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Chi-square test:


1. One survey of U.S. consumers conducted by The Wall Street Journal and NBC News asked
the question: “in general, how would you rate the level of service that American businesses
provide?” The distribution of responses to this question was as follows:
Excellent 8%
Pretty Good 47%
Only Fair 34%
Poor 11%
Suppose a store manager wants to find out whether the results of this consumer survey
apply to consumers of supermarkets in her city. She interviewed 207 randomly selected
consumers as they leave supermarkets in various parts of the city. The question was, “how
they would rate the level of service at the supermarket from which they just exited.” The
observed response from the study under its categories:
Excellent 21
Pretty Good 109
Only Fair 62
Poor 15
Now the manager wants to determine whether the observed frequencies of responses from this
survey are the same as the frequencies that would be expected on the basis of the national

1) Ho: The observed distribution is the same as the expected distribution.
Ha: The observed distribution is not the same as the expected distribution.
2) α = .05
df = n-1 ; 4-1=1
critical value = 7.815
3) the statistical test

X2 =
O P E O-E (O-E)2 (O-E)2
(Observed) (Probability/ (Expected Freq.) E
21 8%
109 47%
62 34%
15 11%

4) Decision Rule:
5) Conclusion:

2). Suppose a market analyst wished to see whether consumers have any preference among eight
flavors of a new ice tea. A sample of 320 people provided these data:

Apple - 60 Cherry - 30 Grape - 40 Lemon - 35

Mango - 50 Melon - 25 Orange - 55 Strawberry- 25

If the were no preference, one would expect each flavor to be selected with equal frequency. Is there
enough evidence to reject the claim that there is no preference in the selection of ice tea, use level of
significance α = .01?

3). A distributor of refrigerator has six locations in the province of Rizal. The sales in units for the first six
months of the year were as follows. At the .05 significance level do the records suggest that sales are
uniformly distributed among the six locations?

Binangonan - 54 Taytay - 36 Antipolo - 31

Cainta - 28 Morong- 46 Tanay - 21

4). According to recent census report, 44% of families have two parents present, 26% have only a
father, 20% have only a mother, and 10% have no parent. A random sample of families from the
municipality of Bulacan revealed results:

With two parents- 80 Mother only - 75

Father only - 60 No parent - 65

Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the proportions of families by type of parent(s) presence
differ from those reported by the census? Use .05 level of significance.

5). A researcher wanted to study the relationship between gender and cellular phone communication
network. She took a sample of 500 cellular phone users and obtained the following table.

Communication Network
Smart Globe Sun Total
Male 105 90 25 220
Female 140 105 35 280
Total 245 195` 60 500
At the .01 level of significance, is there any evidence of a relationship between gender and
communication network?
6). A manufacturing company was interested in determining whether an association exists between
commuting time of employees and the level of job performance. A study of 200 workers revealed the

Job Performance
Commuting Time
High Average Low Total
Below 15mins 40 30 20 90
15 – 45 20 35 15 70
Over 45 mins. 10 15 5 40
Total 70 90 40 200
At .01 level of significance, is there evidence of a relationship between commuting time and job

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