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L1: Proteins

After completing the course the student will be able to:

1. Name basic structures of cells (plant, microbe, animal)

2. Present examples of the structure and function of amino acids and proteins in cells

3. Describe at a general level the function of enzymes and the basics of enzyme kinetics

4. Present selected cell energy metabolism and principal metabolic routes

5. Describe the structure and function of DNA and RNA in cells: Central dogma in molecular biology

L2: Carbohydrates

Chapter 3 (Proteins)

• Classify amino acids into different groups

• Explain what a peptide bond is and draw the chemical structure

• Describe the 1°, 2°, 3°, 4° structure of proteins

• Name and explain examples of non-covalent interactions

L3: Lipids, lipid membranes

L4: Cellular structures, enzymes
L5: Cellular respiration, fermentation, metabolism

Learning Outcomes: (Be able to..)

• Explain the 2 different ways to produce ATP, and the importance of ATP

• Name the most important catabolic pathways

• Describe the fate of the 6 carbon atoms in glucose when being converted to CO2 (in respiration and in

• Broadly describe the steps of glycolysis and its products

• Explain where the citric acid cycle happens, and what the overall products

• Explain where the 24 e- go when glucose is oxidized to CO2

• Broadly describe what electron transport chain is and how an ATPase works
L6: Photosynthesis
L7: Nucleic Acid, RNA World DNA and gene repair
L8: Central Dogma in Molecular Biology

Learning Outcomes: (Be able to..)

Biotechnology (BioSkill 10):

• explain how PCR works

How Genes work (Ch 16):

• explain the central dogma of molecular biology

• explain how the genetic code works

• comment on different mutations and their consequences

L9: Transcription and Translation

Learning Outcomes: (Be able to..)

From DNA to RNA to Protein (Ch 17)

• explain what transcription and translation means

• explain the overall process of transcription

• explain the overall process of translation

• explain the differences in these processes between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

• name the different types of RNA and their function

L10: Control of gene expression
L11: Biotechnology
L12: Biotechnology: reading and editing genetic code

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