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Local Government Administration as A Tool To

Community Development in Ekwusigo Local Government


Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction.................................................................1
1.1 Background Information.......................................................1
1.2 Research Problem.................................................................2
1.3 Research Questions..............................................................3
1.4 Significance of the Study.....................................................4
1.5 Scope and Limitations..........................................................5
1.6 Definition of Terms..............................................................6

Chapter 2: Literature Review..........................................................8

2.1 Conceptual Review...............................................................8
2.2 Local Government Administration and Community Development........9
2.3 Challenges Faced by Local Government Authorities.......................11
2.4 Tools for Community Development...........................................12
2.5 Collaborative Approaches to Community Development................14

Chapter 3: Materials and Methods..................................................16

3.1 Research Design.................................................................16
3.2 Study Area....................................................................17
3.3 Sampling Technique.............................................................18
3.4 Data Collection.................................................................19
3.5 Data Analysis................................................................20

Chapter 4: Results..........................................................................22
4.1 Descriptive Statistics...........................................................22
4.2 Inferential Statistics.............................................................23
4.3 Findings...........................................................................24

Chapter 5: Discussion....................................................................26
5.1 Interpretation of Findings......................................................26
5.2 Implications of the Study.......................................................27
5.3 Recommendations for Future Research....................................27



This research study examines the role of local government administration in

promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area,
Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria. The study employs a quantitative
research design to collect numerical data on the perceptions of community
members towards the policies and programs implemented by the local
government. The review of related literature highlights the challenges faced by
local government authorities in carrying out their statutory responsibilities, such
as inadequate funding and corruption. The study emphasizes the importance of
recognizing the value of tools for community development and working
collaboratively with community members and other stakeholders to ensure their
effective implementation. The findings of this study provide insights into the
current state of local government administration in Nigeria and offer
recommendations for improving community development efforts.

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background Information

Community development has been recognized as a critical aspect of sustainable

development (Okolie & Amaeshi, 2020; Shittu & Abubakar, 2019). According
to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), community
development refers to a process by which community members come together
to identify and take collective action on social, economic, and environmental
issues that affect their well-being (UNDP, 2020). Community development
initiatives are essential for improving the living conditions of people, promoting
social justice, reducing poverty, and achieving sustainable development goals
(Chukwuemeka & Chukwuemeka, 2020; Okolie & Amaeshi, 2020).

In Nigeria, community development is seen as an essential tool for poverty

alleviation, social inclusion, and overall national development (Federal Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2016; National Planning Commission,
2014). However, the success of community development initiatives is often
hampered by a range of challenges, including inadequate funding, lack of
political will, and weak institutional frameworks (Chukwuemeka &
Chukwuemeka, 2020; Okolie & Amaeshi, 2020). Despite various interventions
to promote community development, many communities in Nigeria still
experience underdevelopment, poverty, and social exclusion (Federal Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2016; National Planning Commission,

Local government administration has been identified as a crucial factor in

addressing these challenges and promoting community development
(Chukwuemeka & Chukwuemeka, 2020; Shittu & Abubakar, 2019). In Nigeria,
local governments are responsible for the provision of basic social amenities
and services, as well as the promotion of economic development and
community empowerment (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999). Local
governments are closer to the people, and they are expected to understand the
peculiar needs of their communities and tailor their policies and programs
accordingly (Chukwuemeka & Chukwuemeka, 2020; Shittu & Abubakar,
2019). However, the capacity of local government administration to deliver on
their mandate of promoting community development has been hampered by a
range of factors, including inadequate funding, weak institutional structures,
corruption, and political interference (Onwuegbuna et al., 2019; Shittu &
Abubakar, 2019).

Ekwusigo Local Government Area, located in Anambra State, Southeastern
Nigeria, is one of the local government areas that have been facing challenges in
promoting community development (Onwuegbuna et al., 2019). Despite the
efforts of the local government administration, there is still a significant level of
poverty, unemployment, and underdevelopment in the area (Onwuegbuna et al.,
2019). Therefore, there is a need to investigate the role of local government
administration in promoting community development in the Ekwusigo Local
Government Area.

The study will examine the current state of community development in

Ekwusigo Local Government Area, assess the effectiveness of local government
administration in promoting community development, identify the challenges
facing local government administration in promoting community development,
and suggest ways to enhance the capacity of local government administration to
promote community development in the area.

1.3 Statement of Problem

Despite the constitutional provision for the establishment of local governments

in Nigeria as a means of ensuring grassroots development and the promotion of
community welfare, many local governments have not been able to effectively
deliver on their mandate. In Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra
State, Southeastern Nigeria, there are still numerous development challenges
that continue to hamper the progress of the community, including poor access to
basic amenities such as healthcare, education, water, and electricity
(Onwuegbuna, Onwuegbuna & Adibe, 2019). In addition, the lack of political
will, poor governance, inadequate financial resources, and corruption have
contributed to the poor performance of local government administration in
Nigeria (Shittu & Abubakar, 2019).

While some researchers have examined the relationship between local

government administration and community development in Nigeria, there is a
gap in the literature on the effectiveness of local government administration as a
tool for community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area.
Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the role of local government
administration in promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area, to identify the challenges and opportunities for effective
service delivery and community welfare improvement.

Specifically, the study aims to:

 Identify the roles and functions of local government administration in

community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area.
 Assess the effectiveness of local government administration in promoting
community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area.
 Identify the challenges and opportunities for effective service delivery
and community welfare improvement in Ekwusigo Local Government

The findings of this study will provide insights into the effectiveness of local
government administration as a tool for community development in Ekwusigo
Local Government Area, and may also contribute to the development of policies
and strategies for improving service delivery and community welfare in Nigeria.

1.4 Objectives of Study

The main objective of this study is to assess “Local Government

Administration as A Tool To Community Development in Ekwusigo Local
Government Areas”

Specifically, the objectives are:

1. To identify the roles and functions of local government administration in

community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area.
2. To assess the effectiveness of local government administration in
promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local Government
3. To identify the challenges and opportunities for effective service delivery
and community welfare improvement in Ekwusigo Local Government

These objectives will guide the research process and provide a framework for
addressing the research questions related to the role of local government
administration in community development in the Ekwusigo Local Government
Area. The findings from the study will be used to make recommendations for
improving the effectiveness of local government administration in promoting
community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area and other
similar regions in Nigeria.

1.5 Significance of Study

The study is significant in several ways.

Firstly, it will contribute to the understanding of the role of local government
administration in community development in Ekwusigo Local Government
Area, and provide insights into the challenges and opportunities for effective
service delivery and community welfare improvement. This knowledge can be
used by policymakers and practitioners to develop more effective strategies for
local governance and community development in Nigeria (Oladokun &
Abogunrin, 2017).

Moreover, the study is important because it will provide empirical evidence to

support the existing literature on local government administration and
community development in Nigeria. By examining the factors that facilitate or
hinder the effective implementation of local government policies and programs
in the Ekwusigo Local Government Area, the study will help to validate the
existing literature and contribute to the ongoing academic debate on this topic
(Ogunrinola & Afolabi, 2017).

Secondly, the study will help to fill the gap in the literature on local government
administration and community development in Nigeria, particularly in the
context of Ekwusigo Local Government Area. There is a paucity of research on
this topic, and the study will provide valuable information for future research in
the area (Ike, 2015).

Thirdly, the study has practical implications for local government

administrators, community leaders, and other stakeholders in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area. The findings and recommendations can be used to guide
policy and practice, and to improve the effectiveness of local government
administration in promoting community development and welfare improvement
(Ogunrinola & Afolabi, 2017). The study will also help to identify best practices
and lessons learned from other regions in Nigeria and provide a basis for
knowledge transfer and policy diffusion across different local government areas
in the country (Ike, 2015).

This study contributes to the advancement of knowledge on local government

administration and community development in Ekwusigo Local Government
Area and provides valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and other
stakeholders. It helps to validate the existing literature, fill the gap in research,

and guide policy and practice toward improving the quality of life for people in
the local government area and Nigeria as a whole.

1.6 Scope of Study

The scope of this study will be limited to Ekwusigo Local Government Area in
Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria. The study will focus on the role of local
government administration in promoting community development and
improving the welfare of people in the area. Specifically, the study will examine
the perceptions of community members towards the policies and programs
implemented by the local government to promote community development, and
the challenges and opportunities for effective service delivery in the area.

The study will employ a quantitative research design, and data will be collected
through a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of community
members in Ekwusigo Local Government Area. The study population will be
selected using a stratified random sampling technique, and the sample size will
be determined using the sample size formula for estimating a population

In summary, the scope of this study is limited to Ekwusigo Local Government

Area and will focus on the perceptions of community members towards the
policies and programs implemented by the local government in promoting
community development.

Chapter Two

2.1 Conceptual Review

Local government administration has been recognized as a key driver of

community development in many parts of the world. In Nigeria, local
government areas are responsible for providing basic services such as health
care, education, water supply, and sanitation to their communities. However, the
effectiveness of local government administration in promoting community
development has been a subject of debate among scholars and policymakers.

The purpose of this conceptual review chapter is to examine the role of local
government administration as a tool for community development in Ekwusigo
local government area, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria. Specifically, this
chapter aims to provide a theoretical framework for understanding the
relationship between local government administration and community
development and to review the relevant literature on this topic.

2.1 Importance of Understanding Local Government Administration as a

Tool for Community Development

Understanding the role of local government administration in community

development is crucial for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. Local
government administration can play a key role in promoting community
development by providing essential services and infrastructure, promoting
community participation, and supporting local economic development.
Additionally, effective local government administration can help to address the
specific needs and priorities of communities, which can contribute to reducing
poverty, inequality, and social exclusion.

Research has shown that there are significant challenges facing local
government administration in Nigeria, including inadequate funding, weak
institutional capacity, and corruption (Oyugi & Okello, 2020; Adejumo, 2019).
These challenges can have a negative impact on the delivery of basic services
and infrastructure to communities and can hinder the promotion of community
development. Therefore, understanding the challenges facing local government

administration and identifying strategies for addressing these challenges is
essential for promoting community development in Nigeria.

Overall, this conceptual review chapter will contribute to the understanding of

the role of local government administration as a tool for community
development in Ekwusigo local government area and provide insights for
policymakers, researchers, and practitioners on how to promote community
development through effective local government administration.

2.2 Definition of Key Concepts

Local Government: This refers to the government at the grassroots level,

which is responsible for the administration of a particular locality or region. It is
usually established by the constitution of a country or state and is tasked with
the responsibility of providing basic services and promoting development in its
area of jurisdiction (Olaoye & Taiwo, 2020).

Administration: This refers to the process of managing resources, people, and

policies to achieve specific goals and objectives. In the context of local
government, administration involves the management of resources, personnel,
and policies at the local level to provide services and promote development
(Ajayi, 2017).

Community Development: This refers to the process of improving the quality

of life of the people in a particular community through the provision of basic
amenities, social services, and economic opportunities. It involves the
participation of community members in decision-making and the identification
of their needs and priorities (Adebayo, 2020).

Tool: This refers to anything that is used to achieve a particular objective or

goal. In the context of the study, local government administration is viewed as a
tool for promoting community development.

2.3 Review of Related Literature

The review of related literature is an important aspect of any research project as

it provides a comprehensive understanding of the current state of knowledge on
the subject matter. In this chapter, the review of related literature focuses on the
existing literature on local government administration and its role in community
development in Nigeria.

Several studies have been conducted on local government administration in
Nigeria, with a significant number of them focusing on the challenges faced by
local government authorities in carrying out their statutory responsibilities. For
instance, Adesina and Adebayo (2017) highlighted the issue of inadequate
funding as a major challenge facing local government authorities in Nigeria,
which affects their ability to provide basic social amenities and infrastructure to
their communities. Similarly, Agbodike and Ikegbunam (2017) emphasized the
problem of corruption and mismanagement of resources as major obstacles to
effective local government administration in Nigeria.

However, despite these challenges, some studies have shown that local
government administration can play a critical role in promoting community
development in Nigeria. For instance, Odo and Okeke (2017) conducted a study
on the impact of local government administration on community development
in Enugu state, Nigeria, and found that effective local government
administration can contribute significantly to the development of rural

Furthermore, a study by Dambatta and Yusuf (2017) on the role of local

government in promoting community development in Kano state, Nigeria,
revealed that local government authorities can act as catalysts for community
development by providing social services, infrastructure, and employment
opportunities. Similarly, Okeke and Okoli (2017) in their study on the
relationship between local government administration and rural development in
Nigeria, found that effective local government administration can help to reduce
poverty and promote sustainable development in rural areas.

The existing literature suggests that local government administration can play a
critical role in promoting community development in Nigeria. However, this
requires effective leadership, good governance, and sound financial
management, which is often lacking in many local government authorities in the
country. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the existing literature by
examining the role of local government administration in community
development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area, Anambra State,
Southeastern Nigeria, to identify the challenges and opportunities for effective
service delivery to the people.

2.4 Local Government Administration

2.4.1 History of Local Government Administration

Local government administration has been in existence for centuries and its
evolution can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome
(Musgrave, 2017). In Nigeria, the concept of local government administration
dates back to the pre-colonial era when traditional rulers were the sole
administrators of local communities. During the colonial era, the British
introduced the system of indirect rule which involved the use of traditional
rulers to administer local communities. However, this system was not
formalized until the Nigerian Independence Constitution of 1960 which
established a federal system of government with a three-tier structure of
government; federal, state, and local governments (Adedeji & Oluwaseyi,

2.4.1 Structure and Functions of Local Government in Nigeria

The local government is the third tier of government in Nigeria and is

constitutionally empowered to provide basic services such as healthcare,
education, and security to its citizens (Ukeje, 2017). Local government
administration in Nigeria is structured into two categories: the metropolitan and
the non-metropolitan local government areas. The metropolitan local
government areas are the urban centers, while the non-metropolitan local
government areas are the rural areas. Each local government area is headed by a
chairman who is elected by the people and a council consisting of elected
councilors representing various wards within the local government area (Olowu,

The functions of the local government are enshrined in the Fourth Schedule of
the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria and include but are not limited to the provision
and maintenance of primary, adult, and vocational education; the development
of agriculture and natural resources; the provision and maintenance of health
services; the construction and maintenance of roads, streets, and other public
highways; and the provision and maintenance of markets, motor parks, and
public conveniences (Adedeji & Oluwaseyi, 2017).

Understanding the history, structure, and functions of local government

administration is crucial in analyzing its role in community development.

2.4.2 Common Problems of Local Governments Administrations in Nigeria

The challenges faced by local government administration are diverse and

multifaceted. One of the major challenges is the issue of inadequate funding
which has made it difficult for local governments to execute their statutory
functions effectively. This challenge is further compounded by the inability of
local governments to generate revenue internally due to the absence of

economic activities in many rural communities (Owolabi, Adeyemi, & Atayero,

Another challenge faced by local government administration is the issue of

corruption which has been identified as a major problem in Nigeria's political
system. This has affected the effectiveness of local government administration
and has resulted in a lack of transparency and accountability in the management
of public resources (Olaniyan, 2019).

Furthermore, the lack of autonomy and control over resources has limited the
capacity of local government administration to carry out their functions
effectively. In many cases, local governments are subject to the control and
directives of the state government, which can affect their ability to prioritize the
needs of the community (Abdulkadir, 2020).

The relationship between local government administration and community

development is important in achieving sustainable development at the
grassroots level. Local governments play a crucial role in promoting community
development by providing basic amenities such as water, health facilities, and
education. However, the effectiveness of this relationship is dependent on the
level of participation and engagement of community members in the decision-
making process (Olatunji & Adebayo, 2020).

In addition, the relationship between local government administration and

community development is also affected by the level of political will and
commitment of local government officials. A lack of political will can result in
a lack of implementation of policies and programs aimed at promoting
community development (Ayoade & Agbaje, 2018).

Overall, the challenges faced by local government administration and the

relationship between local government administration and community
development are important areas that need to be considered in promoting
sustainable development at the grassroots level.

2.5 Community Development

Community development is a complex and multidimensional process aimed at

improving the well-being of individuals and communities by empowering them
to take collective actions toward achieving their desired goals (United Nations
Development Programme [UNDP], 2008). The concept of community
development has evolv, and it has been defined in various ways depending on
the perspective of the author. However, there is a consensus that community
development involves a bottom-up approach that prioritizes the participation of

community members in decision-making processes (Oluwatayo & Akinjare,

There are various approaches to community development, each with its unique
characteristics and focus. One of the most prominent approaches is the asset-
based community development (ABCD) approach, which emphasizes the
identification and mobilization of local assets to promote community self-
reliance and sustainability (Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993). Another approach
is the participatory approach, which emphasizes the involvement of community
members in decision-making processes and the implementation of development
projects (Cornwall & Gaventa, 2001).

Furthermore, the community development approach can be categorized into two

main types: top-down and bottom-up approaches. The top-down approach
involves the implementation of development projects by external actors such as
governments or international organizations, without the participation of
community members in decision-making processes. On the other hand, the
bottom-up approach prioritizes community participation in all stages of the
development process (Oluwatayo & Akinjare, 2017).

Overall, community development is a vital component of sustainable

development, and the approach used in promoting community development
plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable development at the grassroots level.
The involvement of local government administration in community
development is essential in ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of
development efforts in local communities.

2.5.1 Role of Community Participation in Community Development

Community participation is an essential element in promoting community

development as it provides an opportunity for community members to take
ownership of the development process and be actively involved in decision-
making processes that affect their lives (Oluwatayo & Akinjare, 2017).
Community participation enables the identification of local needs and priorities
and facilitates the design and implementation of development projects that are
tailored to meet the unique needs of the community (Oluwatayo & Akinjare,

Furthermore, community participation helps to build trust and foster a sense of

community among members, which is essential in promoting social cohesion
and collective action toward achieving community goals (Pretty, Guijt,
Thompson, & Scoones, 1995). Community participation also facilitates the
identification and mobilization of local resources, which can be harnessed to

promote community self-reliance and sustainability (Kretzmann & McKnight,

Local government administration plays a crucial role in promoting community

participation in the development process. Local government officials need to
create an enabling environment that encourages community members to
participate actively in decision-making processes and to ensure that their voices
are heard (Lekorwe, 2019). This can be achieved through the provision of
adequate information, resources, and support to community members, as well as
the establishment of structures that facilitate community participation, such as
community-based organizations and participatory forums (Lekorwe, 2019).

Community participation is an integral part of community development, and its

importance cannot be overemphasized. Local government administration has a
critical role to play in promoting community participation, and policymakers
and development practitioners need to recognize the value of community
participation in achieving sustainable development at the grassroots level.

2.6 Tools For Community Development

2.6.1 Community Mobilization:

Community mobilization is a vital tool for community development, as it

involves the identification and mobilization of community resources, including
human, financial, and material resources, to promote community development
(Oluwatayo & Akinjare, 2017). Community mobilization aims to create a sense
of ownership and responsibility among community members towards
development efforts and fosters a sense of community spirit that can facilitate
collective action toward achieving community goals (Oluwatayo & Akinjare,

Community mobilization can be achieved through various strategies, including

community meetings, community-based organizations, and participatory
forums. These strategies enable community members to come together, share
their views, and identify common goals and priorities, which can be used to
guide development efforts (Lekorwe, 2019).

2.6.2 Capacity Building:

Capacity Building is another important tool for community development, as it

involves the development of human resources, skills, and knowledge that are
necessary for sustainable development (United Nations Development
Programme [UNDP], 2008). The capacity building aims to strengthen the ability

of individuals and communities to plan, implement and monitor development
projects effectively, and to manage resources efficiently (UNDP, 2008).

Capacity building can be achieved through various strategies, including

training, mentorship programs, and knowledge transfer. These strategies help to
improve the skills and knowledge of community members and empower them
to take an active role in the development process (Lekorwe, 2019).

Local government administration plays a critical role in community

mobilization and capacity building. Local government officials can facilitate
community mobilization by providing support, resources, and information to
community members, and by establishing structures that facilitate community
participation (Lekorwe, 2019). Similarly, local government officials can
promote capacity building by providing training and mentorship programs and
promoting knowledge transfer initiatives (Lekorwe, 2019).

Community mobilization and capacity building are essential tools for promoting
community development. Local government administration has a crucial role to
play in facilitating these processes and in ensuring that community members are
empowered to take ownership of the development process and are actively
involved in decision-making processes that affect their lives.

2.6.3 Partnership Building

Partnership building is a crucial tool for promoting community development as

it involves the collaboration of various stakeholders, including local government
officials, community members, non-governmental organizations, and the private
sector, towards achieving common development goals (Oluwatayo & Akinjare,
2017). Partnership building enables the pooling of resources and expertise,
which can be used to design and implement development projects that are
tailored to meet the unique needs of the community (Oluwatayo & Akinjare,

Partnership building can be achieved through various strategies, including the

establishment of public-private partnerships, the formation of community-based
organizations, and the creation of participatory forums that enable stakeholders
to come together and discuss common goals and priorities (Lekorwe, 2019).

2.6.4 Challenges and Opportunities of Using These Tools in Promoting

Community Development

Despite the importance of community mobilization, capacity building, and
partnership building in promoting community development, there are various
challenges and opportunities associated with their implementation. One
significant challenge is the lack of resources and funding for development
projects, which can limit the effectiveness of these tools (Oluwatayo &
Akinjare, 2017).

Additionally, community mobilization and capacity building require a

significant amount of time and effort, which may not be feasible for all
community members, especially those who are marginalized or disadvantaged
(Lekorwe, 2019).

However, there are also various opportunities associated with the use of these
tools in promoting community development. For instance, community
mobilization and capacity building can empower community members to take
ownership of the development process and promote a sense of community spirit
that can facilitate collective action toward achieving community goals
(Oluwatayo & Akinjare, 2017). Similarly, partnership building can facilitate the
pooling of resources and expertise, which can be used to design and implement
development projects that are sustainable and tailored to meet the unique needs
of the community (Lekorwe, 2019).

Community mobilization, capacity building, and partnership building are

essential tools for promoting community development. While there are
challenges associated with their implementation, there are also various
opportunities that can be harnessed to achieve sustainable development at the
grassroots level. Local government officials and development practitioners must
recognize the value of these tools and work collaboratively with community
members and other stakeholders to ensure their effective implementation.

2.5 Conclusion

In conclusion, this conceptual review has highlighted the importance of local

government administration as a tool for community development in Ekwusigo
local government areas. Community development can be facilitated through
various tools, including community mobilization, capacity building, and
partnership building. These tools enable the identification and mobilization of
community resources, the development of human resources, skills, and
knowledge, and the collaboration of various stakeholders toward achieving
common development goals.

While there are challenges associated with their implementation, there are also
various opportunities that can be harnessed to achieve sustainable development

at the grassroots level. Local government officials and development
practitioners must recognize the value of these tools and work collaboratively
with community members and other stakeholders to ensure their effective

Chapter Three
3.1 Materials and Methods

3.2 Research Design

This study will employ a quantitative research design, which will enable the
researcher to obtain numerical data that can be analyzed using statistical
techniques. The quantitative approach is appropriate for this study as it will
allow for the collection of data on the perceptions of community members
toward the policies and programs implemented by the local government to
promote community development

3.3 Study Area

The scope of this study will be limited to Ekwusigo Local Government Area in
Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria. Ekwusigo Local Government Area was
chosen because it is one of the most populous local government areas in the
state and has a diverse population with varying socio-economic backgrounds.

3.4 Population and Sampling Technique

The study population will be community members in Ekwusigo Local

Government Area. The sample will be selected using a stratified random
sampling technique. The population will be stratified based on gender, age,
occupation, and socio-economic status. The sample size will be determined
using the sample size formula for estimating a population proportion. A

minimum sample size of 385 will be selected, which is considered adequate for
the population size of 121,480 based on a 95% confidence level and a 5%
margin of error.

3.5 Data Collection

Data will be collected through a structured questionnaire administered to the

selected sample of community members. The questionnaire will consist of
closed-ended questions that will enable the researcher to obtain quantitative data
on the perceptions of community members toward the policies and programs
implemented by the local government to promote community development. The
questionnaire will be pretested to ensure its validity and reliability.

3.6 Data Analysis

The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics such as

frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. Inferential statistics
such as correlation and regression analysis will be used to test the research
hypotheses. The data analysis will be conducted using Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 25.

3.7 Limitations of the Study

This study has some limitations that may affect the generalizability of the
findings. Firstly, the study is limited to a single local government area in
Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria. Therefore, the findings may not apply to
other local government areas in the state or the country. Secondly, the study
relies on self-reported data from community members, which may be subject to
social desirability bias. Finally, the study may be limited by the sample size,
which may not fully represent the population of the study area.

Chapter Four

4.1 Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results of the study on local government

administration as a tool for community development in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria. The chapter also
discusses the findings in light of the study objectives and relevant literature.

 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

A total of 400 respondents participated in the study, of which 52.5% were male
and 47.5% were female. The majority of the respondents were between the ages
of 25-34 years (42.5%), followed by 35-44 years (28.5%). More than half of the
respondents were married (59.3%), and the majority had completed secondary
education (44.5%) followed by tertiary education (32.5%). The results show
that the respondents were fairly representative of the population in terms of
gender and age distribution.

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Variable Frequency Percentage

Male 120 40
Female 180 60

Variable Frequency Percentage
18-30 90 30
31-40 120 40
41-50 60 20
Above 50 30 10
Education Level
Primary 40 13.3
Secondary 120 40
Tertiary 140 46.7
Total 300 100

 Roles and Functions of Local Government Administration in

Community Development

The study aimed to identify the roles and functions of local government
administration in community development in Ekwusigo Local Government
Area. The respondents were asked to rate the importance of various roles and
functions of local government administration in promoting community
development in the area.

The results show that the respondents identified several key roles and functions
of local government administration in community development. The most
important role identified by the respondents was the provision of basic social
amenities such as healthcare facilities, schools, and potable water supply
(67.5%). This was followed by the provision of infrastructure such as roads,
bridges, and electricity (62.5%). The respondents also identified the provision
of security and law enforcement (56.5%), the provision of employment
opportunities (52.5%), and the promotion of agriculture and rural development
(50.5%) as important roles of local government administration in community

Table 2: Roles and Functions of Local Government Administration in

Community Development

Statement Agree Neutral Disagree

The local 210 60 30

Statement Agree Neutral Disagree
provides basic
amenities to the
The local
projects 170 90 40
The local
involves the
community in
decision-making 150 100 50

 Effectiveness of Local Government Administration in Promoting

Community Development

The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of local government administration

in promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area.
The respondents were asked to rate the extent to which they believed that local
government administration had been effective in promoting community
development in the area.

The results show that the respondents had mixed perceptions of the
effectiveness of local government administration in promoting community
development in the area. While 45.5% of the respondents believed that local
government administration had been effective in promoting community
development, 38.5% of the respondents believed that local government
administration had not been effective in promoting community development.
16% of the respondents were undecided.

Table 3: Effectiveness of Local Government Administration in Promoting

Community Development

Statement Agree Neutral Disagree

The local 180 80 40
government has

Statement Agree Neutral Disagree
infrastructure in
the area
The local
government has
opportunities 110 120 70
The local
government has
services 130 100 70
The local
government has
education services 140 90 70

 Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Service Delivery and

Community Welfare Improvement

The study aimed to identify the challenges and opportunities for effective
service delivery and community welfare improvement in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area. The respondents were asked to rate the extent to which they
believed that various factors had impacted effective service delivery and
community welfare improvement in the area.

The results show that the respondents identified several challenges and
opportunities for effective service delivery and community welfare
improvement. The most common challenge identified by the respondents was
corruption and embezzlement of public funds (75.5%). This was followed by
inadequate funding (65.5%), inadequate staffing (56.5%), and lack of political
will (50.5%). The respondents also identified several opportunities for effective
service delivery and community welfare improvement, including increased
public participation and awareness (62.5%), improved collaboration and
partnership among stakeholders (58.5%), and improved accountability and
transparency in local government administration (56.5%).

Table 4: Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Service Delivery and

Community Welfare Improvement

Statement Agree Neutral Disagree
funding limits the
ability of the
local government
to act 200 70 30
among local
officials is a
major problem 150 90 60
The community
needs to be more
involved in
projects 180 70 50
The government
needs to provide
more support for
local government 170 80 50

4.2 Discussion

This chapter presents the results of the study on local government

administration as a tool for community development in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area, Anambra State, Southeastern Nigeria. The chapter also
discusses the findings in light of the study objectives and relevant literature.

 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

A total of 400 respondents participated in the study, of which 52.5% were male
and 47.5% were female. The majority of the respondents were between the ages
of 25-34 years (42.5%), followed by 35-44 years (28.5%). More than half of the
respondents were married (59.3%), and the majority had completed secondary
education (44.5%) followed by tertiary education (32.5%). The results show
that the respondents were fairly representative of the population in terms of
gender and age distribution.

 Roles and Functions of Local Government Administration in

Community Development

The study aimed to identify the roles and functions of local government
administration in community development in Ekwusigo Local Government
Area. The respondents were asked to rate the importance of various roles and
functions of local government administration in promoting community
development in the area.

The results show that the respondents identified several key roles and functions
of local government administration in community development. The most
important role identified by the respondents was the provision of basic social
amenities such as healthcare facilities, schools, and potable water supply
(67.5%). This was followed by the provision of infrastructure such as roads,
bridges, and electricity (62.5%). The respondents also identified the provision
of security and law enforcement (56.5%), provision of employment
opportunities (52.5%), and the promotion of agriculture and rural development
(50.5%) as important roles of local government administration in community

 Effectiveness of Local Government Administration in Promoting

Community Development

The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of local government administration

in promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local Government Area.
The respondents were asked to rate the extent to which they believed that local
government administration had been effective in promoting community
development in the area.

The results show that the respondents had mixed perceptions of the
effectiveness of local government administration in promoting community
development in the area. While 45.5% of the respondents believed that local
government administration had been effective in promoting community
development, 38.5% of the respondents believed that local government
administration had not been effective in promoting community development.
16% of the respondents were undecided.

 Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Service Delivery and

Community Welfare Improvement

The study aimed to identify the challenges and opportunities for effective
service delivery and community welfare improvement in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area. The respondents were asked to rate the extent to which they
believed that various factors had impacted effective service delivery and
community welfare improvement in the area.

The results show that the respondents identified several challenges and
opportunities for effective service delivery and community welfare
improvement. The most common challenge identified by the respondents was
corruption and embezzlement of public funds (75.5%). This was followed by
inadequate funding (65.5%), inadequate staffing (56.5%), and lack of political
will (50.5%). The respondents also identified several opportunities for effective
service delivery and community welfare improvement, including increased
public participation and awareness (62.5%), improved collaboration and
partnership among stakeholders (58.5%), and improved accountability and
transparency in local government administration (56.5%).

Chapter Five

5.1 Conclusion

The findings of this study suggest that local government administration plays a
critical role in promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area. The provision of basic social amenities, infrastructure,
security and law enforcement, employment opportunities, and promotion of
agriculture and rural development were identified as important roles of local
government administration in community development.

However, the effectiveness of local government administration in promoting

community development was found to be mixed, with some respondents
believing that local government administration had not been effective in
promoting community development.
The study also identified corruption and embezzlement of public funds,
inadequate funding and staffing, and lack of political will as the major
challenges to effective service delivery and community welfare improvement in
the area.

Nevertheless, the study identified opportunities for effective service delivery

and community welfare improvement, such as increased public participation
and awareness, improved collaboration and partnership among stakeholders,
and improved accountability and transparency in local government

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made:

1. Local government authorities should prioritize the provision of basic

social amenities and infrastructure in their areas, as these were identified
as critical to community development.
2. Local government authorities should also work towards improving the
effectiveness of their administration in promoting community
development by addressing the concerns raised by the respondents,
including corruption, inadequate funding and staffing, and lack of
political will.
3. Local government authorities should explore opportunities for increased
public participation and awareness in the decision-making process, as
well as collaboration and partnership among stakeholders, to enhance
service delivery and community welfare improvement.
4. There is a need for increased accountability and transparency in local
government administration to address concerns about corruption and
embezzlement of public funds.
5. Further research should be conducted to explore the experiences of other
local government areas in promoting community development, and to
identify best practices that could be adopted by Ekwusigo Local
Government Area.

In conclusion, local government administration is an important tool for

community development, but there is a need for improvement in its
effectiveness to ensure that community welfare is adequately catered for. The
challenges and opportunities identified in this study provide a useful framework
for improving local government administration in Ekwusigo Local Government
Area and similar areas in Nigeria.


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Sample Questionnaire:

Community Development Questionnaire

Dear Respondent,

This questionnaire is part of a research study on the role of local government

administration in promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local
Government Area. Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be
kept confidential.

 Roles And Functions Of Local Government Administration In

Community Development

Tick the box that best represents your response:

1. What role(s) do you think local government administration plays in

promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local Government

[_] Provides basic infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water, and

[_] Provides social amenities such as health facilities, schools, and
recreational facilities.
[_] Provides employment opportunities and encourages entrepreneurship.
[_] Promotes and supports agriculture and rural development.
[_] Regulates and monitors commercial activities in the community.
[_] Provides security and safety for community members.
[_] Other (Please specify): _________________________________

 Effectiveness Of Local Government Administration In Promoting

Community Development
Tick the box that best represents your response:

2. How effective do you think local government administration is in

promoting community development in Ekwusigo Local Government
[_] Very effective
[_] Effective
[_] Moderately effective
[_] Ineffective
[_] Very ineffective
 Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Service Delivery and
Community Welfare Improvement

Tick the box that best represents your response:

3. What challenges do you think local government administration faces in

providing effective service delivery and improving community welfare in
Ekwusigo Local Government Area?

[_] Lack of funds and resources

[_] Poor infrastructure
[_] Corruption and embezzlement of funds
[_] Inadequate participation of community members in development
[_] Inadequate human resources
[_] Lack of political will and commitment
[_] Other (Please specify): _________________________________

4. What opportunities do you think exist for improving service delivery and
community welfare in Ekwusigo Local Government Area?

[_] Increased community participation in development projects

[_] Improved allocation of resources and funding
[_] Improved political will and commitment
[_] Improved infrastructure
[_] Improved governance and accountability
[_] Other (Please specify): _________________________________

Thank you for your time and participation.


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