Signs of The Time Test

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secondary school First Term Test N 1 School Year 2019/2020

Name: ........................................................... Class:……


Read the text carefully and then do the activities.

The lives of Inuit people of North America (Eskimos) have changed a lot in the last 30
years. They used to live in igloos in the winter, but today many of them live in houses in
small towns. They used to hunt seals for their meat and fur. Many of them still wear seal skin
clothes because they are very warm.

To move over the snow, they used to wear special snowshoes on their feet. Today, many
Inuits drive snowmobiles. These machines can travel long distances in a short time.
Whereas,in the past, it used to take them days or weeks to travel the same distance. Inuit
children never used to go to school. They learnt everything from their parents.

Life is not as hard as it used to be, but many of the elder Inuits hate town life and want to
go back to the old days.

1- Choose the right answer and circle it . The text is about...
a- The houses of Inuit people.
b- The change in Inuit’s lifestyles.
c-The way they used to hunt seals.
2- Say whether the following statements are true or false:
a-The Inuit’s lifestyle hasn’t changed. ..................
b-All of them wear seal skin clothes today. ..................
c-Today, most of Inuits don’t use snowshoes to move over the snow. .................
d-The elder Inuits prefer the life of the old days. ..................
3- Answer the following questions according to the text:
a- Where do many of the Inuits live nowadays?
b-Why do many of them still wear seal skin clothes?
c-Why do they use snowmobiles?
4- What do the underlined words refer to in the text?
They: ......................... (§1) their: ...................... (§1) these machines: .......................... (§2)

B/Text Exploration:
1- Find in the text words which are antonyms (opposite) in meaning to:
Cold=/= ........................ (§1) big =/= ........................... (§1) easy=/= …............... (§3)

2- Complete the chart as shown in the example:

Noun Adjective

Nostalgia ...................

................. Traditional

Hope ..................

................... racist

3- Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

a) The referee (to put)……….. the whistle in his mouth: he (to end) …………..the game.
b) When I (to be) ………………... young, I (to wake up) …….……………….early.
c) In the past my grandmother ………(cook) traditional dishes

4-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”.
lifestyles - habits - changes–relationships –traditions -places

/s/ /z/ /Iz/

C/ Written Expression:

Write a short paragraph in which you tell your friend about your plans for the coming
holidays .

Good luck

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