Graphic Design JP

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Course Overview

Week 1: Fundamentals of Imagemaking

This week we are going to look at how images function in terms of conveying denotative and
connotative messages, I'll show you a range of analog and digital image making techniques and
discuss how they work. In the first peer review assignment you'll create your own series of images,
experimenting with formal techniques. Later, you'll have the opportunity to rework those images to
enhance their ability to communicate an idea through connotation in an optional assignment: give it a
try, it'll help you develop your communication skills as well as your formal skills!

Week 2: Fundamentals of Typography

This week we are going to look at typographic terminology and the basic rules for creating
typography. I'll show you a range of tips and techniques for working with type, in both a functional
and expressive manner, and you'll find out about the process involved in making and controlling
typography. This week you'll complete a quiz to make sure you understand the language of
typography–this is required. I also highly recommend you complete the two optional peer review
assignments. In the first assignment you'll create your own typographic monogram, and you'll use
that as a central element in designing a typographic business card in the second assignment. Give
them a try, they are the place where you can demonstrate and apply your formal skills, and the place
where you get to play with type!

Introduction to Typography
The Anatomy of Letters
Words and Spacing
Type Size: The Point System
Typesetting Text
Typefaces, Fonts and Type Families
Typeface Categories
Denotation in Type
Connotation in Type
Looking at Letterforms
Experimenting with Letterforms
Typographic Composition
Week 3: Fundamentals of Shape and Color
Introduction to Shape & Color
Graphic Shapes
Visual Contrast
Marks, Icons, and Symbols
Negative/Positive, Figure/Ground
Working with Color
The Color Wheel
Mixing Color: Paint, Print and Screen
Rhythm and Pattern

Week 4: Fundamentals of Composition

This week we are going to look at how designers work with visual contrasts, cropping, hierarchy and
direction in single images and complex compositions. You'll find out how to control and use scale,
weight, direction, texture, and space in a composition, and how to compose work that ranges from
the complex to the minimal. In the first peer review assignment you'll create your own abstract
compositions that demonstrate your knowledge and control of visual contrast. In the final optional
assignment, you can use all your skills from the entire course to create experimental compositions in
the form of a poster for a mythical band. This last project is optional, but I strongly suggest you try it
out, it'll let you grow and apply your design knowledge and really enjoy and express yourself in your
design work!

Introduction to Composition
Principles of Composition
Visual Contrasts
Single Contrasts
Multiple Contrasts
Type Contrasts
Image Contrasts
Example Submissions from Brief 4.1: Single Contrasts
Composition in a Single Image
Cropping and Hierarchy
Composition in Context

4 hours to complete
Week 4: Fundamentals of Composition
This week we are going to look at how designers work with visual contrasts, cropping, hierarchy and
direction in single images and complex compositions. You'll find out how to control and use scale,
weight, direction, texture, and space in a composition, and how to compose work that ranges from
the complex to the minimal. In the first peer review assignment you'll create your own abstract
compositions that demonstrate your knowledge and control of visual contrast. In the final optional
assignment, you can use all your skills from the entire course to create experimental compositions in
the form of a poster for a mythical band. This last project is optional, but I strongly suggest you try it
out, it'll let you grow and apply your design knowledge and really enjoy and express yourself in your
design work!
12 videos (Total 79 min), 1 reading, 3 quizzes
See Less
12 videos
Introduction to Composition
Principles of Composition
Visual Contrasts
Single Contrasts
Multiple Contrasts
Type Contrasts
Image Contrasts
Example Submissions from Brief 4.1: Single Contrasts
Composition in a Single Image
Cropping and Hierarchy
Composition in Context

Continuing your graphic design studies

Choosing a design program

Building your portfolio
Design portfolio tips
Writing your artist statement

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