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Dated 5th Aug 2019)



(Version 2.0 Dated 5th Aug 2019)

By initiating and signing below, I am affirming that I HAVE:

(a) Received a copy of "Acceptable Usage of IT Resources and Privacy Policy" and
"IGT Group Information Security Policy"

(b) Read and understand each of these policy statements

Employee Name : Rudylyn Caluscusan Escaño

Employee ID :

Signature :

Date :

IGT Technologies Philippines

Information Security Policy Acknowledgement Form

Rudylyn Caluscusan Escaño

This is to certify that I, _____________________________________ have attended the
Information Security Awareness Program and understood the importance of Information
Security towards my work and will comply with the ISMS Policy of IGT Technologies
Philippines, Inc. in order to preserve CONFIDENTIALITY, INTEGRITY and

Rudylyn Caluscusan Escaño

_____________________________ ____________________

Employee Name and Signature Date and Time

Employee Declaration

I shall not use Client credentials assigned to me or someone else’s credentials for making new
bookings or amendments, neither for personal travel nor for anyone else (including but not limited to
self / family / friends / colleagues / supervisors / leadership / travel agents) other than the customer
(only through assigned transactions).

Also, at any given point of time I will not utilize Customer’s Personal Information for personal benefit
or/ contacting the customer at a personal level

I am fully aware that such activities are illegal and may be categorized as theft or fraud under the
laws of the land. If in case I am found doing so OR my credentials have been used, I will be held
accountable for such an act. To prevent misuse of my credential, I will not share my credential with
anyone under any circumstances and protect my credentials at all times from being misused. Any
such actions listed above will lead to termination / suspension and action as per company policies
and the company will have the right to initiate appropriate proceedings against me leading to legal
action and police investigation.

I completely understand that all such transactions/acts will be deemed as illegitimate and I will be
solely responsible for such an act. I agree to indemnify the company as well as the customer in
case of the loss that is caused to both due to my action.

I have read the above declaration and agree to all the points mentioned above:

Name (Block Letter) : Rudylyn Caluscusan Escaño

EmployeeID :
Location : Manila
Process : United
Date :

Exhibit A: Form of Employee Certification


This is to acknowledge that I have received, read and fully understood the Company’s Anti-
Corruption Compliance Policy (the “Policy”). I agree to comply with all the rules contained
therein. I agree to report any potential violations to Compliance Officer. I will participate in
the Company’s anti-corruption training on a periodic basis. I understand that failure to comply
with the Policy, and all applicable anti-corruption laws in countries where the Company does
business may result in immediate termination and prosecution, with penalties including fines
and/or imprisonment. Should I have any questions regarding the Policy or find any deviations
or violations, I will contact Compliance Officer immediately.

Signature: ________________________
Rudylyn Caluscusan Escaño
Name (Print): ________________________
Company: IGT Technologies Philippines Inc.

Department: ________________________

Date: ________________________

(Instructions: A signed certification shall be returned to the Human Resources

Department and filed in each employee’s personnel file and refreshed annually.)

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