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IJECES 6 (1) (2017)

Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood

Education Studies

The Correlation of Parenting Sytle with Children Social Emotional Development

in Kindergarten School At Xaverius 1 Jambi

Tumewa Pangaribuan 

DOI 10.15294/ijeces.v6i1.15782

Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Jambi University

Article Info Abstract

Received May 2016 Parenting syle is the way for parents interact with their children. Some styles that
Accepted February 2017 can be done for applying in parenting sytle, they are; authoritarian, permissive and
Published June 2017 authoritative. These parenting sytles should be dealt with family needs. Later, it will
help to impact to child development. Some children raised in dramatically different
Parenting style; children so- environments can later grow up to have remarkably similar personalities. Converse-
cial emotional development ly, children who share a home and are raised in the same environment can grow up
to have astonishingly different personalities. The findings of this study indicated
that parenting styles influence the formation of children behavior and personality.

How to cite
Pangaribuan, T. (2017). The Correlation of Parenting Sytle with Children Social
Emotional Development in Kindergarten School At Xaverius 1 Jambi. Indonesian
Journal Of Early Childhood Education Studies, 6(1), 22-24. doi:10.15294/ijeces.

© 2017 Semarang State University

Corresponding author: p-ISSN 2252-8415
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Jambi University e-ISSN 2476-9584
Tumewa Pangaribuan / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 6 (1) (2017)


Family is a small social unit related by The research methodology used in this stu-
blood, marriage, or adoption and having a sha- dy used correlation. Correlation or correlational
red commitment to the mutual relationship. Fa- study is a study to determine the relationship and
mily is also the first stage a child’s growth, both the level of relationship between two or more
physical, social, moral, intellectual and even spi- variables without any attempt to influence these
ritual. A family environment where children de- variables so there is no manipulation of variables
velop themselves before the child interacts with (Faenkel and Wallen, 2008: 328).Correlational
the outside (Sigit Maryono, 2009). According to research using instruments to determine whether,
Eung Fatimah (2006), family environment is one and to what extent, there is a relationship between
of the important factor because in family became two or more variables that can be quantified.
a media to have socialization for children. The The sample population was 170 parents.
process of socialization and social interaction is Sampling techniques using proportional random
the first and foremost individual lived in a family sampling that was 25% of the total population.
environment. The results of those socializations Data analysis technique using product moment
are then developed in the school environment correlation formula.
and the general public.
The mental health experts claim that a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
good home is a home which introduces all the
needs of children and the challenges are to be Hypothesis test of authoritarian parenting
able to freely and assist and motivate to the ful- syle with with children social emotional develop-
lest and provide some opportunities and advice ment
which leads to freedom (Al-Migwar, 2006). Reviewed hypothesis testing in obtained
The family established an intimate rela- correlation coefficient between authoritarian pa-
tionship of love, pure and natural character. In renting syle with with children social emotional
family life applies rules that bind its members. development amounted -0.015 with significant
The rules adopted and adhered together and it value or probability 0.921 (p>0.05), it can be in-
becomes a way of life for the families concerned. ferred that the hypothesis is accepted. It means
Based on Kavin and Dantes (1991), family not that there is a negative correlation between aut-
only successor descent, but also has the functi- horitarian parenting style with children social
on of social, economic, educational and cultu- emotional developments. Due to the correlation
ral functions. The family as a whole biogenetic coefficient is negative, this means that an autho-
serves to maintain the continuity of descendant ritarian parenting style associated negatively and
(reproduction) from one generation to the next. significantly to the children social emotionalde-
As a social unit, the family consists of individu- velopment.
als in his/her social family members interact and Hypothesis test of permissive parenting
influence each other in accordance with their res- parenting syle with with children social emotio-
pective states. As a family, unity is a collaboration nal development
that arranging the needs of family members. The Reviewed hypothesis testing in obtained
family is also a source of primary education and correlation coefficient between permissiveparen-
especially into the container forming good values ting syle with children social emotional develop-
of social values, cultural values, and the values of ment amounted 0.047 with significant value or
mentality. probability 0.750 (p>0.05), it can be inferred that
Another research evidence showed by the hypothesis is accepted.It means that there is
Handayani, A., & Munawar, M. that the Sali- a positive correlation between permissive paren-
mar result of research (2011) shows that mother’s ting style with children social emotional develop-
workload affect the quality of parenting on bali- ments. The result of this relationship is negative
ta. The mother’s workload without any help, es- and significant correlation betweenpermissive
pecially from the husband, and in general from parentingchildren social emotional development,
the member of the family will cause minimum can be seen from great correlation coefficient
body stimulant causing poor quality of parenting. of 0.047 means that this relationship has a very
(2015:16) weak correlation.
Hypothesis test of authoritative parenting
syle with with children social emotional develop-

Tumewa Pangaribuan / Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 6 (1) (2017)

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renting syle with children social emotional deve- Research Foundation.
lopment amounted 0.367 with significant value Amir, Amtarina S.F. The High Scope Early Childhood
Education Model. Makalah Seminar dan Loka-
or probability 0.367 (p>0.05),it can be inferred
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development. It is also supported by the correla- tia
tion coefficient of 0.367 that showed a positive Akmal Sutja, dkk. (2014). Panduan Penulisan Skripsi.
relationship and tends to be high. Jambi: Program Studi Bimbingan Konseling
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CONCLUSION Bjorklund. (1992). The Family Life Cylce: A Framework
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ment was -0.015 with significant value or pro- Dantes. (1991). Pola Asuhan Dalam Hubungan Dengan
bability 0.921 (p>0.05), in sense that there is a Pendidikan Nilai Dilingkungan Keluarga: Suatu
negative correlation between authoritarian paren- Analisis Macropedagogik. Singaraja Pidato Pen-
ting style with children social emotional develop- gukuhan Jabatan Guru Besar Dalam Ilmu Pen-
ments. This parenting style showed that an aut- didikan Universitas Udayana.
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and significantly to the children social emotional
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