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Jansen Bryle R.


Quarter 3 Week 9-10

Direction: Write the safety measures to follow in handing simple machines.
1. Do not play with simple machines like knives, hammers, needles, chisel, and pins as these
can harm
2. Store sharp, pointed tools out of reach of children. Tool boxes and cabinets are safe places
for tools so that your younger brother or sister will not play with them.
3. Ensure that stairs and the other inclined planes you are about to use are in good condition.
4. In using wheel and axle, always check if the axle is tightly fastened or attached to the wheel.
5. Keep away from places like construction sites where machines like sharp, pointed tools and
are used. These can harm you if they are accidentally dropped by the workers.
6. Apply oil or lubricants on machines made of metals to avoid rusting and tarnishing.
7. Clean tools and return where you got them after using.
8. Be careful when carrying sharp, pointed tools. Do not run when handling them. When
turning over a pointed object to another person, let him or her take hold of the handle or
the part which is not pointed.
9. See to it that machines are in proper condition to ensure safety while using them.

Learning Activity. ACTIVITY 1

Directions: Read each sentence describing a practice on using and handling simple machines.
Put a check mark ( ⁄ ) in the blank if the practice is safe. Put a cross mark (x) if it is unsafe. For the unsafe
practices, describe what should be done instead. Write your answer in the space below the sentence.

____ 1. Gem puts a knife back in its holder after using it.
____2. Jerome checks the rope of a pulley before using it.
____3. lan stores sharp and pointed tools in the cabinet so that his younger sister will not play
with them.
____4. Jojo likes to go near construction sites to watch the workers.
____5. Ella is running with a knife in her hand.
____6. Mary almost fell from the stairs because one of the steps is damaged.
____7. Gerald stores his garden tools in a toolbox after using them.
____8. Joy is playing with a pair of scissors.
____9. Bing always goes up the stairs of their home carefully.
____10. Christian cleans his car tools after using them.

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C
Jansen Bryle R. Yamongan

Quarter 3 Week 9-10

ACTIVITY 3. Directions: A. Answer the questions. Write your answers on the lines.
1. Why should you handle simple machines properly?
- To avoid accidents or injury to happen.

2. What must you do after using tools?

- It must be kept and stored in their proper place after using it.

3. Why should you put simple machines in a place out of the reach of children?
- To be safely against children because if the simple machine reaches a child they will
become dangerous to her/his self.

4. Why should you inspect simple machines like pulleys, wheels and axles, and inclined planes
before using them?
- To be able to know and identify if the simple machines to be used are safe to use and to
be able to determine remedies if there are damages.
- In using wheel and axle, always check if the axle is tightly fastened or attached to the

5. Why should you not go near construction sites?

- To avoid accidents and possible danger and injury to oneself.

6. What will you do if your younger sister or brother is playing with a knife?
- Orient little children or my sister that playing knife is not safe and it could it may harm

7. What will you do to prevent metal tools from rusting?

- Apply oil or lubricants on machines made of metals to avoid rusting and tarnishing.

8. How will you hand over a pointed object to another person?

- When turning over a pointed object to another person, let him or her take hold of the
handle or the part which is not pointed.

9. Your classmate accidentally wounded his/her finger. There is no antiseptic in the school
clinic. What can you use? Describe how you will use the herbal medicine.
- Wash immediately any wound with soap and water. This is to remove dirt or
microorganisms that may have entered the wound and could infect it.
- Apply antiseptic. You may also use herbal medicine such as malunggay leaves.
Malunggay leaves contain antibiotic that can prevent wound infection. Wash thoroughly
the malunggay leaves. Pound them and extract the juice. The extracted juice can be
applied directly to the wound.
- Cover the wound with bandage.
- If the wound is big and deep, and the bleeding does not stop, consult a doctor.

10. How can you be safe in using stairs?

- Ensure that stairs and the other inclined planes you are about to use are in good
Jansen Bryle R. Yamongan

Quarter 3 Week 9-10

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