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Jn2017; Acts19-11; 2Kin11; Heb115 -Saints go to heaven with flesh,

STATE OF THE DEAD either after resurrection from the dead or by being
Ps85 -In what condition was man created? translated without seeing death.
Heb17 -What are angels called? 1Cor1516–18 -If there was no resurrection of the dead, what would
1Cor1545 -What is the difference between the two Adams? be the condition of those fallen asleep in Christ?
1Cor1546 -Are our present bodies natural or spiritual? 1Thes416 -When is the resurrection of the righteous?
> Man does not now possess the undying, spiritual nature of the Col33 -With whom is the Christian’s future life hid?
angels, except as he holds it by faith in Christ; nor will he until the Col34 -When will this life be bestowed upon the believer?
resurrection. 2Tim110 -Through whom has immortality been brought to light?
Job417; 1Tim117 -
How is man’s nature compared with that of God? Rom27 -To whom is eternal life promised?
<Mortal> = “Subject to death” 1Cor1551-55; Heb115; Gen524; 2Kin211 -What will happen to the dead and
<Immortal> = “Exempt from liability to die” living saints at the second coming of Christ?
1Cor1544, 36 -When will the righteous have spiritual bodies? Phil320-21; Ps1715 -After whose body will these resurrected -
Gen27 -Of what was man formed in the beginning? ones be fashioned?
> The living soul was not put into the man; but the breath of life
which was put into man, made him—the man, made of the earth—a Hos1314 -What has been promised in order that man may be
living soul, or creature. redeemed from this death?
Gen130; Gen721-22; Eccl319; Rev163 -Other creatures called “living 1Cor1521-22 -Through whom will come this redemption from the
souls” and have the “breath of life” grave?
Job273 -What is that which God breathed into man’s nostrils? Jn316 -Why God gave His only begotten Son to the world
Eccl127 -When man gives up this spirit, what becomes of it? Jn528-29 -Where are the dead when they hear the voice of
> That is, the spirit of life by which man lives, and which is only Christ calling them to life?
lent him of God, at death goes back to the great Author of life. Act2415 -How many distinct classes will resurrect?
Having come from Him, it belongs to God, and man can have it 1Thes416 -When will the resurrection of the just occur?
eternally only as a gift from God, through Jesus Christ (Rom623). Lk1414; Rev206 -When are the righteous to be recompensed?
When the spirit goes back to God, the dust, from which man was Lk2036 -How long will they live?
made a “living soul” in the beginning, goes back as it was, to the Rev204-5, 9 -How long do the other class wait after the first
earth, and the individual no longer exists as a living, conscious, resurrection before they are raised?
thinking being, except as he exists in the mind, plan, and purpose Rev218 -Who are to share this fate?
of God through Christ and the resurrection. In this sense “all live 1Cor1526; Rev2013-14 -How should we view “death” and what will
unto Him” (Lk2038), for all are to be raised from the dead. be its end?
Gen2 17
-What did God say would become of Adam & Eve if
they sin?
Gen34-5 -How did Satan respond to God’s claims? False teachings by the Catholic Church: (“Rest-In-Peace”; Purgatory)
> Instead of a sure death, Satan said human beings would die The Catholic Church confirms that it originated the doctrine of Purgatory and
only to be transformed to a superior status/level that is similar this is its own tradition, not Scriptural. The phrase “Rest-In-Peace” (or RIP)
and close to that God, possessing super powers similar to those is paganism (not Christian), being of Catholic origin and suggests that after
attributed to God death, the deceased may experience torment in hell if s/he was a sinner; so
Gen322, 24 -Why was Adam driven from the Garden of Eden and the living relatives/friends will “wish” the deceased a peaceful rest in death,
excluded from the tree of life? free from hell torment:
Rev2214 -Who will access the tree of life and when? “The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the
Eph23 -How are all men in the natural state regarded? elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned.
Jn336 -If the wrath of God abides on a person, of what does it The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially
deprive him? at the Councils of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church,
Rom59 -Through whom is the sinner saved from wrath? by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire”
1Thes413; Jn1111–14; 1Cor1518, 20 -By what figure does the — Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part 1, Section 2,
Bible represent death? Chapter 3, Article 12, Number 1031
Dan122; Eccl320; 910 -Where do the dead sleep?
Job1412 -How long will they sleep there? “Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of
Job1412 -For what did Job say he would wait after mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of
death? hell, "eternal fire." ”
Job1713 -Where did he say he would wait? — Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part 1, Section 2,
Job1421; Ps1464; Eccl95-10 -While in this condition, how much does one Chapter 3, Article 12, Number 1035
know about those he has left behind?
Ps11517; Ps65 -Do the dead praise God?
> If the dead were in heaven or in hell, would it make sense to
represent them as “not praising God”? Lazarus, whom Jesus
loved, in heaven when the Saviour said, “Our friend Lazarus
sleepeth”? (Jn1111). If so, calling him to life was really robbing him
of the bliss of heaven that rightly belonged to him. The parable of
the rich man and Lazarus, recorded in Luke16, was given to
teach, not consciousness in death, but that in the judgment riches
will avail nothing unless rightly and beneficently used, and that
poverty will not keep one out of heaven.
Acts234, 29 -But are not the righteous dead in heaven?
Jn2017 -Upon resurrecting, Christ claimed that whilst dead, He
had not gone to the Father but was yet to go after
Isa2619 -What must take place before the dead can praise
Ps1715 -When did David say he would be satisfied?

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Spiritualism defined:
“A belief that departed spirits hold intercourse with mortals by
means of physical phenomena, as by rapping, or during abnormal
mental states, as in trances, or the like, commonly manifested
through a medium; Spiritism.” –Webster.

Dt189–13 -Before their entrance into Canaan, what instruction did

Moses give Israel concerning these things?
Ex2218; Lev2027 -What was the law concerning witches and those who
had familiar spirits?
Lev1931 -Did the doctrine of spiritualism existed in ancient
Mal35 -How does God regard sorcerers?
Jer279-10 -What does He say of the teachings of enchanters and
Gal520–23 -With what is witchcraft (i.e. spiritualism) classed by
Paul, and what does he say to those who are guilty of
such things?
Isa819 -What should one do if asked to inquire of a familiar
1Jn41; Isa820 -What instruction does the apostle John give touching
this subject?
Dt131–4 -Should we allow ourselves to be influenced by signs
or wonders performed by those who would try to lead
us away from God and His law?
Eccl95-6; Ps1464; Job1420-21 -What scripture forever stops the
idea that the dead come back to
earth to communicate with the
1Sam283-20; 1Chr102-14 -What about king Saul at Endor?
1Tim41 -What will be one characteristic of last-day
2Cor1114-15 -How does Satan deceive the people?
Mt2423-24 -Will Satan and his agents attempt to counterfeit the
coming of Christ, and work signs and wonders to
confirm their pretentious claims?
Rev1313-14; 2Thes29-10; Rev1212; 1614 -What will be one of the
last great signs performed by this means, to
fasten men in deception?
Job115-16, 19 -Into what examples do these demons
transform themselves?
Gen181-1923 -What evidence shows that evil spirits can
transform themselves into the appearance of
human figure
1Pet58 -Warning given us through the apostle Peter
Eph612 -Against whom do we wrestle?
2Pet24 -To what place were the angels that sinned
2Cor44; Jn1430; Eph22 -What is Satan himself called?
Mk59; Rev124, 9 -How numerous are these wicked spirits, or
fallen angels?
1Kin2220–22; 2Thes210-11 -What spirits stand ever ready to deceive
and ruin those who are off guard or bent on
going astray?
Mt424 -With what were many possessed in Christ’s time and
how did these spirits sometimes treat them?
Rev1212 -As we near the closing scenes of human probation,
why may we expect an increase in demoniacal
1Tim41 -Concerning what have we been definitely informed?
Mt2541; Mal41; Rev209 -What will be the final doom of Satan and his

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