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WIN CUET Psychology 01

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 1

The credit of classifying the personality types into introverts and extraverts goes to:

A) Freud B) Carl Jung C) Adler D) Erikson

Question No. : 2

William Sheldon’s constitutional theory of studies personality on the basis of

A) Body type B) Childhood experience C) Genetics D) Sociocultural influence

Question No. : 3

______ approach focuses on the specific psychological attributes along which individuals tend to differ in consistent and stable

A) Trait B) Personality C) Type D) Hybrid

Question No. : 4

Who divided personality types into id, ego, superego?

A) Sigmund Freud B) Carl Roger C) Bandura D) Erik Erikson

Question No. : 5

Holding pee and searching for a washroom to urinate is a function of

A) Id B) Ego C) Superego D) NOTA

Question No. : 6

The defense mechanisms of Freud’s theory are result of

A) Attempt of avoiding negative feelings B) Failure of reality principle C) Experiencing anxiety D) All of the above

Question No. : 7

A defense mechanism that allows us to act out unacceptable impulses by converting these behaviors into a more acceptable

A) Displacement B) Suppression C) Sublimation D) Denial

Question No. : 8

__________ reduces anxiety by taking up the opposite feeling, impulse, or behavior

A) Suppression B) Reaction formation C) Denial D) Intellectualization

Question No. : 9

How many stages are there of Freud’s theory of psychosexual development?

A) Three B) Five C) Four D) Seven

Question No. : 10

The phallic stage is the ____ stage of psychosexual development, spanning the ages of ______ years

A) Second, two to five B) Third, three to ten C) Third, three to six D) Fourth, three to sevenMouth

Question No. : 11

A personality type prone to depression is

A) Type A B) Type B C) Type C D) Type D

WIN CUET Psychology 01
Question No. : 12

Paul Costa and Robert McCrae have classified personality into:

A) 16PF B) Factor Analysis C) Psychodynamic Theory D) Big Five Factors

Question No. : 13

______ is called the characteristic patterns of behaviour and way of thinking that determine a person's adjustment to his

A) Displacement B) Learning C) Motivation D) Personality

Question No. : 14

______ are less pervasive in effect, but still quite generalized dispositions.

A) Primary Traits B) Central Traits C) Secondary Traits D) Cardinal traits

Question No. : 15

Cattell obtained his personality factors through:

A) Regression B) Factor Analysis C) Correlation D) Linear Regression

Question No. : 16

Oedipus Complex develops during which stage:

A) Oral B) Anal C) Phallic D) Latent

Question No. : 17

_________ claimed that there was a collective unconscious consisting of archetypes

A) Eysenck B) Carl Jung C) Freud D) Bandura

Question No. : 18

The ___________ believe in data, which they feel are definable, observable, and measurable

A) Functionalists B) Behaviourists C) Rationalists D) Structuralists

Question No. : 19

__________ approach proposes that a group’s ‘economic maintenance system’ plays a vital role in the origin of cultural and
behavioural variations.

A) Behavioural B) Cultural C) Social D) Economical

Question No. : 20

Freud referred to mouth, anas, and genitals as

A) Suppressive Zone B) Erogenous Zone C) Both a and b D) Only a

Question No. : 21

The _______ consists of elaborate ways of behaving and thinking which constitute the 'executive function' of the person.

A) Self B) Ego C) Id D) Superego

Question No. : 22

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) was developed by

A) Morgan and Murray B) Hathaway and McKinley C) A. Maslow D) S. Freud

WIN CUET Psychology 01
Question No. : 23

What will be the results if the demography dwells in a joint family, but in a small housing complex that improves the personal

A) Social understanding B) Mutual understanding C) Maintaining a healthy relationship D) All of the above

Question No. : 24

Which of the following aspects of individual space that relies on the shortage of sources that is essential for any living being?

A) The process of deprivation B) Social and mental disadvantages C) Individual and social poverty
D) Social discrimination

Question No. : 25

Which mental capability deals with forceful behavior toward other people in terms of occupying a person or object?

A) Social aggression B) Social violence C) Personal understanding D) Poverty discrimination

Question No. : 26

Which of the following mental state of a human being deals with the individual characteristics that differentiate the person
from other persons in society?

A) Human personality B) Personality trait C) Humanistic behavior D) Mental characteristics

Question No. : 27

Which of the following psycho-sexual state is mentioned here that improve pleasure gained through oral stimulation?

A) Oral state B) Psycho-sexual anal state C) Phallic state of mind D) All of these

Question No. : 28

Who disclosed the concept of psycho-physical patterns for determining the environment adjustment?

A) Sheldon B) Dr. Kwarren C) Gordon Willard Allport D) Carl Jung

Question No. : 29

Which of the following psychological state is referred to here that includes thinking and behavioral elaboration process for
constituting individual executive function process?

A) Personal identity B) Ego C) psycho-sexual anal state D) Phallic state of mind

Question No. : 30

Which of the following psycho-physical sexual state is referred to here for relating unsatisfied and satisfied stage as per Freud's

A) Process of identification B) Fixation state of mind C) Individual repression D) Mental pleasure

Question No. : 31

Which of the following psychologist referred here provided the five-factor model in the context of psychology?

A) Robert McCrae B) Hans Jürgen Eysenck C) Paul Costa D) Both a and c

Question No. : 32

Which of the following physiological state is referred to here that has the power of organizing and controlling the behavioral
characteristics of an individual?

A) The power of self-efficiency B) Self-esteem ability C) Self-regulation power D) Self-concept making ability
WIN CUET Psychology 01
Question No. : 33

Which of the following physiological condition is referred to here that assists to detect the conscious experience, ideas, relative
thoughts, and personal feelings of an individual?

A) Self-innovation power B) Personality test C) Social repression D) Psychological trait

Question No. : 34

Which of the following physiological structure unit is referred to here that deals with the personality of the human beings?

A) Individual Response B) Fixation structure unit C) Structural unit of Stimulus

D) Physiological structural unit of Repression

Question No. : 35

Who proposed individual self-actualization in terms of psychological development?

A) Jointly by Allport and Hathaway and Cattell B) Jointly by Allport and Hathaway C) Hathaway D) Abraham Maslow

Question No. : 36

Who invented the MMPI test for evaluating the psychological level of a person?

A) Jointly by McKinley and Hathaway B) Jointly by Morgan and Murray C) Hathaway D) Abraham Maslow

Question No. : 37

Which of the following psychological approaches guides to process of building psychological representation during direct

A) Adaptation method B) Behavioral physiological method C) Humanistic method D) Cognitive method

Question No. : 38

Which interpersonal distance can be identified in a situation in which you were being interviewed by the selection team of your
school for the post of head boy or girl of that team?

A) Public distance B) Intimate distance C) Social distance D) Personal distance

Question No. : 39

Which are the three important perspectives of the human-environment relationship?

A) Cultural determinism, interaction process with human-environment and environmental determinism

B) Spiritual determinism, behavioral and interaction determinism
C) Historical determinism, cultural determinism, and effective interaction procedure
D) Mental determinism, human-behavior environment, and spiritual determinism

Question No. : 40

Which perspective is supported by the traditional Indian view regarding the environment?

A) Instrumental perspective B) Spiritual perspective C) Perspective of minimalist D) None of the above

Question No. : 41

Which kind of examples are cyclones, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis?

A) Components of natural disorders B) Changes in nature C) Man-made situations D) Natural Disaster

Question No. : 42

Which kind of environmental effects are found on human behaviors?

A) Emotional misbalance and changes in perception B) Changes in the environment

C) Increasing environment-friendly behavior D) Harmful impacts regarding the natural disorder
WIN CUET Psychology 01
Question No. : 43

What is the full form of PTSD?

A) Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder B) Positional Traumatic Stress Disorder C) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
D) Psychological-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Question No. : 44

What does the term ‘poverty’ mean?

A) It is a difficult condition in which a lack of proper supply of necessary things is found.

B) In a situation that is caused by a lack of mental support from others.
C) The pressure in thinking in a more critical way and lack of understanding
D) Lack of moral and material support from others

Question No. : 45

Which characteristics are associated with psychological matter that is connected to deprivation and poverty?

A) Social behaviors, motivation level, and different personality-related attributes B) Lack of education and social disbalance
C) Low self-esteem and confidence D) Lack of proper social support and a high discrimination

Question No. : 46

What is the main principle of recovering from poverty?

A) To discover individual ability and skills B) To reduce crime C) Gain educational characteristics
D) Born into a rich family

Question No. : 47

What can be a possible way to implement non-violence?

A) Respecting, praising, and forgiving B) Not listening to anyone C) Not considering the generosity
D) Not considering harmony

Question No. : 48

What is the role of proper socio-cultural attributes in psychology?

A) Mental stability can be gained B) Individual person’s overall functional development can be ensured
C) Stress of a person can be reduced D) Depression can be managed

Question No. : 49

What are the two core components of Psychology?

A) Mental and physical condition B) Thoughts and beliefs C) Emotions and behavior
D) Behavior and emotional processes

Question No. : 50

What is called the parent development process in terms of Psychology?

A) Embryonic mental state B) Fetal state of mind C) Germinal state D) Zygotic psychological state
WIN CUET Psychology 02
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 1

Which of the following personality types is described as having strong bodies, adventurous and fond of physical activity?

A) Ectomorph B) Endomorph C) Mesomorph D) NOTA

Question No. : 2

Somamotypes are division based on

A) Physique B) Culture C) Genetics D) All of the above

Question No. : 3

______ approach holds that situational characteristics play an important role in determining our behaviour

A) Interactional B) Trait C) Type D) Hybrid

Question No. : 4

Source of personality in a newborn baby is

A) Id B) Ego C) Superego D) All of the above

Question No. : 5

Id is based on which principle?

A) Sexual desires B) Aggression C) Sadness D) Pleasure

Question No. : 6

Ego operates on the principle of

A) Reality B) Pain C) Pleasure D) NOTA

Question No. : 7

A student blaming a poor exam score on the instructor rather than their own lack of preparation is an example of

A) Suppression B) Rationalisation C) Denial D) Intellectualization

Question No. : 8

Instead of telling someone that you are upset, for example, you might give them the silent treatment. This is

A) Displacement B) Active aggression C) Sublimation D) Passive aggression

Question No. : 9

At what stage the superego develops?

A) Oral B) Phallic C) Anal D) Genital

Question No. : 10

______ personality seem to possess high motivation, lack patience, feel short of time, be in a great hurry, and feel like being
always burdened with work.

A) Type A B) Type B C) Type C D) Type D

Question No. : 11

They classified personality into Type A and Type B

A) Erik and Erikson B) Friedman and Rosenman C) Sigmund and Anna Freud D) NOTA
WIN CUET Psychology 02
Question No. : 12

Cattell’s personality questionnaire is called

A) 16PF B) Factor Analysis C) Psychodynamic Theory D) Big Five Factors

Question No. : 13

__________ defined personality as “the dynamic organization within the individual of those psycho-physical systems that
determine his unique adjustment to his environment.

A) Freud B) Eysenck C) All port D) Cattell

Question No. : 14

These traits (e.g., warm, sincere, diligent, etc.) are often used in writing a testimonial or job recommendation for a person.

A) Primary Traits B) Central Traits C) Secondary Traits D) Cardinal traits

Question No. : 15

According to Psychodynamic approach, the levels of consciousness are:

A) Conscious B) Preconscious C) Subconscious D) All of the above

Question No. : 16

_________ involves love for the mother, hostility towards the father, and the consequent fear of punishment or castration by the

A) Electra Complex B) Oedipus Complex C) Oedipus Complex D) NOTA

Question No. : 17

___________ argued that psychological disorders were caused by disturbed interpersonal relationship during childhood.

A) Sigmund Freud B) Karen Horney C) Carl Jung D) NOTA

Question No. : 18

For most behaviourists, the structural unit of personality is the

A) Cognition B) Response C) Motivation D) Stimulus

Question No. : 19

_________ makes two basic assumptions about human behaviour. One is that behaviour is goal-directed and worthwhile. The
second is that people (who are innately good) will almost always choose adaptive, self-actualising behaviour.

A) All port B) Carl Rogers C) Maslow D) Eysenck

Question No. : 20

Rogers’ client-centered therapy is based on

A) Conditional negative regard B) Conditional positive regard C) Unconditional positive regard

D) Unconditional negative regard

Question No. : 21

According to ________ theorists, people use defense mechanisms to reduce their anxiety and guilt. A defense mechanism that
allows us to act out unacceptable impulses by converting these behaviors into a more acceptable form

A) Dynamic B) Behaviour C) Analytical D) Cultural

WIN CUET Psychology 02
Question No. : 22

Which of the following abilities of an individual for putting up a situation of competing with several mental and social resources
that include physical resources?

A) Social competition B) Social understanding behavior C) Tolerance behavior of competition

D) Tolerance behavior of crowding

Question No. : 23

Which of the following regulation is essential for personal aggression that particularly refers to obtaining specific goals and

A) Social discrimination B) Instrumental aggression C) Individual or mutual understanding

D) Tolerance behavior in competition

Question No. : 24

Which mental state of an individual, in which the person feels about losing something valuable as well as having something
that the individual observes?

A) Social or personal discrimination B) Social deprivation C) Poverty D) Personal shortcomings

Question No. : 25

Which of the following mental state is referred to here that a newborn infant gets from original sources?

A) Ego B) Personal identity C) Behavioral characteristics D) All of these

Question No. : 26

Which of the following method is referred to here that has been devised to disclose the unconscious motives of a human

A) Inventory method B) Projective test method C) Characteristic assessment D) Mental simulation state

Question No. : 27

Which of the following psychological scale is referred to here that is effective to measure the level of anxiety, hallucination as
well as suicidal impulses of a human being?

A) 16 Personality Factors scale B) The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory C) Thematic Apperception Test
D) Personal observation test

Question No. : 28

Which of the following psychological level is referred to here that is developed by Freud for mental consciousness awareness?

A) The conscious state of mind B) The unconscious state of mind C) The subconscious state of mind D) All of these

Question No. : 29

Which of the following psychophysical development stage is referred to here by Freud for improving the personality level?

A) Oral state B) Psycho-sexual anal state C) Phallic state of mind D) Latency

Question No. : 30

Which of the following psychologist referred here provided the idea of 16 personality factors methods for discovering the
characteristics of a human being?

A) Hans Jürgen Eysenck B) Cattell C) McKinley D) Jointly by Allport and Hathaway

WIN CUET Psychology 02
Question No. : 31

Which of the following physiological state is referred to here that has the power of making a personal judgment of self-
efficiency development?

A) The power of self-efficiency B) Self-esteem ability C) Self-regulation power D) Self-concept making ability

Question No. : 32

For which of the following Carl Jung’s psychological theory is referred to here?

A) Five Stage psychological theory B) Analytical theory for Psychology C) Cardinal psychological theory
D) One-factor psychology theory

Question No. : 33

Which of the following physiological approach is referred to here that connect the social and cultural environment?

A) Humanistic physiological approach B) Behavioral physiological approach C) Cultural physiological approach

D) Cognitive physiological approach

Question No. : 34

Which of the following statements supports the situation test?

A) The test for gaining information that is collected during the stressful situation
B) The test for personality assessment in learning and industrial settings
C) The test for personality assessment of an individual
D) The test for asking people specific questions in a different situation

Question No. : 35

Which of the following statement referred to ecological theory?

A) Social cognitive culture development B) Effective process improvement

C) Environmental impact on psychological improvement D) All of these

Question No. : 36

According to which perspective, the existence of the physical environment is important for the well-being and comfort of
human beings?

A) The perspective of spirituality B) Instrumental perspective C) Minimalistic perspective D) None of the above

Question No. : 37

Which kind of interpersonal distance is significant at a time when you are talking to one of your good friends?

A) Social distance B) Public distance C) Intimate distance D) Personal distance

Question No. : 38

What are the two most important kinds of environment?

A) Built environment and natural environment B) Physical and emotional environment

C) Psychological environment and emotional environment D) Natural and psychological environment

Question No. : 39

What are the three most relatable and important characteristics of noise?

A) Low sound, frequency, and air density B) Timbre, sound pitch, and loudness C) Pitch, timbre, and frequency
D) Loudness, timber, and air density
WIN CUET Psychology 02
Question No. : 40

Who is known to provide frustration-aggression theory?

A) Psychologist John Dollard B) Philip Zimbardo C) William James D) Abraham Maslow

Question No. : 41

Which defense mechanism is widely regarded in a situation, in which a person is found to get angry at family members because
of stress in the workplace?

A) Sense of displacement B) Mechanism of denial C) Stressful projection D) Sense of displacement

Question No. : 42

What is the concept of ‘Culture of poverty’?

A) An important belief system in which a person believes that he is going to remain poor for a lifetime and trying to get out
of such a situation is not worthy.
B) The culture of a society is being affected by the continued poverty of the associated people.
C) A sense of disbelief in oneself that affect the overall development of a person
D) A continuous decrease in the availability of financial resources in a particular society

Question No. : 43

Why is it important to consider the impacts of television in understanding behavior?

A) To reduce poverty B) To understand the psychological influence C) To increase mental peace

D) To be successful in a career

Question No. : 44

What is the focus of the study of psychophysics?

A) Deep mental perception B) Emotional movement perception C) Mental perceptual illness

D) Psychological perception of stimulation

Question No. : 45

What are the competencies of the perceptual concept of Psychology?

A) Initial stage of learning B) Stable perception of different mental stages C) Confusing mental stage learning
D) Illusion of mental perceptiveness

Question No. : 46

Which of the following process denotes the emergence in the society?

A) aging procedures B) social learning process C) emotional maturity process D) socialization procedures

Question No. : 47

Which of the following psychological affective disorder referred to the mood swings of an individual?

A) Bipolar mental disorder B) Unipolar mental disorder C) Manic psychological disorder

D) Depressive psychological disorder

Question No. : 48

Which skill or manner assists to communicate confidently with the clear approach including the demand or needs?

A) Assertiveness B) Cognitive C) Physiological D) None of the mentioned options

WIN CUET Psychology 02
Question No. : 49

According to biology which does indicate cortisol in the human body?

A) Cortisol stands for Glucocorticoids B) Cortisol stands for Fluticasone C) Cortisol stands for Corticosteroid
D) All of the mentioned options

Question No. : 50

In which research stress impacts on the immune systems are being explored?

A) The study is called neuroeconomics B) The study is called nutrigenomics C) The study is called neuro-science
D) The study is called psychoneuroimmunology
WIN CUET Psychology 03
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 1

Which of the following personality types is described as having relaxed, sociable, tolerant, peaceful?

A) Ectomorph B) Endomorph C) Mesomorph D) NOTA

Question No. : 2

Which ancient Indian text classifies people into the categories of vata, pitta and kapha

A) Sangam Literature B) Arthshashtra C) Charak Samhita D) Harshacharita

Question No. : 3

The ego is the ______ part of the personality

A) Unconscious B) Conscious C) Subconscious D) Supraconscious

Question No. : 4

____________ works to reduce anxiety by thinking about events in a cold, clinical way.

A) Displacement B) Denial C) Sublimation D) Intellectualization

Question No. : 5

As per psychosexual theory, _______ is a stage of little or no sexual motivation.

A) Latent B) Phallic C) Anal D) Oral

Question No. : 6

A method for uncovering unconscious motives is:

A) Case studies B) Questionnaires C) Projective Techniques D) Inventory

Question No. : 7

__________ are highly generalized dispositions. They indicate the goal around which a person’s entire life seems to revolve.

A) Cardinal traits B) Primary Traits C) Central Traits D) Secondary Traits

Question No. : 8

According to Freud, the ____________ is a reservoir of instinctive or animal drives.

A) Conscious B) Preconscious C) Subconscious D) Unconscious

Question No. : 9

________ challenged to S. Freud’s treatment of women as inferior

A) Anna Freud B) Karen Horney C) Carl Jung D) NOTA

Question No. : 10

The concept of ideal self is proposed by

A) All port B) Carl Rogers C) Maslow D) Eysenck

Question No. : 11

The theory of hierarchy of needs is propounded by

A) Maslow B) Rogers C) Eysenck D) Cattell

WIN CUET Psychology 03
Question No. : 12

MMPI inventory is given by

A) Morgan and Murray B) Hathaway and McKinley C) A. Maslow D) S. Freud

Question No. : 13

Which of the following mental abilities includes an upper-density environment?

A) Crowding tolerance behavior B) Providing individual space C) Maintaining social disadvantages

D) Unsocial behavior

Question No. : 14

Which of the following powers deals with dominating other people and bulling them without any provocation?

A) Social understanding and mutual understanding B) Tolerance behavior in competition C) Instrumental aggression
D) Social aggression and unhealthy relationships with others

Question No. : 15

Which of the following specific perspectives deals with the different aspects of environmental elements are respected or valued
by social perspectives?

A) Individual perspectives B) Environmental perspectives C) Minimalist point of view D) Spiritual perspectives

Question No. : 16

Which mental state of individual deals with the strong relationship between mind and body with the brain?

A) Pingel gland B) Hypothalamus C) Pituitary grand D) Thyroid gland

Question No. : 17

Which of the following method is mostly applied for detecting the projective process?

A) Characteristic assessment method B) Rorschach and Thematic Apperception test method

C) 16 personality test method D) Inventory test method

Question No. : 18

Which of the following psychological approach is referred to here to focus on the motives, impulses, and mental processes of a
human being?

A) Psychological dynamic approach B) Psychological approach of trait or type

C) Mental behavioral approaches for learning D) All of these

Question No. : 19

What is the royal path of the unconscious state of mind according to Freud's description?

A) Personal identity B) Sexual discrimination C) Individual aggression D) Dreams

Question No. : 20

Which of the following the potential state is referred to here that includes the reaction and experiencing gathering process of a
human being?

A) Collective state of the unconscious mind B) Archetypes' mental state C) Individual unconscious mental state
D) Complex mental state
WIN CUET Psychology 03
Question No. : 21

Which of the following human body part is referred to here that are soft, flat, and round?

A) Endomorphs condition B) Mesomorphs condition C) Collective state of the unconscious mind

D) the unconscious state of mind

Question No. : 22

Which of the following physiological theory is referred to here that includes individual goals and inferiority physiological

A) Personal Psychological theory B) Pro-social Psychological theory C) Five-stage Psychological theory

D) Analytical theory for Psychology

Question No. : 23

Which of the following physiological idea is approached by Carl Rogers?

A) Complete functioning person B) Personal socialization C) Adaptation power development

D) Individual self-actualization power development

Question No. : 24

Which of the following psychological theory referred to individual sensitive period improvement?

A) Personal Psychological theory B) Pro-social Psychological theory C) Five-stage Psychological theory

D) Individual ethological theory

Question No. : 25

What is the first step of psychological disorder treatment?

A) Considering influential rehabilitation B) To provide material relief C) Providing psychiatric help

D) Providing proper counseling

Question No. : 26

Which of the following components are involved in the concept and understanding of environmental design?

A) Human participation, attention, and environmental stress B) Non-cognitive maps and stress-less environment
C) Non-preferable environments and non-cognitive maps D) Less participation and attention of human beings

Question No. : 27

Which psychological features are integrally connected to environmental design?

A) Creativity and uniqueness of the human mind B) Behavioral attributes C) Mental stability
D) The interest in the environment

Question No. : 28

What are the main four features of environmental psychology?

A) Disciplinary approach, effective interaction within the human

B) An exact focus on the interaction between humans and the environment, method’s diversity, applicable focus, and
interdisciplinary approach
C) Disciplinary approach analysis of the surrounding environment
D) Evaluation of environmental attributes, psychological concerns

Question No. : 29

What can be the main cause of aggression?

A) Biological disorder B) Inborn tendency, child-rearing process, and different psychological mechanisms
C) Mental pressure D) Depression for a long time
WIN CUET Psychology 03
Question No. : 30

What is the term associated with a situation in which a person found himself losing something valuable or another situation in
which he is not getting the chance to achieve something?

A) Disadvantaging situation B) Mental state of deprivation C) The state of poverty D) The sense of discrimination

Question No. : 31

Which of the following life skills are required for a successful life?

A) Knowledge of creativity and uniqueness B) An effective process of leading an everyday life

C) Sense of knowledge acquisition D) None of the above

Question No. : 32

Who introduced the concept of the poverty cycle?

A) Ruby K. Payne B) Leon Festinger C) Sigmund Freud D) Albert Bandura

Question No. : 33

What are the two main types of aggression?

A) Intentional and behavioral aggression B) Hostile and instrumental aggression C) Targeted and violent aggression
D) Mental and psychological aggression

Question No. : 34

Who introduced the concept of catharsis?

A) Plato B) Aristotle C) Galileo D) Archimedes

Question No. : 35

What are the mental reflection proceeds?

A) Hypothalamus B) Pituitary gland C) Spinal cord D) All of these

Question No. : 36

What is called the increasing skills of muscle application in the psychological state?

A) Maturation level B) Learning stage of life C) Pushing by the guardians D) An exercise opportunity

Question No. : 37

What are the initial two weeks of a human being is called?

A) Infancy period B) Early childhood level C) Stage of preoperational D) Period of neonatal

Question No. : 38

Which of the following psychological therapy approach referred to here for developing job satisfaction level?

A) Challenging environment rather than overwhelming B) Overwhelming and accomplishing

C) Accomplishing and motivating D) Greatly accomplishing

Question No. : 39

Which of the following psychological level referred to the mental retardation of an individual?

A) Mental inherited traits B) Social and environmental factors C) Inorganic psychological level
D) Alcoholic syndrome of an individual
WIN CUET Psychology 03
Question No. : 40

According to psychology what stages are involved with GAS?

A) Reaction with alarm B) Resistance C) Exhaustion D) All of the mentioned options

Question No. : 41

What is the behavioral reaction to stress that is virtual?

A) The reaction is called inexhaustible B) The reaction is called limitless C) The reaction is called boundless
D) The reaction can be null

Question No. : 42

Which person can be experienced hassles in their daily life?

A) An older person who stayed at home B) A child C) A housewife who stayed at home
D) None of the mentioned option

Question No. : 43

What is the ability to deal mentally prepare with a congested environment?

A) The ability is referred to as crowding tolerance B) The ability is referred to as a social disadvantage
C) The ability is referred to as space D) The ability is referred to as bad behavior

Question No. : 44

Which situation is referred to force others to compete based on resources?

A) Crowding B) Competition C) Tolerance related to crowding D) Tolerance related to competiti

Question No. : 45

What is the ability to negotiate in a crowdy environment?

A) The situation is referred to as social disadvantage B) The situation is referred to as crowding tolerance
C) The situation is referred to as mob behavior D) The situation is referred to as personal space

Question No. : 46

What is referred to as distance that is maintained while talking with someone close?

A) Social distance B) Personal distance C) Crowding D) None of the mentioned options are correct

Question No. : 47

Which situation is referred to a student is misbehaving with a newcomer?

A) Aggression B) Violence C) Hostel aggression D) Instrumental aggression

Question No. : 48

What states are linked with emotional and psychological exhaustion?

A) Physical B) Emotional C) Stress D) Coping

Question No. : 49

Who among the below is associated to frustration-aggression theory

A) John Dollard B) Bruner C) Erikson D) Kohlberg

WIN CUET Psychology 03
Question No. : 50

The least generalized characteristics of a person are called

A) Primary Traits B) Central Traits C) Secondary Traits D) Cardinal traits

WIN CUET Psychology 04
DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best option:

Question No. : 1

Which of the following personality types is described as anxious, self-conscious, thoughtful and quiet?

A) Ectomorph B) Endomorph C) Mesomorph D) NOTA

Question No. : 2

Which of the following branch of education focuses on the connection between living particles and the social environment?

A) Environmental science B) Sociology C) Psychology D) Ecology

Question No. : 3

When a counsellor describes the verbal communication with a client and the emotion attached, is known as

A) Communication with a person B) Decoding their statements and the associated emotions
C) Paraphrasing their words D) Listening to the client and assessing their emotions

Question No. : 4
The state of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion is known as:

A) Trauma B) Burnout C) Coping D) Defense

Question No. : 5

Which of the following statements are not part of the basic skills?

A) The ability to solve basic queries of an individual. B) The ability to listen to people and be empathic.
C) Paying attention to others' cultures. D) Being respectful towards others’ values.

Question No. : 6

___________ results from the blocking of needs and motives by something or someone that hinders us from achieving a desired

A) Anxiety B) Frustration C) Conflict D) All of the above

Question No. : 7

What is defined as dexterity, proficiency or facility that developed or acquired through several processes of training and

A) Skill of a person B) Intelligence of a person C) Talent of an individual D) None of the above

Question No. : 8

_________ defined stress as "the nonspecific response of the body to any demand"

A) Freud B) Hans Selye C) Lazarus D) Erikson

Question No. : 9

What kind of communication is established between two individuals who are engaged in a communicative relationship?

A) An intrapersonal communication B) A verbal mode of communication C) An interpersonal communication

D) None of the above

Question No. : 10

The main aim of life skill is to:

A) Succeed in life B) Develop abilities according to demand and challenges C) Make lots of friends
D) Earn a lot of money
WIN CUET Psychology 04
Question No. : 11

What kind of competencies is required to become an effective psychologist?

A) A strong sense of a balance between personal and intellectual skills.

B) A professional should be observant of a person's expression, emotions as well as surroundings.
C) A psychologist needs to be skilful in psychological testing skills and interviewing skills. D) All of the above.

Question No. : 12

Manifestation of _______ causes the body to wear and tear, both physically and mentally.

A) Stress B) Eustress C) Distress D) All of the above

Question No. : 13

What is the kind of counselling focuses on systematic analysis of a client's thought process?

A) Psychodynamic analysis of a person’s behaviour B) Psychoanalytical assessment of the client’s behaviour

C) Cognitive analysis of the individual D) Behavioural analysis of the individual

Question No. : 14

The statement: “stress is inherently bad or destructive” is

A) Completely True B) Completely False C) Partially True D) Erikson

Question No. : 15

What is the way of understanding the responses of the individual?

A) Data analysis based on the responses of the client

B) Collection of data based on the information gathered from the client C) Asking questions about certain incidents
D) Defining the variable associated with the responses of the client

Question No. : 16

The word stress has its origin in the Latin words ‘strictus’ and ‘stringere’ meaning

A) Harmful B) Tight and Narrow C) Poisonous D) Destructive

Question No. : 17

What are the ways a person can develop their psychological skills?

A) Imagining oneself being successfully able to execute an operation B) By practising positive self-talk to motivate oneself
C) Setting effective goals for an individual D) All of the above

Question No. : 18

Stress has come to be associated with both the:

A) Panic as well as Depression B) Causes as well as effects C) Cognitive as well as Emotional

D) Simple as well as complex

Question No. : 19

Therapy leading to cognitive restructuring has proven to be successful in what treatment?

A) Prevalent cases of Anxiety and depression B) Cases of Depression and Mania in a person
C) Treatment of person experiencing schizophrenia D) Treatment associated with phobias of a person

Question No. : 20

Our perception of the demands, and our ability to meet them determines whether we are feeling ‘stressed’ or not.

A) Partially False B) Partially True C) True D) False

WIN CUET Psychology 04
Question No. : 21

An individual is satisfied only if he can execute everything in perfect order. What is this instance called?

A) A case of Social pressure B) An acute case of internal conflict C) The individual is undergoing internal pressure
D) The individual is experiencing social stress

Question No. : 22

Stress is a _______ mental/cognitive state.

A) Stagnant B) Dynamic C) Slow D) Fast

Question No. : 23

In which situation naturalistic observation will not be considered a best suitable methodology?

A) Observing children playing in park B) Observing consumers shopping in malls during offers
C) Observing individuals from control and therapy group D) Observing behaviour of car driver on road

Question No. : 24

What are the effective ways of establishing strong intrapersonal communication?

A) The process of entailing communication with another person

B) The process of communication by which an individual connects with themselves
C) Establishment of an effective verbal communication D) All of the above

Question No. : 25

Lazarus distinguished _____ types of appraisal:

A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four

Question No. : 26

What are the most important requirements in interpersonal communication?

A) Perception of other individuals B) Expectations of an individual regarding other people

C) Formation of an effective self-concept before communicating with other people D) All of the above

Question No. : 27

Lazarus distinguished between ________ types of appraisal:

A) Primary and Secondary B) Major and Minor C) Important and Unimportant D) Effective and Ineffective

Question No. : 28

Which of the following statements is incorrect about adjustment?

A) It helps in providing a balance B) It helps in solving various problems

C) In absence of adjustment, an individual experiences struggle, anxiety and tension D) This is not a continuous process

Question No. : 29

________ events are appraised for their possible harm, threat or challenge.

A) Negative B) Positive C) Neutral D) NOTA

Question No. : 30

How are people in society made to feel like influential members of society?

A) Through the process of the Hawthorne effect B) Through the process of Socialisation
C) By the process of socialisation D) By normative influence
WIN CUET Psychology 04
Question No. : 31

______ is the assessment of possible future damage that may be brought about by the event.

A) Harm B) Threat C) Problem D) Stress

Question No. : 32

Which is the process of perception of a person?

A) The process of management and experience of our emotions associated with a person
B) The process of forming impression of a person C) The process of adjusting to cultural differences
D) The process of learning cultural norms

Question No. : 33

Depending upon perception of a new environment, primary appraisal can be

A) Positive B) Negative C) Neutral D) All of the above

Question No. : 34

Which of the statements are true about self-description?

A) The factor of age does not define the self-description B) Cognitive abilities do not connect with self-descriptions
C) The self-description is independent of cultural heritage D) Self-perception is dependent upon the cultural experiences

Question No. : 35

__________ is the assessment of one’s coping abilities and resources and whether they will be sufficient to meet the harm, threat
or challenge of the event.

A) Minor Appraisal B) Primary appraisal C) Secondary Appraisal D) Major Appraisal

Question No. : 36

Which factors are true about a self-concept of a person?

A) The self-concept is formed subconsciously B) Formation of self-concept is not active in social instances
C) It functions as a working memory D) Self-concept is developed unconsciously

Question No. : 37

One of the most important factor for dealing with stressful situation is

A) Novelty of the stressor B) SItuational factors C) Past experience D) Biological factors

Question No. : 38

Which of the following statements are false about listening?

A) Listening is an active process B) People tend to spend more time listening than speaking
C) Listening is a voluntary process of an individual D) Listening is a natural process a person does unconsciously

Question No. : 39

A sense of self-confidence or efficacy can determine whether the person is likely to appraise the situation as a threat or a

A) True B) False C) Maybe yes D) Maybe no

Question No. : 40

The experience and outcome of a stressor may ______ from individual to individual.

A) Remain same B) Vary C) Both a and b D) Neither a or b

WIN CUET Psychology 04
Question No. : 41

What is the key advantage of observational skills?

A) It allows behaviour to be assessed B) Helps in communicating the interests of an individual

C) It is beneficial in enhancing written communication D) All of the above

Question No. : 42

The function of cortisol is to

A) Increase motivation B) Provide energy C) Lessen pain D) Improve memory

Question No. : 43

Which format is not available in counselling interviews?

A) It adheres to the primary question answer formatting B) Setting goals and processing an interview format
C) Observing the ambience D) Forming questions while listening to people

Question No. : 44

_________ include beliefs about the harm or threat an event poses and beliefs about its causes or controllability. These include
responses such as inability to concentrate, and intrusive, repetitive or morbid thoughts.

A) Physical response B) Cognitive responses C) Behavioral response D) Intellectual response

Question No. : 45

Which skills are not included in basic skills?

A) Common communication skills B) Neutral skill competencies C) Particular psychological skills

D) Observational personal skills

Question No. : 46

Less intense, short-term, less complex and expected stresses have

A) More negative consequences B) Less negative consequences C) More positive consequences

D) Less positive consequences

Question No. : 47

What are the traits of an effective listener?

A) Avoids different distractions B) Actively responds to the one who is communicating

C) Observes body language of the person who is talking D) All of the above

Question No. : 48

The way we respond to stress varies depending upon our

A) Personality B) Early upbringing C) Life experiences D) All of the above

Question No. : 49

Which skills are the core component of empathy?

A) Internal and external communication skills B) Personal interviewing skills C) Self-counselling skills
D) Psychological skills

Question No. : 50

what not to do during interviews?

A) Taking notes during interview B) Establishing effective communication C) Probing for desirable answer
D) All of the above options
Answer Key

CUET Sample Paper - Answer Key

Psychology 01 Psychology 02 Psychology 03 Psychology 04

1. B 1. C 1. B 1. A
2. A 2. A 2. C 2. D
3. A 3. A 3. B 3. C
4. A 4. A 4. D 4. B
5. B 5. D 5. A 5. A
6. D 6. A 6. C 6. B
7. C 7. B 7. A 7. A
8. B 8. D 8. D 8. B
9. B 9. B 9. B 9. C
10. C 10. A 10. B 10. B
11. D 11. B 11. A 11. D
12. D 12. A 12. B 12. A
13. D 13. C 13. A 13. C
14. B 14. B 14. C 14. B
15. B 15. D 15. D 15. C
16. C 16. B 16. A 16. B
17. B 17. B 17. B 17. D
18. B 18. B 18. C 18. B
19. B 19. B 19. D 19. A
20. B 20. C 20. A 20. C
21. B 21. A 21. B 21. C
22. A 22. C 22. A 22. B
23. D 23. B 23. B 23. C
24. C 24. B 24. D 24. B
25. B 25. B 25. B 25. B
26. B 26. B 26. A 26. D
27. A 27. B 27. A 27. A
28. C 28. D 28. B 28. D
29. B 29. D 29. B 29. A
30. B 30. B 30. B 30. C
31. D 31. B 31. B 31. B
32. C 32. B 32. A 32. B
33. A 33. C 33. B 33. D
34. A 34. A 34. B 34. D
35. D 35. C 35. C 35. C
36. A 36. B 36. B 36. C
37. A 37. D 37. D 37. C
38. A 38. A 38. D 38. D
39. A 39. B 39. A 39. A
40. B 40. A 40. D 40. B
41. D 41. D 41. B 41. A
42. A 42. A 42. C 42. B
43. C 43. B 43. A 43. D
44. A 44. D 44. D 44. B
45. A 45. B 45. B 45. C
46. A 46. D 46. B 46. B
47. A 47. A 47. D 47. D
48. B 48. A 48. A 48. D
49. D 49. C 49. A 49. C
50. A 50. D 50. C 50. C

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