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● a brain disorder that causes changes ● BEING RESTLESS OR IRRITABLE
in a person's mood, energy, and ability ● CHANGING EATING, SLEEPING, OR
● is a mood disorder characterized by OR SUICIDE, OR ATTEMPTING
one or more episodes of mania or SUICIDE.
MIXED- you experience both manic and
Mania - extreme or severe form of mood depressed episode at the same time
swings or behavior. It can be characterized by
extreme episodes of excitement or being
depressed. It may also trigger a break from WHEN AND WHO GETS IT?
reality (psychosis) and require
hospitalization. First onset often surfaces when you are in
your twenties, regardless of sex.
Hypomania - milder version of mania that
Although onset may occur in early childhood
lasts for a short period of time. It also doesn’t
to the mid-40s.
require hospitalization.
Research shows that the initial depressive
episode in men tends to arise about 5 years
earlier than in women.
MANIC - highly energized level of physical
and mental activity and behavior. Early onset of bipolar disorder is associated
with greater comorbidities, more mood
Symptoms: episodes, a greater proportion of days
● OVERLY HAPPY TALKING depressed, and greater lifetime risk of suicide
● VERY FAST JUMPING FROM attempts, compared to bipolar disorder with a
ONE IDEA TO ANOTHER later onset.
● BEING RESTLESS ● Substance abuse and anxiety
● HAVING AN UNREALISTIC disorders are more common in
BELIEF IN ONE'S ABILITIES patients with an early onset.

DEPRESSED - you experience a low or Late onset of bipolar disorder starts later in
depressed mood and/or loss of interest in adulthood, from 50s and on. It is very difficult
most activities to diagnose, but it is not too late to manage
it. The condition can also be probably
Symptoms: secondary to medical causes.
Men Are Less Likely To Seek Treatment Bipolar disorder is caused by an imbalance
than Women who tend to be more open to of cholinergic and catecholaminergic
seeking therapy. neuronal activity. Serotonin (5-HT) has been
suggested to modulate catecholamine activity.
PEDIA- approach is similar to that used in Dysregulation of this relationship could cause
adults, with monotherapy as first-line a mood disturbance.
therapy, but only lithium is FDA-approved for
children and adolescents as young as age 12; An early theory was that elevation of
support divalproex, carbamazepine, norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA)
olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone. caused mania, and a reduction caused
-they are more likely than adults to
experience significant weight gain due to
It can affect the Prefrontal Cortex
atypical antipsychotic drugs.
(responsible for mood changes)
Gray Matters (low volume) Hippocampus
GEATRICS- requires special care because of
(reduced size)
increased risks associated with concurrent
non-psychiatric medical conditions and
drug-drug interactions.

Pregnancy - Treatment is best managed CONTRIBUTING FACTORS

when the pregnancy is planned
For a patient with severe bipolar disorder, a experience a death of a loved one or other
history of multiple mood episodes, rapid traumatic event, it can trigger manic or
cycling, or suicide attempt, discontinuing depressive episodes.
treatment, even for a planned pregnancy, is
unwise CHANGES IN YOUR BRAIN - partly caused by
an underlying problem with the balance of
Patients who decide to discontinue drug neurotransmitters.
therapy prior to pregnancy should taper
medications slowly in order to reduce risk of GENETICS - you can get it from at least one
relapse. close biological relative with the condition.
★ Lifetime risk of bipolar
CAUSE disorder in relatives of a
bipolar patient is 40% to 70%
The precise cause of bipolar disorder is for a monozygotic twin and
unknown. 5% to 10% for another
first-degree relative.


● diagnosis necessitates at least one ● symptoms may not last long enough
episode of mania, for at least 1 week or may have too few symptoms but
or longer the symptoms is clearly out of the
● can also be defined by manic normal range of a person's behavior
symptoms that are severe that the
person needs an immediate hospital
● affects men and women equally
● age between 12 & 24 RAPID CYCLING - four or more manic,
● In males, the initial episode in bipolar hypomanic, or depressive episodes have
I disorder is more likely to be mania, taken place within a twelve-month period.
and the number of
● manic episodes is equal to or greater
than depressive episodes Physical exam - physical exam and lab tests
to identify any medical problems that could
BIPOLAR 2 be causing your symptoms
● when a person has a pattern of
hypomanic and depressive episodes Psychiatric assessment - a doctor may refer
but not the full-blown manic you to a psychiatrist, who will talk to you
episodes (hypomania) about your thoughts, feelings and behavior
● hypomanic episodes need to last for 4 patterns. (A thorough medical history, which
days will include asking about your symptoms,
● seen in bipolar I illness more lifetime history, experiences and family
common in women history.)
● age between 18 & 29
Mood charting - You may be asked to keep a
CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER daily record of your moods, sleep patterns or
● a chronic mood disturbance generally other factors that could help with diagnosis
lasting at least 2 years and and finding the right treatment.
characterized by mood swings
including periods of hypomania and Criteria for bipolar disorder - Your
depressive symptoms psychiatrist may compare your symptoms
● Psychotic features are not found in with the criteria for bipolar and related
cyclothymic disorder disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
SPECIFIED a person must have experienced at least
● diagnosed when a person has one episode of mania or hypomania to be
symptoms of the illness but doesn't diagnosed with bipolar disorder
meet the diagnostic criteria for
either bipolar 1 or 2.
● Patients with bipolar disorder have a
high risk of suicide. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a
● Factors that increase that risk are type of psychotherapy that combines
early age at disease onset, high cognitive and behavioral theories. It stresses
number of depressive episodes, the importance of recognizing patterns of
comorbid alcohol abuse, personal cognition (thought) and how thoughts
history of antidepressant-induced influence subsequent feelings and behaviors.
mania,and family history of suicidal An advantage of CBT is that patients are
behavior. taught self-management skills to change their
negative thoughts in order to feel and
COMORBID PSYCHIATRIC AND MEDICAL function better, even if external circumstances
CONDITIONS do not change.

● Lifetime prevalence rates of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the

psychiatric comorbidity co-existing application of prescribed electrical impulses
with bipolar disorder are 42% to to the brain for the treatment of severe
50%. depression, mixed states, psychotic
depression, and treatment-refractory mania
Psychiatric comorbidities include: in patients who are at high risk of suicide.

● Personality disorders Psychoeducation for patients, their families,

● Alcohol and substance abuse or and groups regarding chronicity of bipolar
dependence disorders; self-management through sleep
● Anxiety disorders, including panic hygiene, nutrition, exercise, and stress
disorder, obsessive compulsive reduction; and abstinence from alcohol or
disorder, and social phobia drugs is critical to the success of supporting
● Eating disorders the individual in managing bipolar disorder.
● Attention-deficit/hyperactivity

Medical comorbidities include: PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY

● Migraine
● Multiple sclerosis Mood-Stabilizing Drugs
● Cushing’s syndrome
● Brain tumor - desired effects =treatment of acute
mania,treatment of acute bipolar
● Head trauma depression, prevention of manic
relapse,and prevention of bipolar
depression relapse
- has a narrow therapeutic index (the
________________________________________________ toxic dosage is not much greater than
the therapeutic dosage)
It is common for lithium to be combined with
MOA: reduces excitatory (dopamine and other mood stabilizing drugs or antipsychotic
glutamate) but increases inhibitory (GABA) drugs, if necessary, in order to achieve more
neurotransmission complete remission of symptoms
- altered ion transport, increased
intraneuronal catecholamine SIDE EFFECTS: gastrointestinal upset, tremor,
metabolism, neuroprotection or and polyuria (dose related) ; nausea,
increased brain-derived neurotrophic dyspepsia, and diarrhea (minimized by co
factor, inhibition of second messenger administration with food)
systems, and reprogramming of gene Other common adverse effects include poor
expression concentration, acneiform rash, alopecia,
worsening of psoriasis, weight gain, metallic
- First approved mood-stabilizing drug. taste, and glucose dysfunction
- It remains a first-line agent.
- It has anti manic efficacy, prevents
bipolar disorder relapse ,and has
more modest efficacy for bipolar D-D INTERACTION: Common and significant
depression. drug interactions involve thiazide diuretics,
- It is most effective for patients with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
few previous episodes, symptom-free (NSAIDs), and angiotensin converting enzyme
interepisode remission, and a family inhibitors (ACEIs). loop diuretics such as
history of bipolar disorder with good furosemide are less likely to increase lithium
response to lithium retention.
- Divalproex Sodium and Valproic Acid

- Patients with rapid cycling bipolar MOA: It blocks ion channels and inhibits
disorder are less responsive to lithium sustained repetitive neuronal excitation;
- It may also be less effective in patients increasing brain GABA concentrations, and
with mixed mood episodes, and in Na+ channel inhibition
mania secondary to non-psychiatric
illness. - was developed as an antiepileptic
- Lithium reduces the risk of deliberate drug, but also has efficacy for mood
self-harm or suicide by about 70% stabilization and migraine headache
- Lithium is usually initiated at a dosage - FDA-approved for the treatment of the
of 600 to 900 mg per day; most manic phase of bipolar disorder
commonly given in a divided dosage,
once-daily dosing is acceptable
- generally equal in efficacy to lithium
and some other drugs for bipolar
the metabolism of divalproex can be
- not FDA-approved for relapse increased by enzyme-inducing drugs such
prevention as carbamazepine and phenytoin, while
- It has particular utility in bipolar divalproex may simultaneously slow
disorder patients with rapid cycling, metabolism of the other agents.
mixed mood features, and substance
abuse comorbidity Carbamazepine
- can be used as monotherapy or in
combination with lithium or an MOA: It blocks ion channels and inhibits
antipsychotic drug sustained repetitive neuronal excitation, but
whether this explains its effect as a
mood-stabilizing drug is not known.

- Divalproex is often initiated at 500 to - an extended-release formulation of

1000 mg per day but a therapeutic carbamazepine has only recently
serum valproic acid received FDA approval for treatment
concentration can be reached more of bipolar disorder
quickly through a loading dose - considered possibly less desirable as a
approach of 20 to 30 mg/kg per day first-line agent because of safety and
drug interactions.
SIDE EFFECTS: gastrointestinal (loss of - reserved for patients who fail to
appetite, nausea, dyspepsia, and diarrhea), respond to lithium or for patients
tremor, and drowsiness. with rapid cycling or mixed bipolar
- less common effects include alopecia disorder
or a change in hair color or texture - used as monotherapy or in
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome combination with lithium or an
associated with increased androgen antipsychotic drug
production has been reported - usually initiated at 400 to 600
mg/day; sustained-release
The delayed-release and formulation can be given in two
extended-release formulations are less divided doses.
likely to cause gastric distress than the
immediate-release valproic acid. SIDE EFFECTS: common adverse effects are
drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, lethargy, and
confusion; also causes diplopia and
D-D INTERACTION: antiepileptic drugs and dysarthria.
tricyclic antidepressants. - minimized through dosage
- The risk of a dangerous rash due to adjustments, use of sustained-release
lamotrigine is increased when given formulations, and giving more of the
concurrently with divalproex drug late in the day.
SIDE EFFECTS: greatest significance is a
maculopapular rash, occurring in up to 10%
D-D INTERACTION: Carbamazepine induces of patients.
the hepatic metabolism of many drugs, - usually benign and temporary, some
including other antiepileptic drugs, rashes can progress to life-threatening
antipsychotics, some antidepressants, oral Stevens-Johnson syndrome
contraceptives, and antiretroviral agents - dizziness, drowsiness, headache,
- the metabolism of carbamazepine can blurred vision, and nausea
be slowed by enzyme-inhibiting drugs
such as some antidepressants, D-D INTERACTION:
macrolide antibiotics - usually due to induction or inhibition
- Carbamazepine should not be given of its metabolism by other drugs
concurrently with clozapine because - divalproex slows the rate of
of the added risk of agranulocytosis elimination of lamotrigine by about
half, necessitating dosage reduction.
Lamotrigine - carbamazepine increases the rate of
lamotrigine metabolism. Upward
MOA: involve blockage of ion channels and adjustment in the lamotrigine dosage
effects on glutamate transmission may be needed as a result.

- effective for the maintenance Oxcarbazepine

treatment of bipolar disorder
- more effective for depression - is an analogue of carbamazepine,
relapse prevention than for mania developed as an antiepileptic drug.
relapse. - advantage over carbamazepine is that
- sometimes used in combination with routine monitoring of hematology
lithium or divalproex, although profiles and serum
combination with divalproex increases
the risk of rash, and lamotrigine - concentrations are not indicated, as
dosage adjustment is required the drug is less likely to cause
- usually initiated at 25 mg daily for hematologic abnormalities.
the first 1 to 2 weeks, then - drug interactions are less significant,
increasing in a dosedoubling fashion although it is at least a mild inducer of
every 1 to 2 weeks to a target certain metabolic pathways, and
dosage of 200 to 400 mg per day vigilance for drug interactions is
needed, especially with oral
- lamotrigine is added to divalproex, contraceptives
the starting dosage is 25 mg every
other day with a slower titration to SIDE EFFECTS: include drowsiness,
reduce the risk of rash dizziness, gastrointestinal upset, and
hyponatremia, the latter two of which may be
more likely than with carbamazepine.

OTHERS ( aripiprazole for bipolar disorder is 20 to 30

mg per day)
High-potency benzodiazepine agents such as ( olanzapine is more likely to cause
clonazepam have been used as adjunctive metabolic side effects.)
therapy, especially during acute mania
episodes, to reduce anxiety and improve The combination of olanzapine and
sleep. fluoxetine is approved for treatment of
bipolar depression.
Topiramate is commonly used for its putative
mood-stabilizing effects, but unpublished, Quetiapine is approved for treatment of
well-designed, randomized, controlled trials bipolar depression.
sponsored by the manufacturer showed no
between topiramate and placebo for Antipsychotic Drugs
treatment of bipolar disorder.
they should be combined with a
mood-stabilizing drug to reduce the risk of
mood switch to hypomania or mania

depressive episodes in bipolar disorder

PHARMACOLOGIC THERAPY patients presents a particular challenge
because of the risk of a pharmacologic mood
Antipsychotic Drugs switch to mania, although there is not
complete agreement about such risk;
chlorpromazine and haloperidol have long
been used in the treatment of acute mania Treatment guidelines suggest lithium or
lamotrigine as first-line therapy
- are equivalent in efficacy to lithium Olanzapine has also demonstrated efficacy in
and divalproex for treatment of acute treatment of bipolar depression, and
mania. quetiapine is under review for approval of
- less likely than conventional agents to treatment of bipolar depression.
cause neurologic side effects,
especially movement abnormalities.
- they are more likely to cause
metabolic side effects such as weight
gain, glucose dysregulation, and

Aripiprazole and olanzapine are also

approved for maintenance therapy.

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