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Quarter 4: Week 6 Assessment: ____________

Acts. & Exers: ___________


Horticulture is the art of cultivating plants in gardens to produce food and medicinal
ingredients, or for comfort and ornamental purposes. Horticulturists are agriculturists who grow
flowers, fruits and nuts, vegetables and herbs, as well as ornamental trees and lawns.
In this module you will be introduced with the different branches of horticulture and how it
benefits the horticulturists.


At the completion of this module, you shall be able to:

 Categorize the different vegetables according to what part of plant it came from ;
 Describe the history and role of horticulture; and;
 Explain the main division and branches of horticulture.

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What is horticulture?

Horticulture is based from the Latin word hortus meaning garden and colere meaning to
cultivate. Horticulture is dealing with different types of crops that are more perishable, like fruits,
vegetables, ornamental and herbal plants. Perhaps, gardening is very beneficial to everyone
because it can reduce stress, improves mental health and reduces blood pressure. In fact this also
helps people to change their violent behavior.
Horticulture is one of the branches of plant biology, which includes food plants and non-food

Plant Biology

Food Plants Non-food Crops


Initially the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants was done in a safe
enclosure and it was called garden. In 17th century Peter Laurenberg coined the term horticulture
representing the cultivation of crops and gardens. Horticulture historians believe that horticulture first
began in Egyptian temple gardens. The Egyptians cultivated wide ranges of fruit trees, palms and
grape wines. They also cultivated a great variety of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants.
Archaeological evidences showed that Egyptian gardens contain a number of gardening elements.
During the middle ages, one of the major developments was that horticulture was formally
recognizes as a distant unit from agriculture.
At present times, horticulture play a vital role in plant protection and conservation, garden and
landscape design, construction and maintenance, landscape renovation, horticultural therapy and

Horticulture is divided into three main divisions namely:

1. Fruit Cultivation- Involves the cultivation of fruits and nuts.
2. Market Gardening- Involves the cultivation of vegetables, and herbs.
3. Ornamental Cultivation- Involves the cultivation of flowers, shrubs and trees for gardening
and landscape designing.

Branches of horticulture:
The major branches of horticulture are:
1. Olericulture 1. Arboriculture
2. Viticulture 2. Turf Grass Management
3. Pomology 3. Landscape Horticulture
4. Floriculture 4. Nursery
5. Gardening

Olericulture- it deals with the cultivation of plants for using their edible part. Base on the edible
plant parts, vegetables are commonly categorized by the following:
1. Stem (Celery, Lemon Grass)
2. Roots ( Carrots, beets and turnips)
3. Flowers (Broccoli, and cauliflower)
4. Bulbs (Onion and garlic)
5. Seeds ( Beans)
6. Tuber (Sweet potato, cassava, and potato)
7. Fruits ( Ladies finger, Eggplant, cucumber, tomatoes)
8. Leafy Vegetables ( Spinach, lettuce, cabbage)

Pomology- it is the study or cultivation of fruits and nuts. It includes cultivation of fruits such as
banana, orange, mango, and watermelon. Trees like almond, walnuts and chestnuts are
cultivated for high protein nuts.

Viticulture is the study and cultivation of wines, such as black and green grapes.

Floriculture is the study and cultivation of flowers that possess aesthetic and economic value.
Some of the examples are the jasmine, daisy, rose, and tulips.

Gardening is the practice of cultivating ornamental plants as a part of horticulture for interior
and exterior decoration.

Arboriculture is the practice of growing woody trees in specific areas.

Turf grass management in involves the cultivation and management of turf grass that are used
for designing lawns. These grasses are grown as carpets in lawns for enhancing the beauty of a

Nursery management deals with the management of nursery site, where plants are grown with
care before transplanting them to the main filed.
baked dishes so the softer texturble.

Categorize the following vegetables according to what part of plant it came from. Choose
you answers on the table below.

Stems Roots Flowers Bulbs

Seeds Tubers Fruits Leaf Vegetables

1. _____________________ 2. _______________________ 3. ______________________

4. _____________________ 5. _______________________ 6. ______________________

7. ____________________ 8. _____________________ 9. ____________________

10. _____________________

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