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Socio-economic status is thus a measure of students' access to family resources (financial capital, social
capital, cultural capital and human capital) and the social position of the student's family/household.
This affects the academic performance of students especially in SHS students who close to taking their
college course.
Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects.
Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation
rates, and results from standardized tests.

Socioeconomic status is usually described as low, medium, and high. People with a lower socioeconomic
status usually have less access to financial, educational, social, and health resources than those with a
higher socioeconomic status.
The latter is in between the poor and the middle class—they're not middle class but not considered poor,

Increasing evidence supports the link between lower socio-economic status and negative psychological
health outcomes, while more positive psychological outcomes such as optimism, self-esteem and
perceived control have been linked to higher levels of Socio-economic Status for students.


The study concluded that most of the students with low socioeconomic status had poor achievements in
their academics. which led them into the labor market at an early age.
Academic achievement is important for the successful development of young people in society. Students
who do well in school are better able to make the transition into adulthood and to achieve occupational
and economic success.
It has been found that parents with low socioeconomic backgrounds were less interested in educating their
children. Peoples from low socioeconomic backgrounds are more focused on employment instead of
pursuing their studies after completing their secondary education. Such students end up in unskilled or
blue-collar jobs.
The study of the impact of socioeconomic status on SHS student's academic performance in San Pablo
NHS is significant in several ways. Firstly, it will contribute to the body of knowledge on how
socioeconomic factors affect academic performance. This study will provide insights into how student's
socioeconomic status affects their academic performance in San Pablo NHS and help to fill the gaps in
the existing research on educational inequality.

Secondly, the study will provide insights into how to improve the academic performance of students from
lower Socio-economic backgrounds. By identifying the factors that contribute to socio-economic status
differences in academic performance and the interventions that can improve academic performance, the
study will contribute to the development of effective policies and programs that promote equal access to
educational resources.

Thirdly, the study will provide evidence-based information to educators and policymakers. By identifying
the factors that affect student's academic performance, educators and policymakers can develop targeted
interventions that improve student's academic outcomes, especially for students from lower socio-
economic backgrounds.

Fourthly, the study will contribute to the development of a more equitable society. The study will provide
evidence to support the development of policies that promote equal access to educational opportunities
and resources, which will ultimately lead to a more equal society.

In summary, the study on the impact of socioeconomic status on SHS student's academic performance in
San Pablo NHS is significant as it contributes to the development of new knowledge, informs
policymaking, and contributes to the development of a more equitable society.


The scope of this study is focused on the impact of socioeconomic status on the academic performance of
senior high school students enrolled in San Pablo National High School. The study will cover the school
year 2022-2023 and will only be limited to the students enrolled in the school during this period. The
study will use a quantitative research design, primarily utilizing survey questionnaires, which will be
distributed to a sample of 100 senior high school students from each strand and their parents or guardians.

The study will also be limited to the following variables: socioeconomic status, academic performance,
and family background. The socioeconomic status of the students will be determined based on their
parents' educational attainment, occupation, and family income. Academic performance will be measured
through the students' grade point average (GPA) and quarterly examination results. Family background
will be assessed based on the type of family structure, number of siblings, parents' marital status, and
access to educational resources.

The delimitations of this study include the following: the study will only be conducted in one high school
in the city, limiting the generalizability of the findings to other schools, the study will rely primarily on
self-reported data from the students and their parents, which may be subject to bias and measurement
errors, and the study will not consider other factors that may affect academic performance, such as student
motivation, teacher quality, and school resources.

Faaz and Khan (2017) conducted a study of academic achievement of upper primary school students in
relation to their Socio-economic status. They selected 121 students from AMU school by using simple
random sampling technique and socioeconic status scale developed by Bhardwaj (2014), The score
obtained by the students in the last examination was considered as academic achievement of the students
collected from the school office record book. Person's coefficient of correlation and t-test as statistical
techniques used for the analysis. It was noticed that there exist a positive significant correlation between
socioeconomic status and academic achievement.

Rather and Sharma (2015) examined the impact of socio-economic status on achievement grades. Data
were collected from 200 secondary school students of Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. The study showed
that there was an intimate relationship between SES and academic grades of students. It also revealed
that male students performs better and got better marks in comparison to their female counterpartm. It
further highlighted that there was no significant difference between urban and rural students in their
academic performance.

Showkeen and Rehman (2014) investigated about the impact of Socio-economic Status of Science stream
students and their Academic Achievement at Senior Secondary level. The study showed signi cant
positive correlation between socio-economic status and Academic performance of Science stream
students at Senior Secondary Level.

Gupta and Katoch (2013) studied the relationship between Socio-economic Status and Academic
Achievement of 10th grade students of Kangra. Data were collected from 160 students selected randomly.
The result revealed that there was no significant relationship between Socio-economic Status and
Academic Achievement.

Here are some related studies on socio-economic impacts in SHS students:
The Socio-economic Profile and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in the
Philippines by C. F. Caballes Jr. and M. Y. Empuesto (2018)
This study aims to provide an overview of the socio-economic profile and academic performance of SHS
students in the Philippines. It utilized a survey questionnaire to obtain data from 352 SHS students from
public and private schools in the country. The findings revealed that there are significant differences in the
socio-economic backgrounds and academic performance of the students based on their gender, school
type, and geographic location.
The Relationship between Socio-economic Status, Family Support, and Academic Achievement among
Senior High School Students in Indonesia by D. A. Pramono (2019) This study explores the relationship
between socio-economic status, family support, and academic achievement among SHS students in
Indonesia. It utilized a quantitative approach and data were collected from 342 students through a survey
questionnaire. The findings showed that there is a significant positive correlation between socio-economic
status, family support, and academic achievement of SHS students
The Effects of Parental Socio-economic Status and Involvement on the Academic Achievement of Senior
High School Students in Ghana by E. K. Asiedu and R. Attafuah (2018) This study examined the effects
of parental socio-economic status and involvement on the academic achievement of SHS students in
Ghana. Data were gathered from 400 students through a survey questionnaire. The results revealed that
parental socio-economic status and involvement significantly influence the academic achievement of SHS
students in Ghana.
Socio-economic Impacts of Senior High School Program on Parents, Teachers, and Students in the
Philippines by A. B. Calub and C. L. Simbulan (2018)

This study aims to investigate the socio-economic impacts of the SHS program on parents, teachers, and
students in the Philippines. It utilized a survey questionnaire to collect data from 400 respondents. The
findings revealed that the SHS program has a positive impact on parents, teachers, and students in terms
of employment, income, academic performance, and career opportunities. However, there are also
challenges such as financial constraints, lack of resources, and inadequate facilities.
The Role of Socio-economic Status in Senior High School Students' Career Choices in the Philippines by
D. C. Mercado and S. A. Glivano (2020)

This study explored the role of socio-economic status in the career choices of SHS students in the
Philippines. It utilized a survey questionnaire to obtain data from 400 students. The results showed that
socio-economic status significantly influences the career choices of SHS students in the country. Students
from high socio-economic backgrounds tend to choose careers in fields such as medicine, engineering,
and law, while those from low socio-economic status prefer vocational courses.


The previous studies on socio-economic impacts in SHS students provide a background and context for
the present study. The studies highlight the importance of understanding the socio-economic profile of
SHS students, and how socio-economic factors such as family support, parental socio-economic status,
and geographic location can impact the academic achievement and career choices of SHS students.
The findings of these studies can inform the present study on how socio-economic factors influence the
well-being and academic performance of SHS students in the context of the current Philippine
educational system. The present study can build upon the existing studies by focusing on specific socio-
economic impacts such as financial constraints, mental and emotional well-being, and access to resources
and opportunities.

Overall, the previous studies provide a foundation for understanding the socio-economic landscape of
SHS students in the country, and the present study can contribute to this body of literature by providing
new insights and perspectives on the topic.

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