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Here's the content for the presentation on "Assessing Student Learning Outcome:

Competency and Skills":

Slide 1: Title: Assessing Student Learning Outcome: Competency and Skills

Slide 2: Introduction:
- Welcome, everyone, to today's presentation on assessing student learning outcomes,
with a specific focus on competency and skills.
- The assessment of student competencies and skills is essential in evaluating their
overall development and preparing them for academic and professional success.
- Throughout this presentation, we will explore the significance of assessing
competency and skills, various assessment methods and tools, and strategies to
enhance the assessment process.

Slide 3: Why Assess Competency and Skills?

- Competencies and skills are key factors contributing to students' success in
academic and professional settings.
- Assessing competency and skills allows educators to measure the acquisition and
application of specific abilities.
- It provides insights into students' readiness for future challenges and opportunities.
- Assessment data guides curriculum improvements and instructional strategies to
better meet students' needs.

Slide 4: Key Components of Assessment:

1. Competency-Based Assessment:
- Competency-based assessment evaluates students' proficiency in specific
competencies or areas of knowledge.
- This type of assessment focuses on the demonstration of essential skills required for
- It provides a comprehensive understanding of students' abilities in relation to specific

2. Skills-Based Assessment:
- Skills-based assessment focuses on evaluating students' practical skills, such as
critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration.
- Emphasizing the application of skills in real-world scenarios, this assessment reflects
the demands of the modern workforce.
- Skills-based assessment provides valuable insights into students' abilities to apply
their skills effectively.
Slide 5: Methods of Assessment:
1. Performance Assessments:
- Performance assessments require students to demonstrate their competencies and
skills through authentic tasks or projects.
- Examples include presentations, portfolios, case studies, or simulations.
- Performance assessments provide a holistic view of students' abilities and their
application in practical settings.

2. Observational Assessments:
- Observational assessments involve direct observation of students' skills and
competencies in action.
- These assessments can be conducted during classroom activities, group work, or
- Observational assessments offer valuable insights into students' strengths and areas
for improvement.

3. Self-Assessments and Reflections:

- Self-assessments and reflections encourage students to assess their own
competencies and skills.
- These assessments promote self-awareness, self-reflection, and goal setting.
- By engaging in self-assessment, students take ownership of their learning and
personal growth.

Slide 6: Enhancing the Assessment Process:

1. Clear Learning Outcomes:
- Clearly define the desired competencies and skills students should acquire.
- Ensure that the learning outcomes are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and
time-bound (SMART).
- Alignment between learning outcomes and assessments is crucial for accurate

2. Rubrics:
- Develop comprehensive rubrics that outline the criteria for assessing competencies
and skills.
- Rubrics provide clear expectations and guidelines for students.
- They facilitate consistent and fair evaluation of performance.

3. Authentic Contexts:
- Design assessments that mirror real-world situations and challenges.
- Connect learning to practical application and problem-solving.
- Engage students in meaningful and relevant tasks to assess their abilities effectively.

Slide 7: Conclusion:
- Assessing competency and skills is vital for evaluating students' readiness for future
academic and professional endeavors.
- Competency-based and skills-based assessments provide insights into students'
abilities and their application of knowledge.
- By utilizing various assessment methods and strategies, educators can effectively
measure and enhance students' competencies and skills.

Slide 8: Thank you! - Open the floor for questions and discussion.

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