Scholtes THN 4500

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Modell típus:

Általános jegyzet

Technikai Dokumentáció irányelvei

Itt néhány általlános információ találhatsz a technikai dokumentáció egyszerűbb használatához.

1. Azonos termékcsalád típusai azonos robbantott ábrát tartalmaznak, mely a teljes alkatrész választékot mutatja,
általánosságban, nem szükségszerű hogy az adott terméknek is alkatrésze az ábrán feltüntetett.

2. Némely alaktrész bemutatása nem lehetséges közvetlenül a robbantott ábrákon(használai útmutatók, speciális szererlő
csomagok, stb…) Ezen kódok megtalálhatók az alkatrészlistán azonos hivatkozási számmal azoknál ahol az alkatrészek be
vannak építve vagy 099,999 hivatkozással.A kezelési utasítás,ha már létezik, a 000 referencia számmal lesz ellátva.

3. Minden robbantott ábra jobb felső sarkában megtalálható a gyári szám , ami mutatja bizonyos modellek gyártásának kezdetét
, néhány modellnek létezhet több robbantott ábrája az adott kategóriában, ami a gyári számok alapján különbözik egymástól és
egy másik alkatrészlista tartozik hozzá.Ebben az esetben a gyári szám megadása szükséges a helyes alkatrész biztosításához.A
robbantott ábra megfelel a legújabb gyári számnak , de az ez előttiekhez szükséges a megfelelő kiegészítés

4. A robbantott ábrák további frissítéseket igényelnek akár már közvetlenül a megjelenés után.Új alkatrészek hozzáadása a
jelenlegi referenciaszámok folytatásával történik.A robbantott ábra felülvizsgálati száma a gyári szám utolsó négy digitjében
látszódik, a jobb felső sarokban.

5. A robbantott ábrához tartozó alkatrész lista mutatja a vonatkozó kódokat több modellre is , minden egyes alkatrészhez más
infpormáció is rendelkezésre áll


INDUSTRIAL KÓD:a termék különböző változatainak listája (jelezve a termék cimkéjén)ahol ez az alkatrész
használatos;MEGJEGYZÉS:az információ(k) kódszáma,ami jelöli a teljes szakmai beavatkozást, figyeli a változásokat vagy segít
megtalálni a helyes alkatrész kódot.

6. Néhány megjegyzés ugyanabban a részben általános ezért nem csatolódik közvetlenül az alkatrészhez.Azért ,hogy a legjobban
követhessük a termék változásait,a legjobb,ha követjük az összes megjegyzést és folyamatosan ellenőrizzük a dokumentáció

7. A technikai dokumentáció borítója megmutatja a model nevét és termékkódját

mod.THN4500 page 2
4520150 Robbantott ábrák

mod.THN4500 page 3
4520150 alkatrész lista

refer Kód Az S/N To S/N Helyettesít Leírás jegyzet ipari kód

000 C00134447 user instructions
001 C00131071 top an
001 C00131072 top wh
001 C00131073 top ix
002 C00040860 1 x C00125342 worktop/hob seal length 2,5m
003 C00123855 black screen seal
003 C00124617 microprocessor
003 C00131211 cpu board thn4500 4 energy
004 C00124675 nylon disc
005 C00123832 command board spring
006 C00123839 command board fixing screw
007 C00124604 resid. heat indicator 35/55
008 C00125230 support bracket - residual heat
009 C00040856 1 x C00137003 limiter 0452122
010 C00131059 heater, 1200w/230v 0452033
010 C00134838 főzőlap 1200w/230v 0452033
011 C00131026 1 x C00139426 facetted halogen lamp
012 C00131027 insulation ring
013 C00125823 1 x C00137004 thermal limiter
014 C00131061 1 x C00133611 heater 2200w-230v/2350w-240v
1 x C00139426
015 C00121818 black female connection group
016 C00121819 grey female connection group
017 C00125545 1 x C00131887 thn 5500/th 4500 cable 0452006
017 C00131887 1 x C00134354 shielded cable 0452006
1 x C00134355
017 C00134355 shielded cable 0452025
018 C00131208 insulation ring
019 C00131226 thermal limiter
020 C00036033 resid.heat indicator 45/90
021 C00131209 halogen lamp 0452128
021 C00136814 1 x C00139485 halogen lamp (round) 0452128

mod.THN4500 page 4
4520150 alkatrész lista

refer Kód Az S/N To S/N Helyettesít Leírás jegyzet ipari kód

022 C00131074 1 x C00139423 heater 1800w/230v
023 C00033116 cable clamp
024 C00125941 limiter
025 C00125859 heater 800w/230v
026 C00033111 spring retainer - radiant ring

mod.THN4500 page 5
4520230 Robbantott ábrák

mod.THN4500 page 6
4520230 alkatrész lista

refer Kód Az S/N To S/N Helyettesít Leírás jegyzet ipari kód

001 C00125154 power module cover
002 C00125273 cable adaptor board 0452006
003 C00124616 inter relay board
004 C00125701 relay board
005 C00121508 brace
006 C00121821 grey connection group
007 C00121820 black connection group
008 C00130562 cable clamp
009 C00131210 power box thn4500 welded
010 C00125085 brace 0452006
011 C00124884 1 x C00134354 power board 0452005
011 C00131495 power board thn 4500 export 0452005
011 C00134354 power board, locked 0452025
012 C00124869 high cut ability fuse
014 C00125155 terminal block support
015 C00039553 1 x C00136759 6 points terminal block
099 C00133618 power module base plate 0452019

mod.THN4500 page 7

0452005: TH/THN4500/4000/5500/5600
The power board ref.131495 replaces the power board ref.124884 for models that have a problem of power cutoffs due to
undervoltage of the power supply network.

0452006: THN 4500

From serial n° 9444007946.
The shielded cable ref.125545 is replaced by the shielded cable ref. 131887. Elimination of the connector adaptation board
ref.125273 and the four braces ref. 125085. To adapt the cable ref. 131887, see the electrical diagrams corresponding to the
above-mentioned serial number and modification notice n° 17 bis.
The following is a diagram of shielded cable ref.131887 (correspondence of colours) for the different versions of the cable.
fig.4620029B * For THN 4500 hobs, the wire (black/orange or pink, depending on the shielded cable) is not to be connected. It
must be properly insulated.

0452019: THN 4500

mod.THN4500 page 8
A power unit ref.133618 is available in customer service that integrates all the modifications of the different components :
shielded cable, power board, inter-relay board.

From serial n° 606276331, the power board ref.134354 replaces the power board ref.131495 and the cable ref.134355 replaces
the cable ref.131887.
These differents versions of parts are interchangeable, but you must change both parts : the power board AND
the shielded cable.


From serial number :
- 610083430 for the THG650 hob,
- 608263433 for the THL690 FR/NL/BE and DE hobs,
- 609035526 for the THN290 hob,
- 609035528 for the THN600 hob,
- 606046073 for the THN2500 hob,
- 606046055 for the THN4500 hob,
- 607014826 for the TSG620 hob,
- 607024906 for the TSG640 hob
replacement of the "speedring" heaters by "RUBAN" heaters.
1200W heater ->ref.131059 replaced by 134838.
Both heaters are interchangeable, but the design is different.
Thus, there are two references for spare parts.

0452122: Replacing the thermal limit controls

On some plates, two different types of thermal limit controls were used to obtain some sort of standardisation and to render the
plate more resistant.

mod.THN4500 page 9
Consequently, two whole identical plates, be they provided with one type of limit control or the other, are completely
interchangeable and can keep the same SAT code.

However, if only one limit control needs to be replaced, use a limit control which is identical to the one originally installed on the

The characteristics which distinguish the two types of limit control (non-interchangeable) from one another are:
- limit control prior to modification: Z8? Type, glass rod.
- new limit control : Z95... Type, ceramic rod (cordierite)
(The type of limit control (Z8... or Z95...) should be indicated on the part).

The modification concerns the following plates: (Image NT000300)

0452128: Halogen lamp: Faceted / Circular

Two types of halogen lamps have been fitted onto hot plates 131074 and 136421:
131209 : Faceted halogen lamp
136814 : Circular halogen lamp

These two lamps are not interchangeable.

Should you just have to replace the lamp, make sure you use the same type of lamp as the original one.

mod.THN4500 page 10
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452086b

mod.THN4500 page 11

leírás: 452086b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 12
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 13
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452087b

mod.THN4500 page 14

leírás: 452087b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 15
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 16
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452088b

mod.THN4500 page 17

leírás: 452088b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 18
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 19
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452089b

mod.THN4500 page 20

leírás: 452089b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 21
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 22
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452160b

mod.THN4500 page 23

leírás: 452160b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 24
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 25
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452161b

mod.THN4500 page 26

leírás: 452161b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 27
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 28
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452162b

mod.THN4500 page 29

leírás: 452162b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 30
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 31
Elektromos ábrák és
Cod. 452163b

mod.THN4500 page 32

leírás: 452163b

ADD Additional JCT Junction

ALCP Power board supply LIM Limiter
ALIM Power supply LT Pilot lamp
ALL Igniter MA On
AR Rear MAUV Violet
ARD Rear - right MN Timer
ARE Off MOD Module
ARG Rear - left MODP Power module
AV Front MODU Modular
AVD Front - right MR Brown
AVG Front-left MRUP Contact breaker
B Blue N Black
BCD Control box N/M Black / Violet
BGIE Spark plug NC Not connected
BORR Connection terminal NEU Neutral
BRAL Terminal board NOT3 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRES Residual box bloc NOT4 The numbers in bold print correspond to those
BRR Terminal board NOT5 The circled numbers correspond to those of the
BRUL Burner NOT6 The circled numbers correspond to those of 12
BUZ Buzzer NU Not used
C Condenser Ne Neon lamp
CA Power board OR Orange
CAMA On/Off button power card P Plate
CBL Screened cable PAB Terminal strip
CC Heater body PCD Control rim
CCDE Control board PCDE Control panel
CCON Connector board PH Phase
CDE Control POS Position
CE Frame POUS Pushbutton
CEL Electronic circuit PRF Moulding
CFx Female connector PU Power
CI Printed circuit R Red
CINR Switch-relay card RAMP Ramp

mod.THN4500 page 33
CINV Intervariation card RAZ Zero reset
CL Logic card REF Sensitivity voltage
CMx Male connector x points REG Power regulator
COM Selector RES Residual
CON Connector RL Relay
CONM Micro-control RO Pink
CONx Connector RST Heating element
CP Power card RSTC Thermal heating element
CPT Casing SBRR Connection terminal board holder
CR Relay card SFG Eart coil
CRU Voltage delayer card SRA Reignition safety
CT Touch card STH Thermal safety
CTI Bottom touch card SYNC Synchro
CTMA On/Off touch card TH Thermostat
CTS Top touch card THS Safety thermostat
CUV Tray TRAB Burner cross-piece
CV LED card TRAV Cross-piece
DES Top TRE Gasket
ECLA Control lighting TUBH Halogen tub
F Heater TURB Turbine
FILT Filter U Voltage
FOND Bottom UF Heater voltage
FRF Wires connected to heaters V Green
FUS Fuse VE Fan
FUST Timed fuse VO LED
G Earth VOAL Power LED
GB Box earth VOF Heater LED
GC Tray earth VOR Residual LED
GCE Frame earth VOU Voltage LED
GCFR Cooling conduit earth VRST Varistance
GCPT Casing earth VUFA Additional heater voltage LED
GF Bottom earth W White
GPSB Terminal box support earth W/B White/blue
GR Grey W/J White/Yellow
GRP Ramp earth W/MAU White/Violet
GT Cross-piece earth W/N White/black
INT Switch W/R White/red
J Yellow W/V White/green
J/V Yellow/green ZE External area

mod.THN4500 page 34

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