Acr Fidelity Bond

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Title of FIDELITY BOND: Allocating funds for the Fidelity Bond

Date September 2023

Venue Marikit Integrated School


Persons Property Custodian and School Head

Objective To successfully allocate and secure a Fidelity Bond for the School Head
and the property Custodian by effectively managing financial resources
and completing all necessary activities within the time frame of September
Narrative Introduction:
Report The Fidelity Bond Project was initiated with the primary goal of
ensuring the financial security and integrity of the institution by allocating
a Fidelity Bond for the School Head and the property Custodian. This
report outlines the activities undertaken, resources utilized, and outcomes
achieved during the month of September 2023.

Project Overview:
The Fidelity Bond Project sought to mitigate potential financial risks
by acquiring a Fidelity Bond, which would serve as a protective measure
against any fraudulent or dishonest actions perpetrated by either the
School Head or the property Custodian. Such proactive steps are
instrumental in maintaining the institution's credibility and fiscal

Here is the activity conducted by the school in relation to the

intervention plan:
1. Allocating Funds for the Fidelity Bond: The core activity of the
project involved the allocation of financial resources to secure the Fidelity
Bond. A total of 2100 pesos was earmarked for this purpose, ensuring
adequate coverage for potential liabilities.

Resources Utilized
Human Resources:
Property Custodian: The Property Custodian played a pivotal role by
actively engaging in the project. Their cooperation in furnishing essential
information and documentation greatly expedited the Fidelity Bond
application process.
School Head: The School Head's enthusiastic participation was vital in
this endeavor. Their endorsement of the Fidelity Bond application and
thorough verification of submitted details showcased their dedication to

Address: Brgy. Marikit, Pantabangan, N.E

Tel. No.: 09260913674
Email Address:
the project's success.
Non-Human Resources:
Fidelity Bond Form: The official Fidelity Bond form acted as the
linchpin for the application process. It was meticulously completed,
ensuring all relevant details were accurately captured before submission.
Financial Resources:
₱2 100.00: The earmarked financial resources were judiciously utilized to
activate the Fidelity Bond. This allocation encompassed the necessary
fees, guaranteeing the bond's comprehensive coverage.

Project Execution and Outcome:

The outlined activities were executed with precision and diligence, fully
adhering to the September 2023 timeline. The seamless collaboration
between the Property Custodian and the School Head, coupled with the
meticulous completion of the Fidelity Bond form, culminated in the
successful allocation of the bond.

In conclusion, the Fidelity Bond Project for September 2023 achieved its
primary goal of successfully allocating a Fidelity Bond for both the
School Head and the property Custodian. This achievement was a direct
result of the synchronized efforts of our human resources, effective
utilization of non-human resources, and a prudent financial approach. The
institution is now better fortified against potential financial vulnerabilities
and can continue to operate with a sense of assurance and security.

Moving forward, the institution remains committed to upholding the

highest standards of financial integrity and will continue to implement
proactive measures that safeguard its interests.
The successful allocation of the Fidelity Bond for the School Head and the
Ways property Custodian marks a significant milestone in fortifying our
Forward institution's financial integrity. To sustain this positive momentum and
further enhance the project's effectiveness, the following ways forward are

1. Continuous Monitoring and Reporting:

Establish a system for ongoing monitoring and reporting of the Fidelity
Bond. Regularly review financial records and transactions involving the
School Head and Property Custodian. This will help ensure that the bond's
coverage remains relevant and effective, and any irregularities can be
promptly addressed.

2. Employee Training and Ethics Workshops:

Conduct training sessions and workshops for all staff members, focusing
on ethical behavior, financial responsibility, and the importance of
safeguarding the institution's assets. Promote a culture of honesty and
integrity to minimize the likelihood of fraudulent activities that could
trigger the Fidelity Bond.

3. Enhanced Documentation and Verification:

Strengthen the documentation process for Fidelity Bond-related activities.
Require detailed records of any financial transactions, approvals, and
decisions involving the School Head and Property Custodian. Implement a
dual-verification process for sensitive financial matters to add an extra
layer of accountability.

4. Regular Reevaluation of Financial Coverage:

Periodically assess the adequacy of the allocated financial resources (2100
pesos) for the Fidelity Bond. Take into account inflation, changes in the
institution's financial status, and any potential adjustments needed to
maintain sufficient coverage for both individuals.

5. Transparency and Communication:

Foster transparent communication between the School Head, Property
Custodian, and other relevant stakeholders. Regularly update them on the
status of the Fidelity Bond, its coverage, and any changes or
improvements implemented. Encourage an environment where concerns
can be raised and addressed openly.

By implementing these five ways forward, the Fidelity Bond Project can
not only ensure the successful allocation of the bond but also create a
robust framework for ongoing risk management, ethical behavior, and
financial security within the institution.

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher I School Principal I

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