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Climate data analysis tool: An open software system approach

Article · May 2001

5 598

7 authors, including:

Dean Williams Charles M Doutriaux

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Krishna Achutarao Mike Fiorino

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


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Dean N. Williams*, Robert S. Drach, Paul F. Dubois, Charles Doutriaux,

Charles J. O’Connor, and Krishna M. AchutaRao, Michael Fiorino
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI)
LLNL, Livermore, CA

1. INTRODUCTION has the power to integrate unrelated software

packages under a single system. This modular
This document reviews and updates the structure will be important as we extend the
current status and future development plans of the framework to provide a grid-enabled data analysis
PCMDI software system commonly known as the system. We are leveraging our infrastructure
Climate Data Analysis Tools (CDAT). efforts with a national and international community
of contributors.
We focus on hardware, network, software
infrastructure, tool development, and support
needed for PCMDI research, for LLNL’s 4. PURPOSE OF CDAT
Atmospheric Science Division (ASD) chemistry
research, and for other national and international One of the greatest challenges faced by
research institutions. climate researchers is the cataloging and analysis
of very large multi-dimensional global atmospheric
and oceanic model data sets. To reduce the labor-
2. CDAT intensive and time-consuming process of data
management, retrieval, and analysis, PCMDI,
The Climate Data Analysis Tools (CDAT) is a other DOE sites and DOE-supported programs
software infrastructure that uses an object- have come together to develop an intelligent data
oriented scripting language to link together management system for linking of storage devices
separate software subsystems and packages, and located throughout the United States and the
thus forms an integrated environment for solving international research community. This effort,
model data analysis problems. The power of the headed by PCMDI, NCAR, and ANL will allow
system comes from the ability of the Python users anywhere to remotely access this distributed
system to seamlessly interconnect disparate and multi-petabyte archive and perform analysis.
specialized data access and display software
within a uniform user interface. The Python PCMDI’s CDAT is an innovative system that
system provides a general purpose and full- supports exploration and visualization of climate
featured scripting language with a variety of user scientific datasets. As an “open system”, the
interfaces including command line, stand-alone software sub-systems (i.e., modules) are
scripts (e.g., applications) and graphical user independent and freely available to the global
interfaces (GUI). The CDAT subsystems, climate community. CDAT is easily extended to
implemented as Python modules, provide access include new modules, and as a result of its
to and management of geo-referenced gridded flexibility, PCMDI has been able to integrate CDAT
data (Climate Data Management System or with other popular software systems such as the
CDMS); large-array numerical operations Live Access Server (LAS) and the Distributed
(Numeric Mask Arrays or MA); and visualization Oceanographic Data System (DODS). Together
(Visualization and Control System or VCS). with ANL’s Globus middleware, CDAT’s focus is to
allow climate researchers the ability to access and
analyze multi-dimensional climate datasets
3. PYTHON located at various DOE sites.

Python is an open-source object-oriented

scripting language and users find it to be simple to
use, dynamic, powerful, and flexible. Serving as
an excellent "glue" or "steering" language, Python

Corresponding author address: Dean N. Williams,
PCMDI, Lawrence Livermore National Lab,
P.O. Box 808, Mail Stop-264, Livermore, CA 94550,
5. CURRENT STATUS OF CDAT We have built CDAT with DODS so that users can
access data over the Internet via a URL web
CDAT consists of tools that simplify the address. In addition, PCMDI’s developers have
storage, diagnosis, and visualization of climate developed an alpha version of the Live Access
data. These tools play a crucial role in the Server (LAS) interfacing to CDAT. LAS was
development, testing, validation, and developed at the Pacific Marine Environmental
intercomparison of global climate models. The Laboratory (PMEL) and will provide a web browser
current version of CDAT (i.e., CDAT version 3.0) which interacts with CDAT to display the AMIP
includes seven such tools: and CMIP datasets. The user will be able to select
datasets, regions, plots, output, and animation
• The Climate Data Management System from the web interface.
(CDMS) module – automatically locates and
extracts meta-data (for example, variables, 6. OTHER PCMDI SOFTWARE ACTIVITIES
dimensions, grids, attributes, etc.) from
PCMDI’s collection of model runs and Processing model intercomparison data (e.g.,
analysis files and provides a uniform data the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
access interface to datasets in all (CMIP), and the Atmospheric Model
conventional formats used in the climate Intercomparison Project (AMIP)) and reanalysis
community (e.g., netCDF, and GRIB/GrADS); data from ECMWF and NCEP is an important
• Contrib – Collection of modules useful to the PCMDI activity. All members of the PCMDI
climate community, such as: statistical software team are directly or indirectly involved in
routines, NCAR’s SpherePak, NCAR’s this endeavor.
RegridPak, averaging routines, etc.
• The Numeric Mask Array (MA) module – PCMDI software activities focus on the future
manipulation/analysis of large arrays that through involvement with external software
include missing data; research activities, which include the Earth
• Pyfort – generates Python modules from Systems Grid (ESG) and the National Transparent
FORTRAN sub-routines; Optical Network (NTON). ESG efforts move
• Python – the object-oriented interpreter and PCMDI towards an increased collaboration
scripting and programming language; between groups of climate researchers, in that
• The Visual Climate Data Analysis Tools ESG is designed to support data replication
(VCDAT) –GUI tool that interacts with Python among climate research centers over high-speed
and CDAT sub-systems; and transport, and flexible remote access of distributed
• The Visualization and Control System (VCS) data analysis. This project addresses coordinated
module – displays, animates, and development and integration of advanced
manipulates generated graphics. applications, middleware, and network services.
This effort is impossible without the ability to
In mid-May 2001, PCMDI released version 3.0 access high-speed networks, which will enable
of CDAT. Since its release, there have been 500+ audio and visual communication, white board
downloads of the system and related interaction, visualization, and animation. PCMDI
documentation. In September 2001, PCMDI will and the climate research community expect to use
release version 3.1 of CDAT. This version will NTON when accessing remote databases,
include: 1) additional scientific modules (e.g., formulating queries, transferring data, and
Mudpak and regridders); 2) new VCS graphics visualizing analyzed results.
methods for non-rectilinear grids; 3) bug fixes and
new features for CDMS, MA and VCS; 4) new CDAT is also being extended to support the
VCDAT capabilities; and 5) upgrade to Python Atmospheric Chemistry Group in LLNL’s
2.2. Atmospheric Science Division (ASD). Special
features and dimensions have already been
CDAT-3.1 will be a source distribution with added to CDAT to accommodate atmospheric
standard and robust configuration and installation chemistry datasets. More work is needed to
procedures. The system will be built and fully address the use and access of these datasets, as
tested on the following Unix platforms: Linux they are not typical of numerical model data. In
(SuSE 7.0/7.1, RedHat (6.2,7.1) and Mandrake addition, PCMDI is involved with the installation
(7.2)); SGI (IRIX 6.5); DEC alpha (OSF 4.0); IBM and setup of a Power Wall at ASD. The Power
AIX (3.4); SUN (Solaris 5.6). (Jean-Yves Wall will display PCMDI’s graphics when VCS is
Peterschmitt from Laboratoire des Sciences du ported over to OpenGL.
Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) recently
ported CDAT-3.0 to the DEC Alpha platform and
has been an important contributor to the improved
installation system.)
7. MAJOR SOFTWARE/CDAT boundaries and will improve the ability to solve
COLLABORATORS complex scientific climate problems.

Argonne National Laboratory Planned extensions to the CDAT components

Energy and Environmental Sciences at Lawrence applications include:
Livermore National Laboratory • CDMS – non-rectilinear grids;
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory CDSCAN/XML interface, enhancements;
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory bug fixes;
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de • MA – additional functions; upgrade to the
l'Environnement latest version of Numeric;
National Center for Atmospheric Research • VCS – new graphics methods;
Information Sciences Institute, University of enhancements; port to OpenGL;
Southern California • VCDAT – new features; bug fixes;
University of Reading, UK additional GUI front-end to modules (i.e.,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and template, graphics methods, page
Research description panel, etc.);
Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology • INSTALLATION – source-based
distribution; simplified/robust installation;
8. HARDWARE FOR CDAT DEVELOPMENT port to more Unix platforms;
• Diagnostics – develop more basic
Hardware acquired in the past month (i.e., diagnostics capabilities; port compall to
August 2001) for CDAT development included CDAT;
four Dell processor PC workstations. • CDAT/LAS – add more graphics; choose
colormap; and select product output (i.e.,
The following hardware is still needed for gif netCDF, postscript, cgm, animation,
development: metadata); size of window; comparisons,
• Dell PC workstation for PCMDI’s CDAT and selection.
developer; and • LAS server-side analysis;
• ½ TB disk space for ESG-II development, • LAS service of AMIP I and PCMDI
to be placed outside firewall observational datasets; and
• CDAT/ESG-II – continue to incorporate
ESG development into CDAT.
PCMDI will continue to develop the new ESG
infrastructure that in turn will require development
and exploration of new computational tools,
This work was performed under the auspices
development tools, diagnostic libraries and
of the U.S. Department of Energy by the
visualization to advance the concept of distributed
University of California, Lawrence Livermore
climate centers. Through this infrastructure,
National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-
climate scientific collaboration will become
independent of geographic and organizational

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