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As Cool as a Cucumber

Very calm and composed and untroubled by stress

2. Hold your Horses

Wait a moment

3. Kick the Bucket

To die

4. Blue in the Face (Color Idioms)

Weakened or tired after trying many times

5. A Storm in a Teacup

A big fuss made about something of little importance

6. Bob’s your Uncle

It’s as simple as that

7. Head in the Clouds

Living in a fantasy

8. Dead as a Doornail

Completely dead or unusable

9. A Piece of Cake (Easy Synonym)

Something very easy to do

10. Heart in your Mouth

Extremely frightened or anxious

11. Do a Devon Loch

To fail when you are very close to winning

12. Do a Runner

To leave a place quickly in order to escape trouble or to avoid paying for


13. Enough to Cobble Dogs with

A surplus of anything

14. Fall Off the Back of a Lorry

You acquired something that was probably stolen, or you are trying to sell
something that’s stolen or illegitimate

15. Hairy at the Heel

Someone who is ill-bred, dangerous or untrustworthy

16. Cat’s Arse

To describe the facial expression adopted by a scorned woman

17. For Donkey’s Years

Very long time

18. All Talk and No Trousers

All talk but no action

19. When Pigs Fly

Whatever you are discussing will never happen

20. Cat Got Your Tongue

Something you say to someone when they will not speak

21. Have a One-Track Mind!

If someone has a one-track mind, they spend most of their time thinking about
one subject

22. Chew the Fat

To chat or gossip

23. The Lights are On, but Nobody’s Home

About a stupid person

24. To have Van Gogh’s Ear for Music

To be done deaf

25. Use Your Loaf

Use your head, think smart

Examples of Funny Idioms

● She looks efficient and as cool as a cucumber.
● Just hold your horses, Bill! Let’s think about this for a moment.
● If I take your medicine, I’ll definitely kick the bucket.
● You can telephone her till you’re blue in the face but she’ll never
● Their arguments were like a storm in a teacup.
● Press here and Bob’s your uncle! It’s disappeared.
● The treaty may be considered to be as dead as a doornail.
● The exam was a piece of cake.
● Sure he’ll pay for the drinks when pigs fly!
● The old man would chew the fat with anyone who would join him.
● Going to be a useful boy, so long as you use your loaf.

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