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EE-609 Tut-1 Solutions


1a) In the case of a stationary charge, there is no radiation as there is no current.

1b) A moving charge with uniform velocity

Case 1) If a charge is moving with an uniform velocity, there is no radiation if the wire is
straight, and infinite in extent .

Case 2) There is radiation if the wire is curved, bent, discontinuous, terminated or truncated.

1c) If the charge is oscillating in a time-motion, it radiates even if the wire is straight.

Ans2) Za = R + j.X (ohms) and R = Rc + Rd + Rr (ohms)

Rc is conductive resistance corresponding to losses due to conductive elements
Rd is dielectric resistance corresponding to losses due to dielectric material
Rc & Rd are pure loss terms.
Rr is radiation resistance
X is Antenna reactance ( X can be either capacitive or inductive that represents energy storage
which is undesired, we expect whole of the energy received to be transmitted into space, so
ideally X should be zero)

Ideal value of Za should be real and that value should be the characteristic impedance of the
feeding Transmission line or a wave guide which is usually 50 ohm. [ impedance matching to
ensure no loss at T-line-antenna interface]

The reflection coefficient (Γ) is a complex number that represents the amplitude and phase
relationship between the incident wave and the reflected wave at an impedance discontinuity for
example: the junction between a transmission line and a load (like an antenna).

Operating frequency = 2.4GHz ,
Z_load = Za = 35 - j20 (ohm) = 39.56 ∠ -29.74(degrees) ohms
(polar form, mag = sqrt(35^2 + 20^2), angle = tan^-1 [-20/35] )
The characteristic impedance of the transmission line = Zo = 50 ohms = 50∠0

Reflection coefficient = Γ = (Z_load - Zo) / (Z_load + Zo)

Substitute values of Z_load and Zo .
Ans4) Pin = 1000W , Ploss = 200W
Total input power = Pin = Pradiated + Ploss ⇒ Pradiated = 1000-200 = 800W
Pradiated =( Irms)^2 * Rr ⇒ 800 = (10)^2 * Rr ⇒ Rradiated = 8 Ohm

Rr = 70 ohm , Rd = 20 ohm , Rc = 30 ohm
Radiation efficiency = [Rr / (Rd+Rr+Rc)]
= [70 / (70+20+30) ] = 70/120
= 0.58
Efficiency in decibels = 10 * log(0.58) dB = - 2.36 dB

Factors that affect the input impedance of the antenna system circuit equivalent are:
1) Frequency of operation
2) Presence of objects near the antenna e.g. Radome

Zload = Za = 75 ohm , Zo = characteristic impedance of T-line = 50 ohm
Reflection coefficient = Γ = (Z_load - Zo) / (Z_load + Zo)
= (75-50) / (75 + 50)
= 25 / 125 = 1/5 = 0.2
Ideal value of reflection coefficient for an antenna system is “zero” that is 0% reflection
and 100% transmission which is possible only when Za = Zo.

Given Reflection coefficient = Γ = 0.25
VSWR = (1 + |Γ|) / (1 - |Γ|)
= ( 1 + 0.25) / (1 - 0.25)
= 1.25 / 0.75
= 1.67
Advantage of using VSWR is that it is a real quantity and is easy to measure.


9a) V_forward = Vf = 12 V, V_backward = Vb = 3 V (for the system, load is antenna)

As we have defined the V_forward and V_backward for the whole system,
V_incident=V_forward and V_reflected = V_backward
Explanation for 9a:
When an electromagnetic wave encounters an antenna (the load end of an antenna
system), it can be divided into two parts: the incident wave and the reflected wave. The
incident wave is the portion of the wave that travels towards the antenna i.e. mentioned
as forward here and is used to drive the antenna's radiating elements. The reflected
wave is the portion of the wave that is reflected back (moving away from antenna i.e.
mentioned as backward) due to impedance mismatch between the antenna and the
transmission line.

Reflection coefficient at the load end = Γ = (Vb) / (Vf)

Γ = V_reflected at the load end / V_incident at the load end
Γ = 3/12 = 0.25

VSWR = (1 + |Γ|) / (1 - |Γ|)

= ( 1 + 0.25) / ( 1 - 0.25) = 1.25 / 0.75 = 1.67

9b) P_forward = 100W, P_backward or P_reflected = 20W

Explanation: Γ is defined as the ratio of amplitude of voltages as Power is proportional

to the square of amplitude. Γ will be the square root of the Power ratio.

Γ = sqrt [ (P_reflected) / (P_forward)]

= sqrt [20/100] = sqrt(0.2) = 0.447
VSWR = (1 + |Γ|) / (1 - |Γ|)
= ( 1 + 0.447) / ( 1 - 0.447)
= 1.447/0.553 = 2.6

Ans 10)
Given VSWR = 1.8,
| Γ| = (VSWR-1 / VSWR+1) = (0.8/2.8) = 2/7

10a) Percentage of Reflected Power=(VSWR-1 / VSWR+1)^2 ×100 = ( | Γ|)^2 * 100

= [ (1.8 - 1) / (1.8 + 1) ]^2 x 100 = (2/7) ^2 x 100 = 8.2 %

10b) Return loss in decibels = RL = -20 * log(| Γ|) ⇒ -20 x log(2/7) = 10.88 dB
Ans 12)
Radiation Pattern : A mathematical function or a graphical representation of the
radiation properties of the antenna as a function of space coordinates.
A lobe is any part of the radiation pattern that is surrounded by regions of relatively
weaker radiation.
A major lobe (also called main lobe) is defined as “the radiation lobe containing the
direction of maximum radiation.”
A side lobe is “a radiation lobe in any direction other than the intended lobe.”

Azimuth and Elevation:
The term azimuth is commonly found in reference to “the horizon” or “the horizontal”
whereas the term elevation commonly refers to “the vertical”. In simpler terms , Azimuth
refers to the Side view and Elevation refers to the Top view.

12c and 12d)

E-Plane Pattern: It represents the radiation pattern of an antenna in the plane

perpendicular to its electrical (E-field) polarization.

H-Plane Pattern: It represents the radiation pattern of an antenna in the plane

perpendicular to its magneti (H-field) polarization.
The E-plane pattern focuses on how the radiation intensity varies in a vertical plane,
while the H-plane pattern focuses on how it varies in a horizontal plane.

In the H-plane pattern, we vary the azimuthal angle (ϕ) while keeping the elevation angle
(θ) constant whereas in the E-plane pattern, we vary the elevation angle (θ) while
keeping the azimuthal angle (ϕ) constant.

Explanation for Q13 ,

The 4 in denominator is due to normalization.
HPBW is defined for a Normalized field pattern, so the normalized value of the field
should be considered. ( should not use the magnitude value directly)
Therefore, E / Emax = 1/sqrt(2)
Emax = 4 ( i.e. when cos(theta) = 1)

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