Cause and Effect. Advanced

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Cause-and-Effect essays
1. Introduction
- Background statement (you can use ‘nowadays/today/these days’ to start):
- Detailed background statement
- Paraphrase the statement
- Say what you’ll write about in your essay (causes & effects) – THESIS
- Give an outline of the essay
2. Body paragraph 1 – causes
- Topic sentence
- Cause 1 – with explanation/details
- Example of Cause 1
- Cause 2 – with explanation/details
- Example of Cause 2
3. Body paragraph 2 – effects
- Topic sentence
- Effect 1 – with explanation/details
- Example of Effect 1
- Effect 2 – with explanation/details
- Example of Effect 2
4. Conclusion
- Restate the problem and sum up the causes and effects that you described in your body paragraphs
- Prediction/ recommendation

1. Introduction
- Nowadays,…
- Specifically…
- Therefore, there is an evident scenario that…
- This situation is brought about by a variety of catalysts and has enormous influences on…
- This essay aims to establish the underlying causes of the problem and examine the consequences
of this worrying trend.
2. Body paragraph 1 – causes
- Before establishing the repercussions of the phenomenon, we need to understand what has
- … is the deciding factor to + PROBLEM. This is partly due to the fact that… For example,…
- Another reason for+ PROBLEM is…, which leads to…
- … can also be a source of + PROBLEM resulting in…
3. Body paragraph 2 – effects
- The outcomes of + TOPIC are varied.
- The most significant negative impact is… This can even lead to…
- Another adverse effect is…, hence + SUPPORTING effect 2.
- … is also a possible result of + PROBLEM. For example, …
4. Conclusion
- To sum up, it is evident that there are several culprits of …, and a variety of serious implications.
- It is therefore necessary that steps be taken to prevent this problem from deteriorating further.

- If…, I am sure…


By Ms. Khanh Van 1


By Ms. Khanh Van 2


Ex 2: Do you think a cause or an effect should be put in the gap in front of or after the words/phrases
below? Write C or E.




Ex 3: Read the question and write complete word to fill each gap in the model answer.
It is observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study science as a subject.
What are the causes? And what will be the effects on society?

By Ms. Khanh Van 3

In several parts of the world, there is currently a lack of students choosing to study science in universities
and colleges. This problem happens 1. D………… to some reasons, and it can have some 2. A…………
impacts on society.
There are 3. S………… reasons why fewer university students are choosing science as their major. Firstly,
these subjects are usually more difficult and demanding, 4. W……….. requires students to put much effort
into their study. For 5. ………….., my friend who is doing a course in Biology said that he had to conduct
too many experiments and complete numerous projects, which prevented him from having any free time. As
a 6. R………….., science subjects seem to be less attractive to students compared to economics or business-
related subjects. 7. S…………, as there are currently fewer employment opportunities available for
graduates in science fields, learners are less likely to decide to select these majors. 8. I…………., they tend
to choose other subjects which allow them to find jobs more easily.
A shortage of learners in science fields can result 9. I……….. some negative effects. The first 10. C………..
is that when fewer students decide to learn about science, there would be a serious shortage of employees
working in these fields. 11. T………. would lead to fewer technological developments, which would also
prevent improvements in people’s life quality. For 12. I……………., it would be difficult for humans to
produce newer smart phones with better functions. 13. A…………….., while a significantly increasing
number of students are choosing economics and business to study, the number of job vacancies in these
areas is limited. 14. T……………, many university graduates would have to face unemployment, which
increases burden on society.
In conclusion, the shortage of students choosing science subjects is 15. C………….. by several factors, and
this problem might bring about serious impacts. (290 words)

Ex 4: Fill the sample answer with the phrases from the list.
Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries.
What are the causes of obesity in children? Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the
For example, As a result, leading to, affects, lead to, risk of, possible consequences, main causes of
One such ill-effect, On the whole, Moreover, To embark upon, For example, Over the past few years
1.____, developed countries have encountered various cases of children suffering from the problem
of obesity. This essay will discuss the possible causes for this increasing problem among children and also
suggests the possible consequences that may result in case of negligence.
2.____, one of the 3.____ obesity among children is poor diet as they are often seen eating junk food.
At almost every corner of the street, one can found restaurants offering mouth tempting fast foods. Kids at
home also are found to eat processed food because their parents do not find sufficient time for preparing the
food. 4.____, packaged foods are purchased and kept in fridge for days. This food is not fresh and healthy,
hence 5.____ their health, 6.____ the build-up of fat and compromising their fitness.
7.____, there are many 8.____ faced by the children. 9. ____ is the 10.____ developing health related
severe diseases like diabetes. This kind of debilitating illness implies that the child would need to be injected
with insulin for the whole life. 11.____, overweight children are often found to be bullied. 12.____, many
overweight kids are found disturbed facing the negative stigma of being obese.
13.____, it is evident that there are various causes responsible for obesity among children and
can 14.____ serious consequences in the future. Also, it is the duty of their parents and relatives to ensure
that appropriate steps are taken to prevent this problem from getting worst in the future. (279 words)

Ex 5: Read the following question and fill each gap in the model answer with ONE suitable word.
Nowadays more and more children are being brought up in single parent families. What are the causes of
this? What effects can be seen as a result of this?
1. ……….. over the world it has become more common to raise the children in the families with only
one parent. There 2. ………. to be two main causes involved, and a variety of damaging 3…………. on
people and on their future generation, which we will 4…………. here.
Probably the main 5. ……….. of bringing up the children in this type of family is that the current
generation does not appreciate family values. This means that people are not struggling to save such treasure
as family. After few conflicts, they just get a divorce, 6. ………. born child that needs the contribution of
both parents. If parents spend more time with patience, they will bring up their child as well-mannered
person with normal perception of ground rules. The other major 7. ………. is the accidental pregnancy. This
By Ms. Khanh Van 4
happens because people do not consider about aftereffects of hanging out in nightclub. Pregnant women 8.
…………. often bring up her child alone and she is forced to be a breadwinner for the family. Therefore,
most of the time she cannot be immersed into education of the child and sometimes cannot be in touch with
her own child. That may have big 9…………. on upbringing of the child.
There are, of course, 10………… effects of being raised in single-parent families on future
generation. The 11………… of these is that the lack of educational processes from one of the parents might
12……….. to having problems with pattern of behavior which is forming during the childhood. Another
possible 13……….. that loss of one parent has could be the cause of disruption in codes of conduct. It can
be the problem, leading to disrespectful behaviors to other people and may also trigger outbreaks of violence
in future generation.
14……………, we can see that divorces and accidental pregnancy are the main 15…………… of
the single-parent families and that this inconsiderable change leads to lack of the integral part of upbringing
and can entail serious problems for the next generation. (328 words)

Ex 6: Complete the following essay as an answer to the given question. Use the words/phrases from
the list.
Nowadays people around the world are choosing to self-medicate rather than seeing a doctor and using
conventional medicine. What are the causes of this change and what effects can be seen as a result?
To sum up, Another possible effect is that, The greatest, steps are taken, a variety of negative effects,
The other major cause is that the, This means that, The effects of this have been and will continue to be
serious, The main cause of, If, This essay will discuss some reasons why
All over the world it has become common to protect yourself from doctors and try to be cured by
self-medicine. 1. …………………………………………… this has occurred and examine the consequences
of this trend.
2. …………………………….. using self-treatment is that the medicine nowadays is too expensive
for people with average or low salary. 3. …………………………….. in many hospitals you can be ripped
off for few procedures in order to detect the illness and prescribe the treatment. 4. ……………………….
doctors make prices more suitable then people will better attend hospitals and accept the tips and the
remedies given by doctors. 5. ………………………………….. overwhelming majority does not trust
doctors, thinking that the internet can be the great source of finding the way of treatment. Furthermore, they
use this tip without any consultation of the high-qualified professionals in this area.
6. ……………………………………………………. for people and for next generations. 7.
……………………………. of these is that remedies and pills can treat the illness but it also triggers new
disease, leading to more serious and damage consequences for the person’s organism. 8.
…………………………….. it can initiate disruption of microorganisms in human’s body and in
consequence may evoke degradation of some organs in future generation, making them weak and dependent
on permanent medicine.
9. ………………………, it is evident that there are several causes and 10. …………………………
on people. Society must ensure 11. ……………………….. to prevent this problem from increasing further.
(263 words)

Ex 7: Fill each gap in the following answer with a suitable word.

All over the world, the number of overweight people is growing. What do you feel are the main causes of
this? What are the effects?
Global obesity rates have been swelling for several decades now. This is a 1. _____ that is having
devastating effects on populations everywhere. Although often debated, it is felt the food a person eats and
the lifestyle they live are the base precursors to this problem. In this essay, a look at these causes and their
effects will be made.
Firstly, diet and lifestyle are the two most major 2. _____ of obesity. Evidence of this can be seen in
any developing country. For example, in China, growing affluence has 3. ____ people to consume more fast
food and live more sedentary lifestyles. This trend moves in tandem with a steady growth in the number of
overweight people. Thus, as this makes it clear, changing dietary practices and levels of activity are at the 4.
____ of swelling waistlines.
The major effects of this are entirely 5. _____ . As evidenced in the United States, growing obesity
rates 6. ____ in growing rates of diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. This has led to the first
By Ms. Khanh Van 5
generation of Americans ever with shorter life expectancies than their parents. Thus, it is clear that these
effects need to be countered to 7. ____ the quality of life for future generations.
Following this look at the causes and effects of obesity, it is felt that education is the single most
important 8. ____ to this problem. Thus, it is advisable that schools everywhere encourage children to eat a
nourishing diet and practice a healthy lifestyle in an 9. ____ to change this disturbing global health trend.
(255 words)

Ex 8: Reorder the phrases for each of the sentences so that they make a complete answer to the
question given.
People nowadays sleep less than they used to in the past. What do you think is the reasons behind this?
What are the effects on individuals and people around them?
Para. 1
that everyone should / While / try to get / a solid eight hours / the reality is much different / experts agree /
of sleep every night, /. /
sleeping less and this / People are / is resulting / outcomes / in a range of alarming / . /
of sleep are / The reasons / on our lives / for this shortage / enormous, / and the / relatively evident / lives of
those / and its impacts / around us are /. /
worrying trend / This essay aims / of the problem / the underlying causes / and examine the / to establish /
consequences of this /. /
Para. 2
for the current / Modern technology / sleep / of the blame / should shoulder much / dearth of /. /
daytime / of our phones, / The screens / and other devices, / which tells / volume of blue light, / emit a high /
our brains / it is / . /
to know / Obviously, if / we try to sleep, / in bed before / it will / we use a phone / for our nervous system / it
is time / to sleep / be much harder /. /
work and / Another principal / cause / of our / is the organization / school lives / insomnia / . /
they will struggle / In other words, / society is / to get out of bed / organized around / at dawn the next day /
an early wake-up time, / and if people / to sleep on time, / when they have / are not getting / . /
Para. 3
perspective of the individual, / From the / not sleeping enough / physical and / can lead to / mental
problems / . /

By Ms. Khanh Van 6

use sleep to / Our bodies / and consolidate / during the day, / repair themselves / so it goes / without
saying that / only a few hours / to a broad spectrum of / what we learn / every night will lead / health issues /
of sleep / . /
the worst / is death / possible outcome / in our vicinity, / For those / . /
can have / Traffic statistics / on the wider world / crashes caused / showing a high / are a sobering reminder /
by drowsy drivers / percentage of fatal / of the effect sleep / . /
Para. 4
suffer from / of sleep many of us / rely on / the lack / to the modern world / In summary, / can be attributed /
and the technology we / . /
that this sleep / It is blindingly / urgent attention / potentially disastrous / shortage has / obvious / effects and
requires / . /

Ex 9: Use the clues to write complete sentences which together make a complete answer to the
question given. You may need to change or add words.
Almost everybody nowadays is found using personal vehicle for travelling purpose. What are the reasons
for this increasing trend? Explain what negative outcomes may be faced in the society due to this.
Para. 1
demands / private means / transportation / travelling / rapidly growing / modern people.
Initially, / essay / suggest / biggest causes / phenomenon / be poor public transportation / comfort zone /
living standard / argue / changes / environment / financial burden / most detrimental ramifications.
Para. 2
To begin / foremost reason / travel / personal vehicles / generally public transportations / considered
undesirable / due / over-crowding, non-availability / flexible hours, heavy fare and so forth.
result, / people prefer / safest, easiest and most affordable way / travelling through / own means /
instance, / survey conducted recently / BBC News / revealed / 55% / world population / using /
automobiles / commute / other purposes.

By Ms. Khanh Van 7

Moreover, governments / private financial institutes / offering numerous vehicle loan options / society.
Consequently, most individuals buy / desired vehicles / provided loan.
Evidently, various reasons prompt / community / use personal means / transportation.
Para. 3
consequence, it can / denied / this tendency / some negative effects / society. Firstly, / pollution level / rising
due / exhaust fume and noise / generated / cars or motorbikes.
Thus, global warming / becoming / serious concept / today's epoch, / further lead / heat-relate / troubles.
Secondly, / car loan facility / low-interest rate / attract consumers / beginning / later they find / financial
helpless / have / pay monthly instalments / bank / limited budget.
Accordingly, they may fail / secure / own / family's future / appropriate manner.
example, / many middle-class employees / committed suicide / the last years / not afford / loan pressure.
Hence, citizens’ / have / own vehicles / be / serious problem / society.
Para. 4
conclude, / less developed public transportation / financial supports / influencing folk / use private /
transportation / travelling.
However, drawbacks / this / clear, / potentially dangerous outcomes / individuals / society / whole, / steps
should / taken / counter / trend.


1. There are a number of skin-whitening products available in the market. State the reasons why people are
using these products? Discuss the possible negative outcomes of using these products.
2. With the advancement of technology, social interaction among people has been affected to a greater
extent. What are the reasons for reduced social interaction? Suggest whether this would lead to a positive
or negative effect in the future.
3. People spend less time at home than they used to. What are the reasons for this change and what are the
effects on society and individuals?
4. In many countries, the tradition of having family meals together is disappearing. Why is this happening?
What will the effects of this be on the family and society?
5. Even though governments have worked hard to bring about improvements in the healthcare system, the
overall standard of physical health in developed countries is decreasing. What are the potential reasons for
this, and what are some of the long-term effects?

By Ms. Khanh Van 8

6. These days people in some countries are living in a “throw-away” society which mean people use things
in a short time then throw them away. What are the causes and problems of throw-away society?
7. Social media has completely changed the way family and friends communicate with each other. What are
the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?
8. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computer-based technology. How do you think it will change
in the future? Is it good for us to rely so much on computers?

------------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------

By Ms. Khanh Van 9

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