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Jansen Bryle R.


Quarter 3 Week 1-2

Directions: Examine each picture below and give your opinion on what they are trying
to convey.

The picture implies that the country Philippines is a happy,

live, and exciting place. It tells in the picture that the country is not a
boring place to visit and live in.

The picture explains that the child is not happy. He must be

suffering from an unhappy and difficult life. The pictures may also
imply that there’s something that is controlling, hindering or stopping
the child to move forward or act according to his age.

The picture is a great explanation of telling the people that

prayer is more powerful than any other big problems that they may
encounter. The picture also tells the reader that God is bigger and
greater than any difficult situation.

EXERCISE 1. DIRECTIONS:Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it

says otherwise. Write the letter of your answer on the blank provided before the
______1. In writing an editorial, collect information and facts; include objective
reporting; don’t do research.
______2. In writing an editorial, wrap it up in a concluding punch that restates your
opening remark (thesis statement).
______3. In editorial writing, you can use “I.”
______4. Editors often use editorials to explain the way the newspaper covered a
sensitive or controversial subject.
______5. In writing an editorial, explain the issue objectively as a reporter would and
tell why this situation is important
Jansen Bryle R. Yamongan

Quarter 3 Week 1-2

DIRECTIONS: Surf the internet, read an interesting up-to-date editorial article. Share
what you’ve read in the class next meeting.

It is, perhaps, not farfetched to say that whenever one talks about disaster relief,
the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) immediately comes to mind. The institution has
been at the forefront of giving humanitarian aid in the country, whether through
its regular blood donation campaigns or through its various services that include
relief and rehabilitation, rescue and welfare intervention.
The celebrations include the inauguration of the PRC Library, launching of its 75th
Yearbook, as well as the awarding of the first 36 original PRC chapters. Speaking of chapters, there are
now 103 of them nationwide, proving that the extent of the services the PRC provides is wide of scope.
It is fitting, therefore, that this 75th anniversary is headline with the theme, “A Tradition of Service.”

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