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Quarter 4: Week 2 Assessment: ____________

Acts. & Exers: ___________


Farm animals such as pigs, cows, and chicken are raised and bred in order to produce
livestock which sustains the different needs of men. Unlike crops, taking care of farm animals is
much more complicated as these living things have highly developed sensory systems that must
be satisfied in order for us to benefit fully from them.


At the completion of this module, you shall be able to:

 identify the different farm tools, equipment, and facilities used in line with farm procedures;
 observe the instructional and safety guidelines of the different farm tools, equipment, and
 create a scrapbook showing the different farm tools, equipment, and facilities in your
school or local community poultry and livestock farm.

No part of this module may be reproduced in any form including photocopying without permission from the writer.
Classify the farm tools below if it is a Garden Tools, Hand tools, Power Tools, Miscellaneous Tools or
Equipment. Write your answer on the proper column below.

Tape Measure Shovel Flashlight Castration Rack Bolo

Self-Feeder Electric Drill Spade Garden Hose Hammer

Screwdrivers Pocketknife Rake Circular Saw Dropping Board

Wrench Set Screw Drivers Water System Pliers Perches

Garden Tools Hand tools Power Tools Equipment

Tools are handheld devices or inventions which makes a particular function faster, easier, and
safer. In animal production tools are classified into five groups namely: garden tools, electric tools,
hand tools, fencing tools and miscellaneous tools. All are equally important in carrying out the day to
day functions of a farmer that handles farm animals.

Table 1: Garden Tools

Name Image Function How to Use
1. place it vertically onto the ground.
2. place one foot onto the spade
edge and apply pressure.
3. hold the grip with both hands
4. one on the ground, move away
from the body a little bit to
enforce leverage.
Spade Digging
5. pull the grip towards body.
6. slide down one hand until the
edge is reached then hold it.
7. keep one hand on the grip, bend
knees and slowly dig out the earth.
8. move calmly and continuously.
9. slowly straighten knees and move
the soil onto the blad.
1. keep feet wide apart. place front
foot close to shovel.
2. put weight on front foot. use leg to
push shovel.
3. shift weight to rear foot. keep load
close to body.
Shovel Digging
4. turn feet in direction of throw.
5. push spade down using leg
6. slide load close to body. ensure
load is loose from ground before

1. tightly hold the grip.

2. keep distance from the grass to be
Bolo Cutting
3. swing the bolo with caution.
1. determine the destination are
where the leaves will go after
2. decide how much time you can
spend raking.
3. get a rake and big plastic sheet
around 6 feet (2m) square.
4. moving your feet, rake leaves
Rake Soil Preparation
straight back and move with the
rake as you walk toward the back.
5. spread the plastic sheet on the
ground near the raking area.
6. alternately, use a grass catcher
from a push mower or a large
dustpan designed for outdoor

Garden tools are used in digging, soil preparation, and cutting. Electrical tools on the other hand
are must-haves for any type of around-the-farm construction such as the circular saw and portable
electric drill.

Hand tools are necessary in the construction of farm facilities and all-around tasks in the farm.
Table 2: Handtools
Farms are not farms without fences. Fences are used to secure the farm from outsiders and used
to keep the farm animals within the owner's’ premises.
Miscellaneous Tools are useful as the specific need arises. These include pocket knives, flashlights,
garden hoses, and digging bar.
Equipment pertains to any machinery that serves a particular purpose while facilities pertains to
something designed, built, and installed to serve a particular function according to a service or
Table 3: Swine Production Equipment
Name Image Function

These fixtures are provided in

Dropping Board the laying house to facilitate the
collection of manure.

These are horizontal poles where

Perches chickens can sit and rest
especially during night time.

This is used when breeding gilt to

a large boar or a large sow to a
Breeding Crate junior boar. It must be durable
enough to support the
additional weight of the mating

This equipment minimizes the

movement of the sow and
reduces the possibility of death
Farrowing Crate or Stall
of piglets due to crushing. It has
two types the detachable and

This is used to keep the piglets

comfortable through its heat
Heat lamps and brooders
lamps especially during rainy or
cold days.

This pressurized water system

with pipes extending to the hog
Water System
houses is used for keeping the
pigs cleaned and cooled.
This v-shaped equipment is used
Castration Rack
during castration.

This built-in concrete feeder is

used so that feed wastage is
minimized and the rate of flow
of the feed can be regulated.

This is used for transporting hogs

Livestock trailer
from farm to market.

Safety and Instructional Guidelines in Animal Production

Farming activities are prone to hazard that is why before performing some tasks it is necessary to
determine the areas of concern for safety. Safety is the state of being protected against any form of
harm or undesirable events. These exposures can be prevented if certain safety and instructional
guidelines are followed:
1. Safety glasses - these prevent dust and other small debris from getting into the eyes.
2. Protection for the ears - working on your power tools on the farm can generate a lot of noise.
Wear earplugs to minimize the damage to the ears.
3. Knowing the right tools for the job - it is imperative to read the and be familiar with the tool
instructional manual for awareness.
4. Correct method of using tools - tools should not be toyed with. It must be used with due
diligence and mental alertness.
5. Right clothes - good grooming practices are desirable when working as well as wearing of
appropriate work clothes and personal protective equipment to avoid any exposure to
hazards and lessen its risks
6. Tool inspection - carefully check the tools and equipment before using. Make sure that the
parts are intact and that the cords are not worn out to avoid further damage to the tools and
equipment as well as prevent accidents from happening.
7. Cleanliness in the work area - this should be maintained all the time in order to remove
accumulated dust and debris that can ignite with a spark that will lead to fire hazards.
Chemicals and other flammable agents must be kept covered and away from power tools.
8. Care with particular tools - additional alertness must be practiced when handling power tools.
9. Keep tools in place - proper storage of tools and equipment are necessary in order to
guarantee the quality of tools and equipment as well as an additional precautionary
measure. 10. Lighting - proper lighting while working will help prevent accidents and mistakes.
baked dishes so the softer texturble.

Create a scrapbook showing the different farm tools, equipment, and facilities in your local
community poultry and livestock farm.

Rubric for grading the scrapbook

Numerical Qualitative Content Creativity
10-9 Excellent Appropriate images Made use of creative
were showcased and concepts of art and
was actually taken design. Purely recycled
from the farm visit. materials were utilized.
Followed correct
sequencing of tools,
equipment, and
facilities based on the
8-7 Very Satisfactory with 1 error. with 1 error.
6-5 Satisfactory with 2 errors. with 2 errors.
4-3 Needs Improvement with 3 errors. with 3 errors.
2-1 Poor with more than 3 errors. with more than 3 errors.

effort on answering this module. You did a great job”

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