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Since the production of the first-ever smartphone 'Simon personal communication (SPC)' in 1992,

the smartphone industry has steadily been developing and growing in market size and models. The

growth of this industry prompted other companies to produce their various smartphones and

improve its features alongside the evolution of technology over the years.

The market has grown to be more competitive as many smartphone companies produce their

smartphones with better and attention driven features which equally have an increase in price. The

smartphone market is highly competitive and is dominated by established players such as Tecno,

Samsung, Huawei, Apple and Xiaomi among many others and these players consistently launch

new versions with little technological changes such as style/design, battery capacity, processors,

camera configuration and resolutions.

These key players are involved in several marketing strategies such as endorsements to improve

their service offerings, sales and competitive edge.

The theme of this study being 'Celebrity endorsement' is a form of promotion which is part of the

4 marketing Ps and one can't really delve into celebrity endorsement without talking about


Pride & Ferrell (1997) defined Promotion as “a means of communicating with individuals, groups,

or organisations to directly or indirectly facilitate exchanges by informing and persuading one or

more audiences to accept an organisation’s products, brands or services”. Therefore, promotion

has to do with informing and persuading the target audience of a production company to facilitate

patronage and sales.

The most effective means for persuasion is through the use of advertisements which is part of the

promotional mix which also features; Personal selling, Public relation, Sales promo etc. More so,

for the purpose of this study, advertising will be of great value to look into. Pride & Ferrel (1997)

defined advertising “as a paid nonpersonal communication about an organisation and its product

that is transmitted to a target audience through a mass medium such as television, radio,

newspapers, magazine, direct mail, mass transit vehicles, or outdoor displays”. This means that

advertising has to do with an organisation creating awareness for its products through a mass

medium such as the afore mentioned to its target audience. This communication process of

awareness is usually paid for by the organization and they employ the media to advertise their

products or services via any mass medium to the target audience, hence the 'nonpersonal

communication '.

Today, marketers are employing strategies using various appeals including sexual, emotional,

humour among others (Belch and Belch, 2001). One of the most effective strategies used by

marketers is Celebrity endorsement and the drive behind formulating such strategies is to gain high

brand exposure, attention, interest, desire and action (Belch and Belch, 2001).

Marketers use certain tools and strategies to advertise their products to both current and potential

customers and they do this by employing well known and famous personalities also known as


Celebrities also known as famous personalities are public figures that people admire and look up

to. They are classified as role models and are of strong influencing capacity. As stated by Silvera

Austad (2004), “Celebrities are people who enjoy public recognition among a large group of

people and possess distinctive qualities like attractiveness, trustworthiness among other things”.

Thus, getting these celebrities who are widely recognized by the public to engage in various mass

media adverts as a form of brand / product promotion will definitely make a wide range of the

public aware of the organization and it's products and services. This process is referred to as

Celebrity endorsement.

According to McCraken (1989) "celebrity endorsement advertising is an ubiquitous feature of

modern marketing” He further posits that celebrities endeavour to create greater impacts on the

consumers’ buying behaviour.

Celebrity endorsement according to ( can be defined “as a form of brand

or advertising campaign that involves a well-known person using their fame to help promote a

product or service”. Therefore, celebrities having quite a large number of fans are well sought

after by marketers in order to endorse a product which will capture the minds of their fans or target

market. This is due to the fact that people prefer to associate themselves with a product or service

endorsed by a well-known celebrity.

Katyal (2007) was of the opinion that “marketers spend huge sums of money on celebrity

endorsement contracts annually”. Thus, showing the importance of celebrities in the advertising

industry. There is need to say that many big companies and brands have recognised the importance

of celebrity endorsement as a marketing communication tool (Soderlund, 2003).

Celebrity endorsement has become too strong of a strategy to ignore within the advertising industry

in Nigeria, as it is revealed to be a multi-million Naira venture. Furthermore, marketers employ

the use of celebrity endorsement to influence the purchasing decision of consumers so as to induce

sales as well as expand the market shares.


The aim of this study is to examine the Influence of celebrity endorsements on consumer buying

behaviour. Majorly, it seeks to understand the extent to which celebrity endorsements influence

consumers' attitudes, perceptions, and purchase decisions. By addressing these objectives, this

research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamics between celebrity

endorsements and consumer behaviour, providing valuable insights for marketers and practitioners

in developing effective marketing strategies.

Moreso, it is important to inquire the effectiveness of these endorsements on the buying decisions

of consumers and to this effect are what researchers are still finding answers to. The act of

endorsing celebrities if used effectively can enable the brand stand out over its competitors and

stimulate brand recognizance thus promoting instant awareness.

Multiple investigations have obviously been conducted in this line of research internationally, but

the research on the subject matter in Nigeria is quite a few. As a result, this study aims to make a

number of contributions to the knowledgeable framework of the influence of celebrity

endorsements on consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno smartphones as the object of this



The overall objective of this study is to examine the influence of celebrity endorsement on

consumer buying behaviour. In a bid to attain the general objective, the following specific

objectives are set:

• To examine the level of audience exposure to celebrity endorsement of Tecno smartphone.

• To evaluate audience perception of Celebrity Endorsement of Tecno smartphone.

• To determine if celebrity endorsements influence consumer buying behaviour towards

Tecno smartphone undergraduates of UNN.

• To find out how effective celebrity endorsement of Tecno smartphone is on consumer

buying behaviour among undergraduates of UNN.


• What is the level of audience exposure to celebrity endorsement of Tecno smartphone?

• What is the audience perception of celebrity endorsement of Tecno smartphone?

• Does celebrity endorsement influence consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno

smartphone among undergraduates of UNN?

• How effective is celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno

smartphone among undergraduates of UNN?


This study is geared towards understanding the significance of celebrity endorsement as a

marketing strategy and how to implement this tool for organizational achievement in today’s

competitive markets. The researcher's work is significant to the following groups:

• Celebrities; This study is significant to the celebrity because it helps him/her understand

their relevance as an intermediary between the company and the consumer. More so, it aids

them understand the essence of the study which is celebrity endorsement which is a great

source of income to them.

• Competitors: it is indeed a competitive market whereby many companies try to employ

all marketing mix and strategies to promote their brands and in this study the researcher try

to emphasize on the use of celebrity endorsement to induce customer patronage. More so,

it will aid various competing companies within the market in utilizing this strategy.

• Consumers; This study would aid the consumers in shaping their perception about certain

brands, create emotional connections, influence social behaviour and ultimately impact

consumers’ purchase decisions.

• Government: Nigeria practices a mixed economy, which approves both private and

government owned establishments within the country, and this study is generally geared

towards assisting any establishment or organization in promoting and inducing patronage

via endorsing celebrities. Also, this study significantly concerns the government because

celebrity endorsements can drive consumer spending, support industries, create jobs,

influence resource allocation decisions, and require regulations to ensure fairness and


• Marketers: this study engages marketers on this vein which is a beneficial strategy that

gives the product a greater edge over other products within the competitive market. It helps

marketers understand the ways to use this strategy effectively.

• Tecno smartphone company; this study will benefit the Tecno smartphone company in

various ways such as improving their marketing skills as well as give them ideas on what

areas of their production to work on, since this study is based majorly on its products.


This study would have been conducted on all the Smartphone companies within Nigeria but the

researcher chose to focus the study on Tecno Smartphones Nigeria, which is becoming a flagship

phone for the Nigerian market.

The researcher will select a number of undergraduates within the four-walls of the University of

Nigeria, Nsukka as respondents. This is because a wide range of young students are devotees of

celebrities. More so, students are very familiar with a good number of smartphone products due to

the need to take quality pictures, have access to the internet, good storage capacity and all sorts of

fun in the aspect of gaming and other social networks.


• Celebrity Endorsement: This is regarded as a marketing strategy companies employ by

using celebrities’ fame and image to promote their brand and products in other to induce

customer patronage.

• Consumer Buying Behaviour: This can be seen as the buying behaviour of the final

consumer. It is also referred to as the decision process and the act of persons involved in

purchasing and using products.

• Influence: This is the actual force exerted by an object resulting in either a change or

reinforcement on a person or individual belief.

• Purchase decision: This is the act or will to decipher and pick out from the multiple

alternatives of items, which best suits the identified need.

• Tecno smartphones: these are smartphones produced by the Tecno Mobile company

which produces series of portable computer devices with premium features.

• Undergraduates: Pertaining to this study, the undergraduates here refer to the students

within the University of Nigeria Nsukka, who are yet to gain a Bachelor’s degree.



2.1 Focus of Review.

The literature reviewed in this research is organized into two subsections:

The first section provides an overview of the conceptual factors related to the study such as Brand

awareness, Brand loyalty, Purchase intention, Celebrity endorsement, Product attributes and Brand

image. These concepts aids in consumer decision-making process. The second section presents a

review of existing empirical studies that have investigated the relationship between celebrity

endorsements and consumer behaviour towards mobile phones, identifying gaps in the literature

and how this study aims to address them.

2.2 Conceptual Review

• Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a critical component of a company's marketing strategy, it refers to the degree

to which consumers are familiar with a particular brand or product. It is defined as "the ability of

consumers to recognize and recall a brand or product by its name, logo, packaging, advertising or

any other related element" (Aaker, 2015).

Brand awareness can influence consumer behaviour in several ways. First, it can affect the

consideration set, which is the group of brands that consumers consider when making a purchase

decision (Keller, 2016). The greater the brand awareness, the more likely it is that the brand will
be included in the consideration set. Second, brand awareness can affect brand associations, which

are the perceptions and beliefs that consumers have about a brand (Keller, 2016). Higher levels of

brand awareness can lead to more favorable brand associations, which can influence purchase

decisions. Finally, brand awareness can affect brand loyalty, as consumers are more likely to be

loyal to a brand that they are familiar with (Dick & Basu, 2015).

Several studies have examined the relationship between brand awareness and consumer behaviour.

For instance, Chen and Chang (2015) found that brand awareness positively influenced consumer

purchase intention for smartphones. Similarly, Al-Badi et al. (2018) found that brand awareness

positively influenced customer loyalty in the telecommunications industry. These findings

highlight the importance of brand awareness in shaping consumer behaviour and the need for

companies to invest in strategies that enhance brand awareness.

In the context of the current study, brand awareness of Tecno smartphones among students of the

University of Nigeria, Nsukka is an important factor to consider when examining the influence of

celebrity endorsements on consumer behaviour. The level of brand awareness can impact the

effectiveness of celebrity endorsements and the extent to which they influence purchase decisions.

Therefore, the conceptual framework of this study includes brand awareness as an important

variable to consider in the relationship between celebrity endorsements and consumer buying

behaviour towards Tecno smartphones.

• Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is another key concept that is relevant to this study. Brand loyalty can be defined as

the extent to which consumers are committed to purchasing and using a particular brand over other

available options (Reichheld, Markey, & Hopton, 2014). It is a measure of the degree to which

consumers are emotionally attached to a brand and are willing to repeatedly purchase it over time

(Chen, Yao, & Kotha, 2009).

Brand loyalty is important to businesses as it can lead to increased profitability, as loyal customers

are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others (Kumar, 2016). In

addition, loyal customers may be less sensitive to changes in price, making them less likely to

switch to competitors offering lower prices (Dick & Basu, 1994).

Several factors can influence brand loyalty, including brand image, brand quality, customer service,

and product features (Yoo, Donthu, & Lee, 2000). Previous research has also shown that celebrity

endorsements can play a role in building brand loyalty among consumers (Erdogan, 1999; Erdogan,

Baker, & Tagg, 2001). Celebrity endorsers can help to create positive associations with a brand,

leading to increased brand loyalty among consumers who identify with the celebrity (Till & Busler,


In terms of the relationship between brand loyalty and consumer behaviour, previous studies have

shown that loyal customers are more likely to engage in positive word-of-mouth communication,

make repeat purchases, and pay higher prices for their preferred brand (Reichheld et al., 2014;

Chen et al., 2009). Understanding the role of brand loyalty in consumer behaviour can help

businesses to develop effective strategies for building and maintaining customer loyalty, which

can ultimately lead to increased profitability and success in the marketplace.

In summary, brand loyalty is an important concept in the study of consumer behaviour, and it is

particularly relevant to this study as we seek to understand the influence of celebrity endorsements

on consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno smartphones in Nigeria. By reviewing past

researches on the relationship between brand loyalty and consumer behaviour, we can gain insights

into the factors that influence brand loyalty and how it can impact consumer behaviour. This

knowledge can help businesses to develope effective strategies for building and maintaining

customer loyalty, which can ultimately lead to increased success in the marketplace.

• Purchase Intention

Purchase intention refers to the consumer's plan or willingness to buy a particular product or

service in the future (Mukherjee & Nath, 2019). It is a critical component of consumer behaviour,

as it determines whether or not the consumer will follow through with the actual purchase of the

product or service. Purchase intention is influenced by various factors, such as brand image,

perceived product quality, price, and marketing communication strategies (Ganesan & Hess, 2019;

Seong & Yoon, 2018).

The relationship between purchase intention and consumer behaviour is an essential area of

research in marketing, as it is crucial for businesses to understand the factors that influence a

consumer's intention to purchase a product.

Previous studies have found a positive relationship between purchase intention and consumer

behaviour (Mukherjee & Nath, 2019; Seong & Yoon, 2018). For example, Seong and Yoon (2018)

found that consumers who had a higher purchase intention for a particular brand were more likely

to make a purchase. Similarly, Mukherjee and Nath (2019) found that purchase intention

significantly predicted the actual purchase behaviour of consumers.

In the context of this study, purchase intention is a crucial factor in understanding the influence of

celebrity endorsements on consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno smartphones. By examining

the relationship between purchase intention and celebrity endorsements, the study aims to

determine whether celebrity endorsements positively influence consumers' purchase intention

towards Tecno smartphones, thereby influencing their actual purchase behaviour.

Summarily, understanding the role of purchase intention in consumer behaviour is critical for

businesses, as it can help them develope effective marketing strategies that can influence

consumers' purchase behaviour.

• Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity endorsement is a marketing strategy where a celebrity is used to promote a product or

service. It involves the use of famous people, such as athletes, actors, musicians, and social media

influencers, to promote a brand and influence consumer behaviour (Kamins, 2018).

The use of celebrity endorsements has been shown to have a significant impact on consumer

behavior. Celebrities are considered to be experts in their respective fields, and consumers often

look up to them for inspiration and guidance on what products to use (Aslama & Kareem, 2015).

As a result, the use of celebrity endorsements can create a positive image for a product, which can

influence consumer perceptions and attitudes towards the product.

Celebrity endorsements can also increase the level of attention given to a product or service. With

the proliferation of social media, celebrities have a large following, and their endorsement of a

product can increase brand visibility and generate interest in the product (Erdogan, 2015).

Additionally, celebrity endorsements can create an emotional connection between the consumer

and the product, leading to increased purchase intention and brand loyalty (Friedman & Friedman,


Several studies have investigated the impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer behaviour.

For instance, Okorie and Nwosu (2016) found that celebrity endorsements significantly influenced

the purchase decision of consumers towards a particular product. Similarly, Lwin and Phau (2014)

found that celebrity endorsements positively influenced the attitudes and purchase intentions of

consumers towards a product.

However, some studies have also highlighted the potential risks associated with celebrity

endorsements. For instance, the negative behaviour or image of a celebrity can have a negative

impact on the brand image and consumer perception of the product (Ganesh & Gupta, 2015).

Therefore, it is essential for companies to carefully select the right celebrity and manage the

celebrity's image to avoid any negative impact on the brand.

In conclusion, celebrity endorsements are a popular marketing strategy used by companies to

influence consumer buying behaviour. The use of celebrity endorsements can increase brand

visibility, create a positive image for the product, and generate interest and emotional connection

between the consumer and the product. However, companies need to be cautious when selecting

celebrities and managing their image to avoid any potential risks associated with celebrity


• Products Attributes

Product attributes refer to the specific features of a product that consumers use to evaluate and

differentiate it from other products. In other words, product attributes are the physical or non-

physical characteristics of a product that a consumer uses to make purchase decisions. Product

attributes can vary depending on the type of product being offered, but common examples include

quality, design, price, durability, reliability, functionality, and brand reputation.

The influence of product attributes on consumer behaviour has been extensively studied in the

field of marketing. Many researchers have found that product attributes can have a significant

impact on consumer purchase decisions, and that certain attributes may be more important than

others depending on the product category and the specific needs and preferences of the consumer.

For instance, a study conducted by Cheng, Lai, and Yang (2016) found that product quality and

price are the two most important attributes that influence consumers' purchase intention towards

smartphones. Another study by Nwankwo, Hamza, and Okafor (2019) also found that consumers

in Nigeria prioritize product quality, price, and design when making purchase decisions for


Furthermore, the impact of product attributes on consumer behaviour can also be influenced by

external factors such as marketing messages and advertising. For example, a study by Nam and

Kim (2016) found that advertising can positively influence consumers' purchase intention by

highlighting certain product attributes and benefits.

In summary, product attributes play a significant role in influencing consumer behavior, and

businesses need to consider these factors when developing and marketing their products. By

understanding the importance of product attributes, businesses can create products that meet the

needs and preferences of consumers and ultimately increase their sales and profitability.

• Brand Image

Brand image is a crucial factor in determining consumer behaviour towards a product. It refers to

the overall perception that consumers have about a brand and its products, which is shaped by

various factors such as advertising, packaging, product design, and customer experiences (Keller,

2016). A positive brand image can lead to greater brand loyalty, increased sales, and a competitive

advantage in the marketplace.

Consumers tend to associate specific attributes and characteristics with brands, which influence

their perceptions and purchasing decisions (Buil, De Chernatony, & Martínez, 2013). For instance,

consumers may associate a particular brand with high quality, reliability, and innovation, which

can increase their willingness to pay a premium price for that brand's products (Kim & Kim, 2017).

On the other hand, a negative brand image can lead to a decrease in sales, customer loyalty, and

market share.

Several studies have examined the relationship between brand image and consumer behaviour in

the context of various industries and product categories. For example, a study by Moliner, Sánchez,

and Callarisa (2016) investigated the impact of brand image on customer satisfaction and loyalty

in the hotel industry. The study found that a positive brand image significantly influences customer

satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn increases profitability for the hotel.

Another study by Yang and Mattila (2016) explored the impact of brand image on consumer

behaviour in the restaurant industry. The study found that a positive brand image can increase

customer satisfaction, loyalty, and willingness to recommend the restaurant to others. Similarly, a

study by Kim and Kim (2017) investigated the relationship between brand image and customer

loyalty in the smartphone industry. The study found that a positive brand image significantly

influences customer loyalty, which in turn leads to increased market share and profitability for the


2.3 Empirical Review

Celebrity endorsements have become a popular marketing strategy in recent years. Many

companies use celebrity endorsements to influence consumer buying behaviour towards their

products, and the mobile phone industry is no exception. Numerous empirical studies have

investigated the relationship between celebrity endorsements and consumer buying behaviour

towards mobile phones.

Erdogan (2015) conducted a comprehensive literature review on celebrity endorsement

effectiveness across all product categories. His goal was to synthesize the body of knowledge and

provide directions for future research. The findings showed that celebrity endorsements positively

impact consumer purchasing behaviour, with consumers more likely to choose celebrity-endorsed

products compared to competing non-endorsed brands. This effect was significant but moderate

across product categories.

Contributing to this research, Choi and Rifon (2016) focused their study specifically on mobile

phones to analyze the effects of celebrity endorsements on consumers' attitudes and purchase

intentions. Using an experimental design, they explored endorsements by celebrities with different

image associations. Their findings showed celebrity endorsements enhanced consumers' attitudes

towards mobile phone brands and increased purchase intentions. Consumers were more likely to

consider buying and recommending phones endorsed by celebrities perceived as attractive and


Providing additional empirical evidence, Lee and Kim (2018) surveyed consumers in Korea to

examine how celebrity endorsements influenced perceptions of quality, value, and brand loyalty

for mobile phones. Their goal was to determine the role of endorsements in building brand equity

within the competitive phone market. The analysis indicated that celebrity endorsements positively

predicted consumers' perceptions of quality, value, and brand loyalty. The authors concluded that

endorsements can be an effective marketing strategy for improving brand equity and positioning

in the mobile industry.

Beyond attitudes and purchase intentions, Li et al. (2019) investigated the impact of celebrity

endorsements on actual purchasing behaviour for smartphones in China. Using econometric

modeling with sales data, natural experiments, and surveys, they found a significant positive effect

of celebrity endorsements on consumers' smartphone purchases. Celebrity campaigns generated

both short-term sales spikes and long-term growth by enhancing brand prestige.

Choi and Rifon (2015) manipulated different types of celebrity endorsers and different products to

identify optimal endorsement strategies. Their findings revealed increased effectiveness when the

celebrity's image matched the endorsed product. Endorsements by celebrities with attractiveness

associations worked better for beauty products, while celebrity experts provided a bigger boost for

technical products. In contrast, endorsements had limited impact for functional products like

mobile phones.

Likewise, Truong and McColl (2018) surveyed consumers in Vietnam to explore possible

skepticism towards celebrity endorsements across different product types. Consumers expressed

more negative attitudes and distrust of endorsements for low involvement products like mobile

phones, indicating they may be less influenced by endorsements when purchasing these goods

compared to luxury or similar products.

Despite the extensive research on the influence of celebrity endorsements on consumer behaviour

towards products, there are still gaps in the literature. One of the gaps is the lack of studies that

focus specifically on the influence of celebrity endorsements on consumer behaviour towards

mobile phones, particularly in Nigeria. Most studies on celebrity endorsements and consumer

buying behaviour have focused on consumer products such as beauty products, clothing, and food

items (Al-Tit et al., 2016; Erdogan et al., 2015; Till & Shimp, 2016). This study aims to address

this gap in the literature by investigating the influence of celebrity endorsements on consumer

buying behaviour towards Tecno smartphones among students of the University of Nigeria,


Another gap in the literature is the limited research on the moderating effects of personal and

contextual factors on the relationship between celebrity endorsements and consumer buying

behaviour towards products (Kamins, 1990; Karrh, 1994; Erdogan et al., 2015). This study aims

to address this gap by examining the moderating effects of consumer personal factors such as age,

gender, and income, as well as contextual factors such as the frequency of mobile phone use and

past experience with Tecno smartphones.

Additionally, past studies have primarily focused on the impact of celebrity endorsements on

consumer behaviour in developed countries (Choi & Rifon, 2012; Till & Shimp, 2016). However,
the Nigerian market is different from those in developed countries, and there is a need for research

that focuses specifically on the Nigerian market. This study aims to contribute to the literature by

investigating the impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno

smartphones in Nigeria.

2.4 Review of Related Theory

The theoretical framework is a crucial section of any research study as it provides a theoretical

basis for the research questions and in-depth analysis. In this section, we will discuss the theoretical

frameworks that underpins this study, including the Source Credibility Theory, Social Learning

Theory and Social Identity Theory.

• The Source Credibility Theory; celebrities are often perceived as credible sources of

information and recommendations. Consumers tend to trust their judgements and

competence, assuming that the celebrity has personally experienced or researched the

product being endorsed. Therefore, source credibility theory posits that the credibility of a

source, such as a celebrity endorser, affects the recipient's attitude and behaviour towards the

product or service being endorsed (Hovland & Weiss, 2015). In the context of this study, the

credibility of the celebrity endorser may affect how consumers perceive Tecno smartphones

and their willingness to purchase the product.

• Social Learning Theory; this theory suggests that individuals learn through imitating and

observing others particularly those they perceive as role models or influential figures such as

celebrities. According to the social learning theory, Consumers are more likely to adopt

certain purchasing behaviours or attitudes if they observe their favourite celebrities endorsing

specific products or brands.

• Social Identity Theory; This theory suggests that individuals associate themselves with

particular social groups and enhance their self-image by purchasing products endorsed by

celebrities who belong to those groups. Consumers may be motivated to imitate their favorite

celebrities for a sense of belonging or to express their identity.

2.5 Theoretical Framework

Social learning theory proposes that individuals learn by observing and imitating the behaviours

of others. In regards to celebrity endorsements, consumers often view celebrities as influential and

credible figures. This view of credibility and expertise convinces consumers to pay a high amount

of attention to the products or brands that celebrities endorse.

By observing a celebrity endorsing a particular product, consumers indirectly experience the

endorsement as a positive result. This positive reinforcement, together with the association of the

celebrity and the endorsed product, triggers consumers to consider purchasing that product or item.

Additionally, consumers learn and are influenced by the behaviour of the celebrity, convincing

them to imitate the celebrity's choices in their own buying decisions.

Moreso, celebrities often have a high level of visibility and popularity, paving way for a wide

audience reach. This increased attention and exposure exerted the influence of their endorsements

on consumer behaviour. Consumers may as well feel a sense of connection or identification with

the celebrity, leading to increased trust in their recommendations and a greater likelihood of

following their lead in purchasing decisions.

Therefore, social learning theory helps us understand that consumers learn, model, and imitate

buying behaviour based on the observation and endorsement of celebrities. The credibility,

expertise, and popularity associated with celebrities produces a powerful influence on consumer

buying behaviour through observational learning and the reinforcement of positive outcomes.



3.1 Research Design

Research design is a program, a blueprint or a layout that assists a researcher in the process of

collecting, analysing and interpreting observations (Adeleke, 2003). This study adopted a survey

research design to determine the relationship between celebrity endorsements and consumer

buying behaviour towards Tecno smartphones. This design is suitable for collecting numerical

data that can be analysed statistically, which helps to achieve the study's objectives.

3.2 Description of Research Population

A research population is the aggregate of all elements defined before proper selection of the sample

is made. The description of the research population for this study is based on the entire population

of students enrolled in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, for the 2020/2021 academic session.

According to the Academic Planning Unit of the university, UNN (Nsukka Campus) population

breakdown is as follows;

Table 1: Representation showing population of Undergraduate students in UNN (Nsukka

Campus) as given by the Academic Planning Unit.


(By Faculty)

1 Agriculture 787 2240 3027

2 Arts 1560 3673 5233

3 Biological sciences 1559 2269 3828

4 Education 971 3217 4188

5 Engineering 2820 337 3157

6 Pharmaceutical sciences 706 635 1341

7 Physical Sciences 1699 1037 2736

8 Social sciences 2535 2656 5191

9 Veterinary Medicine 295 226 521

10 Vocational & Technical Education 236 491 727

Total for Nsukka Campus 13, 168 16, 781 29, 949

Source: Academic Planning Unit, UNN, 2022.

From the above tables, it is established that the population for this study is 29, 949 for UNN

3.3 Sampling Size Determination

The sampling size determination is a crucial aspect of research design as it affects the reliability

and validity of the results obtained. Sample size determination involves selecting a representative

subset from the target population to obtain accurate and reliable results. The sample size for this

study will be determined using the Australian sample size calculator.

By utilizing this sampling approach, the study aims to obtain a diverse and representative sample

that reflects the composition of the entire undergraduates’ population at the University of Nigeria,

Nsukka. This will enhance the validity and generalizability of the study's findings to the broader

population of students.


According to the working shown in the image above, a sample size of 380 respondents will be

selected for this study.

3.4 Sampling Size Technique

The study adopted a multi-stage sampling technique in arriving at the sample to study.

Stage One: From the population break down, the researcher chose to use a ‘simple random

sampling technique’. Simple random sampling affords respondents equal opportunity or

chances of being chosen for the study (Asemah et al, 2012). The researcher adopted

“balloting system” to select five faculties that will represent five strata during the course

of the entire research. The faculties that were selected from the balloting system includes;

Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Education and

Faculty of Social sciences.

Stage Two; Subsequently, the strata which consist of the five faculties were further

divided into two departments each. The researcher conducted a ‘purposive sampling

technique’ to pick two departments from each faculty. The departments were purposely

selected based on the highest population within each faculty.

To calculate the sample size per faculty, nh = (Nh/N) n is used.


nh is the sample size per faculty h,

Nh is population size for each faculty h,

N is total population size in the selected faculties (20,796) and;

n is total sample size (380)

It is simplified in the tables below:

Table 2: Result of ballot system and purposive sampling


(By Faculty) FACULTY (nh)

1 Agriculture 3027 (3027/20796) * 380 ≈ 55

2 Arts 5233 (5233/20796) * 380 ≈ 96

3 Education 4188 (4188/20796) * 380 ≈ 76

4 Engineering 3157 (3157/20796) * 380 ≈ 58

5 Social sciences 5191 (5191/20796)*380 ≈ 95

Total 20,796 380

Source: Field Work

Stage three; Going further, to ascertain the number of questionnaires for the departments in each

faculty, the questionnaires are further divided into two, although the higher the population for each

department, the bigger the number of questionnaires therein.

Table 3: Questionnaire breakdown for student category.

Formula used is (dp/tdp)*nh = sspd


nh is sample size per faculty

dp is department population

tdp is sum of the two selected departments

sspd is sample size per department



1 Agriculture Food Science and Nutrition and

Technology:542 Dietetics:787

Sspd= Sspd=

(542/1329)*55 ≈ 22 (787/1329)*55 ≈ 33

2 Arts Mass Communication:1234 History and International

Studies; 1034

(1034/2268)*96 ≈ 44
(1234/2268)*96 ≈ 52

3 Education Arts Education:1145 Science Education: 791

Sspd= Sspd=

(1145/1936)*76 ≈ 45 (791/1936)*76 ≈ 31

4 Engineering Electronics Engineering: Civil Engineering: 655


(617/1272)*58 ≈ 28
(655/1272)*58 ≈ 30

5 Social sciences Public Administration and Political Science: 971

Local Government: 921

(921/1892)*95 ≈ 46
(971/1892)*95 ≈ 49

Source: Field Work.

The copies of questionnaire will be administered in these selected departments using a ‘non-

probability sampling technique’ that involves the sample being drawn from the part of the

population that is accessible to the researcher. This is also known as ‘convenience sampling’.

3.5 Instrument of Data Collection

The primary instrument used in this study was a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was

divided into five sections. The first section was designed to collect the respondents' demographic

data, while the following four sections contained the research objectives; Audience exposure to

celebrity endorsements, their perception of celebrity endorsements, the influence of celebrity on

consumer buying behaviour and the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement of Tecno smartphones

on consumer buying behaviour. These research objectives were then developed into several

questions which were used to derive answers from the respondents.

3.6 Method of Data Collection

The questionnaire was designed based on the research objectives and the theoretical framework of

the study. The questionnaire was administered online using Google Forms, and the respondents

were given two weeks to respond to the questionnaire.

3.7 Validation of Research Instrument

The validation of a research instrument is a pivotal step in the research process as it ensures that a

method measures what it is intended to measure accurately. To ensure the validity of the research

instrument, a pilot study was conducted among 20 students who own and use Tecno smartphones,

but who were not part of the study population. Based on their feedback, the questionnaire was

reviewed and adjusted accordingly. The research study was also drafted under the supervision and

close monitoring of the project supervisor. He went through the draft and made some corrections

where necessary.

3.8 Reliability of Research Instrument

Reliability is the consistency displayed when a measurement is repeated under the same

circumstance. The reliability of the research instrument was tested using the Cronbach's alpha

coefficient. The results showed a high level of internal consistency, with a coefficient value of

0.85, indicating that the questionnaire was reliable for use in the study.

3.9 Method of Data Analysis and Presentation

The data collected will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

version 25.0. The study will make use of descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation,

and frequency distribution, numerical tables, percentages and pie chart, where necessary. Simple

tables and charts will also be used to summarize the presentation of results.

The analysis and interpretation of data will follow a sequential order in order to facilitate clarity

and accuracy.



This chapter presents the results and findings from the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative

data collected through the questionnaire. The results are organized and presented under the

following sub-headings: response rate, demographic characteristics, analysis by research

objectives, hypothesis testing, and qualitative data analysis.

Following the sample size for this research, 380 responses were gotten from the questionnaire

distributed online. 340 were properly filled and further used for the analysis, while 40 were invalid

due to incomplete and unaligned responses. This gives a response rate of 89.5%. According to

Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), a response rate greater than 50% is adequate for analysis and

reporting. Therefore, the response rate of 89.5% was considered excellent for this study.

4.1 Demographic data of Respondents

The demographic data collected included gender, age, religion, marital status, faculty, department,

and year of study. The results are summarized in the table below:

Table 4.1: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Demographic Data Frequency Percentage


Male 149 43.8%

Demographic Data Frequency Percentage

Female 191 56.2%

Total 340 100.0%


Under 18 30 8.8%

18 - 24 221 65%

25 - 34 78 22.9%

35 and above 11 3.3%

Total 340 100.0%


Christianity 317 93.2%

Islam 16 4.8%

Others 7 2%

Total 340 100.0%

Marital Status

Demographic Data Frequency Percentage

Single 287 84.4%

Married 21 6.2%

Engaged 29 8.5%

Divorced 3 0.9%

Total 340 100.0%


Agriculture 73 21.5%

Arts 116 34.1%

Education 34 10%

Engineering 50 14.7%

Social Science 67 19.7%

Total 340 100.0%


FST 44 12.9%

Demographic Data Frequency Percentage

Nutrition and Dietetics 35 10.3%

Mass communication 72 21.2%

HIS 54 15.9%

Arts Education 16 4.6%

Science Education 15 4.5%

Electronics Engineering 27 7.9%

Civil Engineering 27 8%

PALG 33 9.7%

Political Science 17 5%

Total 340% 100%

Year of Study

100 level 27 7.9%

200 level 88 25.9%

300 level 93 27.4%

Demographic Data Frequency Percentage

400 level 94 27.6%

500 level and above 38 11.2%

Total 340 100.0%

4.3 Psychographic data of Respondents

This section consists of the psychographic data from the respondents which was derived using the

research questions. Under each research question, more questions were developed which are as


• What is the level of audience exposure to celebrity endorsement of Tecno smartphone?

• What is the audience perception of celebrity endorsement of Tecno smartphone?

• Does celebrity endorsement influence consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno

smartphone among undergraduates of UNN?

• How effective is celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behaviour towards Tecno

smartphone among undergraduates of UNN?

Data presentation and analysis

This section presents a detailed analysis of the responses to each question in the questionnaire

using frequency tables and charts.

Q1. What is the gender distribution of the respondents?

The table shows 43.8% of respondents were male and 56.2% were female.

Q2. What is the age distribution of the respondents?

The majority (65%) of respondents were aged 18-24 years old.

Q3-What is the religion of the respondents ?

Majority of the respondents were Christians (93.2%)

Q4. What is the marital status distribution of the respondents?

The majority (84.4%) of respondents were single.

Q5. What is the faculty distribution of the respondents?

The top faculties were Arts (34.1%), Agriculture (21.5%).Social Sciences (19.7%).

Q6-What is the department distribution of the respondents?

Q7-What is the year of study of the respondents?

Q8. How many respondents have seen celebrity endorsed Tecno smartphones?

The image shows that the vast majority of respondents (97.9%) have seen celebrity endorsed Tecno

smartphones, while only 2.1% have not.

Q9. What are the most common mediums respondents came across celebrity endorsements?

The table shows social media was the most common medium (90.5%) respondents came across

celebrity Tecno endorsements, followed by TV commercials (75.7%) and billboards (74%).

Q10. Which celebrities endorsed Tecno smartphones most frequently?

The table shows Tiwa Savage (51.2%) and Wizkid (50.3%) were the most frequently mentioned

celebrity endorsers of Tecno smartphones by respondents.

Q11. How do respondents generally perceive celebrity endorsements of Tecno smartphones?

The table shows the majority of respondents (88.5%) have a positive perception of celebrity

endorsements of Tecno smartphones.

Q12. How credible do respondents find celebrity endorsements of Tecno smartphones?

The table shows 81.7% of respondents find celebrity endorsements of Tecno smartphones to be

highly credible.

Q13. To what extent do celebrity endorsements influence respondents' perception of Tecno


The table shows 77.5% of respondents reported celebrity endorsements significantly influence

their perception of Tecno smartphones.

Q14. How likely are respondents to purchase a Tecno smartphone because of a celebrity


The table shows 75.4% of respondents are most likely to purchase a Tecno smartphone because of

a celebrity endorsement.

Q15. Have celebrity endorsements influenced respondents' purchase decisions before?

The table shows 82.8% of respondents reported that celebrity endorsements have influenced their

purchase decisions before.

Q16. Which celebrities most influenced respondents’ purchase decisions?

The table shows 46.2% of respondents reported Tiwa Savage as the celebrity who most influenced

their purchase decision.

Q17. To what extent do celebrity endorsements influence respondents' purchase decisions of

Tecno smartphones?

The table shows 74% of respondents said celebrity endorsements most likely influence their

purchase decisions of Tecno smartphones.

Q18. How important are celebrity endorsements in respondents’ decisions to purchase a

Tecno smartphone?

The table shows 76.6% of respondents said celebrity endorsements are very important in their

decision to purchase a Tecno smartphone.

Q19. Have respondents personally purchased a Tecno smartphone due to celebrity


The table shows 79.9% of respondents have personally purchased a Tecno smartphone due to

celebrity endorsements.

Q20. What factors influenced respondents' decision to purchase a Tecno smartphone?

The table shows the top factors were Celebrity Endorsement (67.5%) and features /specifications


Q21. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are respondents with their Tecno smartphone purchase?

The table shows 75.7% of respondents gave a satisfaction rating of 5 out of 5 for their Tecno

smartphone purchase.

Q22. Would respondents recommend Tecno smartphones to others?

The table shows 93.2% of respondents would recommend Tecno smartphones to others.

Q23. What are the top reasons respondents would recommend Tecno smartphones?

The top reasons were celebrity endorsements (67.5%) and features/specifications (25.7%).

4.5 Discussion Of Findings

The questionnaire responses showed that there was a relatively balanced split between male and

female students, with a slightly higher number of females participating. The majority of students

who filled out the survey were young adults between the ages of 18-24 years old. This aligns with

the typical undergraduate student demographic. An overwhelming majority of the participants

identified as Christian, which reflects the broader religious composition in the region. Most

students indicated their relationship status as single, which is common for undergraduate students.

The survey had participation from students across 5 faculties at the university. The Faculty of Arts

had the highest number of respondents, followed by Agriculture, Social Sciences, Engineering,

and Education. This distribution allowed for a broad cross-section of students across disciplines.

Within each faculty, students came from 2 different departments. Mass Communication had the

most respondents overall, while Science Education had the least. Having departments with both

high and low response rates added diversity to the sample.

With regards to year of study, there was solid representation from final year students in 300 and

400 level. This enabled capturing perceptions of students who have been at the university longest.

There was lower participation from 100 level students, likely due to the survey coinciding with

their first year of studies. However, their inclusion still provided a freshman viewpoint.

The findings revealed that an overwhelming majority of students had encountered celebrity

endorsements for Tecno smartphones. Social media, TV commercials, and billboards were the

most frequently seen mediums for these endorsements. This highlights the power of mass media

and advertising in reaching the student population. The most recognized celebrity endorsers were

Tiwa Savage and Wizkid, demonstrating their influence as brand ambassadors.

Overall, students expressed positive sentiments about Tecno celebrity endorsements and

considered them credible sources. Most agreed the endorsements impacted how they viewed Tecno

as a brand. This suggests the endorsements are effectively shaping brand perceptions.

A significant portion said they would likely purchase a Tecno phone based on a celebrity

endorsement alone. Moreover, over 80% indicated past instances where endorsements swayed

their purchase decisions. Tiwa Savage was revealed as the most influential celebrity on students’

buying choices. This points to the substantial effect endorsements can have on consumer behavior.

An important majority of students stated celebrity endorsements were key factors in their decision

to buy a Tecno smartphone. Almost 80% had personally purchased a Tecno phone due to an

endorsement, affirming their real-world impact. Beyond endorsements, features and specifications

were also leading drivers of purchases.

Students expressed high satisfaction with their Tecno phones and a willingness to recommend the

brand to others. Celebrity endorsements and product features were cited as the primary reasons

they would give referrals. This demonstrates the value students see in Tecno, partly due to celebrity


In summary, the results indicate celebrity endorsements positively shape students’ perceptions and

purchase intent towards Tecno smartphones. Though not the sole driver, endorsements appear to

be a major influencing factor in consumer decisions. There were no notable differences based on

age, gender or income. The findings provide valuable insights into celebrity endorsement

effectiveness among Nigerian university students.



5.1 Summary

This research aimed to investigate how celebrity endorsements impact consumer purchase

behaviour towards Tecno smartphones. It focused specifically on undergraduate students at the

University of Nigeria Nsukka.

The study had four main objectives:

1. To assess the level of exposure students have to Tecno celebrity endorsements

2. To evaluate how students perceive and react to Tecno celebrity endorsements

3. To determine the influence of endorsements on students' buying behaviour for Tecno


4. To examine the effectiveness of Tecno's use of celebrity endorsers

To address these objectives, an online survey questionnaire was administered to 340 students

across different faculties and years of study. The questionnaire gathered data on their exposure,

perceptions, and responses to Tecno's use of celebrities in promotions.

The key findings were that students had high exposure to Tecno celebrity ads primarily through

social media, TV, and billboards. They perceived the endorsements positively and found the

celebrities, like Tiwa Savage, credible brand ambassadors. The endorsements positively

influenced students' brand perceptions, purchase interest, and actual buying decisions for Tecno

phones. However, product features remained the primary motivator for purchases rather than just

celebrity influence alone. Students expressed satisfaction with Tecno phones bought based on

celebrity ads and would enthusiastically recommend the brand to peers.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the results, it can be concluded that celebrity endorsement has a favourable influence on

consumer behaviour towards Tecno among the undergraduate target market. Celebrity

endorsements enhanced brand perceptions, stimulated purchase interest, and led to actual sales of

Tecno smartphones. This demonstrates celebrity marketing is an effective promotional strategy for

Tecno to engage youth consumers.

However, the findings also highlight product features as the main driver of smartphone selection

for students over celebrity appeal alone. Celebrity endorsements operate more as a complementary

influence, shaping brand preferences. Their impact depends on choosing relevant and credible

celebrities popular among young demographics. When effectively executed, celebrity

endorsement gives Tecno a strategic edge over competitors in the dynamic mobile phone industry.

5.3 Recommendations

Given the conclusions, the following recommendations are proposed:

• Tecno should maintain its use of celebrity endorsements to build brand appeal among

student consumers. Market research should inform celebrity selections based on relevance

to youth audiences.

• While celebrity ads are impactful, product innovations must remain a priority. Enhanced

functionality and stylish designs satisfy key purchase drivers.

• Marketing campaigns could utilize a 360-degree approach with digital media, TV, OOH

ads, and on-ground activations to maximize endorsement exposure.

• Sales data analysis after celebrity campaigns would tangibly quantify impact on purchase

behaviour. Metrics like market share and sales volume could be tracked.

• Future studies could survey consumers nationwide or incorporate other brands like

Samsung for comparison. Experimental and qualitative research could also provide

nuanced consumer insights.

5.4 Limitations of the Study

• The study only surveyed students at one university (UNN) in Nigeria. The findings may

not reflect the broader population of students in Nigeria or consumers in general.

• The sample size was relatively small at 340 students. A larger sample could have provided

more robust and representative data.

• The study used convenience sampling by selecting students easily accessible to the

researcher. Random sampling would have been more rigorous.

• The study relied on self-reported data from students. This can introduce bias in responses.

Other data sources could have been used.

• The study focused only on Tecno brand smartphones. Including multiple brands could give

more industry-level findings.


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