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Donna A. Cruza U. BSEd-

BSED ma tics 2- 1 2-1

M108- Mode rn Ge ome try

Draft of Contribution to the Conte nt of the Broc hure

• Profile s of Mathe matic ians and the ir Contributions in Euc lide an Ge ome try

1. Euclid

Euclid wa s one a mong the fa mous

ma the ma ticia ns , a nd he wa s known a s
the ‘Fa the r of Ge ome try.’ His fa mous
Ge ome try contribution is re fe rre d to a s
the Euclide a n ge ome try, which is the re
in the Ge ome try cha pte r of cla s s IX. He
s pe nt a ll his life working for ma the ma tics
a nd s e t a re volutiona ry contribution to
Ge ome try.

2. P ytha gora s

‘P ytha gora s the ore m’ is ve ry popula r a nd

a n importa nt ma the ma tica l formula to
s olve ma the ma tica l proble ms . Since
childhood, a ll of us ha ve s truggle d to
s olve ma the ma tica l proble ms a pplying
the P ytha gora s the ore m. P ytha gora s
dis cove re d this promine nt the ore m a nd
he be ca me the fa the r of ‘P ytha gora s
the ore m.’ P ytha gora s wa s from Gre e ce ,
but he fle d off to India in the la tte r pa rt
of his life .

3. Archime de s

Archime de s wa s a Gre e k Scie ntis t, a

gre a t ma the ma ticia n, a nd a P hys icia n.
He a ls o worke d his e ntire life in s e a rch
of dis cove ring ma the ma tica l formula s
tha t a re re la te d to P hys ics . The be s t
Two triangles are said to be congruent if one can be exactly superimposed on the other by a
rigid motion, and the congruence theorems specify the conditions under which this can occur.
The first such theorem is the side-angle-side (SAS) theorem: If two sides and the included angle
of one triangle are equal to two sides and the included angle of another triangle, the triangles
are congruent. Following this, there are corresponding angle-side-angle (ASA) and side-side-
side (SSS) theorems.

The first very useful theorem derived from the axioms is the basic symmetry property of
isosceles triangles—i.e., that two sides of a triangle are equal if and only if the angles opposite
them are equal. Euclid’s proof of this theorem was once called Pons Asinorum (“Bridge of
Asses”), supposedly because mediocre students could not proceed across it to the farther
reaches of geometry. (For an illustrated exposition of the proof, see Sidebar: The Bridge of
Asses.) The Bridge of Asses opens the way to various theorems on the congruence of triangles.
The parallel postulate is fundamental for the proof of the theorem that the sum of the angles
of a triangle is always 180 degrees. A simple proof of this theorem was attributed to the

As indicated above, congruent figures have the same shape and size. Similar figures, on the
other hand, have the same shape but may differ in size. Shape is intimately related to the
notion of proportion, as ancient Egyptian artisans observed long ago. Segments of lengths a, b,
c, and d are said to be proportional if a:b = c:d (read, a is to b as c is to d; in older notation
a:b::c:d). The fundamental theorem of similarity states that a line segment splits two sides of a
triangle into proportional segments if and only if the segment is parallel to the triangle’s third

The similarity theorem may be reformulated as the AAA (angle-angle-angle) similarity theorem:
two triangles have their corresponding angles equal if and only if their corresponding sides are
proportional. Two similar triangles are related by a scaling (or similarity) factor s: if the first
triangle has sides a, b, and c, then the second one will have sides sa, sb, and sc. In addition to
the ubiquitous use of scaling factors on construction plans and geographic maps, similarity is
fundamental to trigonometry.
Pythagorean theorem
For a triangle △ABC the Pythagorean theorem has two parts: (1) if ∠ACB is a right angle, then
a2 + b2 = c2; (2) if a2 + b2 = c2, then ∠ACB is a right angle. For an arbitrary triangle, the
Pythagorean theorem is generalized to the law of cosines: a2 + b2 = c2 − 2ab cos (∠ACB). When
∠ACB is 90 degrees, this reduces to the Pythagorean theorem because cos (90°) = 0.

Since Euclid, a host of professional and amateur mathematicians (even U.S. President James
Garfield) have found more than 300 distinct proofs of the Pythagorean theorem. Despite its
antiquity, it remains one of the most important theorems in mathematics. It enables one to
calculate distances or, more important, to define distances in situations far more general than
elementary geometry. For example, it has been generalized to multidimensional vector spaces.

Triangle Theorems
We know that there are different types of triangles based on the length of the sides like a
scalene triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle and we also have triangles based on the
degree of the angles like the acute angle triangle, right-angled triangle, obtuse angle triangle.

Though there are many Geometry Theorems on Triangles but Let us see some basic geometry

Theorem 1
In any triangle, the sum of the three interior angles is 180°.

Suppose XYZ are three sides of a Triangle, then as per this theorem; ∠X + ∠Y + ∠Z = 180°

Theorem 2
If a side of the triangle is produced, the exterior angle so formed is equal to the sum of
corresponding interior opposite angles.

For a triangle, XYZ, ∠1, ∠2, and ∠3 are interior angles. And ∠4, ∠5, and ∠6 are the three
exterior angles.

Theorem 3
The base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent.
Suppose a triangle XYZ is an isosceles triangle, such that;

XY = XZ [Two sides of the triangle are equal]


∠Y = ∠Z

Where ∠Y and ∠Z are the base angles.

Now Let’s learn some advanced level Triangle Theorems.

Theorem 3: If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the midpoints of the
other two sides, then the two sides are divided in the same ratio.

XYZ is a triangle and L M is a line parallel to Y Z such that it intersects XY at l and XZ at M.

Hence, as per the theorem:


Theorem 4
If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then the line is parallel to the third

Suppose XYZ is a triangle and a line L M divides the two sides of triangle XY and XZ in the same
ratio, such that;


Theorem 5
If in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal, then their corresponding sides are in the
same ratio and hence the two triangles are similar.
Let ∆ABC and ∆PQR are two triangles.

Theorem 5 Example 1

Then as per the theorem,

AB/PQ = BC/QR = AC/PR (If ∠A = ∠P, ∠B = ∠Q and ∠C = ∠R)

And ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR

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