3 500 men of the SA Infantry
Brigade who were ordered to take and
hold the Wood at all costs, three officers
and 140 other ranks marched out after six
days. Some 700 South Africans lay dead
in the Wood (many bodies have still not
been found), while 2 600 had t>een evac­
uated wounded. The rest had been cap­
tured when their ammunition ran out.


fields of Europe complained about the proved upon and placed In a proper mu­
lack of factual information. Senior offi­ seum, thus bringing Delville Wood into
cials of the Commonwealth War Graves line with other memorials in the area.
still cham pions Commission repeatedly urged the pro­ These recommendations gave impetus
vision of tourist facilities and that the dis­ to the formation of a representative plan-
Steeds kam pioene play in the caretaker's cottage k>e im­ • Continued on p 22



DELVILLE "MUSEUM": 1. Bastion Buren: Office; 2. Bastion Katzenellenbogen: German

South West Africa and Gentian East Africa Campaigns; 3. Bastion Nassau: DeMlle Wood;
4. Bastion Oranje: Second World War; 5. Bastion Leerdam: United Nations and informa­
tion centre; 6. Entrance; 7. Gallery: German South West Africa and German East Africa
Campaigns; 8. Gallery: Delville Wood; 9. Gallery: First World War; 10. Gallery: Second
World War and Korean War

London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. The seum and is visible through the glass pan­
site of the South African trenches is still els from all angles within.
partially visible. On the western side a
commemorative plaque marks the posi­ GLASS PANELS
tion of the South African headquarters. A
he first view on entering the Museum
second plaque indicates the place where
the South Africans entered the Wood.
Old shell-holes, now overgrown with
T through the main entrance, is an en­
graved glass window depicting Delville
brambles, are still to t>e seen. A single Wood after the battle. The inscription at
homtieam is all that remains of the orig­ the twttom of this panel Is taken from the
inal dense wood. The trees that now grow speech delivered by Gerteral J.B.M. Hert-
in the wood were planted later. zog at the inauguration of the South Afri­
can National War Memorial on 10 Octot>er
MUSEUM DESIGN Battle honours awarded to the South
• Continued from p 21 African forces during the two world wars
he design of the Museum is based on
ning body, a fund-raising committee of
five distinguished military veterans under
T the Castle of Good Hope in Cape
and the Korean War are engraved on the
large windows looking out on to the
Town, the first permanent fortification incourtyard. The engraved tjorder sur­
the chairmanship of the Hon Mr Justice South Africa. Its pentagonal shape forms rounding them depicts South Africa’s na­
M.T. Steyn, and the building of this fine part of the South African Defence Force tional flower - Protea cynaroides - and
tribute to the valour of South African emblem. the flower emblems of the four provinces:
arms - a shrine to the Immortal Dead from The five bastions of the Museum bear Disa uniflora for the Cape, Crinum bulbis-
South Africa who at the call of Du^ made the names of their counterparts in the permum for the Orange Free State, Stre-
the Great Sacrifice on the battlefields of Castle in Cape Town: Buren, Katzenellen- litzia reginae for Natal and Gerbera jame-
Africa, Asia and Europe, on the Sea, and t>ogen, Nassau, Oranje and Leerdam. sonii for Transvaal.
in the Air. Their names are derived from the titles of
the Dutch Stadtholder, the Prince of BRONZE PANELS
The architecture of the building har­ he passages linking the bastions

e l v i l l e wood, as the supreme
symbol of South Africa's sacrifice
monises with the other structures on site,
the South African National War Memorial
T house the bronze panels featuring
the works of four prominent South Afri­
and courage, occupies an eminent place and the Cross of Consecration. can artists: Danie de Jager, Mike Ed­
of honour in the country’s military history. The latter, occupying a central position wards, Tienie Pritchard and Jo Roos.
The Museum, the War Memorial aruJ the in the complex, is sheltered by the mu­ The panels depict South Africa’s in-
Wood are separated from the cemetery
(where 151 South Africans are buried), by
D e lv ille W ood
the Longueval-Ginchy road.
The path leading from the cemetery to
the Museum passes under the central
arch of the National War Memorial. The
Memorial was erected to commemorate
all South Africans who died during the
1914-18 war on French soil as well as on
other fronts. Later it was also consecrated
to the memory of those South Africans
who lost their lives in the Second World
War when they answered the call to de­
fend the cause of liberty and democracy.
Surmounting the monument is the sta­
tue of Castor and Pollux clasping hands
in friendship - a symt>ol of all the peoples
of South Africa who are united in their de­
termination to defend their common
The central arch t>ear5 the inscription:
"Their Ideal is our legacy, their sacrifice
our inspiration ”.
The broad avenue leading from the
cemetery to the National War Memorial
and the Museum is lined with a double
row of South African oak trees grown
from acorns from Stellenbosch in the
Cape Province. They have their origin in
acorns brought from France to the Cape
by the early colonists.
Beyond the Museum is the Wood where
the historic battle took place. Here are DELVILLE "MAP": A Caretaker’s cottage; B. Entrance to the Wood and Memorial; C.
signposts bearing names like: "Strand Memorial; D. Cross of Consecration; E. Cross of Sacrifice; F. The only surviving tree; G.
Street, Regent Street, Bond Street, Bu­ Site of the South Africans' HQ; H. Point of entrance on 15 July 1916; /. Memorial Mu­
chanan Street ", well-known streets of seum.



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Tienie Pritchard highlights South Africa's contribution to World War II and the Korean War in this bronze panel.

volvement in the two world wars and the The first batik depicts South African States Army.
Korean War, The message conveyed by soldiers setting out to destroy enemy South Africa's contribution to joint in­
these panels is South Africa's prepared­ radio stations in German South West ternational military action is portrayed in
ness to assist her Western Allies in their Africa during the First World War, the last batik. In 1950 she was one of four­
struggle to protect the freedom of the The second batik portrays the statue of teen countries that answered the call of
Western World. The participation of all the Virgin which, on 15 January 1915, was the United Nations to assist South Korea
South Africans, regardless of colour or dislodged from its plinth on the tower of against communist aggression,
creed, in combat units or auxiliary ser­ the Basilica in Albert as a result of a bom­
vices, constitutes the theme of these bardment, The statue did not fall, but CROSS OF CONSECRATION
works of art, hung at a precarious angle from the
he Cross of Consecration is situated
THE BASTIONS 1912-1987 T in the centre of the Museum com­
plex, It is a symbol of the sacrifice and
ideals of members of the South African
UREN, the first of the five bastions,
B houses the administrative office of
the Museum, The other four contain ex­
forces who volunteered for service in the
defence of the Free World. This cross,
bearing the inscription: For their faith
hibits, and for freedom they died " replaces the
Katzenellenbogen depicts South Afri­
Cross of Sacrifice - a common feature in
ca s participation in the First World War
war cemeteries of the Commonwealth
and highlights the South West African, War Graves Commission, of which South
East African and Senussi campaigns as Africa is a member.
well as operations in Palestine,
Nassau portrays the Battle of the PAINTINGS
Somme, with special reference to Delville
Wood. still cham pions he South African soldiers commem­
Oranje highlights South Africa's par­
ticipation in the Second World War in Steeds kam pioene
T orated by this Museum hailed from
the four provinces: the Cape Province,
Abyssinia, Somaliland, North Africa and Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal.
Italy, including air and maritime opera­ church tower. The sight of the hanging The character of these four provinces is
tions. Virgin gave rise to the popular belief portrayed in four landscapes by Eben van
Leerdam houses South Africa's contri­ amongst the soldiers that when the Virgin der Merwe. South Africa is a land of con­
bution to military operations of the Free of Albert fell, the war would end in defeat trasts: the open plains of the Orange Free
World, particularly the Berlin Airlift and for the Allies. Despite the attempts of State against the magnificence and maj­
the Korean War fought under the aegis of French and British engineers to secure esty of the Drakensberg mountains of Na­
the United Nations. Video films on South the statue. It eventually fell on 16 April tal; the cities of the Transvaal, Pretoria
Africa’^ participation in the two world 1918. and Johannesburg seem to have sprung
wars and the abovementioned operations The third batik vividly reminds one of from the surrounding hills and veld,
are also shown here. the devastation caused by modern war­ whilst the soft light and muted colours of
The items on display are exhibited fare during the Italian Campaign In which the Cape are reminiscent of Europe, the
against a background of four large batiks South Africa's 6th Armoured Division land of origin of early South African immi­
created by South African Louis Steyn. served under command of the 5th United grants.


Deur kapt André van de Venter

Dit gaan goed met

manne aan Grens
** M N die Operasionele Gebied van Suidwes>Afrika
■ word daar nie voete gesleep en gekla nie. Die
■ manne is geesdrlfftig oor hui taaic en i>aie par*
aat. My geheei indruk is dat dit goed gaan en die
manne hui taak uitstekend verrig.” Mnr Wynand Breytenbach, Adjunk-minis-
ter van Verdediging.
Só sê die nuwe Adjunk-minister In 'n boodskap aan ouers met
van Verdediging, mnr Wynand seuns aan die grens het mnr Brey­
Breytenbach, ná sy onlangse be- tenbach gesê ouers moet met hul
soek aan verskeie basisse in Suid- seuns se terugkeer na die huis sê
wes-Afrika. Hy is op sy toer van drie dat hulle dankbaar en trots is vir dit
dae vergesel deur die Hoof van die wat hul seuns doen.
Leer, It geni A.J. Liet)enberg, en het
eenhede in Caprivi, Kavango,
CMambo, Koakoland en die Militêre
Gebied Walvisbaai besoek.
Mnr Breytenbach sê hoewel kon-
tak met Swapo in die noorde van
Suidwes sterk afgeneem het van-
weë die professionaliteit en doel-
treffendheid van die Suid-Afri-
kaanse Weermag, voorsien hy nie
'n vinnige einde aan die oortog nie.
Swapo se peil van opieiding en toe-
rusting verbeter steeds en daar kan
verwag word dat terroriste weer van
die komende reënseisoen gebruik
sal maak om die land binne te sy-
Die welslae wat die Weermag in
sy stryd behaal, kan onder meer
toegeskryf word aan dinamiese
leierskap. “0ns kom n lang pad
met die oorlog en die manne het
bale geleer en bale ondervinding
opgedoen,” het mnr Breytenbach
Tydens sy besoek is hy ook getref
deur die uitstekende spanwerk van
die manne - ongeag van hul ras of
kleur, sê mnr Breytenbach. Die
LT GEN Ê.R. GLEESON, Chief of Defence
Staff, pictured with Cdr Hsuan Peng-lal,
Assistant Armed Forces Attaché of the
vrouens naby die gevegsituasie ver-
dien ook lof vir die wyse waarop
hulle hul mans in moeilike omstan-
Repubiic of China in the RSA.
Cdr Hsuan was awarded the Order of
The Star of South Africa at a function in
dighede ondersteun.
Die aanpasbaarheid van die
the SA Navy Mess, Pretoria, on 15 De­
cember 1986. Lt Gen Gleeson, on malt­
ing the presentation, said the Com­
Suid-Afrikaanse soldaat onder mander is a worthy recipient of the Or­ also an important second factor and that
enige omstandighede, hetsy bos óf der In view of the outstainiing quality of is that he Is the representative of a coun­
his service In South Africa since he ar­ try that has ahirays been a good friend of
woestyn, is opmerklik en die trots
rived here in January 1984. ours," Lt Gen Gleeson added.
waarmee die manne hul toerusting With Cdr Hsuan In South Africa are his
“All the duties of an attaché in a for­
hanteer, het hom ook opgeval, het eign country are of military importance, wife, Grace, and their children, Charles
die Adjunk-minister gesê. but In Commartder Hsuan's case there Is (10) and Cathy (8).


Misled, A T least 28 South African B lacks who w e re m isled into
joining the banned African N ational Congress w ere
elim inated for “subversion” a fte r th e ir “eyes had
opened”, according to a press release by th e Com m issioner

murdered of th e South African Police, Gen P.J. C oetzee, on 18 Decem ­

ber 1986.

Information gained by the Security conditions and living standards are ap-

bvANC Branch of the South African Police in co-

operatfon with ex-terrorist members of
the African National Congress, shows that
there are training and detention camps of
the ANC in neighbouring states where
paiing, said Gen Coetzee.
Young South Africans are lured, under
false pretenses of a beter education, and
even university studies, to leave the coun­
try. But as soon as they leave the country
and arrive in the training camps of the
ANC, they are redely awakened to the real
Housing, food, medical and other fac­
tors, as well as the attitude of their Rus­
sian and Cuban instructors, leave much
to the imagination. Malaria, food-poison­
ing and venereal disease are common
sights in these camps. Any complaints by
these young misled “freedom-fighters”
are seen as a motion of discontent in the
ANC itself, and the fate of those persons
questioning the ANC’s real aims is
predictable. These so called dissidents
are executed by the ANC, or placed in
their detention camps, and only a few
ever see the outside world again.
One of the most well known detention
camps is Camp Quatro.
Today there are still parents who be­
lieve their children, who joined the ANC,
are happily living under the wings of this
organisation outside South Africa, But
many of these children are missing and
most of them have, because of the appal­
ling conditions in these camps, died
there. Some have even committed suicide
because of the conditions they had to live
Most of these so called "freedom fight­
ers" whose eyes had opened, were elimi­
nated by the ANC for “subversion”.
“We can only hope and trust that those
young South Africans who are about to be
Members of the State President’s Guard enjoy a cup of tea in front of the new coffee-bar misled will see the real picture, denounce
facility. Pictured centre, Lt Thys van der Merwe, Chaplain of the Unit during 1986, who the ANC and chose a peaceful road in
had an important role to play in the opening of the coffee-bar. South Africa," said Gen Coetzee.

Centre lor relaxation and meditatbn opened

lik e it w hen a plan com es der Merwe was Chaplain of the Unit last Due praise came from the Chaplain

I to g e th e r !” . . . H o t th e
w ords off tia n ib a l Sm ith o f
‘A -Team ’ fam e but th e sigh o f re ­
“It meant seeking donations to dec­
orate what used to be a pay office.” And
General - in person - who interrupted a
busy afternoon schedule to conduct the
official opening.
Maj Gen C.P. Naudé had words of
lie f th a t cam e from L t Thys van true to the Biblical expression, seek and
ye shall find’, the lieutenant began knock­ praise for Lt van der Merwe and thanked
d er M erw e a fte r 20 m onths o f everyone who had contributed to “a most
ing on doors and within weeks the first of­
planning a c o ffe e b ar fo r th e fers of aid began coming in. worthwhile cause”.
S ta te P resid en t’s Guard. Like the hero of that famous TV series,
After moving into new barracks in April Curtains for the coffee-bar were do­ Lt van der Merwe faded into the back­
1985 the Unit “sorely needed an informal nated, then came a hi-fi system. Bravo ground, completing his National Service
centre for relaxation and meditation” and company at the Unit made a cash dona­ shortly after his work on the coffee-bar
it was left to Lt van der Merwe to begin tion of R300 and the local Eldoraigne was over. He signed out of service in De­
“organizing things”. congregation of the NGK ‘waded-in' with cember 1986.
And unlike the cigar smoking boss of material support. “It pleases me to know that I have done
the TV serial, the hero behind the story of Finally, the Chaplain General made a something constructive during my Na­
the new SP Guard coffee-bar was quiet in R1 000 donation to the cause and in De­ tional Service and that young men in the
his method - one of the qualities that saw cember 1986 the Unit’s coffee-bar opened years ahead will benefit from the generos­
him gain many allies in his quest. Lt van its doors for the first time. ity of others," he said.


Deur kap t André van de V enter

Boere se durf en
samewerking keer
terro’s by grens
Verdere maatreëls wat getref is, is die
omheining van plase en die oprigting van
helder iigte. Die eerste boere kry ook bin-
nekort spesiale voertuie wat omgebou is
om beskerming teen land myne teverleen.

NR Willie Esterhuyse van die plaas

M Overvlakte in die Weipe-omge-
wing, wie se plaas aan die Limpoporivier
gelee is, het die gevoel van die boere die
beste opgesom toe hy gesé het dat die
mense ná die eerste reeks iandmynvoor-
Die dodelike draadheining wat langs die valle in 1985 baie bang was, maar ná die
Suid-Afríkaanse grens met Zimbabwe op- deeglike opleiding van die Weermag het wag word om elke boer elke dag op sy
gerig is. Dié geëlektrifiseerde heining is dié gevoel van vrees oorgegaan in een plaas te beskerm nie. Dié taak moet deur
bedoel om ongewenste persone uit te hou van versigtigheid. die boer self gedoen word.
en het reeds drie lewens geëis. Hy het die samewerking met die Weer- Soos die ander boere in die streek Is
mnr Esterhuyse gewis nie van plan om sy
plaas as gevolg van die veiligheidsituasie
te verlaat nie. Die sweet van die afgelope
ses jaar om sy katoen- en koringplaas op
ie u itstekende sam ew erking w a t tussen die W eerm ag

te bou tot wat dit vandag is, was nie ver-
en die plaasiike boeregem eenskap iangs die noorde- geefs nie.
iik e grens m et Zim babw e bestaan, sal verseker d at die Indien hy sou wegtrek, sal dit nie wees
ve rw ag te toenam e in terroristebedryw ighede gedurende as gevolg van terreurdade in die gebied
1987 die iioof gebied sal kan word. nie, maar eerder oor die groot finansiele
las. Gelukkig verleen die Staat n hel-
'n Besoek aan Soutpansberg Militêre mag geloof as “ uitstekend" en daarop ge- pende hand in die vorm van ’n bed rag van
Gebied (SMG) deur ’n groep persmanne wys dat hoewel hulle boere is en nie sol- R500 per maand vir elke gesin op 'n
het getoon dat maatreeis soos ’n geelek- date nie, kan dit nie van die Weermag ver- grensplaas, 80 persent substdie op land-
trifiseerde heining, goed opgeleide sol-
date, 'n gedugte reaksiemag maar veral
die paraatheid en die onwrikbare wil van
die grensboere, dit vir voornemende
terroriste baie moeilik gaan maak om oor
die grens te kom en terreurdade in die Re-
publiek te pleeg.

Dat die boere langs die Limpoporivier

gereed Is vir enige gebeurlikheid, is ge-
wis. Volgens kol Swannie Swanepoel, Be-
velvoerder van SMG behoort bykans al
die mans aan die Kommandomag en is
die vrouens opgelei in wapenhantering.
Onlangs is ook begin om plaaswerkers op
te lei in skietkuns sodat hulle met plaas-
beskerming kan help.

Sowat 300 radio’s is aan boere in die

gebied uitgereik om hulle betyds van
Mynveespanne is verantwoordehk om
moontlike gevaar te kan waarsku. SMG is paaie in die grensgebied te vee vir
in subgebiede verdeel wat elk ’n leier het moontlike landmyne voordat die
met wie daar vinnig geskakel kan word plaasiike inwoners met gerustfieid
om optrede te koórdineer. daar kan beweeg.


Vir die vroue in die noordelike grensgebied is dit geweer in die een hand en baba in die ander. Mev Ronelle Erasmus (links) en mev
Elene Esterhuyse is saam met hul kroos afgeneem.

mynbestande voertuie en gaan daar ook

binnekort n teerpad a! langs die grens-
draad gebou word.

en van die grootste probleme waar-

E mee kol Swanepoel te kampe het, is
die ontvolking van die grensplase en
daarmee saam ook die instroming van in-
vi/oners uit Zimbabwe wat kom werk soek
in die Republiek. Volgens berigte lewe
sommige van dié mense in haglike toe-
stande en van hulle het so ver as Bula­
wayo gekom om werk te soek.

Ongeveer 30 000 mense kruis jaarliks

die grens vanuit Zimbabwe en hoewel
hulle weer teruggestuur word, verskaf dié
beweging van mense n ideale dekmantel
vir ANC-terroriste om Suid-Afrika te infil-
Wat SMG se taak verder bemoeilik, is
die feit dat sowat die heSfte van die plase
in die streek onbewoon is en terroriste
daarom makliker ongemerk kan deurbe-
Tydens die besoek is die dodeiike ge-
elektrifiseerde heining cos van Beitbrug
ook aan die pers gewys. Die draadheining
wat opgerig is om onwettige immigrante
en terroriste te ontmoedig om die grens Die Hoof van die Leer, It geni A.J. Liebenberg, het verskeie basisse aan Suid-Afrika se
oor te steek, het die afgelope twee jaar noordelike grensgebied besoek om Kers- en Nuwejaarsgroete oor te dra. Hierspreek hy
reeds drie iewens geeis. die manne van 7 SAI Bn en Hillcrest-Kommando toe.


Deur It S tella Blom

Sy verhaal verdien Foto: s sers Leonie Rourke

plekkie in museum
WAS d it n ie v ír d ie u itb reek van
d ie oorlog n ie , sou P e te r M i­
c h a e l John M cG regor waarsicyn-
lik vandag ’n onderw yser ge-
w ees h et soos sy pa en oupa
voor horn. N á 45 ja a r in d ie SA
Lugm ag h e t icoi P e ter M cG regor
van d ie Lugm agm useum by LMB
S w artko p d ie tu ig n eerg elê. Sy
verh aai kan s e lf ’n p ie k k ie in die
m useum vui.

Ná die voltooiing van sy skoolloopbaan

het kol McGregor horn in 1941 as leerling-
vlieënier by die SA Lug mag aangesluit en
op 13 Maart 1942 is die gesogte vleuels
aan sy bors gesteek. Dit was die begin van
n kteurryke ioopbaan vot hoogtepunte.
In (talie moes koi McGregor as deal van
24 Eskader, 'n bomwerpereskader, die
Duitsers flous deur hulle te laat glo dat
die aanval sou' kom uit die “ soft under­
belly" van Europe soos Churchill dit ge-
stel het. Dié taktiek was suksesvoi.
In 1948 het kol McGregor aan die Ber-
lynse Lugbrug deelgeneem aan boord
van die Dakotas. Meer as 8 000 ton vrag,
meestal steenkoo!, is tydens 2 500 vlugte
In 1957 het hy, toe nog 'n kaptein, saann Vliegtuie is waarmee kol Peter McGregor horn die afgelope 45 jaar besig gehou het. Eers
met majoor, later geni maj, Cockbain be­ het hy hulle gevlieg en later was d it sy taak om hulle van regoor die land vir die Lugmag­
gin werk aan ’n lugverdedigingstelsel, Kol museum te “ red'\
McGregor was verantwoordelik vir die
operasionele aspekte en genl maj Cock­
bain vir die tegniese aspekte. Hulle het woorde 'n “piece of cake”. Die tweede amper ’n hartaanval besorg! Ná ’n vlug
die land deurkruis op soek na geskikte een nie. Hy moes aanskou hoe sy bevel- van vyf uuren 15 minute en met net sowat
posisies vir radarstasies. Hieruit het die voerder se vliegtuig afgeskiet word. tier) gallon brandstof in die tenk oor, het
Lugverdedigingskool by LMB Waterkloof Kol McGregor het baie vriende in die die manne veilig tuis geland.
ook sy ontstaan gehad. oorlog verloor. Toe hy eenmaal van 'n va-
Koi McGregor het ook gedien as SSO kansie in Alexandria terugkeer, was sy
bed die enigste in die tent. Tydens sy af- ie Lugmagmuseum by LMB Swart­
Inligting en SSO Beplanning by die Lug-
Hy kan met reg sé hy was al op bale
wesigheid het ses Marauder-vliegtuie op-
gestyg - net twee het teruggekeer.
D kop is egter kol McGregor se troetel-
kind, Hy was so begeester met die idee
plekke. Hy het sy basiese vliegopleiding Maar aangename herinneringe is daar dat hy ná sy “eerste aft rede” in 1977 te­
met Tiger Moths by 6 Lugskool te Pot- ook, soos die verdwalery in 1942. By 44 ruggekeer het om te help met die redding
chefstroom en 5 Lugskool te Witbank on- Lugskool te Grahamstad was kol McGre­ van historiese items en sowat 74 vliegtuie
dergaan voordat hy na 22 Lugskool te gor verantwoordelik daarvoor om leer- uit damme en landerye regoor die land.
Vereniging is waar hy gevorderde oplei- lingnavigators rond te vlieg om hut ver- En al gee die kolonel nou die leisels oor
ding op Hart- en Hind-opleidingsvliegtuie moens te toets. aan kmdt Tony Smit, het hy nog steeds
ondergaan het. Hy het ook 'n draai ge- Op een so ’n viug was die ligte van raad met die finansiering van die be-
maak by 66 Lugskool te Youngsfield en Grahamstad nie die ligte van Grahamstad plande nuwe museum. Sy plan: “Verklaar
26 Lugskool te Pietersburg waar hy met nie en die bemanning het besluit om die Swartkop tot onafhanklike staat en open
die tweemotorige Oxfords gevlieg het. kus te soek. Dit kon hulle weens digte ’n casino!”
wo Ike ook nie vind nie en daar moes Kol McGregor se program ná sy aft rede
rondgevlieg word totdat die son weer sy iyk nie veel rustiger nie. Eerstens is daar
gesig gewys het. Met die eerste sonlig het tuis baie herstelwerk en die kolonel, wat
N Julie 1943 is kol McGregor na die
INoorde waar hy ook ’n tydjie aan 70
Operasionele Opieidingseenheid digby
hulle ’n spoorlyn raakgesien en dit gevolg
tot by ’n klein stasietjie. Hulle was egter
ook al sy hand aan die pen geslaan het,
beplan verskeie artikels. Hy beplan ook
nog steeds niks wyser nie, want die stasie om ’n regte “probleem-ouer” te word
die Suezkanaal verbpnde was voordat hy se naambord is deur ’n boom verskuil. deur soveel as moontlik te kuier by sy ses
na 24 Eskader verplaas is. 'n Lae verbyvlug op 20 voet het aan die kinders en 14 kleinkinders wat in die ver-
Die oorlog het ’n groot indruk op horn lig gebring dat die stasie “Sheldon” heet, lede dikwels gekla het dat hulle hom
gemaak. Sy eerste operasie was in sy eie maar het 'n enkele man op die stasie ook skaars ken.


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S lS S s
Aesthetically pleasing
low maintenance
reinforced concrete.
Face available in various
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Cast-in sockets for
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No posts. Interlocking 500
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Sim ple erection.
No special foundations
required under normal
soil conditions.


'NI&R Head Office; P.O. Box 8123, Elandsfontein 1406. Tel. (011) 974-6611, Telex 4-29104
Factory and Sales: P.O. Box 574, Weslonaria 1780. Tel. (011) 753-2203,753-2312. Telex 4-21324
SA Leërdamesvereniging
vereer mev Margot Malan
IP ’n fleselllge aawl in ’n r#s- Mev Malan het daarna gesê die
'taurant in ¥erw®enH^i^ Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag het vir
stad is mew M m r^t M alan, twintig jaar (sedert die eerste terro-
n o te van d ie M in ister van Ver*ie- riste-aanval naby Grootfontein) nie
diging, onlangs deur die SA die knie voor die Kommunisme ge-
L e ë rd a m e s v e re n ig in g m et ’n buig nie. Sy het die rot van die vrou in
eresp e id jie vereer. die Weermag geprys, asook die eg-
Mev Helena Liebenberg, presi- genotes van bevelvoerders in die
dente van die Vereniging, het tydens SAW.
die oorhandiging gesê mev Malan Al die dames Is op ’n heerlike ete
verdien die speldjie vir "haar toege- by die restaurant getrakteer en 'n
wydheid en bereidw illigheid om lei- spesiale vertoning van die waterorrel Mev Helena Liebenberg (regsf oor­
ding te neem, en opofferings te maak is gereël. Die aand is afgesluit met ’n handig die speldjie aan mev Margot
vir die LDV in dié omstandighede ge- paar nommers deur die SA L e ir- Malan.
weef om haar man se destydse aan- orkes.
steiling as Hoof van die Leer”.

vir swart
“ 1 ^ IE W&ora van G®d is » is e r
■ # die grootste gesiieidt w at
’n mmns mmt iemand lean gee.
Nmi ta n ons efce Vrydag Byi»el
in die IteA lees en do Ic B fM sta*
SÓ het mnr Jack Matshaba, 'n hoofman Een van die kokke by die restaurant gee ’n bietjie raad aan m e w Margot Malan
by die TDK-Opleidingsentrum in Voor- (links) en Helena Liet)enberg — (Foto: Wrn P. Schedler)
trekkerhoogte, gesê toe hy onlangs ’n By-
bel in sy eie taal van brig H.S. Castleman,
Direkteur Tegniese Dienste, ontvang het.
Altesame 113 Bybels, in vyf verskillende
tale, is aan die Swart werkers van die een-
heid oorhandig. Van die 113 Bybels is 72
in Tswana, 25 in Sotho, ses in Zoeloe en
vyf elk in Noord-Sotho en Tsonga.
Die oorhandiging is moontlik gemaak
deur donasies van burgeriikes en lede
van die eenheid. Die projek is deur maj J.
van Wyk. van TO Skool, gereél. Hy het die
hoop uitgespreek dat meer eenhede die
voorbeeld van TD Skool sal volg.
Ds Kobus M uller, kapelaan van Kom-
mandement Noord-Transvaal, het aan die
werkers gesê dat ’n Bybel die enigste bly-
wende besitting is wat ’n mens aan i&-
mand kan skenk.
"D ie Bybel stei ’n mens in staat om die
Lig en die Pad te vind en dan onder alle
omstandighede te Lewe, ” het hy gesê.
Drie Bybels is deur brig Castleman aan
die drie hoofmanne van die eenheid,
Brig H.S. Castleman, Direkteur Tegniese Dienste. oorhandig ’n Bybel aan mnr
mnre Matshaba, Jan M atiiepe en Samuel
B a io fi, as simbool van oorhandiging aan Jack Matshaba, terwyl die twee ander hoofarbeiders, mnre Samuel Baloyi
almal gegee. (regs) en Jan Matiiepe, toekyk.

THE SENTINEL Sophisticated

o m m e r c e and industry are growing a t a rapid ra te in
C Soutii A frica. Tills piienom enon is not w itiio u t its prob­
lem s how ever. Growing just as rapidly is the security
th re a t to large buildings, facto ries and public facilities. 'sniffing'
The screening of people entering of everything passing through it. As
such places is becoming more and
more difficult. Walk-through detec­
little as five grams of gold can be
identified by the scanner.
tors are familiar to those of us who The Sentinel security doorway has
travel regularly by air, as these are in
use at most airports.
been installed in Britain’s House of
Parliament, as well as in nuclear
Fuchs Electronics, a subsidiary of power stations, banks, museums,
Reutech, is at the moment produc­
ing a walk-through security system
prisons, military and civil establish­
ments, factories, computer centres
similar to those used at airports. and research centres all over the
However, it is much more sophis­ world.
tic a te d . It d e te c ts explosives, Photo: P te W .A. Liebm ann
By P te G. Pentopoulos
weapons and metal-sealed explos­
ives such as limpet mines. It has
been christened “ The Sentinel".
As the Sentinel is entirely auto­
matic, other time-consuming and
relatively unacceptable security pro­
cedures such as body searches can
be eliminated.
The system combines explosives
and metal detection facilities in one
walk-through unit, Explosives emit a
vapour which is detectable within a
few seconds by the Sentinel’s soph­
isticated electronic “ sniffing” de­
The Sentinel has proven to be ex­
tremely reliable. The false alarm rate
has proved to be less than 2%.
Besides detecting all metals, ex­
plosives and metal sealed explos­
ives, the Sentinel guages the ap­
proximate mass of the metal, and
identifies its type. For example, steel,
aluminium, coins and metal foil can
all be measured for their specific
properties, then compared with
those stored in the processor's mem­
The system gives a visual reading

The new Sentinel walk-through security system being demonstrated at the fac­





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DIE spoggerige nuwe vaandel van die SA Leër>
vrouekoliege op George het op 21 November 1986
vir die eerste iceer trots op die paradegrond in die
sicadu van die Outeniquaberge gewapper.

ieverhaal van die vaan­

D del, g etro u aan die

beeld van die Kollege, is
een van vroulike voor-
keur en deursettingsvermoë. Die
bevelvoerder van die eenheid,
kol Telana van Zyl, vertel glimlag-
gend van die lang en moeilike
pad wat die vaandel moes loop
voordat dit op 21 November 1986
amptelik deur die Staatspresi-
dent, mnr P.W. Botha, aan die
eenheid oorhandig is.
Met die ontwerp van die vaan­
del vir die Kollege het die vroue
aangedring op 'n rooi vaandel in
p la a s van die vo o rg e ste ld e
oranje vaandel. Die vaandel
moes immers pas by hul eenheids-
Die regte symateriaal waarop
die vaandel geborduur moes
word, moes gevind word en kol
Van Zyl het self ingespring om
geskikte materiaal te vind.
Dit was met groot dankbaar-
heid en 'n sug van verligting van
eenheidskant af, dat die ontwerp
van die vaandel op 10 Oktober
1984 finaal deur die Minister van
V e r d e d ig in g , g e n i M a g n u s
Malan, goedgekeur is.
Die vaandel wat die SA Leërvrouekollege unlek maak, wapper vIr die eerste keer
Ná dié lang ontwerpfase kon
saam met die Suld-Afrlkaanse vlag op die paradegrond. Lt C. Ehlers is die vaandei-
die werk begin, ‘n Inwoner van draer.
George en ’n bekende in bor-
duurkringe, mev Nancy Kitshoff,
is verantwoordelik vir die hand- voorgelê. En die kolonel het nog maak die Kollege uniek in dié sin
geborduurde kunswerk. Maar kol ’n plan in haar mou gehad. Almal dat dit die eerste keer in die ge-
Van Z yl, ’n o u d -n a a ld w e rk- moes dieet om op die vaandelpa- skiedenis van die SA Weermag is
onderwyseres, wou geen kanse rade op hul beste te lyk en die dat ’n nie-vegtende vroue-een-
waag nie en het self toesig gehou snoepwinkel se deure is gesluit! heid 'n vaandel ontvang het.
oor die vordering van die projek. Die vaandel, wat geskenk is Die helderrooi vaandel het
Toe het die groot oefen nog deur die stadsraad van George, baie simboliese waarde. In die


D«ur It S t»ll« Blom. Foto,s: s sers Leonie R ourk*

rade besktyf as “ een van die

mooiste parades ooit” .
Die wyding van die vaandei is
waargeneem deur die eeníieids-
l<apelaan, ds U.P. IVIallierbe,
waarna die vaandei deur die
Staatspresident aan die eenlieid
oorhandig is.
Om te verseker dat mnr Botha
die oorhandiging sou kon waar-
neem, is hy al vóór November
1985 genooi om dit te doen - ’n
uitnodiging wat die Staatspresi­
dent en sy vrou met graagte aan-
geneem het aangesien liulie se-
dert die totstandkoming van die
Kollege in 1971, die werk wat
daar gedoen is met groot belang-
stelling gevoig het.

M nr P.W. Botha het ’n beroep gedoen op alle studente van die Kollege om hulself
voortdurend beskikbaar te stel vir die doel waarvoor hulle aanvankllk na die Kollege
M NR Botha het in sy toe-
spraak gesê die stigting

gekom het, naamllk om diens te lewer. By m nr Botha is die Hoof van die SA Weermag,
genl Jannie Geldenhuys en die Hoof van die Leer, It geni A.J. Liebenberg. • Vervolg op bl 36

se eie
in gebruik
middel is ’n Seruria Florida of
“ Blushing Bride” in wit en goud.
Dit sim boliseer die teerheid,
broosheid en ongeskondenheid
van die ontluikende vrou. Hierdie
blom word omring deur ’n krans
proteas in rooi, ligroos, wit en
groen. Die woorde “ Este Parati”
- Wees Gereed - is in swart op ’n
goue lint aangebring. ’n Bree
goudfraaiing en ’n goue koord
rond die vaandei af.
Dit was vir almal duidelik dat al
die harde werk van die eenheid
die moeite werd was. Talle oud-
studente van die Kollege wat ook
by die Kollege saamgetrek het vir
die vaandelparade en ’n reunie,
het die vaandelaanbiedingspa-

Met groot trots word die nuwe vaandei

deur die strate van George gedra.


neem éie
vaandel in

• Vervolg van bl 35

van die Kollege het ’n nuwe tyd-

vak in die Weermag ingelui.
“ Sedert die einde van die
Tweede Wêreldooriog liet die
vrou in uniform grootiiks van die
Ses van die bestes! Van links na regs staan std T.M. Jordaan, wat as die beste skut
toneel verdwyn. Deur hierdie
aangewys Is; o kpl J.E. Rossouw, die beste orkeslld; std H. Smuts, die beste sport-
nuwe inisiatief hier op George vrou; o kpl A.J. Barkema, wat die verdienstelikheldstrofee ontvang het en o kpl H.
kon vroulike Burgermagvrywilli- Smit, wat as die beste ie ie r aangewys Is. Heel regs Is o kpl M. de Villlers, die algehele
beste student vIr 1986.
gers weer die geieentlieid benut
om miiitêre diens in uniform te
“ Daarmee is ook die grondslag dat taiie senior stafposte deur van die Kollege om hulself steeds
gelê vir die grootskaaise werwing vroue-offisiere bekiee word. beskikbaar te stel vir die doel
en aanwending van vroulike mi- “ Ter stawing hiervan kan ek waaroor hulle aanvanklik na die
litêre personeel in alle vertak- net noem dat vroue ongeveer Kollege gekom het, naamlik om
kinge van die Staande Mag. tien persent van militêre perso- diens te lewer.
“ Vandag word die vrou in uni­ neel in die Weermag uitmaak en
form oor ’n wye spektrum van be- in 65 beroepsrigtings aangewend
roepe in ons Weermag aangetref. word,” het mnr Botha gesê. ie jaarlikse voorstellingspa-
Die vertroue wat in hulle gestei
word, blyk onder meer uit die feit
Mnr Botha het ’n beroep ge-
doen op huidige en oud-studente
D rade van studente het op Sa-
terdag, 22 November, plaasge-

Dle Kollege se koor het die Staatspresldent en sy gevolg al singende onder die vlagpaal Ingewag.


Die vaandel word met groot sorg vir die wydingseremonie voorberei.

O l<pi M. de Viiliers is aangewys as die

aigeheie beste student vir 1986. GenI
m aj M.J. du Plessis, die eerste Bevei-
voerder van die Koiiege, oorhandig die
Eiize Botha-lrofee aan haar. Die trofee
uit inheemse hout is 'n replii<a van die
Kollege se hoofgebou.

vind. Ouers en vriende het van

dwarsoor die land gekom om te
aanskou hoe die meisies ’n vol
jaar afrond.
By hierdie geleentiieid het geni
maj M.J. du Plessis, die eerste
Bevelvoerder van die Kollege, die
studente daarop gewys dat die
toekoms ’n uitdaging is, maar dat
daar ook else aan hulle gestel sal
word ten opsigte van hul mense-
verhoudinge, militêre gereedheid
en geestelike weerbaarheid.
Hy het ook daarop gewys dat
die geestelike krag van 'n volk
kom uit die vrou van die volk. Hy
het daarom die studente gemaan
om dit hul taak te maak om daar-
die geestelike krag te kry, uit te
bou en te behou.
Daar was groot opgewonden-
heid en vrolikheid toe die stu­
dente vir die laaste keer van die
paradegrond afgem arsjeer en
uitgetree het.
Maar daar was tog ook 'n tikkie
weemoed. Soos kol Van Zyl dit
stel: “ Sender die studente is die “ ESTE PARATI” - Wees gereedt Getrou aan die Koiiege se lease staan die studente
Kollege soos ’n verlate huis.” op aandag tydens ’n Indrukwekkende parade.


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C i ^ i S ( X « e i 2031
D e u r It S te lla B lo m
Die SA W 75-vlag wat spesiaal ontwerp is vir die vieringe van die 75 ste beslaansjaar
van die Suid-Afril(aanse Weermag in 1987, is deur geni maj Phil Pretorius (links)
Hoofdirekteur Mannekragontwikkeiing by Afdeling Personeel, aan die Hoof van die
SA Weermag, genI Jannie Geldeniiuys, oorhandig. Cent maj Pretorius is hoofkoordi-
neerder van die SAW se feesjaarvieringe.

welkomingsfunksie by WLK en by die

OP 1 Julie 1987 is die Suid-Afril<aanse Weermag 75 SALM Kollege is daar 'n beveivoer-
jaar oud. Omdat dit so ’n buitengewone gebeurte- dersparade.

nis in die gesl<iedenis van die SAW is, sal daar ge- Februarie
durende die jaar deurlopend aktiwiteite plaasvind N Februarie begin die Leer se bedry-

om hierdie besondere verjaarsdag te vier. I wighede met n vlaghysparade op 1

Februarie by HK Kmdmt N-Tvl. Op 6 Fe­
bruarie is daar 'n formele ete te Modder-
a a r is veral drie hoogte- fontein-Komdo en die voigende dag is

punte wat nie misgeloop daar n verbymars en uitstalling by Wes-
moet word nie. In Kaapstad rand-Komdo. Daar is ook 'n pretdraf by
word 'n parade beplan 21 Bn. Op 14 Februarie hou Regt Sasol-
waarin die SA VIoot en die burg 'n formele gasteaand en Kempton-
SA Kaapse Korps die oorheersende roi park-Komdo oefen sy Vryheid van die
speel. Stad uit met 'n onthaai daarna. Op 20 Fe­
Op 1 Julie gaan 'n afgeskaalde bri- bruarie is daar 'n formele ete vir offisiere
gade-oefening en vuurkragdemonstra- en onderoffisiere by 1 SAKK Opieidings­
sie met lugsteun te Potchefstroom eenheid en die voigende dag is daar 'n
plaasvind. Dan is daar ook nog die op- ouerdag en dans by Wit Pro Eenh. 21 Bn
windende Durbanse Taptoe wat al 'n het dieselfde dag ook 'n ouerdag. Op 22
tradisie geword het. 1 9 1 2 - 1987 Februarie is daar 'n kerkparade by B 4
Die voorlopige feesprogram, onder- TVD. Van 25 tot 28 Februarie bled Kmdmt
worpe aan veranderinge, lyk indrukwek- kompanie-atletiek by SAKK Opieidings­ WP HK 'n militêre taptoe aan. Op 27 Fe­
kend. Nuwe besonderhede sal waar no­ eenheid. Op 30 Januarie is daar ’n gesa- bruarie is daar ’n formele ete by Eden-
dig in Paratus gepubliseer word. mentlike tee met gaste by Kmdmt N-Tvl vale Regt asook by 81 Pant Div. HK
HK. Kmdmt N-Tvl het dieselfde dag 'n gesa-
Die SA Lugmag begin sy feesprogram mentlike tee. Van die begin van Febru­
Januarie op 12 Januarie met 'n parade by Klippan arie tot die einde van November bied die
BMP. Op 14 Januarie Is daar n ver- Lh Orkes musiekuitvoerings In Johan­
IR Januarie beplan die SA Leer ver- welkomingsfunksie by HLRS en op 19 nesburg se parke aan.
V skeie aktiwiteite. Op Nuwejaarsdag
sal KD Skool sy stigtingsdag herdenk en
Januarie hou LMB Potchefstroom n ope
dag. Op 23 Januarie vier 42 Eskader sy
Vir Februarie beplan die Lugmag ook
Lugmagdae by verskeie basisse. Op 1
op 16 Januarie is daar ’n medalje- en verjaarsdag by LiVIB Potchefstroom en Februarie is daar ’n ouerdag by SVS
vlagstrykparade by HK Kmdmt N-Tvl. Die by SVS Dunnottar word n soiodans aan­ Dunnottar. Op 6 Februarie word Lug­
voigende dag vier 115 Bn sy verjaarsdag gebied. 'Die voigende dag hou MRG ’n magdae gehou by Hoedspruit, HLRS,
en by SAKK Opieidingseenheid word 'n dans en by Klippan BMP is daar 'n ouer- Langebaan en Potchefstroom. Op 11 Fe­
geselligheid vir offisiere en onderoffi- naweek. Op 30 Januarie is daar 'n pa­ bruarie bied HLRS n konsert aan en op
siere aangebied. Op 24 Januarie is daar rade by LMB Ysterplaat en 'n ver- 27 Februarie is daar 'n parade en medal-
'n vaandelparade by Randburg-Kom- welkomingsfunksie by LMB Mpacha. Die jeparade by die SALM Kollege.
do en op 28 Januarie is daar inter- voigende dag is daar ook n ver- • Vervolg op bl 40


VIootbasis in Kaapstad. Dulkbootflot- Op 3 April is d a a r 'n V lo ot-m edaljepa-
tie lje -k a s k e n a d e s w o rd o o k in Si­ rade in Sim onstad en SAS Inkonkoni,
m onstad beplan en skepe van VIoot Durban, vier sy v e rja a rs d a g . Op 5 April is
Km dm t-Oos sal Eland PE besoek. d a a r 'n kerkdiens in Durban vir OVK. Op
Die SAGD O pieidlngsentrum (SAG- 6 April neem W VK d e e l aan die SAW -pa-
DOS) bied op 7 M aart n ouerd ag aan en rade in K aapstad.

FEES! op 20 M a a rt ’n g aste-aand.

A p ril
N April Is d a a r 'n o nthaal vir die bur-
Op 5 April n eem SAG D OpI Sen deel
a an ’n kerkp arade en op 6 April begin
die Kaapse Fees In Kaapstad. Op 22
April is d aar n voorstellin gsp arad e by

I g e m e e s te r en s ta d s ra a d
O udtshoorn d eu r GP HK 4, fo rm e le etes
va n
SAG D OpI Sen.

M ei
• V e rv o lg van bl 39 en 'n g as te -a a n d asook 'n vlagh ys- en
N M ei beplan d ie L eer 'n w apende-
Die VIoot se program vir F eb ru arie b e­
gin op d ie e e rs te dag van die m aand met
vlagstrykparades vir g en oo ide g aste by
Km dm t N-Tvl en by die G enieskoo l Is
d aa r ’n o uerdag vir die F eb ru arie 87-In­
I m onstrasie, 'n vlagstryking, die Mi-
litére T aptoe, 'n voo rstellin gsp arad e en
n v o o rs te llin g s p a ra d e by die SA Vloot- 'n d an kseg g in gsd iens. D a a r sal ook 'n
nam e. Op 1 April is d aa r n v aand elaan -
K o lle g e in G ordo nsb aai. Op 19 Februarie 71 Bde-dinee w e e s en 35 GSE gaan aan
bleding by Regt WP en 71 Bde RWP het
is d a a r ’n voo rstellin gsp arad e by III HBE d ie V a ls riv le r-r o e ib o o tr e g a tta d e e l-
'n v a a n d e lp a ra d e en u ito efenin g van die
in S im on stad en op 25 Februarie is d aa r neem . 35 GSE en d ie G enieskool beplan
reg tot vryheid tot K aapstad.O p 3 April Is
'n fa m ilie d a g om OVK se verjaarsd ag te ook 'n dank- en toew ydingsdiens.
d a a r 'n o u e rn a w e ek by SALV Kol en Ger-
vier. Op 1 Mel is d a a r 'n m ilitêre bal by
m lston-Kom do neem d ee l aan die uitoe­
D ie SAG D bied v a n a f 1 tot 10 Feb ru ­ K em ptonpark-K om do, ’n voorstellings­
fening van die vryheid van die stad. Op 4
arie u itstallings aan in Port Elizabeth. p arad e by Leërgim , ’n Div-konferensie
April is d a a r 'n e en h eld sd an s by 21 Bn
en form ele ete by 8 Pant Div en G e n ie ­
en op 6 April lew er 8 Pant Div en 84 Mot
M a a rt skool vier sy eenh e id s v e rja a rs d ag . Op 4
Bde 'n kanonsaluut vir Stigtingsdag by
M e i is d a a r ’n v a ls k e r m s p rin g e r-
d ie Uniegebou en in Durban.
IR M a a r t b e p la n d ie Leer herdenkingsdag by 44 Valsk Bde. Op 8
V v la g h y sp a ra d es by e enh ede, kerk-
d ie n s te , o u e rd a e en e enh eidsbeken d-
Op 1 April is d aar ook n eenheids-
verja a rs d a g by die SAW Hondesentrum .
M ei is d aar ’n o uerdag by 1 Konstr Regt
en die volgende d ag Is d a a r ’n ouerdag
61 B W kp het op dieselfde dag 'n m edal­
stellin gs, sportdae m et genooide gaste by Km dm t N-Tvl, ’n gholfdag by Alber-
je p a ra d e . Op 10 April bied 1 Konstr Regt
en e te n s ty d -k o n s e rte by HK Kmdmt N- ton-Kom do, 'n v a a n d e lp a ra d e en pa-
’n m llitêre bal aan In N igel se stadsaal.
Tvl. Km dm t Wit het n statiese uitstalling rad e-u ito efen ing van d ie Vryheid van die
Op 11 April v ier 4 SAI Bn sy verjaarsdag
by d ie O orlog-m useum en 1 Konstr Regt S tad d eu r Krugersdorp-K om do asook ’n
m et die uitoefening van vrye toeg an g en
bled ’ n g eslo te n aw eekspo rtbyeenko m s m e d a lje p a r a d e by W a k k e rs tro o m -
'n vuu rkragdem onstrasie en van 11 tot
a a n . 35 GSE bied 'n jeep -d em o n strasie Komdo. Op 16 M ei Is d a a r ’n form ele ete
12 April Is d a a r ’n bokstoernool by 1
a an tyd e n s die Kroonstad-skou en 4 VRP vir offisiere by 1 SAKK OpI Eenh en op 20
SAKK OpI Eenh. Op 18 April is d a a r n
h et n ke rk p ara d e . Op 6 M aart is d a a r 'n M ei neem Km dm t N atal deel aan die
v oo rstellin gsp arad e by 1 SAKK OpI
fo rm e le e te by 21 Bn en op die volgende Royal N atal-Landbouskou op P ieter­
Eenh en 'n sportdag by Regt Sasolburg.
d ag n eem 72 M ot Bde deel aan 'n kerk­ m aritzburg. Op 22 M ei Is d aa r ’n ouerdag
Op 23 April Is d a a r n m e d a ljep a ra d e met
p a ra d e en die SAIR o efen die reg van by G enieskool en die volgende dag
V ry h e id van Barberton uit. Op 12 M aart n eem Kmdmt WP d ee l aan die u ito efe­
is d a a r n m e d a ljep a ra d e by SAW Hon- ning van die Vryheid tot Bellvllle, Riet-
d es e n tru m . fontein-K om do het ’n p ara d e en ontvang
O p 14 M aa rt is d aa r n form ele e te vir die Vryheid van E d en vale en 21 Bn het ’n
die M O TH S van Kensington by 73 Mot p arad e-u ito efen ln g van die Vryheid van
Bde e n op 18 M aa rt Is d aa r inter-Kom p- Sow eto. Op 25 M ei is d a a r ’n CTR for­
b o n delspo rt by 1 SAKK OpI Eenheid. Op m ele d inee by 71 M ot Bde. Op 29 M el het
20 M a a rt Is d a a r 'n sportdag met siviele Km dm t N-Tvl ’n g es a m en tllk e tee met
s p a n n e by die SAW H ondesentrum , 'n gaste. Op 30 M ei het Km dm t WP ’n for­
g a s te -a a n d vir sakelui by HK Km dm t m ele e te vir o nd eroffisiere, Gp Hk 18 het
N-Tvl en 'n form ele ete by Atlas-Kom do. ’n film prem iëre en by W it Sein Eenh is
Die v o lg e n d e d ag is d a a r prysskiet m et d a a r ’n ouerdag. O p 31 M ei neem 8 Pant
die o p en in g van die skietbaan by Piet Div en 84 M ot Bde d ee l aan ’n Repu-
R etief-K om do en n G eden kdiens by b liekd ag -kan on salu ut by die Uniegebou
V T H -W es NG kerk vir 47 0 p m Esk. Op 27 siviele g aste by 4 SAI Bn en die vol­ en in Durban. 2 Vd G enie Regt het ’n
M a a rt is d a a r ’n form ele ete vir A O ’s en g en de dag is d a a r ’n m e d a lje p a ra d e by herdenklngsdlens.
s e rs a n te by Yskor/VdBIjl-Kom do. Op 28 Log Km dm t Hke en 'n C TH -verjaarsdag- By SVS Dunnottar Is d a a r ’n aero ba-
M a a rt is d a a r ’n gholfdag en alg e m en e d inee by 71 M ot Bde. Op 25 April is daar tiese kom petisie op 1 M ei. Op 3 M ei is
sport by G p Hk 18 en die volgende dag Is 'n dinee by CTH, 'n m ilitêre bal by Eden- d a a r g ed en kd ien ste by LMB Potchef­
d a a r ’n 71 M ot Bde, RW P gedenkdiens. v a le Regt en 'n e enh eidspo rtd ag by Wit stroom , Klippan B M P, LMB Ysterplaat,
O p 6 M a a rt is d aa r 'n dans by LM B Pot- Ondh Eenh. Op 26 April is d aa r 'n LMB M pacha en SVS Dunnottar. Op 6
c h e fs tro o m e n o p H M a a r t ’n ope d ag by h erden klng sd lens by Km dm t WP, 'n M ei bied HLRS ’n konsert aan en op 15
STO. O p 18 M aa rt is d a a r ’n b oered ag by k a n o n n ie rs h e rd e n k in g s d ie n s by NW M ei is d aar ’n m e d a ljep a ra d e by die
K lipp an BM P en op 20 M aa rt 'n sportdag Km dm t en 'n h erdenklngsdlens by CTH. SALM Kollege. O p 22 M el hou Klippan
by W L K . Op 21 M aart is d a a r 'n fa m ilie ­ O p 27 April Is d aa r 'n eenheidskerkpa- BM P konsert en LM B Rundu het ’n dans.
dag by HLRS. Op 27 M aa rt is d aa r 'n p a­ rade by 21 Bn. Van 25 Mei tot 29 M ei is d a a r pluim bal by
rade by SA LM K ollege asook by SVS Die Lugm ag bied op 3 April 'n formele SVS Dunnottar en op 29 M ei is d a a r ook
D u nn ottar. By LMB Potchefstroom is e te aan by HLRS en op 10 April is d a a r n ’n p arade daar.
d a a r 'n dans en by LM B M pacha word m e d a lje p a ra d e by LMS-VTH. Die vol­ Die VIoot bep lan vir M ei 'n roeiregatta
d a a r tot 30 M aa rt 'n avontuurkam p vir g en d e dag is d a a r 'n w elw lllends- in Sim onstad en skepe van OVK sal
SA L M kinders te O m ega aang ebied. h eid stee by LMB M pacha. O p 16 April Is R ichardsbaai b eso ek. O p 29 Mei is d aar
Vir 14 M aa rt beplan die vIoot ’n fam i­ d aa r n voorstellin gsp arad e by STO en ’n voo rstellin gsp arad e by die SA VIoot
lie d a g by die SA VIoot Kollege op op 18 April bled LMB Y s te rp laa t die Ty- K ollege op G ordo nsb aai en die u ito efe­
G o rd o n s b a a i. O p 18 M aa rt vier die Duik- g erbergtro fee-spo rtdag aan. Op 23 April ning van die V ryheid van G ordonsbaai.
b oo tflo ttlelje sy ag ttlen d e verjaarsd ag in Is d a a r 'n voo rstellin gsp arad e by SALM Op 30 Mei o efen SAS Wingfield sy Vry­
S im on stad en op 20 M aart Is d a a r 'n K ollege en d ie volgende d ag Is d a a r n heid van G oodw ood uit.
fu n k sie vir a fg e tre d e o fflslere w at in die p arad e by SVS Dunnottar en ’n Lugmag- Die SAGD n eem van 22 tot 30 M ei deel
G o o d w o o d -are a diens gedoen het by die bal by die SALM Kollege. a an die Pietersburg-skou en op 28 Mei


neem hy ook d eel aan die T ap toe in DIE INLIGTING in hierdie samevatting van die SAW se verjaardagvieringe In
G oodw ood. Op 30 M ei is d a a r 'n vlag- 1987 is nie noodwendig volledig nie. 0 n s publiseer egter die inligting soos
stryking w aarb y die b u rg e m e e s ter van dit teen druktyd bekend was. Dit sal in die loop van die jaar waar nodig aan-
Fochviiie b etro kke is. gepas word.
J u n ie
IR Junie beplan die L eër aktiw iteite
V soos n form ele ete by die SALV Kol,
d ee ln a m e aan die Z oeioeiand se Land-
gas te -a a n d by Kmdmt 0 -T v l, 'n vlagh y­
sing, bondelsport en in fo rm ele -e te by
O p 1 Julie neem d ie SAGD d eel aan 'n
deu rm ars d eu r Potchefstroom en op 3
bouskou, ’ n pretdraf by HK 7 Inf Div die SALV Kol en NW Km dm t neem deel Julie is d aa r 'n vlaghysing by Kmdmt
asook fam ilie d a e by e e n h e d e in Km dm t aan die SA W e e rm a g d a g p a ra d e . Kmdmt OVS err op 4 Julie ontvang 4 M ed Bn die
N-Tvl. 'n D ansaan d vir m llitêre-publieke SW A en MG W alvisbaal n eem ook aan Vryheid van Bloem fontein teryw l die SA
skakeling, een h e id s p a ra d e s , je u g d a e in dié p arade d eel. By Regt V anderbijipark Legioen ’n K a valkad e hou. Op 17 Julie is
VTH, o rkesop tredes by skoie en span- is d aa r 'n ope dag met n o nthaal vir ge- d a a r n v a a n d ela a n b ie d in g by 1 Med Bn
bou m et p ublleke skakeling word ook nooide gaste. Op 3 Julie is d a a r 'n mi- Gp.
b eplan. Op 5 Junie neem die Adj-m in van litê re b al by Y s k o r-V a n d e rb ijlp a rk -
V erded lging die opening van W ltbank- Komdo en d ie volgende d ag v ier Kmdmt A u g u s tu s
Komdo HK w a a r en d aa r is n g as te -a a n d OVS Leërdag m et ’n feesrugbyw edstryd.
N A ugustus n eem Kmdmt Verre-
by Gp Hk 41. Op 6 Junie het Log Km dm t
Hke n k e rkp arad e. Op 12 Junie is d a a r 'n
W in terbal by M odderfontein-K om do en
Op 5 Julie is d aa r n dan kdien s by WP
Ondh Eenh asook by Km dm t OVS.
Km dm t SWA neem d ee l aan 'n gesa-
I Noord d eel aan die Letaba-skou en
die M esslna-skou. D a a r is ook 'n winter-
sportdag en 'n N oordelike Suidelike Ka-
op 19 Junie ’n (orm eie ete by W P Ondh m entlike k e rkp arade en d a a r is ook 'n 82
d etkom petisie. 2 SAKK Bn hou ook ’n
Eenh. Die volgende dag is d a a r ’n os- TVD k e rkp arad e. Op 13 Julie neem
w lntersp ortd ag en by Kmdmt OP is d aar
braal en 'n fee s v le rd a g te F onteinedai Kmdmt N-Tvl d eel aan d ie Delvillebos-
’n uitstalling vir N D P ’s van die Augustus
d eu r 47 Opm Eskn en Kmdt 0 -T v l het 'n ged enkd ien s en op 16 Julie vind die
1987-inn am e. In Augustus'Septem ber
deu rm ars d eu r N elspruit, 'n s ta tie s e uit- SAW 7 5 -m e d a lje p a rad e p laas by Kmdmt
word die KVA v e rja a rs d a g d in e e a a n g e ­
staiiing en bondelsport. Op 21 Jun ie is O-Tvl.
bied by 71 M ot Bde terw yl L G eveg 8 ’n
d aa r 'n SAW H S-kerkp arade en 'n 84 By die Lugm ag word Julie begin met
m ilitére dans a anb ied. Op die laaste
T V D -kerkparad e. Op 27 Junie is d a a r ’n ’n sportdag by W LK, ’n eten suu rko nsert
Sondag van Augustus is d aar ’n forma-
g as te -a a n d by Gp Hk 41 en die volgende by Klippan BM P, 'n p ara d e van Kmdmt
s ie -k e rk p a ra d e by 44 Valsk Bde. Die
dag het Krugersdorp-K om do 'n k e rk p a ­ OP by LMB Port Elizabeth, SAW -dag by
G enieskool en 35 G SE bled g edurende
rade. Op 30 Junie neem 10 LA Regt deei LMB Potchefstroom , n boom plantdag by
die m aand ook rugby-klubkam pioen-
aan die u ito efenln g van Reg tot Vryheid LMB M pacha en g es a m en tlik e SAW-
skappe aan. Op 1 Augustus vier 71 Bde
van K aapstad, Tuibach en W o lseley. fee s v le rin g e by LMB Bloem sprult, wat
sy ve rja a rs d a g en 71 Mot Bde bied 'n
Die Lugm ag beplan van 3 Junie tot 8 duur tot 4 Julie. Op 2 Julie is d a a r ook 'n
v e rja a rs d a g d in e e aan. Op 5 Augustus is
Junie n stu d en teb eso ek aan LiVIB M pa- m e d a ljep a ra d e by LMB Durban en 'n
d a a r 'n W lntersportdag by Kmdmt N-Tvl
cha. Op 12 Junie is d a a r 'n m ed a ljep a - v ie u e lp a ra d e by SVS Dunnottar. Op 3 Ju ­
en die volg end e d ag is d a a r ’n boom­
rade by Klippan BM P, n form ele e te by lie is d aa r n p ara d e by LM B Hoedspruit,
p lan td ag by 4 SAI Bn. Op 7 Augustus hou
WLK en n voo rstellin gsp arad e van die n W in terdans by LMB Y s te rp laa t en n
84 TVD ook ’n boom plantdag, 84 Mot Bde
B randbestrydingskool by SVS Dunnot- bal m et Km dm t O P by LM B Port Eliza­
hou 'n fo rm e le e te en saam m et 72 Mot
tar. Op 19 Jun ie hou IVIRG n dans en 402 Bde word 'n bal gehou. Van 7 tot 8 Au­
VOE het sy h alfjaardans. Klippan BMP gustus n eem die Leergim d eel aan die
het ’n form ele ete en SVS D u nn ottar het ja a rlik s e skou op Heidelberg. Op 8 Au­
n prestige m usiekaand. Op 25 Jun ie is gustus het W it Hk Eenh 'n statiese uit­
d a a r 'n voorstellin gsp arad e by die SALM stalling by die Oorlogm useum en by 8e-
K ollege, ’n afskeidsfunksie vir N D P 'S by
cunda-K om do is n m ed aljep arad e. Op
SVS D u nnottar en by Ellisras B M P ’n 14 Augustus n eem alle form asies van 8
dans. Pant Div d eel aan n boom plantdag en
Vir 19 Jun ie beplan die VIoot 'n voo r­ die volgende dag is d a a r ’n g aste-aand
stellin gsparade in Sim onstad. Op 26 Ju­ by 1 SAKK OpI Eenh, 'n SAW -gim khana
nie word d a a r 'n aandfunksie a ang ebied
by SAW B ered e Sentrum en op 16 Au­
by die VIootbasis in K aapstad vir plaas-
gustus n eem 4 V R P d eel aan ’n kerkpa­
like hoo gw aard lgh eid sbekleërs. Op 28 rade. Van 17 tot 24 Augustus vind die
Junie is d a a r 'n kerkdiens vir d ie SA
beth. Op 4 Julie is d a a r 'n sport- en SAW HS inte rn a s io n ale w erkersbond-
VIoot K o lleg e op G ordonsbaai. Op 30 Ju­
gesinsdag by 5 Lugdepot en by LMB kom petisie p laas by Kmdmt 0 -T v l. Op 19
nie is d a a r ’n m iddagete by die Kollege
G rootfontein is d a a r ’n sportdag en ske- Augustus is d a a r 'n W lntersportdag by 1
en OVK bep lan 'n uitstalling in die stad-
m erkelk. Op 10 Julie is d a a r 'n voorstel­ SAKK OpI Eenh en die volgende dag is
saal, 'n vlaghys en -stryk en die V Io o tb a ­ d a a r 'n h erden king sd iens by 71 Bde
sis in Durban hou 'n fam iliedag. ling sparad e by STO en op 15 Julie 'n p a­
rade by LMB Bloem sprult. Op 17 Julie asook by 71 M ot Bde. Van 20 tot 21 Au­
Die SAG D neem van 1 tot 7 Junie deel gustus is d a a r 'n Div-sportdag te Durban
aa n die Eshow e-skou en op 20 Jun ie is hou HLRS n gesinsdag en SVS Dunnot­
ta r 'n solodans. Op 24 Ju lie is d aa r ’n for­ vir alle form asies van 8 Pant Div. Op 21
d a a r 'n vlaghysing op Potchefstroom . Op Augustus is d a a r ook 'n g aste-aan d by
m ele g a s te -a a n d by LM S-VTH en op 29
26 Junie hou SAGO OpI Sen ’n kom m is- Km dm t N-Tvl. Op 27 Augustus Is d aar 'n
Julie is d a a r ’n konuert by 5 Lugdepot.
sieparad e. vla g strykparade m et siviele gaste by 4
Op 31 Julie is d a a r 'n form ele e te by Klip­
pan BM P en parades by SVS Dunnottar SAI M eg en d ie volg end e dag is d aar ’n
J u lie
en die SALM Kollege. ges a m en tlik e tee by Kmdmt N-Tvl. Op 29
N Julie g aa n 2 SAK K Bn 'n vlaghysing Die VIoot b ep lan vir Ju lie 'n funksie In Augustus bied 1 SAKK OpI Eenh 'n

I op S o m erset-W es w aarn eem , d ie Dur- W alv is b a a l vir d ie p la a s lik e gem een-

banse T ap to e g aa n a ang ebied word, skap en 'n gholfdag in Durban.
gas te -a a n d aan vir AO's en senior on-
Km dm t N-Tvl hou fam ilie d a e by e e n ­ Op 4 Julie hou OVK ’n uitstalling in die Op 30 Augustus hou Bethal-Kom do 'n
hede, e ten styd kon serte in VTH -stad- sta d s a al van Durban, 'n vlaghys en kerkp arade.
s a a l, v la g h y s- en v la g s try k p a ra d e s , -strykin gsp arade, 'n fam ilie d a g by die Op 7 Augustus is d a a r 'n boom plant­
sportb yeen ko m ste en 'n kerm is te W'SK. VIootbasis in Durban en ’n ro eireg atta. dag by SVS D u nn ottar en op 13 Augus­
L G eveg 8 hou 'n ope dag en ’n noen- Van 9 tot 18 Julie neem O VK d ee l aan die tus 'n voo rstellin gsp arad e by die SALM
m aal en G enieskoo l hou 'n fo rm e le ete Durbanse T ap to e en op 11 Julie besoek Kollege. Op 15 Augustus is d aar ’n ouer-
in o ffis ie rs - en o n d e ro ffis ie rs k lu b s die nuwe skepe van W VK Knysna en oe- d ag by HLRS en 'n sportdag by STO. Op
asook n g es lo te n aw eekspo rtbyeen- fen die Vryheid van Toegan g tot die dorp 20 Augustus hou LMB M pacha bierfees
koms. Op 1 Julie is d aar 'n form ele uit. • Vervolg op bl 42


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formela ete by WP On
genda dag hou Atlas-1
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Op 29 Saptambar oai
Rag tot Viyhald van Ki
Op 4 SaptamtMr Is d
sla by LMB Potchafstro


fe j-
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■ ■■',.■ . ■ , .‘ftiWw.'.;,

Com bat and Security Vehicles Naval Strike C raft

SandocU-Austral Limited has for more than two decades been The Sandock Shipyard in Durban was originally well-known for
responsible for the manufacture and assembly of wheeled its efficient construction of fishing trawlers and coastguard
armoured vehicles for the South African Defence Force. They vessels. In latter years it has developed into a facility capable of
have all been proven in combat by armoured units and producing highly sophisticated naval craft, as witnessed by the
mechanised infantry in the most testing Southern African series of fast missile-carrying vessels for the Strike Craft Flotilla
environment. Furthermore, these vehicles have been exported of the South African Navy. These ships, designed for quick
to foreign countries where they have similarly given an excellent strike and return are of a battle-proven design and have
account of themselves. exceptional fire power for their size.
The sophisticated research and development capabilities of the The shipyard has the capacity of constructing vessels of up to
Group ensure ongoing studies which have already produced a 35 000 tons and is supported by comprehensive back up such as
new generation of advanced combat vehicles as well as a series complete electrical services and ship’s carpentry.
of armour protected vehicles for use by security organisations. In addition, Sandock-Austral Limited is well-known inter­
The latter are designed around commercially available com­ nationally for its efficient ship repair capability.
ponents, with ease of maintenance in mind.

P.O. Box 6390, Dunswart 1508. Republic of South Africa.
Telephone (Oil) 894-7251. Telex 4-24134 S.A. Telefax (Oil) 894-6910. Qaneor Group


OC leaves
IV IL IA N and service per­
C sonnel from SA N aval Dock­
yard Durban atten d ed a fa re w e ll
cerem ony on th e occasion of
th e departure o f th eir O ffice r
Com m anding recently.
Capt J.R.W. Dart left for a new posting
after having served 7 years at tfie Dock­
yard’s helm.
The function w^as held at the Dockyard
Officers’, Warrant Officers’ and Senior Captain and Mrs J.R.W. Dart in ttie Dockyard Officers’, Warrant Officers' and Snr Rat­
Ratings’ Club and Captain and Mrs Vivian ings’ Club, prior to leaving the Dockyard. Lt Cdr D.B. van Heerden (background) is the
Dart were given a send-off befitting the Acting Officer Commanding.
occasion, which will be remembered by
all for some time,
Lt Cdr D.B. van Heerden, the Acting Of­ for their best wishes and went on to say be transported away on a custom-con-
ficer Commanding, gave a brief validic- that, without the splended support that he verted fieldgun carriage, ably towed by an
tory speech in which he recalled high­ had received from his staff during his enthusiastic team of Dockyard officers
lights and events which have occured time the Dockyard would never have who had previously performed so well in
since the Dockyard was inaugurated by achieved its present highly esteemed the Navy Pulling Regatta.
Mrs Dart. status. Capt Dart, having safely survived this
Souvenir presentations on behalf of On conclusion of the presentations and novel excursion, has now assumed his
Dockyard Department staff were then having had time to sample the excellent new appointment as Senior Staff Officer
handed to Captain and Mrs Dart. The club catering facilities, Capt Dart was on the staff of Flag Officer Commanding
Captain responded by thanking everyone then politely escorted outside the Club to Naval Command East.

1 Valskermbataljon
se troepe fiksste
fanteriebataljon, 2 Veldgenieregi-
B loem fontein h e t bewys ment, Pantserskool en Genleskool,
dat hy in 1986 die fiksste troepe wat elk drie deelnemers in die stryd
in K om m andem ent OVS opgeiei gehad het. Die kompetisie het be-
h et to e dió eenheld die eerste staan uit batterytoetse (optrekke,
drie plekke verow er h et in 'n opstote en opsitte), 2,4 km hardloop
kom petisie om die fik s s te troep en 15 km stap.
aan te w ys. Die w enner van die Die deelnemers het bogemiddelde
kom petisie dring deur na die standaarde gehandhaaf en die beste
Leérspele. in elke afdeling was: 2 It Sinclair (18
Die fiksste man in die Kommande- optrekke en 90 opstote), It C. Bucha­
ment is 2 It I.W. Sinclair, van D-Kom- non (102 opsitte), spr J.J. Panse-
panie in 1 Valskermbataljon. Tweeds grouw (2 Veldgenieregiment - 2,4 km
was It C. Buchanon en derde sktr G. in 9,9 min) en KO P.F. Sass (Pant­
Whitby, albei ook van 1 Valskermba­ serskool, 15 km in 1,40 min, 37 sek).
Die eenhede wat deelgeneem het,
Die wenner, 2 It I.W. Sinclair van 1 is 1 Valskermbataljon, 1 Spesiale
Valskermbataljon, besig met sy 18 Diensbataljon, 1 Suid-Afrikaanse In-


By Pte S.B. Cohen
Photo: Pte G.D. Cohen

r STUART BOYD shares his office
M in the Simon s Town Dockyard with
more badges on the wall than there are
days in the year. Well, almost ,, , some
350 of them at the last count,
Mr Boyd has been the Senior Tele­
phone Technician in charge of the techni­ Mr Stuart Boyd of the Naval teleplione excharige in his office where a large portion of his
cal side of the Navy telephone exchange mammoth collection of badges is housed.
for twenty years. Since 1966 he has also
been collecting ships' badges. Ever since
that time. Royal Navy ships' crew would made him something of an authority in paints them,
present the telephone exchange with the Naval Dockyard, Mr Boyd has been a member of the Na­
their pennant when paying for their trunk Tradition has it that every time a ship tional Sea Rescue Institute for 16 years
calls, undergoes repairs in the dry docks of the and has even combined the designs of
Mr Boyd was captivated enough to be­ Naval Dockyard, the crew of the ship paint various badges to come up with an orig­
gin his own collection. He began taking their badge on the dry dock wall. In addi­ inal NSRI one,
plasticine moulds off the badges on tion, they are required to touch up two "I'd like to be in contact with people
ships, off badges out of hotel lobbies, other badges. Often, these badges are so who do this as a hobby, or people who
from badges owned by friends , , . any­ faded that Mr Boyd has to be consulted in have an interest in this subject," says Mr
where he could lay his hands on one. He order to determine what the colours Boyd, who can be contacted at P 0 Box
presently has 350 badges of which 80 are should be. 134, Simon's Town, 7995, He is also inter­
South African, "All of these 350 badges For his moulds, Mr Boyd no longer ested in exchanging Naval badges for Air
that I have," says Mr Boyd, "are of ships uses warmed-up plasticine, “Things have Force or Army ones.
that have visited Simon's Town or Cape progressed quite a bit,” he says. Now­ But do not for a moment think that Mr
Town," adays he uses re-usable rubber, "It smells Boyd will be diminishing his collection. Of
Mr Boyd adds: "What really interests quite a lot and sometimes causes my wife the 350 badges presently in his collection,
me is the history of ships,” His interest in, to chase me out of the house,” he laughs. he has already made copies of 200 of
and knowledge of, the nautical world has Once he has made the badges, he also them!

gevier met
IT was 'n verjaardagkoek met n ver-
D skil wat seinman Martin Schmidt op
sy 21ste verjaardag by die werk aange-
bring het. Die koek was met 'n preslese
weergawe van sy eenheid — 1 SWA Sein-
regiment — se kenteken versier. Dit het
natuurlik al sy kollegas gaande gehad en
die uiteinde was dat daar net foto’s van
die koek geneem is en niemand daarvan
geëet het nie! Hier word Martin gelukge-
wens deur kol R,J, van Broekhuizen en
stafsers W, Webber, Die ma wat met haar
versierwerk haar betrokkenheid by haar
seun se diensplig bewys het, is niemand
anders nie as die bekende omroepster,
Cynthia Callard, van die SWAUK se En-
gelse Diens,


Mr A. Rajbansi takes the salute as his Guard of Honour and the proud new ratings march past.

Impressive passing*out
parade at SAS Jalsena
he was far more than many of those present In his address, Mr Rajbansi stated that

T Naval Training Base

on Salisbury Island in

dian m en are in itially trained

had first imagined.
The precision and timing of the exer­
cises was quite obviously thanks to the
Durban, is w here young already
In­ legendary working relationship at
the SAS Jalsena between the young men
the men passing out at the parade were
testimony to the efficiency and dedication
that has characterized the base since its
inception in 1974. Afterwards Mr Rajbansi
presented several awards and decora­
w hile undergoing voluntary and their superiors. tions, including two Pro Patria medals
N ational Service (VNS). and six Ten Year SADF Good Service
It was there, too, that these men com­ Bronze medals.
Mr Rajbansi addresses the parade. Also Mrs Rajbansi presented many of the
pleted the 19-week Basic Training with an on the podium were Chief of the Navy,
impressive Passing-out parade recently. newly qualified men with awards for
V Adm Glen Syndercombe, R Adm Paul worthy achievements during their basic
Proudly watching the newly qualified men Wijnberg, COMNAVEAST, and the Com­
exercising their freshly acquired skills training.
manding Officer of SAS JALSENA, Cdr The trophies for the Best Trainee, pre-
was the Chairman of the Minister’s Coun­ W.J. Smit.
cil for the House of Representatives, Mr A.
Rajbansi, and his wife. Mr Rajbansi and
other guests were clearly surprised by
several impressive demonstrations per-
^ rm e d by the men during the course of
the morning.
Particularly impressive was the Rear-
Guard Action Display, also known as the
Jackstay Drill. In this particular exercise a
retreating group becomes stranded and
is rescued by another group, who by
means of wooden structures and pulleys
enable the retreating group to escape
from their vulnerable position.
Another exciting routine was an exhi­
bition of a real-life display or simulated
performance of the most advanced form
of riot control to date, known as the
D Formation. Troops taking up the rear
make efficient use of tear gas/smoke
while the front group use firepower. It was
obvious from this exercise that the extent
of the training the men had undergone


By P te C.M. S to tt

sented by the SAS Saldanha and the SAS

Simonsberg Trophy for the Smartest
Trainee on Parade were both won by Sea
P. Govender.
The base originated more than ten
years ago when the South African Gov­
ernment approved the establishment of
the SA Indian Corps Training Battalion
(the original name of S/4S Jalsena) as a
result of appeals made by representatives
of the Indian Council and ex-Service-
men's organizations. With the recent in­
take thus completing their Basic Training
in true splendour, the SAS Jalsena looks
to have achieved another task with com­
mendable enthusiasm and efficiency.

The trainee who displayed the most out­

standing effort in boat work, was awarded
the SAS Jalsena Shield. This year's win­
ner, Sea N. Ponen, is seen accepting the
trophy from Mrs G. Rajbansi.

Mr and l^rs Rajbansi photographed after the parade with R Adm Paul Wijnberg, Cdr W.J. Smit and Mrs Smit and the winners o f the
various trophies who were rewarded for their outstanding performances during their period o f basic training at SAS JALSENA.

method of execution, being mindful of its ties are united in their rejection of terror­
UNMASKED abuse and its use by the enemy.
“We need to speak with one voice on
ism. All South Africans must stand to­
gether to devise a peaceful future for all.
this question and ensure that the masses It Is a responsibility carried and shared by
• Continued from p 7 of our people get clear and unequivocal all of us who love this country.”
guidelines from the movement on the use In conclusion, and on behalf of all
'The ANC boasts that the imposition of of the necklace .” South Africans, the State President said
sanctions against South Africa by West­ So-called moralists and apoligists for he wished to thank all members of the se­
ern nations has been the result of its the ANC must themselves try to reconcile curity forces who are safeguarding our
pressure. The ANC also boasts that it this barbarism with their own con­ country’s peace, progress and stability
managed to influence the Western na­ sciences. with great dedication. He also wished
tions into adopting the ANC’s approach "I believe the time has come that the everyone of them, and their families, a
with regard to the release of security pris­ true democratic states of the world, inter­ blessed Christmas.
oners. However, the ANC is clearly wor­ est groups in South Africa, and those gul­
ried that it does not receive sufficient sup­ lible people who are easily taken in tow by
port for some of its cruelties,” said Mr Bo­ revolutionary propaganda, come to their
tha. He then continued: senses.
"The ANC alleges: The use of the 'neck­ “Terrorism is a growing problem world­
lace' has also become a worrying issue. In wide, because of too much hypocrisy and
some parts of the country our own people spinelessness. The overwhelming major­
are discouraging the 'necklace’ as ity of South Africans in all our communi­


“Hydraulic Steel Tube (Pty) Ltd" a Spartan based hydraulic im­
porter has recently begun importing seamless stainless steel
tine tube for application mainly in the instrumentation field, al­
WHENQUALITY, SERVICE though there is a fair demand for stainless steel tube in the very
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ANDAVAILABILITYARE At present the Company is the largest stockist of Seamless

Hydraulic Tubing in South Africa - covering both Metric and Im­
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The Bowiman Oil Cooler Agency which the Company acquired
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HYDRAULICACCESSORIES the continued upward swing in overall sales. This well estab­
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On request the Company has a free comprehensive and very
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Spartan based “Hydraulic Steel Tube (Pty) Ltd” are the sole
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These fittings have proved there reliability over many years in all
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On request the Company has a free comprehensive and very
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sign data for the hydraulic user.


Tubing and Fittings and Valve requirements for pressures of 70
Mpa (10 000 psi) up to 1000 Mpa (150 000 psi) have in the past
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pany "Hydraulic Steel Tube (Pty) Ltd" has a comprehensive
range of these requirements in stock - virtually the complete
range is of stainless steel in various grades - catalogues are
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The Company also has a free Hydraulic Product and De­
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It is common knowledge amongst hydraulic experts that the two
greatest enemies of any hydraulic system are primarily dirt and
secondarily heat.
Most if not every hydraulic system is fitted with some form of
filtration but very few have any form of cooling devise. The water
cooled Bowman Hydraulic Oil Cooler is proof of the great
lengths the manufacturers have gone to solve heating problems
efficiently within the hydraulic industry. These simple to install
units have been distributed worldwide since the early 1930's with
many improvements and upgrades since then.
The range also covers a wide parameters of flow, from the very
small units of 20 litres per minute oil flow up to 500 litres per
minute oil flow off the shelf in South Africa and the larger units
of up to 1 200 litres per minute approximately 3 months delivery
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Various other applications are also applicable to the Standard
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calorifiers, aftercoolers or waste heat recovery units.
On request the Company has a comprehensive cooler cata­
logue and or a useful product and design brochure which con­
• HYDRAULIC LINE TUBE tains useful design data for Hydraulic users.
Kempton Park
• BOWMAN HYDRAULIC OIL COOLERS Telephone: (011)975-7170
Telex: 7-42119
Please send me a free Design Brochure.
HYDRAULIC STEEL TUBE Name:........................................................................
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......................................................... Tel:.
By Amn P.K . A sh _____________ _
Lunch, at which R Adm P.A. Wijnberg,
Flag Officer Commanding Naval Comd
East, was present, was then served. The
quality of the food, an excellent curry in
this case, served as another indicator of
the strong motivation apparent through­
out the unit.
After lunch, the guests boarded one of
the Navy ferries and toured the length and
breadth of Durban harbour. Great interest
was shown in the SA Navy’s new fleet re­
plenishment and supply vessel, the SAS
Drakensberg, currently fitting-out at the
Sandock-Ausfral shipyard.
The ferry bobbed alongside the SAS
Drakensberg for some minutes while cer­
tain interesting features and characteris­
tics of ttie vessel were pointed out.
Then it was back to the Naval Base
where a fire-fighting display was laid on,
which must have impressed the group
due to the efficiency with which the fire­
men extinguished two successive oil-
The veterans departed in the late after­
noon — impressed and enlightened. The
Chairman of the Indian Ex-Servicemen’s
Legion, MrG.R. Varma, had the last word:
A fireman In protective clothing demonstrates to the amazed veterans the effective­ “ It was a wonderful opportunity, in our
ness o f the new suit used in the a rt o f fire-fighting. role as public watchdog to the Indian
community, to see what the younger gen­
eration are doing. Hopefully, we'll be back
next year” .

N an exe rcis e designed to
highlight th e w ay in w hich
Indian volunteers a re u til­
ised in th e SA Navy, tw o MPs
from the House of D elegates
and a party of approxim ately
ndian war veterans
4 0 Indian w ar veteran s w ere
ta k e n on a tour of Naval
Base Durban recen tly.
The party was made up of members
from the 40-year old Indian Ex-Service-
at Naval Base Durban
men’s Legion (some of whose members
are also attached to various MOTH Shell- On arrival, the guests were welcomed
holes), Mr Logan Chetty, MP for by the OC of the SAS Jalsena, Cdr W.J.
Chatsworth Central, and Mr John lyman, Smit, after which a short briefing on train­
MP for Camperdown. ing at the unit was given, followed by an
The purpose of the visit was twofold. excellently produced video on the unit.
Firstly, it provided an excellent and en­ A short but rousing recital by the band
thralling outing for the League, and sec­ of the SAS Jalsena fo Ilowed, after which a
ondly, the MPs and veterans had an op­ tour of the unit was made to view various
portunity to experience at first hand the aspects of training in progress, including
training and general way of life that the drill, riot control training, and new re­ Gathered together on the je tty p rio r to
young Indian volunteers have when they cruits battling valiantly on the tough departing on a ferry tour o f Durban har­
join the Navy. obstacle course. bour, the Indian w ar veterans pose for
the PARATUS camera.
By Pte S.B. Cirfien Plietos: Pte ®.P. C&hem

Verdict of
officer in
‘Dis lekl<er’
Paraguayan officer Lt Augusto Lovera
Canete tries his hand at braaiing boere-
o W L t A ugust® L®wera C a n e te is no ron-@ f-tlie- wors. Lt Canete says that South African
áÊm ^m m ill South African Navy officer. Do not for a m om ent, and Paraguayan diets are “ quite similar",
b e fooled by his ta s te fo r braaivleis, or by th e w ay his vocabu­ although we in South Africa "use too
lary inctufies words lik e ‘lekker* and ‘ko e jaw el sap’. For Lt much pepper and much too much gravy ".
C an ete is, in fa c t, an exchange o fficer from th e Paraguayan Of o u r braaivleis tradition, L t CaAete sirrt-
ply says "I like". Surrounding L t Canete
N a v y , and he has only been in South A frica since M arch this are fellow course members from his se­
year. ven week coxswain’s course completed
through 111 Boat Squadron.

When Lt Canete arrived in our country, to his home country he will receive his Squadron where he underwent a
he could speak no English and stil! less commision as a full lieutenant and take coxswain’s course.
,Afrikaans. Now, however, he manages to up his post as second lieutenant to the
communicate in either language. “Afri­ Chief of the Paraguayan Navy. This is Lt Canete has crewed on board the SAS
kaans is much easier for me to under­ after having completed a thorough and KIMBERLEY, SAS EAST LONDON and
stand than Engiish” Lt Canete says, be­ intensive training period in various arms SAS WINDHOEK, He has also visited
cause the pronunciation is more similar of the South African Defence Force. Lt .every port from Walvis Bay to Durban .. .
to Spanish.” Canete has already spent time at Lan­ and much more awaited him as he set sail
Lt Canete joined the Paraguayan Navy guage Bureau, at NBCD Fire-fighting for the SAS OSWALD PIROW in Durban,
when he was 17 years old. Upon returning School, with Strike Craft and at 111 Boat and, following that, a Parabat Course in
He has worked particularly hard at
passing all his courses; language prob­
lems have necessitated his doing some
extra studying. Lt Canete wrote his
course examinations (including his rule
of the road section) in his home lan­
guage, Spanish. Then, in collaboration
with the marker, he translated what he
had put down on paper into English. For
coxwain’s course, he attained an admir­
able 87%.
Lt Canete is full of positive regard for
our land and our people. He says he is
"grateful for the military links between
South Africa and Paraguay, as I have
made very many friends here. I hope to
return to this pretty place, ” said Lt Can­
ete, “if not to live, well then to visit at
least. The people in South Africa have
been friendly to me from the first day right
until now.”
Lt Canete also said he felt the interna­
tional news media was wrong to portray
South Africa in such a negative light. “ I
will tel! my family, my friends and my fel­
Front row, left to right: W01 F.E. Welgemoed, CdrD.H. van Niekerk, S LtA. Lovera Can­ low officers in the Paraguayan Navy the
ete, Cdr M. St. J. Thomson, L t R. Shelley and W01 J.H. Nortier. Back row: f O AS. truth about South Africa when I return.”
Devenish, LS S. Dennis, LS K.J.R. Davids, CPO OJ. de Jonge, LS K.A. Hearne, LS T.T. He was looking forward to seeing Para­
Rust, LS R. Erriah, LS E. Johannes, LS M.N. Pillay, LS C.O. Petersen, LS T. Roberts and guay . . . and his girlfriend, Mona Lisa,
W02 H.H.J. Meyer. again.


The Martello Tower:
Tough little treasure
The oldest surviving structure built by the
ROUDLY standing on a funds for defence could not be spent on
P raised piece of ground obsolete fortifications. The ruin of this
adjoining the Naval Docic-diminutive antique looked certain.
In 1966 the South African Defence
British in our country, the Martello Tower,
now houses a museum crammed with his­
torical dioramas, collections of copper
yard in Simon’s Tow n, and tools, naval weapons and uniforms, ships’
Force at Defence Headquarters, Pretoria bells, models o f sea-craft, portraits and
overiooi(ing th e w h o le of created a Museums Section. Happily, a photographs o f historical importance to
False Bay, is a sm all round life-saving decision was undertaken to re­ the South African Navy.
tow er. store the Martello Tower and to house a
museum therein. Clearly, the South Afri­
can Defence Force is as intent on secur­ All locks, hinges and other such appen­
The Martello Tower, which now houses ing our past as it is on securing our fu­ dages were copied or removed from
a museum, is itself a museum piece. It ture. equally old buildings.
was erected in 1796 to protect the powder In 1972 the Martello Tower was de­ Authentic and now safe and solid, the
magazine which housed 980 barrels of clared a National Monument. The Works Martello Tower has been saved by the
gunpowder, as well as the gun battery Branch of the South African Navy demol­ South African Defence Force, hopefully
‘Boetselaar' in its vicinity. ished 300 tons of stonework to install to last through the centuries to come.
A mere 25 feet high with walls of 6 feet concrete beams in the wall to strengthen This tough little treasure of a building can
thick, this small but dignified great­ the structure. The original stone was all only become increasingly richer in his­
grandfather of a structure is the first salvaged, cleared of mortar and reused. torical stature.
coastal fortification erected by the British
in South Africa. It is also the sole survivor
still standing. Moreover, the tower is the
oldest Martello Tower in the world, the
very forerunner of those later built on the
south coast of England.
The Martello Tower is built out of local
sandstone, and entrance into the struc­
ture is via two pairs of thick oak double­
doors, above which is the gantry. A
curved staircase with a baluster leads
from the ground floor to the first floor.
On the first floor, three large embra-
zures cover all landward approaches to
the tower. Access to the roof of the tower
is by means of a ship’s ladder, and, al­
though the tower was never actually
armed, guns could easily have been
mounted on its roof
At the turn of the century, the Martello
Tower was vacated by the Royal marine
ammunitions guards who had been living
there, and it was deserted. Over time,
dampness penetrated the walls, the mor­
tar and the woodwork, resulting in the Almost two centuries old Palace Barracks makes mention o f the fact that many a
stonework collapsing. The following has been painstakingly maintained in a noted traveller was entertained in this
years of exposure, the ever-present superb condition. The National Monu­ building in the distant past.
damp, fire and termites threatened the ment plaque next to the front entrance
Martello Tower’s very existence.

P A L A C E B A R R A C K S , a i-

N 1936, the (then) Mayor of Simon's
Town, Mr W. Runciman, appealed to
Palace Barracks; though presently owned by
th e S o u th A fric a n D e fe n c e
Force, is shown on Korstem an’s
the public through a letter in the Cape
Times' to take steps to halt the decay. For
twenty years all further attemps to effect
restoration also failed.
A century of plan o f Sim on’s Tow n as early as
It is truly a majestic structure - in fact,
one of the early owners, John Osmond,
Even much effort on the part of the
Simon's Town Historical Society could
accumulate little more than sympathy, as
service who bought the property in 1813 and lived
Continued on p 62



1 Vaiskermbataljon
deeglik met
ET so d eeg iik as w at 1 V aiskerm bataljon in Bloem fon­
tein is m et sy opieiding, so deegiik is hy ook m e t sy
natuur- en om gewingsbewaring.
Sedert die Kommandement OVS sowat in die eenheid as geheel gedoen. Hierdie
drie jaar gelede sy Omgewings- projek is deurlopend van aard, sodat kon-
bewaringsdag ingestel het, het 1 tinuïteit in die program vir alle projekte
Vaiskermbataljon die kompetisie die eer- gehandhaaf word.
ste twee jaar verower. Vanjaar is besluit
dat dit toegeken moet word aan ’n een-
heid wat besig is om nog te ontwikkel (7 ans het die eenheid ’n projek vir die
Div Mob Sentrum), en 1 Vaiskermbataljon
het as 'n gevestigde eenheid 'n spesiale
T hervestiging van inheemse plante.
Dit het die afgelope drie jaar ’n groot
tweede prys gekry. groei in 1 Vaiskermbataljon tot gevolg ge-
Die bewaringsprojek word in ’n aantal had. Bome en struike word deurentyd
j . 'V , v f V doelwitte onderverdeel. Hulls beplan om aangeplant, veral tydens die Nasionale
voortdurend die plantegroei in die een­ Boomplantdag wanneer inheemse bome
.. A01 J.C. Landman (RSM) en A01 M.B. heid te verbeter en groei te bevorder. Die en plante in groot getalle regoor die een­
Odendaal is die twee manne wat hoof- “tekorte” in die eenheid word bepaal en heid gepiant word.
saaklik verantwoordelik is vir natuurbe- as dooie kolle ge'identifiseer, Daar word Elke boom in die eenheid word gemerk
waring by 1 Vaiskermbataljon. ook gedurig uitbreidings en verbeterings met 'n plaatjie waarop sy wetenskaplike

Oranjejeug verenig vrouagter

A gter e lk e m an is d aar ’n vrou. Die funksie van die vrou met ’n man in uni­ vroulike oogpunte, ervaringe en frustra-
m an in u niform h e t aityd ’n vrou, ver- form". Sy het onder andere gesê dat die sies.
lo o fd e o f m e Isle om hom by te staa n . vrou verantwoording moet doen van haar Die laaste spreker was mev Maretha
O ranjejeu g en 1 V aisicerm iiataijon roeping as vrou, gelowige en lands- Maartens, ’n bekende skryfster en predi-
h e t m e t d ie m edew ericing van d ie Di- burger. Die keuse van ’n huweliksmaat is kantsvrou van Bloemfontein. Sy het ge­
re k to ra a t K uitu ursake van d ie De- 'n voorreg wat saam met verantwoordelik- praat oor die vrou en haar godsdiens -
p a rtem e n t van O nderw ys en K ultu ur heid gaan. Jy alleen kan hom kies en godsdiens as anker en motiveerder.
b e s lu it om d ie vrou a g te r d ie m an in moet ook die gevolge van die keuse dra.
u nifo rm byeen te bring so dat h ulle Die eerste fase van die sielkundige oor-
kn elp u n te in d ie verhoudinge kan log vind in die huis piaas, as kleinste een­
u itlig en van raad en ad vies by te heid van die bevoIking. As die vyand slaag
s ta a n , om die vrou vir sy saak te wen, is die .
Oranjejeug is n organisasie vir wer- helfte van die saak reeds gewonne.
kende jong mense tussen 18 en 35*jaar. Daarom moet die vrou haar eie opinie
Dié organisasie poog om in die jong vorm en vaardighede ontwikkel om aller-
mense se behoeftes te voorsien en hulle hande eise wat gaan voorkom, die hoof te
te motiveer om op ’n gesonde wyse te bied.
werk en ontspan. Die werksaamhede van Prof Laubser het in sy praatjie oor “Die
die organisasie maak hom uniek. Dit is grasweduwee en finansiele beplanning”
die eerste keer dat so iets in die Vrystaat gepraat oor hoe die vrou haarself kan
aangebied word. help terwyl die man nie tuis is nie. Finan-
Die sprekers wat by hierdie geleentheid sies iadikwels n groot wrywingsoorsaak
gepraat het, het mev Ria Naudé, eggenote en daarom is die bantering daarvan baie
van die Kapelaan-generaal van die Weer- belangrik.
mag, en prof Kobus Laubser van die De- Mev Mariaan Beyleveldt {eggenote van
partement Landbou-ekonomie aan die kol T. Beyleveldt, Bevelvoerder van Pant-
Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat inge- serskool) en ds Callie Roos (kapelaan van
sluit. 1 Vaiskermbataljon) het albei gepraat oor
Die sprekers en hul onderwerpe was; sosiale- en groepsverkeer. Hulle het on-
Mev Naudé het gepraat oor “Die rol en derskeidelik gepraat uit die manlike en


Deur o kpl J. Botes
N v - \ Uitheemse- en indringerplante word
ultgeroei. Die eenheid poog ook om buite
die eenheidslyne hierdie probleem te be-
kamp. Plante wat veral beperk word, is die
litjieskaktus (die grootste plaag tans in
Marietjie se
die Vrystaat), oliebome en die Skotse dis-
sel. Van tyd tot tyd hou A01 J.C. Landman
(RSM) en A01 M.B. Odendaat, die twee
manne hoofsaaklik verantwoordelik vir
natuurbewaring by die eenheid, ook
brief bring
steekproewe om dié piante uit te rOei.

D ie eenheid het geen wild in kampe

liaar by
nie, maar beoog om die eerste deel
van hul wildtuintjie teen die einde van die
jaar te voltooi. In die koppie agter die
valskermverpakkingsvleuei is opieiding
‘soldat’ uit
verbied sodat plantegroei en voellewe sy
gang kan gaan. Natuurbewaring is ook S KTR J.C. B ezuidenhout w a s in 1978
geskakel om die regte inligting te verkry besig m e t grensd iens to e hy ’n brie-
van wat om aan te hou om die regte bal- fie van ’n Sub B -leeriing a a n Oran|e-IM ei-
ans te kan handhaaf. sieskool ontvang. D ie b riefie is d e u r ene
Op die eenheidsembleem kom ’n arend “ M a rie tjie ” g eskryf. Ná agt ja a r h et die
Die arende wat die eenheid in ’n goedge- voor. Die eenheid hou dan ook n paar tw e e m e k a a r v ir d ie e e rs te k e e r ont-
keurde hok aanhou, is die gelukbringers arende in ’n goedgekeurde hok aan. Daar moet.
van die eenheid. Op die eenheidsem- is ’n visarend, twee goue arende en ’n Deur al die jare heen was die briefie,
bleem kom ’n arend voor. witkruisarend. Hulle word gereeld deur ’n met kinderhand geskrywe, nog altyd vir
veearts ondersoek en word met vieis en “JC” ’n groot onderskraging en dra hy dit
vis gevoer. Daar word ook van tyd tot tyd al agt jaar in sy hempsak. Elke keer as hy
naam en noemnaam verskyn sodat mense vir hulle voels geskiet sodat hulle vere ’n skoon hemp aantrek, word die briefie
hulle kan identifiseer. Waar ’n boom of kan inkry. eerste van alles in sy hempsak gesit.
plant om een of ander rede vrek, word dit In die tweede helfte van die jaar word • Die briefie lui;
so spoedig moontiik vervang om nie te mense opgelei uit die eenheid om meer "Liewe soldat
veel van ’n groei agterstand agter te laat ekologiese navorsing te doen sodat hul 0ns Oranje mysie skool se dogters is
nie. doeSwitte meer professioneel benader baie trots op julu
Dooie kolle word nog gereeld geidenti- kan word. julu moet versigtig wees
fiseer en beplant. So n dooie kol was by 0ns hou dym vas dat julu ge sont sal
die nuwe valskermopleidingsloods waar ’n A nder groot projek van die eenheid bly
gras en struike aangeplant word ter ver- / i b i n n e sy natu urbewaringsprojek is VAN MARIETJIE
betering van die terrein waar die klipmure die bekamping, voorkoming en herstel Aan soldat”
en keerwalle gebou is. van gronderosie. Deur die hele eenheid Marietjie Herbst is vandag ’n standerd
deur is stewige waterslote gebou om in agt-leerling, nog steeds aan die Oranje-
tye van bale reenal die water te kanaliseer Meisieskool. Sy vertel dat die juffrou (mej
en dit dan in die munisipale afvoerstelsel Joan Abrahams) papier in die klas uitge-

soldaat te kry. Plaveisel is ook op verskeie plekke

aangebring om te verhinder dat van die
grond wegspoel.
Die grootste probleem met erosie was
op die koppie agter die valskermverpak-
deel het sodat hulle briefies aan die sol-
date aan die Grens kon skryf. Die vyftien-
jarige meisie sê op haar skaam manier dat
sy destyds ’n klomp soentjies onder die
brief gemaak het. Haar maatjies het haar
kingsvleuel en dit is gekeer deur die vol- geterg en sy het dit toe maar weer uitge-
gende toe te pas; Alte opieiding is daar vee! Die soentjies kan egter nou nog in
gestaak, Namakwalandse madeliefies en hulle vae vorm onder aan die brief gesien
gras is daar geplant om die sagte grond te word.
Van die sprekers en organiseerders: mev bind, klipmure en klein keerwalle is ge­ Maar hoe het dit gekom dat dié twee ná
Olga Roos, mev Ria Naudé (eggenote van bou om die water se afvloei te breek en so agt jaar mekaar ontmoet? JC, vandag 'n
die Kapelaan-generaal van die Weermag), ook te verhinder dat die vrugbare grond getroude man met twee kinders, was een-
mev Mariaan Beyleveldt, mej Martie Haas- verder wegspoel, struike wat die grond dag in gesprek met ’n vriend, ene It Sulli­
broek en p ro f Kobus Laubser. help bewaar is ook aangeplant en ge- van. JC vertel hom van die brief wat hy ná
biede wat in die verlede reeds wegge- al die jare nog met hom saamdra. By It
spoel het, is opgevul en plantegroei Sullivan hoor hy toe dat die briefskrywery
daarop gevestig. geïnisieer is deur mej Joan Abrahams, of
Aangesien daar van plaaslike water ge- Ta Mossie, soos sy onder die troepe be-
bruik gemaak is, wat benewens hoe koste kend staan vanweë die sente wat sy aan
ook in tye van droogte skaars is en die hulle gee.
pantegroei en voellewe gevolglik daar- By n latere geleentheid ontmoet It Sul­
onder laat ly, is besluit om eie water in die livan mej Abrahams en vertel haar van JC
hande te kry. 'n Boorgat het sterk water en die brief,
opgelewer. ’n Elektriese besproeiingstel- Sý maak toe ’n plan om die briefskryf-
sel is aangele en pype met koppelpunte ster en die ontvanger bymekaar te bring.
op verskeie plekke in die eenheid aange­ Een mooi Vrydag daag almal toe op by Ta
bring. ’n Pyp kan net ingedruk en struike Mossie. JC, sy vrou Amanda, hulle twee
en grasperke natgelei word. Nog ’n boor­ kinders, Marietjie, haar ma en natuurlik
gat aan die noordekant van die eenheid die Pere,
word beplan. Op'die koop toe vind hulle toe ’n groot
Intern is daar geen onnodige heinings verbintenis. Amanda Bezuidenhout, Ma­
nie. As die wildtuin begin word, sal daar rietjie Herbst en haar ma, mev A.M.
net een interne heining om die koppie Herbst, was almal leerlinge aan die
aangebring sodat die wild beskerm word, Oranje-Meisieskool en het in een of ander
’n Brandpad is tussen die eenheid en die stadium klas gehad by mej Abrahams toe
res van die kommandement geskoffel. sy daar ’n onderwyseres was.



Viieëniers van die

• / beste in wêreld,
sê geni IMalan
reeds vandag kan ek daardie trots sien niers en ’n aantal navigators is oor die af-
straal uit die manne van hierdie gelope jare opgelewer.
Viiegskool.” In 1984 het dit geblyk dat ’n enkele be-
Die vaandel is daarna deur die Minister velvoerder nie meer doelmatige bevel oor
aangebied en deur die eskader in ont­ 89 GVS kon voer nie. Die uiteenlopende
vangs geneem. take van Impala-gevegsopleiding en Mi-
Gent Malan het gesê dat Suid-Afrika se rage-operasionele aanpassings kon ook
vlieeniers hulself oor die jare bewys het as nie meer deur gesamentlike bevel gead-
van die beste in die wéreld. "En nou, met ministreer word nie.
die infasering van die nuwe Cheetah, Ministeriële goedt^euring is in De-
plaas ons 'n vliegtuig in ons vlieeniers se sember 1984 aangevra en verkry om twee
hande wat hul vaardighede waardig is. afsonderlike gevegseenhede te stig. 89
“Ek het groot vertroue in die vermoë GVS is geherorganiseer en het op 1 Julie
Aan die einde van die parade is 'n verby- van die Lugmag om hierdie nuwe toevoe- vanjaar ’n eskader in eie reg geword. Van-
mars gehou. U J.J. Botha dra die vaandel ging goed te gebrutk,” het hy bygevoeg. daar is dit ’n uitsonderlike prestasie dat
kort nadat d it deur 89 GVS in ontvangs Die prag van die nuwe viiegtuig is aan die eskader so gou sy eie vaandel ont-
geneem was. -(Foto: Lmn H.A. Cleiand) die begin van die parade tentoongestel vang.
In die program skryf die bevelvoerder
van 89 GVS, kmdt O.A. Schur, die vol-
gende: “As die jongste vegtereenheid van
GEVEGVLIEGSKOOL op P ie te rs b u rg h e t onlangs ’n die SALM en die ontvanger van ons

M b e s o n d e re m y lp a a l b e h a a l d e u r s y e ie v a a n d e l t e ont-
v a n g — s le g s v ie r m a a n d e n a d a t d it ’n affs o n d e riik e
e s k a d e r g e w o r d h e t.
nuutste vegvliegtuig, betree 89 GVS 'n
baie beiowende toekoms. Deur te put uit
sy trotse erfenis en die innerlike sterkte
van sy mense, sal 89 GVS altyd enige uit-
Die Vaandel is op 30 Oktober 1986 deur met ’n verbyvlug deur 'n Cheetah en drie daging voortreflik die hoof bied.” - (Wrn
die Minister van Verdediging, genI Mag­ Mirages. E. Janssen)
nus Malan, aan die eskader oorhandig. 'n Hoewel 89 GVS eers in Julie vanjaar sy
Kleurryke en indrukwekkende parade is “onafhanklikheid” verkry het, moet die
gehou wat ook bygewoon is deur die Hoof eskader se bestaan teruggevoer word na
van die Lugmag. It geni D.J. Earp, en an- 1964 toe die eerste dubbelsitplek Mirage-
der hoogwaardigheidsbekleërs. vliegtuie aangekoop is. Die Minister van Verdediging, geni Mag­
nus Malan, lower sy toespraak nadat hy
Geni Malan het gesê ’n eenheidsvaan- Op 30 Oktober 1974 het die eerste Mi­
die vaandel oorhandig het. Langs horn
dei is ’n baie mooi en ou tradisie. “Dit rage 3 na LMB Pietersburg gevlieg om die
staan die Bevelvoerder van 89 GVS, kmdt
beeld trots en samehorigheid uit. En Miragevlug van 89 GVS te stig. Talle viieë-
O.A. SchCir.

JAN, ïr->v V4**

Skryf slegs die sleutelwoord op die agterkant van ’n poskaart en stuur jou inskrywing saam met
jou naam en adres aan: Paratus, Privaatsak X158, Pretoria, 0001. Die eerste korrekte oplossing wat
ons trek, wen die R50-prys. Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal. Geen lede van Paratus, SAWI
of hulle families mag inskryf nie. Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is 23 Januarie ’87.

A a rd - ■1 ? Re \r “ Sew e In
’n week
an§ Mid dag*
slapies V" - See- Handvatse! 17
oiie ioneel- Nom m er Ou Fort diere
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Kaimte kuns Versiae Serpe gem aak Siniose Asfatt seer maak
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Grieke- > (afk.) Spykers Hoof- 24 agtige
Regu- iand m onnik uur s oo g-
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Siei 5. Vat h<mf
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bakkie Pret
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Wafte? -
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Tydelik Porsies
verkry > brood :► Rye >

lid- Sew e- Dept. V. Sender

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groep diging tiering
draaje > m ense se reg


Mev P. de B r u i n
Goodwoodstraat 42
Goodwood 7460
FQRMHRD A M R H i l‘V A < t'1 & jl6 Y ly y |^ m ^

H ave you ever stopped to think how m uch TIM E , M ONEY AND
ENERGY is invested by th e South A frican Defence Force in
Education and Training? N e xt to w eaponry I would not be sur­
prised to discover th a t it is th e n ext largest expenditure item
on th e budget, it w ould also be interesting to find out from the By Col P.B.G. Dugm ore
thousands of m en and w om en who have been on the receiving
end of th a t education and training w h eth er they have fe lt that
th e tim e, m oney and energy invested has given an equitable
return in term s of skills acquired and self-developm ent

What can military educationalists,

trainers learn from the MBTI?
T “ HE above two questions high- dents gain control over their own tions. If the reader wishes to know
I light the continual challenge learning and to help teach- more about the instrument, they
that faces those involved in educa­ ers/trainers reach more students. can contact me through the Editor
tion and training, namely, have we * To analyze curricula, methods, of PARATUS.
succeeded in our efforts and are media, and materials in the tight Let us first investigate what the
there not more effective ways of of the needs of different types. MBTI has revealed about the Teach­
doing our job? I do not have the space in this ar­ ers Trainers themselves. We will
I am not suggesting that these ticle to give a detailed description use the two central letters to iden­
questions have never been asked of the MBTI. For those who have not tify these, namely, ST, SF. NF. NT.
before or that improvements have yet been exposed to it. 1 would
not been Introduced. In fact I know briefly describe it as follows: The role of the teachers
they have. I am merely sharing my It is a pen and pencil test which
a c h of these teachers sees
expelence and knowledge in the
hope that it will add grist to the mill
and another possibility that our
taps the preferences a person has
on Four continuums. A Sensing . . .
Intuitive continuum which taps
E their role differently. The ST
teacher believes that their role is to
set an example for their students,
educationalists and trainers may be their preference for how they prefer
be a role model and to share know­
willing to not only consider but also to take in information. A Thinking
ledge and experience. The SF
take up in all earnestness, for I am .. . Feeling continuum which taps
teacher on the other hand places
convinced that it will add that facet their preference for how they make
their preference on functions such
to their work and its results which their decision based on the above
as instruct, discipline, encourage,
will place it in the category of MOST information. An Extraversion . . . In­
support and serve others. The NF
EFFECTIVE. The Myers-Briggs troversion continuum which taps
teacher sees their rote as one which
Type Indicator has already proved the source of their energy and
encourages, inspires, provides var­
itself internationally in the field of lastly, a Judging .. . Ftsrutiption
iety and creativity and motivates
Education and Training and it has continuum which taps their prefer­
students to develop. NT teachers
been used: ence for an orderly or spontaneous
encourage and mspire and help
* To develop different teaching lifestyle with respect to the above
students to develop as citizens and
methods to meet the needs of dif­ functions.
ferent types. Once the preferences have been
* To understand type difference in identified, they are arranged into Typical methods of
motivation for learning. In read­ one of SIXTEEN possible prefer­
ing. in aptitude, and in achieve­ ence typologies e.g. ESTJ, INFP.
ment, to use the understanding of ESFJ, ENTJ etc. I will be referring in T teachers follow daily routine
learning motivation to help stu­ this article to these letter identifica­ and place emphasis on dirc'ct-


ing the activities. SF teachers fol­ need to realize that T ’s need to en­ message in a way appropriate to
low ordered daily patterns but ad­ dure, to persist, to prevail in things your audience.
justed for person centred interac­ they are committed to. They want to It is true that in a class, say, of
tions. NF teachers use a flexible have the last word in arguments. twelve students, it is not easy to
pattern depending on topic and They may adopt this line if they en­ identify an approach which will
student need. NT's have a flexible counter resistance. (Teacher: "We cover every type, but the MBTI si's-
daily routir>e that depends on top­ seem to disagree. Tell me how you tem has a method of identifying the
ics and student needs, with interac­ see the problem . . . have you strongest preferences in a group so
tions based on expectations for or­ thought about it from this angle? ”) that you will at least know before­
der and learning. hand where to place the main
thrust. It also then identifies the in­
What does the Teacher/ dividual who is totally different in
Students’ work is evaluated Instructor need to bear in mind preference, thus giving you an op­
y the ST teacher using points when dealing with High F’s? portunity to adjust your teaching
B and percentages in a systenia-
tic way. SF teachers also use points
e e li n g types need approval
and personal support more
method to cater for them as well,
even if it is on a one to one basis.
and percentages, but add extra than they need to achieve, to pre­
credit options. NF teachers on the vail, or to “be right”. They want Relating type to instructional
other hand use a number of factors, warm, not cool impersonal ac­ strategies
only one of which is grades. NT’s knowledgement of their work.
also use a numt>er of factors. e t me close by identifying
We have only touched on three
facets in order to illustrate the
Feeling types need to be needed,
to know that they are helpful to
peers and adults. They are turned
L some of the main types found
In the Defence Force and let us
point. One could have also looked off by assignments that seem to identify their most effective way of
at factors such as Planning, have no particular value to anyone learning:
sources of information and the cri­ accept themselves in some imper­ ISTJ
teria of success which each teacher sonal and remote sense (as with Linear learner with strong nee<^
identifies to measure whether they memorization of many facts and for order. (SJ) **
have been successful or not. skills that are found in text books.) Likes direct experience (S)
Many of my readers can no doubt Likes audio-visuals (S): Lectures
rem em ber som ething of their What does the Teacher/ (I)
school days. Have you ever won­ instructor need to bear in mind Enjoys working alone (I)
dered why it was that some teach­ Likes well defined goals (S)
when working with High J’s?
ers were able to motivate you to Prefers practical tests (S)
learn and others were able to draw UDGING types need structure
out of you potential that you did not
ever realize was there? Some teach­
J and predictability, they need
milestones and a sense of closure.
Linear learning with strong need
ers were difficult to follow and They want to know what they are ac­ for structure (SJ)
understand, others just "seemed to countable for, when, how and by Needs to know why before doing
t » speaking your language". what standards. J’s will learn out of something (S)
The answer in terms of the MBTI a sense of duty, for a while at least. Likes direct experience (S)
lies in the fact that they had similar Likes audio-visuals and practical
preferences to yourself or their in­ What does the Teacher/ tests (S)
sight enabled them to understand Instructor need to bear in mind Likes group projects, class re­
which approach to take in order to ports, team competition (E)
when working with High P’s?
gain your interest and transfer their May like lecture (T)
knowledge. ERCEPTIVES need variety,
Let us then join those who are on
the receiving end of education and
Pnovelty and change. A typically
structured classroom can make the
Can t)e global or linear learner
training and see what makes them perceptive type feel imprisoned, (NJ)
tick. Here I am only going to use the with the result that they spend Likes seminars (EN)
letters of two of the continuums energy needed for study trying to Likes reading if he can settle
mentioned earlier. The T . . .F conti­ get freedom. Perceptive types need down long enough (EN)
nuum and the J . . .P continuum. autonomy and a real choice. They Likes group projects, class re­
work much better at tasks they have ports and team competition (E)
What does the Teacher/ chosen. Likes listening (N)
Instructor need to bear in mind Perceptive types need opportu­ Likes pencil and paper tests (N)
when working with High T nities to be spontaneous free­ Prefers open ended instruction
preferences? wheeling, to follow their curiosity. (N)
I think that the above examples Wants to consider theory, then
h in k in g types need order, if illustrate the importance of know­ applications (N)
T order is taken to mean that ing something about ones own
logic rules the situation. Teachers preferences when it comes to
I trust that these few thoughts will
stimulate the thinking of those in­
need to spell out the logical conse­ teaching and instruction, but also volved in the education and train­
quences and to allow the student to even more so to understand the ing fields and encourage them to
analyze confused situations by us­ preferences of those who form your look more seriously at the many
ing their logic to bring order out of communication destination. For possibilities that the MBTI informa­
the confusion. without this knowledge you cannot tion can offer them in their import­
Teachers who deal with high T ’s hope to effectively transfer your ant task.


C.A.T.S. have nine
case of a motorcycle approaching from
ahead or behind on a collision course.

Expose yourself

lives - do you? O NE of the biggest single methods to

reduce accidents is for the motor­
cyclist to make himself as conspicuous as
possible by;
1. Riding with his headlight switched on
during the daylight hours.
C .A.T.S. have nine lives - Courtesy, Awareness, Training and 2. Wearing high visibility clothing and
Sobriety w ill ensure th a t you, like our felin e friends, will helmet, with retro reflective material,
have many lives and many years of enjoyable riding. This ar­ in addition, at night.
tic le on sa fe riding p rac tic e w as ta k e n from ROBOT, the official Remember: 'Brighter Bikers Live
Longer'. Position yourself safely where
n e w s le tte r o f the N ational Road S a fety Council.
you are most likely to be seen. Figure out
where the driver’s blind spots are and
keep out of them.
77% of crashes are from the 11,12 and
Motorcycling, both as a mode of trans­ At this stage, with so many things in 1 o’clock positions. So, watch where you
portation and a challenging sport, on­ favour of the motorcyclist to enjoy safe, are going: that is where at least three
road and off-road, has enjoyed a tremen­ exhilirating riding, what goes wrong and quarters of the accidents are coming
dous increase in popularity in South what or who is to blame for the accidents from, in many cases with vehicles travel­
Africa in recent years. The great upsurge which do occur all too frequently? ling the same direction’.
in motorcycle ownership has, however, Taking other road users first, we dis­
brought with it the unfortunate - but not cover that, in common with overseas find­
unexpected - increase in crashes, inju­ ings, about 50% of all collisions between Get properly trained
ries and fatalities. While the increase is motorcycles and cars occur at intersec-
not necessarily proportional to the in­
creased usage, motorcycle crashes are
S O now we are left with the rider, this
nevertheless a matter of concern, espe­
poor unfortunate guy who has often
cially to parents whose children are fas­
learned to ride’ without the benefit of for­
cinated by the mobility, freedom and low-
mal training, mainly because hardly any
cost transportation available to them
has been available. If he has bothered to
when they turn sixteen. Mothers and
get a licence, he has been subjected to a
wives often look upon the bigger, more
test that cannot in all honesty be said to
powerful motorcycles as a threat to their
be a test of his ability to ride a motorcycle
family's survival. safely in traffic. He has not learned the
Why should this be? Why are motor­
basics of motorcycle control. The most
cycles and motorcyclists regarded so un­ important of which is probably braking
favourably by so many?
correctly under varying circumstances
and conditions; he has no idea of de­
Finely engineered fensive riding methods or collision avoid­
ance tactics. He wears a helmet because
he is compelled to, and sometimes a
T ODAY’S motorcycle is a finely engin­ leather jacket for the wrong reasons like
eered piece of machinery, almost fashion. Very often, short pants, T-shirt
totally reliable if properly maintained and and slip-slops suffice.
ridden. It has the most advanced, safety-

If proper rider training is available, do
researched controls, suspension, brakes, the course, if not, read books and learn all
lights and tyres fitted to it. Because of the you can from them, practising what they
very close proximity of vital controls to teach. Be careful of well-meant but often
hands and feet, the rider's reaction time faulty advice from people who have rid­
in an emergency is far quicker than a car- den for many years. Their pet techniques
driver's. are not necessarily correct. Most often an
The rider has a far greater unot)- tions; most often when a car turning right accident develops very quickly and in pre­
structed field of vision and is less likely to violates a motorcyclist's right of way. The crash action the rider often demonstrates
become sleepy because of the rush of greatest part of this accident cause fac­ poor choice of evasive action and then
fresh air and tiecause he has to stop more tor' is related to the failure of the car executes that choice poorly.
frequently for fuel on a long trip. We have driver to see the oncoming motorcycle. Avoid riding between two lanes of cars
many thousands of kilometres of the best The typical reaction of the car driver travelling In the same direction, otherwise
engineered roads in the world, in most was that he looked and the intersection sooner or later you’ll be the meat in the
cases adequately signposted with signs was clear, so he made his turn, felt a sandwich.
designed internationally to regulate, warn bump and saw someone go flying When changing direction, always give
and inform the rider in sufficient time of through the air. that life-saver look over the shoulder.
changes and hazards ahead. Motorcyclists who survived often main­ Avoid riding next to the kerb - sooner
We even find on comparing light ve­ tain that they made eye-contact’ with the or later you will be sandwiched between a
hicle registration and light vehicle acci­ driver who looked straight at them and car and the kerb and then you’ll be spread
dents with motorcycle registrations and then drove into them. It would appear that all over the pavement.
motorcycle accidents, that a light vehicle car drivers with no interest in motorcy­ Do not accept a car-driver’s signal that
is twice as likely to be involved in an acci­ cling whatsover, will only consider an­ he is about to turn right as correct until he
dent as a motorcycle, although the motor­ other vehicle the same size or larger than starts turning right. He has been known to
cyclist is twice as likely to come off sec­ theirs as a threat to their right of way. turn left instead.
ond best than the steelcage-protected They will simply not see the motorcycle Alcohol involvement in accidents is
motorist, a factor which could be better if because they are not looking for one and high, and, to quote research. In alcohol
more motorcyclists took advantage of don't expect to see one, especially when and drug-impaired riders, the fatality rate
protective clothing. motor conspicuity is absent, as in the was far higher!'
Aan die hand van gereelde klagtes deur lede van
die publiek sowel as Nasionale Dienspiigtiges oor
wagdienste by eenhede en instailasies van die SA
Weermag wil dit egter voorl<om dat daar ’n totale
wanbegrip aangaande die doe! en funl<sie daarvan
is. Hierdie misvatting lei dikwels tot ontevreden-
heid en klagtes, die grootste dee! waarvan geheel SA W E E R M A G K L A G T E K A N -
en al ongegrond is. TOOR. ADRES: SAW KLAGTE-
2 1 4 6 1 1 X 3 6 8 3 7 2 . D IR E K T E
LYH; 3235171

AGDIENSTE word dikwels

W as vervelig en 'n verspilling
van waardevolle tyd be-
stempel - selfs ’n verskoning van die
SA Weermag om lede besig te hou
Maar wat is die ware feite?
Ons lewe vandag onder volgehoue
druk van bedreigjnge en sabotasie.
Dit is bekend dat die A.N.C. onder
meer militêre instailasies op sy lys
het as potensiele teikens vir dade van
sabotasie. Dink net aan wat die
propagandawaarde daarvan vir so n
organisasie sal wees as n sabotasie-
poging op ’n militêre teiken sukses-
rol van
vol van stapel laat loop kan word.
Dit is reeds bewys dat die doeltref-
fend en volgehoue sekerheid wat on­
der meer deur wagte toegepas is, ’n
grootse rol gespeel het in die voor-
koming of ontmoediging van ons
vyande om meer dade van sabotasie

te pi(!t>(.|
Miljoene rande van hoogs gesofis-
tikeerde toerusting, wat noodsaaklik
is vir die veiligheid en paraatheid van
die RSA en deur die belastingbetaler
se geld aangekoop word, bevind
hulle in die meeste Weermaginstalla-
sies. Dit is noodsaaklik dat hierdie
toerusting nie slegs teen sabotasie
nie, maar ook teen spioenasie, met
die allergrootste sorg bewaak en be-
skerm moet word.

ik w e ls moet ons hoor dat wag­

D dienste vervelig is. Een manier
om daarna te kyk, is dat as daar ge-
of toerusting. dood of besering van Dit is belangrik om te weet dat alle
durende n besondere wagperiode makkers of die verlies van geklassifi- pogings by die verskillende eenhede
geen voorvalle voorgekom het nie, seerde dokumente lei. en instailasies van die SA Weermag
die wagte se diens as suksesvol be- Dit moet egter onthou word dat nie aangewend word om te verseker dat
skou moet word. enige persoon getaak word om wag­ elke lid wat vir wagdienste in aanmer-
Dit kan moontlik nie betwyfel word dienste te verrig nie. Elke soldaat king kom, sy regmatige deel van hier­
dat n wagdiens dikwels fisies verve­ word, voordat hy vir die eerste keer die taak ontvang.
lig kan wees nie, maar n skildwag as n skildwag aangewend word, ten Daar moet dus tot die slotsom ge-
moet voortdurend op sy hoede wees voile opgelei in alle aspekte van die raak word dat wagdienste noodsaak­
en sy sintuie wakker vir die gevare taak wat hy moet verrig. Hierdiê op- lik is vir die sekerheid van die SA
wat mag dreig. As hy nie waaksaam is leiding word op n gereelde grond- Weermag en met absolute ywer en
nie, is dit soveel as pligsversuim wat slag hersien sowel as elke keer wan- toegewydheid verrig moet word.
’n strafbare oortreding is. Sodanige neer 'n wag op diens moet gaan. Op • Opgestel deur: Kaptein (SA
nalatigheid kan tot die beskadiging hierdie wyse word verseker dat hy te VIoot) J.C. Nieuwoudt, Hoof: SA
of selfs vernietiging van n installasie alle tye met sy taak vertroud is. Weermagklagtekantoor.


• Deur w rn E. Janssen Foto’s: see A.B. Ingram

A GT top sportmanne van Kommandement WP - Met hul terugkoms in Kaapstad is die

steppers verwelkom deur brig A.K. de
Dienspligtiges en vrywilligers - het onlangs ’n Jager, Bevelvoerder Kmdmt WP. heel
regs, en mev Clara Muller, onderburge-
unieke projek aangepak en met sukses voltooi meesteres van Kaapstad. Die agt sport­
deur ’n staptog van 750 km af te lê. manne het altesaam 750 km te voet af-
Die agt sportmanne het binne n maand
al langs die kus af van Nature's Valley
naby Plettenbergbaai tot in Kaapstad ge-
stap en na verneem word, Is dit die eerste
keer dat dié mooi roete kuslangs te voet
afgelê is.
Die idee het ontstaan by knr Andrew
Muir wat die WP reeds verskeie kere in
loopkampioenskappe verteenwoordig
het. Hy het ander sportmanne genader en
dié se entoesiasme het horn oortuig om
magtiging te verkry en te begin met die
Die doe! van die staptog was om waar-
dering aan die inwoners van Kaapland te
betoon vir hul steun aan WP-sportmanne.
Terselfdertyd is praatjies aangebied waar-
tydens die agt vertel het wat Nasionale
Diensplig vir hulle beteken.
Die sportmanne wat deelgeneem het, is
die twee bekende Springbok-rugbyspe-
lers It Carel du Plessis en It Faffa Knoetze,
2 It Willem van der Westhuyzen, o kpl
John Sparks, sktr Fritz Beneka, knr Muir,

Sportmanne stap 750 km

en vertel van Diensplig
twee lede van die Kaapse Korpsskool kpl Ná ’n dag van laaste voorbereidings het Knysna. Wildernis, George en Buffels-
Gert Gertse en o kpl Mervin Matjan. die lang pad werklikheid geword. Op die baai, asook al die kleiner dorpies tussen-
Deeglike beplanning wat oor sowat eerste dag, 24 Oktober, word 15 km af- in.
nege maande gestrek het, het die staptog gelé. Die Keurboomsrivier-woonwapark is By elke dorpie is daar vertoef om die in­
voorafgegaan en brig A.K. de Jager, Be­ die eerste oornagpunt. Die volgende dag woners te ontmoet en op dié manier is die
velvoerder van Kommandement Wes- word die Mekka van die Tuinroete besoek beeld van die SA Weermag verbreed en
telike Provinsie, is om toestemming ge­ - Plettenbergbaai. verbeter. Talle skole en gemeenskapsen-
nader. Hy het die inisiatief en entoe­ Die eerste twee dae se afstande is kort trums in besoek, maar nooit het die stap­
siasme van die soldate hoog op prys ge- gehou sodat die stappers aan die veelei- pers formele toesprake gelewer nie - elke
stel en sy steun aan die projek toegesê. sende oefening kon gewoond raak. n keer is daar uit die hart gepraat en oral
Die beplanning en organisasie is feitlik Rusdag is op Plettenbergbaai gehou. was die ontvangs ewe hartlik.
man alleen deur knr Muir behartig, Aan- Hierna het die toer in alle erns begin. Skole van alle rassegroepe het ’n beurt
dag is gegee aan die noodsaaklike items Reuse-afstande is dag ná dag afgelê en gekry om na die sportmanne te luister en
soos voedsel, mediese voorraad en klere, enigiemand wat dink dat die staptog net die waarde hiervan is onteenseglik groot.
asook die kleinste denkbare besonder- son, strand en stadige stap was, kan maar Elke gemeenskap het ook moeite gedoen
hede. Tydsbeplanning was ook van uiter- gerus twee keer dink. om slaapplek aan hulle te gee en verver-
ste belang om te verseker dat die talle ri­ Lt Carel du Plessis het beslis al be- sings was nooit n skaarste nie.
viere en mere met laag gety oorgesteek noude oomblikke op die rugbyveld be-
kan word. Knr Muir erken dat dit soms baie ver-
leef, maar by Nature’s Valley het sy hart
moeiend was om ná ’n lang dag van stap
feitlik gaan stilstaan. Ongemerk het hy op
’n nagadder getrap en was dit nie vir 2 It nog deur die burgemeester van die dorp
W OENSDAG, 22 Oktober 1986: Die onthaal te word, maar, voeg hy by, dit was
Van der Westhuyzen nie wat hom inder-
agt sportmanne vertrek uit Kaap­ haas weggeruk het, kon die toer op n die doel van die projek en nooit het hulle
stad en op hul hakke volg ’n ondersteu- ’n uitnodiging van die hand gewys nie.
aaklige noot begin het.
ningspan met onder andere n fisiotera- 130 km verder het Suid-Afrika se "olie-
peut, n dokter en n kok. En soos Tafel- dorp ' in siggekomenhieropMosselbaai
berg al kleiner geword het, het elkeen ter- D ie volgende week het sonder noe- is vriendskappe met die plaaslike t>evol-
dee besef dat hulle weer dié roete sal volg menswaardige voorvalle verloop en king gesluit op ’n heel ander manier as
-d ie keer voetlangsennie per motor nie. daar is aangedoen by die pragtige dorpe praat. Twee ander Springbok-rugbyspe-


Kort voor hul vertrek uit Kaapstad het die
agt sportmanne vir 'n foto geposeer met
Tafelberg in die agtergrond. In die voor-
ste ry sit (vlnr) It Faffa Knoetze, knr An­
drew Muir en It Carel du Plessis. Agter
hulle staan o kpl John Sparks, o kpl Mer-
vin Matjan en It Mark Nattan (fisiotera-
peut). In die agterste ry sit 2 It Willem van
der Westhuyzen. kpl Gert Gertse en sktr
Fritz Beneka.

lers het vir die naweek kom kuier en Mos-

selbaai het die eer gehad om vier Spring-
bokke in 'n wedsttyd van touch rugby
teen sy eie mense in aksie te sien. Die
teenwoordigheid van Gert Smal en Mic­
hael du Plessis het 'n groot indruk op die
groeiende dorp agtergelaat.
Dit mag vreemd klink, maar die reen,
wind en hael wat telkens ondervind is, het
die spangees baie versterk. Die storm by
Dannabaai was n sprekende voorbeeld.
Mosselbaai is in versengende hitte ver-
laat, maar eensklaps het swaar wolke
saamgepak en 'n stormvifind begin waai.
En nérens was daar skuiling teen die sand
nie wat pynlik teen die bene gewaai het.
In sulke gevalle het die groter manne
voor gehardloop met Carel en Willem aan
die voorpunt. Die kleiner stappers het dan
agter hulle geskuil en so het die groepie
menige kilometer voltooi.
Maar op Dannabaai het die storm te erg
gewoed en die klomp het besluit om skui­
ling in die see te soek en verder te swem.
Net so vinnig as wat die storm opgekom
het. het dit bedaar. maar die skielike ver-
andering in temperatuur het ’n nadelige
invloed op hul gesondheid gehad.
Die oorsteek van riviere en mere het
ook n interessante probleem na vore ge-
bring. Daar is altyd geprobeer om die hin-
dernisse met laaggety te bereik. en selfs

• Vervolg op bl 62

PARATUS het 'n paar maal gaan kyk hoe

die sportmanne op hul staptog van sowat
750 km vorder. draf die groep tussen
Hermanus en Kleinmond.
Palace Barracks: A century of service
• Continued from p 51 ration at the time,” says Commodore
Magnum offers
there until he died in 1847, lived on such a Beddy.
grand scale that he earned the nickname
of King John', and his home became
In 1972, Palace Barracks was transfer­
red to the Warrant Officers of the service
free flights
known as The Palace’. to become the Naval Command Warrant,
The edifice was bought by the Imperial Chief and Petty Officers’ mess, and at
government in 1886 and became a mili­ present the building houses 16 senior rat­ FREE standby flights for National Servi­
tary mess. It has thus served the function ings of the South African Navy. These men cemen are to be available on all Mag­
of accommodating military personnel for are accommodated in a style of chande- num Airline routes over the festive sea­
100 years this year. In 1957, Palace Bar­ liered elegance. W02 A. Holdway, the son until 11 January.
racks t>ecame the Wardroom for South Warrant Officer in charge of this National Magnum Airlines has made standby
African Naval officers not afloat. During Monument which has been the scene of seats available on this basis since 1982
this period, many presently high-ranking many a function, from weddings to dart and receives a huge response each
South African Navy personnel who were matches, explains that the Barracks in­ year.
then young officers, lived in the building. cludes facilities such eis a bar, a TV "Letters of appreciation pour in from
Commodore E.T. Beddy, Inspector lounge, a snooker room and a VIP lounge. all over the country from Servicemen
General Navy, spent some two years at Palace Barracks, almost two centuries and their families and we are thrilled
Palace Barracks. “We all enjoyed it thor­ old and having served the military for that Magnum is able to repeat this gen­
oughly," he says, “because it had a very exactly one century this year, is physical erous offer once again,” says a spokes­
homely atmosphere together with an ex­ proof of the gracious respect for history, man for the Call and Ride Safe Organisa­
cellent spirit. It was a great place for high tradition and culture that abounds in the tion, which handles requests for the
jinks but still maintained a very high stan­ South African Navy. seats available.
dard of pride and character . . . not to Magnum Airlines operate daily sched­
mention the excellent cuisine.” uled flights from Jan Smuts Airport to
Rear-Admiral J.W. Sleigh, Chief of Na­ Welkom and Bloemfontein, Pietersburg,
val Staff, Rear-Admiral C.H. Bennett, Flag Nelspruit and Newcastle, Ladysmith,
Officer Commanding Naval Command Vryheid and Pietermaritzburg. There is
West, and Vice-Admiral G. Syndercomt», also a service from Nelspruit to Durban.
Chief of the South African Navy, all spent Interested parties should contact the
time at this Wardroom. "It was the only Call and Ride Safe Organisation tel:
shore mess for the officers of my gene­ (O il) 476-1842 or (O il) 827-3g52.

nemers is dan ook atlete en hardloop was “Ons het ons sporttalente gebruik om
SPORTMANNE eenvoudig makliker vir hulle. En die
manne met kort tree het dikwels gedraf
iets vir ander mense te doen, en dit is se-
kerlik die eerste keer dat Dienspligtiges
om by hul makkers te bly. iets van dié aard uit eie inisiatief wil doen.
• V ervo lg van bl 61 Dit het n paar keer gelyk asof die groep Dit is ongelooflik hoeveel mense ons met
opgebreek het omdat daar dikwels in ons boodskap t)ereik het - veral met
dán het die vraag van ‘hoe diep is dit? ” klein splintergroepies gestap is. Maar van mense soos Carel en Faffa in die groep.
ontstaan. Veral o kpi Matjan en kpl Gertse die t>egin af het almal besef dat op so n Dit was heerlik om die ander kant’ van die
het dié vraag dikwels gevra, want vir hulle lang staptog almal sy eie pas moet hand- SAW oor te dra.
was riviere maar skrikkerige affêres. haaf. Om vinniger of stadiger as jou nor- “Natuurlik het ons die staptog geniet,
U Van der Westhuyzen, n gekwalifi- maie, gemaklike pas te stap, maak die maar maklik was dit gewis nie. Die kus is
seerde lewensredder, het hier die oplos- taak soveel meer vermoeiend. nie so plat soos dit op n kaart voorkom
sing gehad. Hy het die twee stappers om Elke dag het nuwe t>elewenisse en nie, en dikwels moes ons moeilike terrein
hul tKJiywe vasgevat en hulle dan deur die plekke meegebring en met die aankoms t)etree. Alles was egter die moeite werd en
water getrek. Partykeer het hulle ook op in Hermanus op 18 Novemt>er wis die ek meen ons het ’n baie positiewe en kon-
sy branderplank gesit om n rustige vaart sportmanne; l^og een week en ons is in struktiewe bydrae tot die SAW gelewer.
oor die rivier te geniet. die Kaap! "Ons is net spyt dat n groot deel van
Slegs drie keer is daar van rubberboot- Op die voorlaaste dag is die roete van die media ons afgeskeep het. Van die t>e-
jies gebruik gemaak. Twee keer omdat die Gordonsbaai na Zeekoeivlei aangepak - loofde televisie- en koerantdekking het
uitgeiande stroom te sterk was, en 'n n hele veertig kilometer-enal wat hierna feltlik niks gekom nie, en indien ons dit
derde keer by die mond van die Breerivier oor sou bly, was die home straight’ van wel gehad het, sou die toer nog soveel
omdat haaie elke nou en dan hul versky- 24 km na Kaapstad. Huis toe! meer geslaagd gewees het,” het knr Muir
ning hier maak. gesê.
Hy het ook brig De Jager bedank vir sy
O M 3 nm op Dinsdag, 25 November, ondersteuning, asook It Ina Fourie (SAV)
E N SÓ het Kaapstad nader gekom. Die het agt moeë, maar baie tevrede vir haar hulp en leiding.
bene het soms lam gevoel en die ver- sportmanne die Parade oorgesteek en die "Dié twee mense het ontsettend baie
stand moes ook daagliks t)esig gehou laaste tree gegee tot voor die Burgersen- vir ons gedoen. 'n Laaste woord van dank
word terwyl daar tot 43 km in nege uur trum waar hulle deur brig De Jager en die moet gaan aan Hi-Tec wat aan elke stap-
gestap is. Maar van tou opgooi was daar onderburgemeesteres van Kaapstad, mev per n skitterende paar stewels gegee
geen sprake nie. Probleme het met tus- Clara Muller, ingewag is. Die trompoppies het,” het hy afgesluit.
senposes opgeduik, maar hoe meer kilo­ van Bonville het ’n erewag gevorm en op-
meters in die slag gebly het, hoe sterker gewekte musiek is deur die SAKK Orkes
het die wii geword om by die huis uit te verskaf. Brig De Jager het die stappers
kom. Moegheid en seer spiere het telkens gelukgewens en bedank vir hul grootse
die pas vertraag en groot hoeveelhede poging.
Voltarin en multi-vitamines moes toege- In ’n onderhoud met PARATUS agterna
dien word. het knr Muir gesé dat die hele projek ’n
Om 750 km te stap, klink uitputtend ge- reuse-sukses was.
noeg, om nie eens te praat van hardloop “Dit was 'n staptog vir die Dienspligtige
nie. Maar die pas het gereeld tot n ste- en hopelik n fondament vir aruler mense
wige draffie versnel, en wel om goeie om n nuwe projek in dieselfde gees aan
redes. Soms was dit so koud dat hardloop te p a k -o m toekomstige Dienspligtigeste
die enigste manier was waarop die spiere help en die beeld en funksie van die SAW
warm gehou kon word. Vier van die deel- uit te bou,” het hy bygevoeg.


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P N S 0 5 7 W 1 /2
Die Springbokvleuel Caret du Plessis is die SAW Sportman van die Jaar vir
1986. Du Plessis, w at verlede jaar sy diensplig voltool het, het die trofee van
die gewese Adjuni^-minlster van Verdediging en van Wet en Orde, mnr
Adriaan VIolc, ontvang tydens ’n geselfigheid te Voortreklcerhoogte.
Deur wrn W.G.F. Geerlings
Foto: wrn R.M. Moore

T y d e n s dieselfde geleentheid is giese stryd teen ons vyande gebruik kan wyd beskou hom allerweë as die beste
Cheronne Botes aangewys as die word deur die vyand se ideologie te ver- linkervleuel in die wêreld.
Sportvrou van die Jaar. In die afdeling vir ander of te neutraliseer.
veterane het Bob Barber met die trofee Carel du Plessis se naam kom nou by Cheronne Botes het haar prestasie van
vi/eggestap, Arie Dekker is aangewys as die reeds indrukwekkende lys van vorige 1980 herhaal en die Sportvrou van die
Sportadministrateur van die jaar. wenners van die trofee. Manne soos Ffik Jaar-toekenning vir die tweede keer ge-
Mnr Vfok, wat die gasspreker tydens du Preez (rugby), Andries Steyn (boks), wen. Nie net is sy n springbok-waterskier
die geleentheid was, het gesê dat daar Theuns Stofberg (rugby) en Bertie Reed nie, maar het sy verlede jaar ook die SAW-
vergeet meet word van die gedagte dat (seil) was a! almal die SAW se Sportman enkelspeltitel vir vroue in pluimbal ver-
sport en politiek niks met mekaar te make van die Jaar. ower. Aan veelsydigheid ontbreek dit haar
het nie en het bygevoeg: “Dit is tog duide- Soos sy voorgangers het Du Plessis nie, want sy was ook lid van Kommande-
lik dat die betogings en boikotte teen Suid-Afrika en die SAW se naam net tot ment OVS se aftosspan wat n eerste plek
Suid-Afrikaanse sportmanne, plaaslik en eer gestrek op die sportveld. Hy het in al op die SAW-kampioenskappe behaal het.
in die buiteland, nie gerig is teen die vier toetse teen die Nieu-Seelandse Kava-
Om die prestasies van Arie Dekker op
Springbokke nie, maar teen die heer- liers gespeel, vir die Wêreldspan uitge-
te noem, is geen maklike taak nie. As
sende politieke bestel in die RSA.” Hy het draf en WP tot nog 'n Curriebeker-oorwin-
hoofafrigter van die SAW Stoei-unie het
ook gesê dat sport as wapen in die ideolo- ning aangevoer. Rugbyskrywers wêreld-
hy talle mylpale bereik. Hy het die SAW
senior stoeispan die negende agtereen-
volgende jaar tot ’n oorwinning in die na-
sionale kampioenskappe gelei. Die ju­
niors het hy reeds drie keer agtereenvol-
gens tot wenspan afgerig - n prestasie
wat nie maklik geëwenaar sal word nie.
Behalwe hierdie prestasies dien hy nog in
n aantal t)esture en komitees, Sy bydrae
tot sport in die SAW kan moeilik na
waarde geskat word.
Bob Barber het as veteraan vanjaar die
koppe laat draai met sy prestasies. Hy is
op die oomblik die SA rekordhouer vir ve­
terane in hamergooi. Op die SA Meesters-
atletiekkampioenskappe wen hy goud in
hamergooi en brons in werpskyf en
gewigstoot. Hy is ’n veelsydige sportman
van wie nog baie gehoor gaan word.
John Martin, die seiljagvaarder, was die
ander finalis in die Sportman van die
Jaar-afdeling. Maryke Kostelijk wat in
1985 die SAW se Sportvrou van die Jaar
was, se prestasies in lewensredding het
haar ook n plek onder die finaliste be-
sorg. Wat die Sportadministrateur van die
jaar-toekenning betref, was kol Johan
Lourens, voorsitter van Kaapstad se
Die SAW se beste sportpresteerders is onlangs aangewys. Hier is van links na regs A01 Weermagrugbyklub, die ander finalis. Die
Arie Dekker (Sportadministrateur van die Jaar), sers Cheronne Botes (Sportvrou van die landloopatleet Jasper Ward was ’n finalis
Jaar), geni Jannie Geldenhuys (Hoof van die SAW), It Carel du Plessis (Sportman van die in die veterane-afdeling. Daar was in elke
Jaar) en A 02 Bob Barber (Veteraan Sportman van die Jaar). afdeling twee finaliste.


BY SAKK Deur wrn E. Janssen
Foto: See A.B. ingram

YDENS ’n onlangse spoggeleent- Jaar het gegaan aan o kpl M. Jacobs vir sy
T heid by die Kaapse Korpsskool is
A01 Gert Links as die eenheid se Sport-
man van die Jaar aangewys.
prestasies in gholf. Die sokkerklub is as
, Sportklub van die Jaar aangewys nadat
die eerste span derde in sy liga geeindig
Hterdie eer het hom te beurt gevai het.
deurdat hy die Westelike Provinsie vir die A01 Qert Links (regs) staan hier trots met
Om ’n ekstra tikkie glans aan die aand
derde agtereenvolgende jaar in diens- sy beker nadat hy as die SAKK sportman
te verleen, is ’n skoonheidskompetisie ge-
skiet verteenwoordlg het. Hy het op die van die Jaar aangewys is. Hier wens kol
hou en hier het Prisciila Duarte (Mej Viug-
Nasionale Kampioenskappe twee merie- G. Jacobs, Bevelvoerder van die eenheid.
bal) met die louere weggestap. Estelle
temedaijes gewen en het ook vanjaar SA hom geluk.
Louw (Mej Hengel) en René Vermaak (Mej
Weerfnagkteure gekry, om maar ’n paar Tennis) was haar twee prinsesse.
van sy prestasies te noem, Verskeie merietesertifikate en skildjies dans en onder die eregaste was brig
Op dieseifde aand is A01 J. Andrews is aan lede en oud-iede van die eenheid A.K. de Jager, Bevelvoerder Kommande-
íghoif) bekroon as Sportveteraan van die oorhandig vir hul bydrae, hetsy op die ment WP, Marie-Louise le Roux, naas-
Jaar en A02 Jan Esterhuys (sokker) en sportveld of in die kantoor, om sport in wenner in die 1986 Mej Suid-Afrika-kom-
Administrateur van die Jaar. die Kaapse Korpsskool te bevorder. petisie, en kmdt J. Cupido wat ook die
Die titel van Junior Sportman van die Die funksie is aangebied as ’n dinee en gasspreker was.

necessary by winning the mono-hull class

YACHTING By R e E. Janssen
Photo: Sea A.B. Ingram
in the Carlsberg Two-Handed Race from
Plymouth to Newport in June 1986.
What makes their feat even more re­
markable is the fact that they were forced
to sail 1 800 miles of the 3 000 mile course
On what was a fine evening for yachting and the SA Navy, Lt Cdr John Martin with emergency gear, following the failure
of the original gear.
and S Lt Rob Sharp received their Springbok colours - the highest sporting
The blazers were presented by the
award in South Africa. Chief of the Navy, Vice-Admiral G. Syn­
For both officers it was a very memorable occasion as it was the first time dercombe, at a function held at the Lady
that Lt Sharp got to wear the coveted Green and Gold blazer and no less Anne Barnard Hall in the Castle.
than the fifth time for Lt Cdr Martin. “These two officers have not only done
an outstanding job, but they have yet
again shown what the world may expect
e c a u s e South Africa does not sel­

ect a Springbok team for yachting,
the rules stipulate that a South African
from South African sportsmen if we were
given a chance to show our mettle in in­
ternational competitions,” V Adm Synder­
competitor must finish within the first 25
combe said.
per cent in an international event to qual­
“The SADF is proud of you and I know
ify for colours. However, Lt Cdr Martin
<your fellow-officers in the SA Navy are
and Lt Sharp made mathematics un-
proud o f you. You have earned this hon­
our. There is no more that a man can do
Cheers! After receiving their Springbok than come first,” he added.
Colours from the Chief o f the SA Navy, Lt Cdr Martin, who is presently compet­
V Adrti G. Syndercombe, the two recipi­ ing in the BOC Alone Around the World
ents, Lt Cdr John Martin (left) and S Lt Race, said after the presentation that al-
Rob Sharp drink a toast to their achieve­
ments. • Continued on p 66


Deur wrn W. Marais Foto: wrn D.A. Holland
Kp/ Pieter Malan (middel) vir oulaas besig
om te wys waarom hy as wenner van die
middelgewig-afdeling aangewys is tydens
die SAtV Liggaamsbou-kampioenskappe
in Voortrekkerhoogte. Danie Janse van
Vuuren {links) moes tevrede wees met ’n
tweede plek en Eugene Swart derde.

grootste dryfveer agter die fenomenale

groei van die sportsoort, kol Des Snyders,
Oor die skare se algemene gunsteling,
Frier, kari nie veel meer gesê word as dat
hy die beker meer as waardig is nie hoe-
wel hy elke greintjie moes inspan om die
naaswenner, Keith van Niekerk uit te stof.
Sewe finaliste het in die finale ronde
meegeding om die Des Snyders-trofee en
Frier was net doodeenvoudig groter,
beter en meer gedefinieer as enige van sy
teenstanders. Selfs nie Samuels met sy
grasieuse poseringstegnieke, Vardi se
pragtige simmetriese vorm, Pieter Malan
se definisie of Paul Nel se oordonderende
groote kon hom nie van die trofee ont-
neem nie.
Net voor die finale ronde het kol Sny­

ders die span aangekondig wat die SAW
op die SA Kampioenskappe gaan verteen-
woordig. Die span het t>estaan uit Victor
van Gemmert, Hilton Preen, Hannekie
Visser, Paul Nel, Graig Vardi, André Gous,
Pieter Malan, Neels Frier, Keith van Nie­
kerk, Chris Duvenhage en Danie Janse
van Vuuren.
Spierman Neels Frier, een van die Weermag se belowendste liggaams- Die uitslae vir die kampioenskappe is:
bouers, het die Des Snyders-trofee vir die beste liggaamsbouer in die SAW
onder die neuse van sy somtyds net so imponerende teenstanders wegge-
raap op die jaarlikse SAW Liggaamsbou-kampioenskappe. Mans (seniors)
Liggewig: 1. Graig Vardi; 2. André Gous;
3. Glen Barker. Middelgewig: 1. Pieter
P die aand van die groot glimmende Liggaamsboukomitee en veral koi Des Malan; 2. Danie Jansen van Vuuren; 3. Eu­
O (ywe en rotlende spiere, wat n kroon Snyders oor te dra.
plaas op ’n harde jaar van bloedsweet, In sy openingstoespraak het hy ook
gene Swart. Ligswaargewig: 1. Neels
Frier; 2. Keith van Niekerk; 3. Nico Lou-
w/as daar volgens die toeskouers net een gesé dat meeste sportsoorte in die Weer­ rens. Swaargewig: 1. Chris Duvenhage;
deelnemerenditwasdiereusagtige Frier. mag 'n geleidelike groei toon, maar dat 2. Jean Pierre de Waal; 3. Gerrie Kotse.
Meeste van die deelnemers wat n ogie liggaamsbou blitsvinnig ontwikkel het. Hy Algehele wenner: Neels Frier.
op die gesogte titel van Mnr SA Weermag het ook gesê dat dit ’n sportsoort is wat Vroue: 1. Hannekie Visser; 2. Mareina de
gehad het, w^as gekerf deur streng diëte baie aangemoedig behoort te word, want Bruyn.
en ongenadige stravsfwe oefenprogramme ’n mooi liggaam pas goed by n soldaat.
tot 'n fyn definisie van krulle en kronkel- Oor die algemene organrsering van die
lende spiere. kampioenskap het Graig Vardi en Ray­ Mans (juniors)
Sedert liggaamsbou omtrent n jaar ge- mond Samuels van Leërkollege gesê dat Liggewig: 1. Victor van Gemmert; 2. Paul
lede ernstig 'n aanvang geneem het in die dit een van die bes georganiseerde kam- van Gemmert; 3. Lucas Geldenhuys. Mid­
Weermag, het die sport van krag tot krag pioenskappe is waaraan hulle nog deel- delgewig: 1. Hilton Preen; 2. Leon
gegaan - in so n mate dat die beskerm- geneem het en dit sluit die gehalte van die Zietsman; 3. Neels Botha. Swaargewig:
heer van die sport geni maj D.R. Marais, toekennlngs in. Dit is dus pasfik dat die 1. Raymond Samuels; 2. Lourens Waal;
die verrigtinge in die middel onderbreek beker vir die algehele wenner wat deur 3. Lionel du Toit.
het om sy gelukwensinge aan die SAW Neels Frier verower is, die naam van die Mans Bo 40:1 Paul Nel; 2 Cassie Fourie.

• Continued from p 65 test of the BOC Alone Around the World from South African sportsmen if we were
Race. given a chance to show our mettle in in­
Despite the great disadvantage of the ternational competitions.
though he had received many awards failure of their steering gear, which forced Gentlemen, I am proud of you. The
overseas, it was very special to receive them to sail 1 800 rniies of the 2 000 mile SADF is proud of you and I know your fel-
this honour at home. “This will make it so course at maximum speed with emer­ low-officers in the SA Navy are proud of
much harder for others to beat me in the gency steering, they came in first in the you. It is a vast responsibility to have
BOC Race,” he concluded. mono-hull class. people looking up to you.
The project on hand this year was the These two officers have not only done You have earned this honour. There is
Carlsberg Two Handed Race from Ply­ an outstanding job, but they have yet no more that man can do than come first.
mouth to Newport and then the supreme again shown what the world may expect


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DIE ja a r 19 8 6 sal s ek erlik nog lan k ontliou w ord vir die groot presta* AT die administratiewe sy van sport
sies w a t d ie W eerm ag op die sportveld o p g elew er het. Die SAW se
resep v ir sukses op d ie sportvelde h e t in 19 8 6 w e e r ’n ryk oes van 48
W betref, het die Weermag ook nie
stilgesit nie. Op Weermag-, provinsiale-
Springbokke, 3 0 Junior Springbokke en 3 9 Suid-Afrikaanse kam- en nasionale vlak het die SAW bydraes
pioene in 2 9 verskillende sportsoorte g elew er. gelewer wat in die toekoms net tot voor-
deel van sport In Suid-Afrika sal strek.
Ook op internasionale sportvelde het
die manne in uniform nie net in sport
hulle laat geld nie, maar was hulle ook
waardige ambassadeurs vir die Repu-
Die uitstaande kenmerk van 1986 was
egter die Weermag se skitterende presta-
sies op die rugbyveid. Heel voor staan die
pragtige oorwinnings in Kaapstad en Pre­
In die suide het Kaapstad-Weermag die
eerste keer in die geskiedenis van die
klub se bestaan die Groot Uitdaagbeker
gewen. Die span het horn verder onder-
skei en die Stadsbeker met dte Universi-
teit van Kaapstad gedeel.
Die span van Tollie Oosthuizen, Pre-
toria-Weermag, het ook nie op hom laat
wag nie en die gesogte Carltontteker as
die Noorde se kampioenspan gewen.
Dit was egter nie net in Kaapstad en
Pretoria waar die manne In uniform blink
vertonings gelewer het nie. In totaal het
spanne van die Weermag 20 bekers en
trofee in die verskillende provinsies se
ligas gewen.
Drie spelers - Carel du Plessis, sy broer
Michael en Uli Schmidt het vanjaar die
Springboktrui oor die kop getrek in die
toetsreeks teen die Nieu-Seelandse Kava-
liers. Daar kan met reg gesê word dat die
drie staatmakers in die seëvierende
Springbokspan was. Adolf Malan het vir
die Junior Springbokke teen die besoe-
kers uitgedraf.
Carel du Plessis wat vir die Wêreldspan
in Engeland gespeel het, en ook die WP
tot ’n oorwinning in die Curriebeker aan-
gevoer het, het ook die SAW se Sportman
van die Jaar-toekenning verwerf.
Die krag van Weermag-rugby kom dui-
delik na vore as daar na die aantal provin-
siafe spelers gekyk word wat die SAW aan
die verskillende bonde voorsien het. In to­
taal het 63 spelers vir die verskillende pro-
vinsiale spanne diens gedoen, terwyl 24
vir B-spanne gespeel en 49 vir 0/20-
spanne gespeel het.
Wen tot elke prys was egter nooit die
oorheersende kenmerk van Weermag se
rugby die afgelope jaar nie. In verskeie
ligas het die manne in uniform toeken-

Springbokvleuel Carel du Plessis word al-

lerweë beskou as die beste linkervleuel in
die wêreld.


Deur o Kpl W.G.F. Geerlings

nings ontvang virdie span wat die meeste

drieë gedruk en ook die aanskoufikste
rugby gespeel het.

IERDIE gesindheíd teenoor sport het

H die SAW ook baie vriende in die
boiíefand íjesorg. Ten spyte van die vol-
gehoue pogings om SA van w êreldsport
íe isoleer, het die Weermag nogtans
daarin geslaag om vanjaar op internasio-
nale ¥iak deal te neem.
Die SAW se fietsryspan het ’n draai in
Beigiê en Frankryk gemaak en vriend en
vyand verras met goeie vertonings. In die
to er van Luik het die kaptein van die span,
W im pie van der Merwe, ‘n tweede piek tse-
haal na die Beig, P ierrot Cuypers. Spring-
bok Anthony Martini het die Bobaas van
Ernst de Waal het John van Reenen se 20 jaar oue rekord in gewigstoot met 1,45m ver-
pletter en ’n nuwe SAW rekord van 18,46 m opgestel. Daarmee het hy die derde Suid-
Vervolg op W 70 Afrikaanse gewigstoter geword wat vir Spnngbokkleure kwalifiseer.

m k

U kdr John Martin aan board van die enkelrompseiljag waartme hy die wedvaart tussen Plymouth (Engeland) en Newport (VSA) gewon


S sers Wietze wat híer so swaeg, is 'n
Springbok in kragoptei.

Vervolg van bl 69

díe Berge-afdeling gewen. Die indruk-

á wekkendste prestasie was egter die span

se vertoning in die spankompetisie van
die toer. Hier het die SAW, met ses jaers
teenoor die normale agt, met die louere
weggestap met Nedetland en België in die
tweede en derde plekke.
Die suksesverhaal van die span het in

Gent voortgegaan waar Wimpie van der
Merwe te midde van strawwe kompetisie
n tweede plek tn die wêreldkam -
pioenskap vir vrye amateurs behaal het.
Anthony Martini het vyfde geeindig met
die Junior Springbok Lourens Smith in
die negende plek,
Wimpie van der Merwe het sy segetog
in die Republiek voortgesit deur die SA
Amateur Padbyeenkoms in Oos-Londen
vir die derde keer te wen. Hy het ook die
Springbok Johan Bosman het die 1986 S/4W Pluimbal-mansenkelspeltitel maklik ver- SAW-toer agter sy naam geskryf en op die
ower toe hy lan Botha in die finale ronde oorskadu het. Rapporttoer die professionele ryers ver-
baas deur die geeltrui te dra ná die half-
padm erk in Durban. Die SAW se
Padveiligheidspan het met sy sewende
plek ook baie goed gevaar as in aanmer-
king geneem word dat Wimpie van der
Merwe die enigste lid van die span was
wat voorheen aan die Rapporttoer deel-
geneem het.
• n SAW-judospan het ook in Europa
nuwe vriende vir Suid-Afrika gemaak. Die
span wat aan verskeie kompetisies deel-
geneem het en ook afrigtingskursusse by-
gewoon het, het waardevolle ondervin-
ding opgedoen. Om sy krag verder te il-
lustreer, buit die SAW-span ook die SA
Nasionale Kampioenskappe in Vander-
• Die SAW se tennisspan het in die
land van tennis, die VSA, gaan toer en
glad nie sleg gevaar nie. In die Metropoli-

Vervolg op bl 72

Kol Johan Lourens, voorsitter van d'c

Kaapstad-Weermagspan. het 'n groot rot
gespeel in die rugbyspan se oorwinning
in die Groot Uitdaagbeker.


Hy’t skatiyk gesterf
geldnood agtergelaat.
Ons leef in 'n tyd vaB hc« belasting en. verspreide
krediet en die skielike dood ¥an die broodwirmer in 'n gesin,
kan byna net so "n groot finansiële skok as 'n emosionele
skok wees v ir d ^w a t agterbly.
'ant d it neem gemiddeld nege
inde om 'n bestorwe boedel,
haiidel - en hoe groter die
í i \ -ede! hoe langer neem d it
ij u^'woonlik om d it te finaliseer.
I In hierdie íyd^ waarvoor
\ :.-íwels geen voorsiening W
I >.«“maak is nie, moet die
\ erfgename nie alleen fondse
I bymekaarskraap v ir die
\ regrafniskoste nie, maar
I ook om die leefwyse
S waaraan huËe
gewoond is ¥ir 'n
onbepaalde tyd te
Dis waarom
afgesien van enige ander
versekering wat u dalk net, die
spesíale voordele ¥an Avbob Lewens-
versekering se Gesiespolis emstig belioort
te oorweeg.
■ Van die vemaamste voordele is dat ea
alle begrafnisreëlirigs en -uitgawes omgesien
word en dat die balans van me versekerde
bedrag onm iddellik ten voile in kontant
laitbetaal word.
En omdat Avbob se Gesinspolis elke lid
van die gesin dek, word Merdie uitbetaling met
die afsterwe van enigeen van die eggenote of kind^*rs
pemaak. In die geval van die broodwinner se afstc ,
IS die polis opbetaal en word geen verdere premies. i ■■
nie, hoewei alle voordele bly voortbestaan.
Skakel u naaste Avbobkantoor v ir meer besonderhede oor
ons lae-koste GesinsTOlis.
' So kan u versácer dat u afhanklikes goed versorg word in
onvoorsiene ty e ... wamieer hulle d it die nodigste het.
Avbob Lewensversekering
Vervolg van bl 70

tan Classic wat in Atlanta-Georgia gehou

is, het Brent Pirow die laaste sestien in die
mansenkeispel gehaal. Sy spanmaats Piet
Aldrich en Warren Green het in n mees-
terstoernooi in Pennsilvanie teen sterk
spelers die halfeindstryd van die
dubbelspel gehaal.
Die ervaring wat die span in die VSA
opgedoen het, het met die SA Interprovin-
siale Kampioenskappe in Pietersburg
sterk na vore gekom. Onder die kap-
teinskap van Piet Aldrich het die span die
sterk Noord-Transvaalse span in die fi-
naal laat sweet vir ’n sege.
Geskiedenis is ook gemaak toe die SA
Weermagkampioenskappe sy deure oop-
gemaak het. In die verlede was dit 'n ge-
slote toernooi wat net beperk was tot vol-
tydse so Idate en dienspligtiges. Brent Pi­
row wen die titel deur Piet Aldrich in die
eindstryd te klop.
Aldrich was die Weermag se sukses-
volste speler deur verskeie provinsiale ti-
teis in te palm. Richard Hillair en Les Keay was die enigste twee Weermagdeelnemers aan die Duzi-ka-
nomarathon wat goue medaljes kon verower.
N die bokskryt belewe die SAW ’n be-
I sonder goeie jaar. Vyf boksers - Partie
Grobler, Grant Messias, Danny Myburgh, skappe deel te neem. Hy wen ook daar vyf Stoel was geen uitsondering nie.
Walter Myburgh en André Nienaber wen goue medaljes, Soos in die verlede het die SAW die
SA titels en word ingesluit in 'n botoon gevoer op die stoeimat. Die sol-
Springbokspan wat in Suid-Amerika date lewer ses Springbokke op en wen die
toer. OOS vir rugby was 1986 ook vir
Die Suid-Afrikaaners presteer be-
sonder goed met Partie Grobler die
S Watersport ’n baanbrekersjaar. Heel
senior afdeling op die SA Kampioen­
skappe vir die negende agtereenvolgende
voor in die indrukwekkende koor staanjaar. In die proses stap die manne met ses
enigste lid van die span wat nie 'n ge- John Martin, die bebaarde seiljagvaarder goue medaljes weg.
skikte teenstander op die toer kon kry nie. van die Suid-Afrikaanse VIoot. Die juniors het ook nie afgesteek by die
Dit bring sy Springbokbaadjie in gedrang. Saam met Robin Sharp eindig hulle seniors nie en wen die titel vir die derde
Die SAW het geskiedenis gemaak deur eerste in die enkelrompseiljagvaart tus- agtereenvolgende jaar. Wat die prestasie
vir die eerste keer as 'n volwaardige pro­ sen Plymouth in Brittanje en Newport in merkwaardig maak, is die feit dat die
vinsiale span aan die SAABA-kampioen- Amerika. Hulle behaal die sesde algehele Weermag slegs in 13 van die 21 afdelings
posisie. meegeding het. Die span wen sewe goue-
In die BOC Wedvaart om die wêreld ein­ en drie stiwermedaljes. Om hulle krag ver-
dig Martin eerste op die eerste skof, en der te toon, wen die SAW ook die SA Ge-
verbeter die wêreldrekord met vyf dae. Vir kombineerde Magte se toernooi in Kaap-
dié puik prestasies kry hy die vyfde keer stad.
sy Springbokkleure en word Sharp ook In karate het die SAW twee Spring­
met ’n Springbokbaadjie beloon. bokke gelewer en tweede geeindig in die
Verskeie ander prestasies word ook be­ Curriebeker-toernooi waaraan 16 provin-
haal. Weermag Voortrekkerhoogte Seil- sies deelgeneem het. Colin Smith het so
klub is een van drie spanne wat aan die beïndruk dat hy na die VSA uitgenooi is
Crystic Ocean Challenge en die Lipton om daar te gaan deelneem - ’n duidelike
Challenge Cup deelneem. In eersge- bewys dat Suid-Afrika nog sportvriende in
noemde behaal die span 'n sesde plek uit die buiteland het.
24 deelnemers en in die tweede ’n skitte- • Op die hokkieveld het die SAW sy
rende agtste plek uit 23 deelnemers. merk gelaat. Die manne in uniform eindig
Skitterprestasies word ook gesien van derde in Opel se Kampioen van Kam-
twee Springbokke in Florida, Amerika, pioene-toernooi. Een van die gunstelinge,
Wim Lagaay en Hilton Smith neem aan Jeppe, moes die knie voor Weermag buig
die Wayler-Wêreldkampioenskappe deel met n telling van 4-2, Die SAW het ook
en eindig in die eerste en tweede plekke, die SA Plattelandse Distriktetoernooi ge-
Ivan van Vuuren, L. Harburn en M. buit deur Suid-Transvaal met 2-1 te wen.
Packheim word gekies om Suid-Afrika in
Hawaii in branderski te verteenwoordig.
’n Terugslag het Garth Calder getref toe ie SAW het ook nie ’n tekort aan
hy vir die Springbokspan gekies is om in
Frankryk aan kompetisies deel te neem
D krieketspelers nie. Roy Pienaar het
vir die Springbokke teen Kim Hughes se
en die toer weens politieke druk afgelas Australiese span gespeel en groot dinge
is. kan nog van hom verwag word, n SAW-
tn Branderroei stel B. van Zy! en A.P. span het ook vir Griekwas in 'n drie-
Aubun n wêreldrekord op deur 3 618 km daagse wedstryd kafgedraf deur met 10
van Alexanderbaai na Khosibaai in 67 dae paaltjies te wen.
af te roei. Dit verbeter die vorige rekord ■ • 1986 was besonder geslaagd vir
met meer as 100 km en 53 dae. muurbal in die SAW. Provinsiale status is
verkry en die SAW-span het onmiddellik
Roy Pienaar het vir die Springbokke teen bewys dat hy dit waardig is. In die A-afde-
Kim Hughes se Australiese krieketspan
gespeel. D IE Weermag het sy stempel afgedruk
op bykans elke denkbare sportsoort.
ling om die Jarvisbeker, die interprovin-
siale toernooi, het die SAW verras deur


Lt kdr John Martin het sy Spríngbok-
kleure vir die vyfde keer verwerf.

die finaal te haal waar hy deur Tvl met 4-1

geklop het. Ná afloop van die SAW-kam-
pioenskappe is ’n SAW-span gekies wat
die WP met 4-1 geklop het. Die vrouespan
het ook hul staal getoon deur ’n WP-uit-
nodigingspan te wen.
• Vier Junior Springbok-ghoifspelers
is deur die SAW opgeiewer. Wayne Brad­
ley het so goed gevaar dat hy besluit het
om professionele gholf te speel ná afloop
van sy diensplig.
• Die SAW pluimbalspan spog ook
met die beste speler in die land, Spring­
bok Johan Bosman. Hy het vanjaar die SA
titel in die enkelspel vir mans geviien deur
Allan Phillips in die finaal van die SA
Kampioenskape in Port Elizabeth te klop.

ie SAW se sukses in sport kan toege-

D skryf viiord aan ’n aantal faktore
waarvan een ongetviiyfeld spangees en ’n
samehorigheids gevoel is. Dit is duidelik
geillustreer in die Comrades-Marathon en
Nie net het Danny Biggs 'n goue me-
dalje met sy agtste plek verower nie, maar
het 372 Weermag-atlete die marathon vol-
tooi - ’n goeie verbetering oor 1985 toe
261 die wenstreep gehaal het. Die eerste
Weermagvrou verby die wenpaal was
Mariana Everts.
Met die strawwe Bergrivier marathon in Lt Maryna de Bruin, Springbok-kragopteller, tydens ’n strawwe oefensessie in die gimna-
die Kaap het die SAW soos gewoonlik ’n sium. Lt De Bruin is ook die houer van verskeie SA rekords.
groot aantal inskrywings gehad. Vier en
veertig roeiers het die uitputtende mara­
thon aangepak waarvan 37 dit voltooi het.
Chris Greeff het met sy agtiende plek die
beste van die Weermag-manne gevaar.


Deur: Wrn W. Marais. Foto: Wrn W. Uebmann

SA SPELE openingseremonie in die Eilisparkse

Stadlon In Johannesburg het bykans
een derde van die 12 000 deeinemers
uit die Veiligheidsmagte se geledere
EENS die Suid-Afrikaanse leentlield te bled om die wêreld se Maar dit was nie waar die SAW se
W Weermag se besondere klem
op liggaamlike fiksheid was dit toe-
aandag op hulie te vestig.
Om 80 ’n reusagtige projek viot te
betrokkenheld opgehou het nie. Wat
is ’n luisterryke openingseremonie
paslik dat die Weermag ’n besonder iaat verioop, is ’n bomensllke taak en sonder musiek? Die antwoord is: dis
groot aandeel gehad het in die aan- wie is nou beter bevoeg vlr die taak soos ’n feesmaal sonder nagereg! Dit
bieding van Suld-Afrika se grootste as die organisasie wat daagliks met is dan ook hier waar die bekende
Sportbyeenkom s, die Suid-A fri- die iewens van duisende mense Weermagorkeste na vore getree en
kaanse Speie. werk, die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag! die musiek verskaf het.
Die SA Speie wat vir die vyfde keer Die gevolg was dat daar ruimskoots Afgesien van die orkeste het die
plaasgevind het, is ontwerp om as van die verskillende vaardigiiede en Weermag 100 trompetters verskaf
skouspei geen geiyke te hê nie en om kennis binne die SAW gebruik ge- om die toeskouers se aandag op eike
plaaslike sportlui wat beroof is van ’n maak is. hoogtepunt te vestig. Die Weermag
geleentheid om internasionaai mee Dit was egter nie net op admini- het ook die vaandeidraers en ’n koor
te dlng weens die internasionale stratiewe viak dat die Weermag ’n be- van 1 500 iede verskaf.
sportboikot teen Suid-Afrika die ge- langrike roi gespeel het nie. Met die Verder het die Weermag ook die
Inlsiatief geneem tydens die massa-
gimnastlek en altesaam 400 iede het
hieraan deeigeneem. Die Lugmag
het nog verder gegaan en twee
Puma-heiikopters aangewend om te
help tydens die arena-ltems.

IERDIE was maar enkele ge-

H beure waarin die Weermag 'n
groot aandeel gespeel het, maar ag-
ter die skerms het die verskele Weer-
mageenhede ’n nog groter taak ge­
had om die ordelike verioop van die
Speie te verseker. Om maar enkele
van die take te noem wat die Weer-
maglede op hulle skouers geneem
het: Die installering en instandhoud-
Ing van die klanktoerustlng. Die hon-
derd en een takles wat gesorg het dat
die helpers nie ’n oomblik kon stilsit
Verder was die Weermag behulp-
saam met die verskuiwlng van swaar
apparaat en die taak om te sorg dat
die Spelefakkel se vlam nie taan nie.
Die Weermag het ook gesorg vir se-
kuritelt en dat alles ordellk verioop.
Verskele Weermagsportmanne het
gesorg dat die Weermag nie vergeet
word op die atletlekbaan nie, terwyl
talle van Weermag se atletiek-
beamptes húl deel van die kantlyn af
gebring het.

P iet A ldrich


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H e p t ib K c ■ . ■
T lie D o rb y t G«t>«3|3*s ten operating
y r e a r i a c r o » t i « & i a c e < » f S o i f l B i i ': # i r f e a , f e t - > m i ^ ^
b r i i ^ j ^ tp g e llM r d * tb ed m o ld ^, d ie eqew rtis^
f«spite«es 40 a^eaACi, «f^p r»e «r trftknacelf m e e t <l«e
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F ro m its ro o b in d ie past, its slTM i^dh» ÍA
to Hs pran-Hse fo r d>e is a vk a i fink in d ie
devdlof>nr»ent'irfSoutfiAiirk^ ■■■•■'-. 't'''

VROUESPORT Deur wrn W. Marais
Foto: o kpl W.J.S. Stapelberg

VROUESPORT in die SAW - sport was tradisionee! nog altyd die man van die Damesenkels en tweede in beide
se bastion - is tans besig om sy l<indersl<oene te ontgroei en in eie die Damesdubbels en Gemeng tydens die
SAW Kampioenskappe.
reg op sy voete te kom ná baie lang en ieë jare en min werklike pres- Maryke Kosteli'jk, Pretoria WSK se
tasies. Sportvrou van die Jaar, verwerf haar
Die ongelukkige tendens wat die SAW in die verlede beieef het dat Sprlngbokkleure in lewensredding nadat
die Gevangenisdiens en verai die Polisie ai die blink sterre van more sy gekies word vir die Springbokspan wat
en daarmee ook die gepaardgaande prestasies geiok het, is verby in Barcelona, Spanje, gaan deelneem het.
Sy behaal ook 'n Goue Diploma in
en hopeiik vir goed, hoewei die SAW nog sekere aanpassings sal varswaterlewensredding. Dit Is die
moet maak. hoogste toekenning in dié sportsoort. Sy
is ook die eerste vrou in N Tvl wat dié hoe
verdienstelikheldstoekenning ontvang.
D ie nuwe krag in Weermagkringe is al grootliks baat gevind by die hernieude In pistoolskiet haal twee vroue die Ju­
vroeg In 1986 opgemerk In die onderskeie beiangstelling en slegs die felt dat die nior Springbokspan. Hulle Is Elfrieda
spansportsoorte soos netbal en hokkie. SAW-span ultgeput was ná 'n week se uit- Palm en Annemarle Steenkamp, wat Inge-
Veral hokkie het ontlulk as 'n bale gewilde mergelende proewe in ’n fel somerson, slult word in die span wat teen die Spring-
sportsoort onder vrouens van alle ouder- het N Tvl van 'n sekere nederlaag gered, bokke en 'n oorsese span uit Switserland
domme. Die nuwe gewildheld het dan ook Een van die deelnemers en kaptein van en Wes-Duitsland meeding. Albei behaal
gesorg dat daar 'n rekord getal Inskry- die span, IVIargle du Randt, word genomi- ook plek In die Top 12 in die Nasionale
wlngs was In die SAW Hokkletoernooi in neer vir die jaarlikse SAW Sportvrou van Kampioenskap. Annemarle Steenkamp
Voortrekkerhoogte met agt spanne teen- die jaar. Sy presteer ook na bulte en speel word ook as SAGD se Sportvrou van die
oor die vorlge jare se ses. vir beide die N Tvl-sagtebalspan sowei as Jaar gekies.
Die oraloor gehalte van die spel het ook die N Tvl-hokkiespan. • In vlugbal hou Amanda Eagar die
Maar die elntlike groot verrassing het VIoot se naam hoog. Sy het reeds haar
in Indlviduele prestasies gewag en die SAW- en WP-kleure In vlugbal ontvang.
eertydse baba van die Weermag is besig Sy neem deel aan die RSA Beker, Presi-
om in 'n spreekwoordeiike reus te ver- dentsbeker en die SA Nasionale Kam­
ander. Die groei in die Weermag se vroue- pioenskappe In PE.
sportkrlnge is duldellk sigbaar in die ge­
halte van nominasies vir die SAW Sport­
vrou van die jaar.
Die Weermag se algehele Sportvrou
van die jaar, Cheronne Botes, het In nie
minder nie as drie sportsoorte uitstaande
prestasies gelewer. In haar liefllngsport,
waterski, ontvang sy haar OVS en Sprlng-
bokkleure. Op al vierdie Provlnsiale Kam-
pioenskappe tree sy as die algehele wan­
ner uit die stryd.
Op die Suid-Afrlkaanse kampioen-
skappe is daar geen keer aan haar nie en
sy palm die Senior Damestltel en twee
eerste en een tweede plek in. Onder haar
lelding neem die SAW ook die eerste keer
deel en behaal ’n vyfde plek.
As Springbok behaal sy In die eerste
Sers Margie du Randt in aiisie tydens die toets 'n tweede plek teen 'n bultelandse
S/AH' Vrouhokkietoernooi in Voortrel<ker- span en In die tweede toets wen sy die al­
iioogte. Vrouehokkie is besig om in 'n gehele titel. In die derde toets behaal sy 'n
baie gewilde sportsoort te ontpop in die tweede plek.
SAW en meer spanne as ooit te vore het Ook In pluimbal blink sy uit en speel vir
hulle vir die SAW-toernooi ingeskryf. die eerste llga In N-OVS. Sy is die wenner


Photo: L CpI S.A. Jones

TOP Defence rider, Jonathan Clarke,

failed to end among the top ten at the
Dunhill Derby, held recently at the Inanda
Club in Sandton. Nevertheless, he walked
away with the Inanda Welcome Stakes
title as well as earning several places in
National and International class events.
The Dunhill Derby is the most highly
prized equestrian event in South Africa as
the lengthy course, which undulates over
natural jumping obstacles in the lush set­
ting of the Inanda Club, is one of the most
gruelling in the world.
The event attracts South Africa’s big­
gest names in equestrian sport, and
among this year's record entry were
Gonda Betrix, Philip Smith, Errol Wu-
cherpfennig, Janie Myburgh, Annelle Wu-
cherpfennig and Defence s Wayne Dale.
The Derby course, designed by Naas
Ferreira, has seventeen obstacles over
2 000 metres. Including a steep bank, a
dyke with three jumps and a water jump.
Annelie Wucherpfennig, a past winner of
the Italian, French and British Derbies, ex­
plained: "People talk about overseas
Derby courses being toughen but in my
experiene this is definitely not so. For ex­
ample, the 'bank' at the Dunhill is cer­
tainly steeper and more testing than at
Hickstead and their course is slightly
To qualify for the Derby, the country's
38 best riders have to compete in a series
of National and International class jump­
ing events and the top 25 earn places in
the Derby.
In the International class, Inanda Wel­
come Stakes, held on Wednesday 8 Oc­
tober, Jonathan Clarke, riding Defence

The Dunhill Derby is the most highly

prized equestrian event in South Africa,
and the lengthy course, which undulates
over natural Jumping obstacles in the lush
setting o f the Inanda Club, is one o f the
most gruelling in the world.

Continued on p 78

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Continued from p 77 he collected four faults in the fastest with a clear in 44,42 seconds. Barry Taylor
course time of 49,17 seconds. followed, but collected four points in a
horse leonidas, beat the country's best in Beating Jonathan Clarke were Philip time of 41,75 seconds. Ronnie Lawrence
a jump-off against time. Smith, who ended first on Ace of Spades then had to decide on whether to go for a
In the first round of the stakes, 14 of the and third on Key Largo; Tony Lewis, who fast clear round for first place or to settle
riders earned clear rounds, forcing a finished second and Greg Cleverdon and comfortably into second place by merely
jump-off for the top seven places. Wayne Gail Foxcroft ended fourth and fifth re­ making a clear round.
Dale, the 1984 Derby winner, failed to spectively. Unfortunately, pushing a little too fast,
make the jump-off after collecting four Neither Wayne Dale nor Jonathan he collected four penalties in 44,45 sec­
penalties (bumping over one bar). Clarke made the jump-off in the Interna­ onds and was thus placed third.
Jonathan Clarke ended the jump-off tional Class St James Competition as they • The overall result was as follows:
with a clear in 35,82 seconds, before respectively collected 12 and eight penal­
1975's Derby winner, Peter Gotz, who ties In the first round of the competition. 1st: Peter Gotz
completed the course in 36,06 seconds. In the Transvaal Show Jumping Cham­ 2nd: Barry Taylor
Next was Michelle Myburgh in 36,21 sec­ pionships, which was won by Ronnie Law­ 3rd: Ronnie Lawrence
onds and the current World Cup title rence on Sanvic Genius. Jonathan Clarke 4th: Philip Smith and Gonda Betrix
holder, Philip Smith, ended in 37,19 sec­ earned a sixth place and entry into the 6th: Tony Lewis
onds. highlight of the four-day series - the Dun­ 7th: Errol Wucherpfennig (on Spareco
Two other Defence riders, Evan Ander­ hill Derby. Currier)
son and Mark Stopford, took part in this Jonathan Clarke is currently doing his 8th: Errol Wucherpfennig (on Spareco
event, but neither succeeded in winning a National Service at the Equestrian Centre Compass Line) and Annelie Wucherpfen­
place in the jump-off. in Potchefstroom and represented De­ nig.
Wayne Dale and Jonathan Clarke then fence last year in dressage and jumping
took part in the Dunhill International events. Leonidas became Grade A this
Stakes and once again Wayne Dale failed year, and Jonathan was placed in several
to reach his 1984 winning standard and events on him since then, including the
left Jonathan Clarke alone in the jump- Nelspruit Agricultural Show and the
off. Pietermaritzburg Show.
Here Jonathan Clarke earned fourth Jonathan Clarke was fourteenth to
place on Defence-owned horse, Galan jump in the Derby, and feeling the press­
Onduna, after Philip Smith on Cloud ure of Peter Gotz's clear round - a rare
Nine, André Ferreira on V&R Eng Spares' occurrence in the Derby - he failed to get
Irish Magic and George Myburgh on Galan Onduna through the course with a
Cloud Star. clear.
Evan Anderson, Mark Stopford and Jo­ The Derby was forced to a jump-off be­
nathan Clarke took part in the national tween Peter Gotz on Toyota Gossiper,
class, Dunhill Menthol Mild competition, Barry Taylor on Fidelity Guard’s Power-
held on Thursday 9 October, but only Jo­ force and Ronnie Lawrence on Sandvic
nathan Clarke earned a place, ending Genius.
sixth on Leonidas in the jump-off in which Peter Gotz set the pace In the jump-off

SKIET Deur w rn W.G.F. Geerlings

• Vroue het die koppe laat draai met

een van die afrigters van die Springbok-
span was, het vir die dertiende keersedert hul vermoens in pistoolskiet. Twee lede
A s jy uniform dra, word daar van 1967 Sprinbokkleure verwerf - 'n presta­ van die skoner geslag - maj (mev) E. Palm
sie soos min. Om die sout nog dieper in en maj (mev) E. Stenekamp het Junior
jou verwag om ’n geweer te Itan
die teenstanders se wonde te vryf, het die Springbokkleure met die pistool verwerf.
hanteer. Oaarom i<om dit as geen Maj Stenekamp was ook lid van 'n Ult-
Weermag ook die 0/25-lnterdienstewed-
verrassing nie dat die SAW in 1986 stryd in Bloemfontein ingepalm. nodigingspan wat die Springbokspan en
soos in die veriede sy staai op die Dieselfde prestasie is in Diensskiet be- n buitelandse span laat les opsê het.
sidetbaan getoon het. haal. Die SAW se Diensskietspan het die Haar bydrae tot die oorwinning was van
Interdienste skietwedstryd tydens die SA onskatbare waarde. Met sulke skuts kan
Kampioenskappe verower. Om alles te die Weermag in die toekoms net beter
kroon, het A02 N.M.B. van Deventer die presteer.
Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen in Diensskiet
In Bisley het brig A.P. Móller sy manne tot geword.
groot hoogtes gevoer. Dit was bootsman Kom dit by kleingeweerskiet, het die
Schalk Young wat die kalklig gesteel het SAW ook nie agteruitgestaan nie. Op die
toe hy die Suid-Afrikaanse Grootkaliber Nasionale Kampioenskappe wat in April
Bisley agter sy naam geskryf het. Vir dié gehou is, het A01 J.A. van Rhyn sy Spring-
groot prestasie is hy tesame met Brig bokkleure verwerf, terwyl kol C.A. le
Móller en wrn A.J. van Wyk met Spring- Roux, maj W. Vorster en sers G. Masen-
bokkleure beloon. Brig Moller, wat ook garb Junior Springbokke geword het.


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