Pathology Lecture 1

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Circulatory Disturbances

Associate professor of Pathology

Dr. Marwa Shakweer
Faculty of Medicine, BUC

MM. Shakweer
Circulatory Disturbances
(Disturbances of Blood and Body Fluids)

MM. Shakweer
• Definition: accumulation of fluids in interstitial tissue,
serous cavities or lung alveoli
hydrostatic 4.Lymphatic
1.OP drainage

Causes of oedema
1.  OP in bl. 2.  OP in 3. HP in bl. 4.Lymphatic 5. Capillary
(albumin) interstitial ts. (CVC)  obstr. Permeabilty
e.g.liver disease,  e.g.heart failure e.g.elephantiasis e.g. acute
glomerulonephritis, inflammation
malnutrition MM. Shakweer
Types of oedema
A. Localized:
Ex. Acute inflammation especially allergic, lymphatic obstruction as in
B. Generalized:
1.Cardiac: (rt. Sided HF)Most obvious in feet & dependent areas
2. Renal : glomerular diseases Most obvious in face & eye lids
3. Nutritional:Ptn. intake or absorption /Ptn. Loss
4.Hepatic:Ptn. Synthesis as in cirrhosis  Most obvious as ascites

MM. Shakweer
Definition: Vital process in which there’s formation of a solid mass
made up of blood elements and fibrin within any part of the CVS


Lines of Zahn
(platelets) MM. Shakweer
Pathogenesis (Causes= Predisposing Factors)
Three primary influences predispose to thrombus formation (triad)
Endothelial Injury
Rough surface
coagulation system


Abnormal Blood Flow Changes in bl.composition

Platelets function OR  bl. viscosity+=
stasis coag. system
solid components +/-  fluid components

MM. Shakweer
Pathology of RBCs

MM. Shakweer
• Def: Reduction of oxygen carrying capacity of
the blood due to?

• 1- Decreased number of RBCs

• 2- Decreased Hb concentration

MM. Shakweer
Fe B12

MM. Shakweer
Mean corpuscular volume
The average volume of a red blood

To calculate MCV, the hematocrit (Hct)

is divided by the concentration of RBCs

Normally, MCV is expressed in

femtoliters (fL, or 10−15L), and
[RBC] is the quantity expressed in
millions per microliter (106 /
μL). The normal range for MCV
is 80–100 fL.
For example, if the Hct = 42.5%
and [RBC] = 4.58 million per
microliter (4,580,000/μL), then MM. Shakweer
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)

"mean cell hemoglobin"

(MCH), is the average mass
of hemoglobin (Hb) per red
blood cell (RBC) in a sample
of blood
It is calculated by dividing
the total mass of
hemoglobin by the number
of red blood cells in a
volume of blood.

MM. Shakweer
Microcytic anemias
1- Iron deficiency anemia

Extended Modular Program MM. Shakweer 12

Causes of iron deficiency anemia

Extended Modular Program MM. Shakweer 13

Clinical picture of iron def anemia

MM. Shakweer 14
Extended Modular Program
Macrocytic anemias

MM. Shakweer 15
Extended Modular Program
- megaloblastic anemia
due to vitamin B12 deficiency
• Causes:
• -Insufficient intake
(dietery deficiency; rare)
• -Decreased absorption:
may be caused by
decreased intrinsic factor
associated with
gastrectomy, pernicious
• -Intestinal malabsorption
due to parasites (fish
tapeworm), crohn’s disease

Extended Modular Program MM. Shakweer 16

Clinical picture of B12 deficiency

• -Weakness due to anemia (megaloblastic

• -Sore (beefy) tongue due to generalized
epithelial atrophy.
• -CNS defects in form of subacute combined
degeneration of spinal cord (SCDSC) with

Extended Modular Program MM. Shakweer 17

Pathology of WBCs

MM. Shakweer
Non neoplastic disorders of WBCs
leukopenia/ neutropenia

Extended Modular Program MM. Shakweer 19

Extended Modular Program MM. Shakweer 20
Extended Modular Program MM. Shakweer 21
• Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone
marrow. Bone marrow produces blood cells.
Leukemia can develop due to a problem with
blood cell production. It usually affects the
leukocytes, or white blood cells

MM. Shakweer
• Neoplastic myeloblasts proliferate inside bone
marrow replacing hematopoitic elements
leading to defective production of mature
WBCs, RBCs, and platelets
• CBC: pancytopenia, increased total leukocytic
count formed of malignant myeloblasts

MM. Shakweer
Clinical picture
• Anemia
• Bleeding tendency
• Repeated infections
• Bony aches

MM. Shakweer
Thank you

MM. Shakweer

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