Short Story

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Instructions: Using your imagination, make a short story that comprises a minimum of 5
characters, settings, and a plot. Describe the characters by highlighting situations and dialogues
which would exemplify the Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development. Make it sure to exhibit at
least 2 characteristics for each stage in your story.

A House without a Foundation

In a small village of Orbero, there was a family that lives a peaceful and prosperous life, Jhan the
man of the family was fine man, with yellow hair, and a farmer, while, his wife was Eulla a
gorgeous girl with blue eyes and red hair. They live their daily life with comfort and just doing
daily task. In the morning before sun rises up, Jhan wakes up early and kiss the forehead of Eulla
before getting up and go directly prepare things to work in the farm. While, Eulla wakes up at the
sunrise to cook their breakfast. One day, while Eulla was heading out to bring food to Jhan, she
feel dizzy and puking, Jhan saw it and rushed towards the direction where he saw Eulla
struggling. After that Jhan reach out to his Michael which is a doctor, and found out that Eulla is
4 months pregnant.
In the next day, there was a unsettling news came from the messenger, it announces that there is
a war and the country needs the man to mandatory join the armed forces, so Jhan joined the army
leaving behind his wife and the baby in womb. After exactly two years the war was not yet
ended and Jhan was in the battlefield, their son named Jhan Jr. was already 1 year and 7 months
old, Jhan Jr. can already walk, in his first eight months Eulla played with his baby a peek a boo
Jhan Jr. was amused as it thought his mother disappeared, but, when he reached one year old he
can walk without assistance and can comprehend that his mother Eulla was behind the curtain
when they play hide and seek. The war is taking long and five years had passed and Jhan was not
yet coming back home. Jhan Jr. saw his mother Eulla crying looking at the window, Jhan Jr.
approach her and gave her the animal stuff toy to comfort his mother, as this toy makes Jhan Jr.
happy and comfortable, after that Eulla smiled and thinking that their child is grown up already,
she stares at his kid riding the stick like a car and mother remember Jhan as they are lookalike
when Jhan was still a child. And another five years had passed and still war was not already
ended, the communication that Jhan and Eulla had was through sending letter, Jhan Jr. was
already 10 years old he already helping his mother in planting vegetables, he also help his
mother to harvest the fruits and vegetable as he already know how to classify what fruit is ready
to pick based on its size and color. And Jhan Jr. can already classify what is cabbage and
Lettuce, he really help his mother a lot. But, sometimes Jhan Jr Misses his father and often ask
when his father coming home did, and Eulla’s always reponse is “When the time is right, your
father will coming home.”
After another three years, the war which shed blood of so many father and sons is already come
into conclusion, this news was quickly spread in the village, and Maria who is friend of Eulla
share this news to her friend, and Eulla was delighted to this news as she was finally reunite with
her husband, Jhan Jr who is already thirteen years old was also delighted as he was going to meet
his father first time in thirteen years of his existence. The soldiers is expected to arrive in their
home in the next day. Jhan Jr was already develop a lot and already stepping up as the man in the
house, he already solve things like, when there is a leaking in the roof he can already fix it, and
already calculate the right amount of food that their animals will consume in a week basis. And
now that they are expecting the father to come home there is relief to Eulla and Jhan Jr as they
will now have the foundation of the family which is Jhan the father of the family. The day of the
arrival of the soldier has already come, but, Jhan was nowhere to be seen among the soldier, and
a man approach them and gave the necklace of Jhan and said that Jhan died in the battlefield,
Eulla and Jhan Jr was devastated and the day that supposed to be special became the most worst
moment of their life, which is the loss of the foundation of their house.

Mr and Mrs Reyes

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