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Lesson Plan in Arts

Grade 3

I. Objectives
At the end of a lesson, the pupils should able to:
A. Describe what is lines and different kinds of lines
B. Recognize each pictures that shows a example of different kinds lines
C. Draw a different kinds of lines that you can see around us

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Lines Around Us

Instructional Materials: Bond Paper, Power Point Presentation
References: Our World of Mapeh grade 3
(Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health)
Values Integration:
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach

III. Preliminaries

Teaching Events Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Prayer “Before we start let us


The name of the Father

the Son and the Holy

Dear Lord, we come to

you in the spirit of
learning, humility, and
love, we are grateful for
this opportunity to learn
from each other and
grow closer in our faith.
We ask that you bless
our time together as we
explore the teachings of
Jesus Christ. In Jesus
name AMEN. All: Amen
B. Greetings Say: Good Morning, All: Good morning,
class teacher

Say: Before you take (Students will pick all

your seat kindly pick all the papers)
the papers under your

C. Checking of
Attendance Say: Who is absent
today class? All: None teacher

Say: Very good class

D. Review
Say: Do you still All: Yes teacher
remember our lesson

Say: What are the two Learner 1: The two

kinds of shapes? kinds of shapes are
geometric and organic

Say: Very good class

E. Motivation
Say: Please all stand (All students stand)
because we have a
energizer before we
start our first activity.

(All students dance)

Say: Everybody lets (Done dancing)

Say: Please take your

All: Thank you teacher
IV. Lesson Proper

A. Activity
Say: I will group you into
3 and using a different
kinds of lines create a
song or a jingle.
Create a song or a
jingle that can connect
our topic the different
kinds of lines.

Originality – 10%
Creativity – 15%
Delivery- 15%
Mastery of Piece- 10%
Total 50%

Say: You have 10 All: Yes teacher

minutes to prepare. And
after that perform your
group activity in front of
your classmates.

(10 minutes done)

Say: The first to perform All: Yes teacher

is group 1 the next is
group 2 and last group
(Group 1,2 and 3 will

B. Application
Say: I will show you a
All: Yes teacher
pictures about the
different kind of lines.
And answer it correctly.
Is that clear class?

Get 1/4 sheet of
paper and answer each
items correctly.

Learner 2:
Horizontal Line

Learner 3:
Curve line
3. Learner 4:
Vertical Line

Learner 5:
Diagonal line

Learner 6:
Zigzag line

Say: Very good class

C. Abstraction What is Line?

- is a mark made by
moving point. It start
with a does anywhere to
form a line. Line give
important details to
almost anything.

Different Types of Lines

1. Horizontal Line
- run from side to side.
- one that goes from
left to right across the

2. Vertical Line
- run up and down.
They seem to be
standing at attention.
They show strength and

3. Diagonal Line
- slant.
- they seem to be
rising or falling.
- they suggest a
seems of movement.
4. Curve Line
- express movement,
- they also suggest
grace in movement and

5. Zigzag Line
- one of a series of
sharp turns, angles, or
changes in a course.
D. Application Say: I will you group into All: Yes teacher
6 and I will provide a
bond paper to draw a
kinds of lines that you
can see around us and
also you choose what
you want to draw it. Is
that clear class?

Draw a different kinds
of lines that you can see
around us.

Say: You have a 15 All: Yes teacher

minutes to draw. And
then I will show you the
Creativity - 20%
Originality - 20%
Cleanliness - 10%

(Pupils will participate)

(15 minutes done)

Say: It is already time. All: Yes teacher

Pass all the papers in
front of your
V. Evaluation Say: Let us proceed our
last activity.

Choose the BEST
answer for the following
questions. Write only
the letter of the correct
answer. Get 1/4 sheet of

1. One of a series of Learner 1:

sharp turns, angles, or
changes in a course. Answer: D

A. Curve Line
B. Diagonal Line
C. Horizontal Line
D. Zigzag Line

2. It is a slant. They Learner 2:

seem to be rising or Answer: B
falling. They suggest a
seems of movement.

A. Curve Line
B. Diagonal Line
C. Horizontal Line
D. Vertical Line

3. Is a mark made by Learner 3:

moving point. It start Answer: D
with a does anywhere to
form a line. Line give
important details to
almost anything.

A. Curve Line
B. Diagonal Line
C. Horizontal Line
D. Line

4. Run up and down. Learner 4:

They seem to be
Answer: D
standing at attention.
They show strength and

A. Curve Line
B. Diagonal Line
C. Horizontal Line
D. Vertical Line

5. It is express
movement, too. Learner 5:
Answer: A

A. Curved Line
B. Diagonal Line
C. Horizontal Line
D. Zigzag Line

VI. Assignment

Draw a pictures that can appreciate about we discussed about
different kinds of lines that you can see at your house.

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