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‫دوسية النوابغ‬

‫جيل ‪0226‬‬


‫املستوى الثالث‬

‫قواعد ‪Grammar‬‬


‫إعداد استاذ ‪ /‬اسعد السوداني‬

‫‪- 2690662962‬‬ ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ ‫قواعد ‪Grammar‬‬

‫أخي الطالب ‪ /‬أختي الطالبة ‪:‬‬
‫يسعدني أن أقدم لكم دوسية النوابغ فى قواعد اللغة االنجليزية ـ المستوى الثالث والتي تشتمل على شرح شامل‬
‫و وافى و خالي من التعقيد لجميع قواعد اللغة االنجليزية المطلوبة لالمتحان الوزاري للمستوى الثالث ‪ ،‬كما تتضمن‬
‫حل جميع أسئلة كتابي {‪ }Student's Book – Activity Book‬الخاصة بكل درس ‪.‬‬

‫أخي الطالب ‪ /‬أختي الطالبة ‪:‬‬

‫بجانب دوسية النوابغ ـ قواعد ـ توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث يمكنكم أيضا الحصول على ‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ قطع ومفردات ـ توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ قواعد ـ توجيهي ـ المستوى الرابع‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ قطع ومفردات ـ توجيهي ـ المستوى الرابع‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ اسئلة وزارة قواعد ـ توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث و الرابع‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ اسئلة وزارة قطع ومفردات ـ توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث و الرابع‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ ادب ـ توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث و الرابع‬

‫مالحظة ‪:‬‬
‫لمن يعتقدون بضعف مستوياتهم فى مادة اللغة االنجليزية يمكنكم االستعانة بدوسيات‬
‫التأسيسي المبينة أدناه والتي يمكنكم الحصول عليها بكل سهولة و يسر وهى ‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ تأسيسي الجزء األول ـ قواعد ‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ تأسيسي الجزء الثاني ـ قواعد ‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬دوسية النوابغ ـ تأسيسي الجزء الثالث ـ قواعد ‪.‬‬

‫فقط أرسل رسالتك على الرقم ‪:‬‬

‫مع تمنياتي لكم بالتوفيق والنجاح‬
‫أستاذ ‪ /‬اسعد السوداني‬

‫صفحة ‪2‬‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬

‫عنوان الدرس‬ ‫رقم الصفحة‬
1\ Present simple 6
2\ Past simple 6
3\ Present continuous 9
4\ Past continuous 11
5\ Present perfect 13
6\ Past perfect 11
7\ Present perfect continuous 16
8\ Future simple 19
9\ Reported speech 24
10\ Passive voice 27
11\ Conditional sentences 29
12\ Causative 11
13\ Possibility and prohibition 32
14\ Infinitive and gerund 34
15\ Used to and be used to 37
16\ Past perfect continuous 41
17\ Future continuous 44
18\ Future perfect 47
19\ Relative clauses 49
20\ Cleft sentences 53

3 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson one : ‫الدرس األول‬
Present simple : ‫المضارع البسيط‬
Key words : ‫الكلمات الداله‬
always ‫دائما‬ rarely ‫نادرا‬ hourly ‫كل ساعة‬
usually ‫عادة‬ seldom ‫نادرا‬ daily ‫يوميا‬
sometimes ‫أحيانا‬ hardly ever ‫نادرا جدا‬ weekly ‫أسبوعيا‬
often ‫غالبا‬ scarcely ever ‫نادرا جدا‬ monthly ‫شهريا‬
never ‫أبدا‬ periodically ‫دوريا‬ yearly ‫سنويا‬
every ..... ..... ‫كل‬ constantly ‫باستمرار‬ once ‫مره‬
each ...... ..... ‫كل‬ continually ‫باستمرار‬ twice ‫مرتين‬
normally ‫عادة‬ repeatedly ‫بتكرار‬ all the time ‫كل الوقت‬
regularly ‫بانتظام‬ frequently ‫بتكرار‬ every now and then ‫بين الفينة واألخرى‬
generally ‫عموما‬ occasionally ‫من حين آلخر‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

1\ Positive form : ‫صيغة االثبات‬
He , She , It , Singular noun + verb + (es , ies , s)
: ‫( مثل‬o , ch , sh , x , s( ‫) اذا انتهى بحرف‬es( ‫ يضاف للفعل‬/1
go : goes ‫يذهب‬ watch : watches ‫يشاهد‬ wash : washes ‫ يغسل‬mix : mixes ‫ يخلط‬cross : crosses ‫يعبر‬
: ‫) مثل‬a , e , i , o , u( ‫) الغير مسبوق بحرف عله وحروف العله هي‬y( ‫) اذا انتهى بحرف ال‬ies( ‫ يضاف للفعل‬/0
study : studies ‫يدرس‬ fly : flies ‫يطير‬ try : tries ‫يحاول‬
play : plays ‫يلعب‬ buy : buys ‫يشتري‬ enjoy : enjoys ‫يستمتع‬
: ‫) مثل‬ies( ‫) او‬es( ‫) فى الحاالت التي ال تسمح بإضافة‬s( ‫ يضاف للفعل‬/1
eat : eats ‫يأكل‬ drink : drinks ‫يشرب‬ sleep : sleeps ‫ينام‬ sing : sings ‫يغنى‬

Examples :
A\ He always goes to school . (go)
B\ She sometimes carries a bag on her back . (carry)
C\ Ali drinks orange juice every day . (drink)
D\ Fatima plays tennis each week . (play)
E\ It rains heavily in my town . (rain)

4 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
2\ Positive form : ‫صيغة االثبات‬
We , You , They , I , Plural nouns + verb (infinitive ‫(مجرد‬
Examples :
A\ We always go to school . (go) B\ I sometimes eat fish . (eat)
C\ They rarely visit me . (visit) D\ The children drink milk every day . (drink)

Use / Function : ‫ الوظيفة اللغوية‬/ ‫االستخدام‬

1\ For natural facts : )‫للحقائق الطبيعية (العلمية‬
A\ Water boils at 100 C . (boil) B\ Water freezes at zero C . (freeze)
C\ Water consists of Hydrogen and Oxygen . (consist) D\ Plants need water and sun . (need)
E\ The sun is bigger than the moon . (be)
2 \ For habits : ‫للعادات‬
A\ He usually watches TV . (watch) B\ She sometimes carries rubbish . (carry)
C\ Fatima frequently brushes her teeth . (brush) D\ They scarcely ever wear sandals . (wear)
E\ We always drink Pepsi . (drink)
3\ For daily routine : ‫للروتين اليومي‬
Ali gets (get) up at four o'clock in the morning . He takes (take) shower . He goes (go) to pray .
He has (have) breakfast at six o'clock . He goes (go) to work by bus . He finishes (finish) work at 6 pm .
4\ For permanent situations : )‫للحاالت الدائمة (حقيقة عامة‬
A\ My brother lives in Sudan . (live) B\ Ali speaks English . (speak)
C\ I work as a teacher . (work) D\ They are from China . (be)
E\ My sister drives a bicycle . (drive)
5\ For schedules : ‫للمواعيد‬
A\ The movie stars at 5:00 pm . (start) B\ Our plane leaves at 8:00 pm . (leave)
C\ The train arrives at 10:00 am . (arrive) D\ My son turns 2 years old this July . (turn)
6\ With state verbs : ‫مع األفعال الثابتة‬
like , love , hate , prefer , need , want , wish , think , remember , forget , know , believe
see , hear , smell , taste , feel , seem , have , own , belong , possess , cost
A\ He loves his family . (love) B\ I hate crowded places . (hate)
C\ That house seems empty . (seem) D\ We need a lot of money to buy a house . (need)
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
He , She , It , Singular noun + doesn't + verb (infinitive)
We , You , They , I , Plural nouns + don't + verb (infinitive)
5 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬
- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ The sun doesn't rise from the west . (not , rise)
B\ Jordan doesn't lie in Europe . (not , lie)
C\ They don't eat fish every day . (not , eat)
D\ We don't play tennis every day . (not , play)
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Does he , she , it , singular noun + verb (infinitive) ?
Do we , you , they , I , plural nouns + verb (infinitive) ?
Answer : ‫الجواب‬
Yes , ..… does . Or No , ….. doesn't .
Yes , …… do . Or No , …….. don't .
A\ Does he go to school every day ? (go) Yes , he does .
B\ Do they always drink coffee ? (drink) No , they don’t .
: ‫مالحظات هامة‬
َّ ‫) كما‬I( ‫( للجمع والضمير‬have(‫( للمفرد و‬has) ‫( فى جملة المضارع البسيط المثبتة الى‬have( ‫يصرف الفعل‬ّ /1
: ‫( حسب فاعل الجملة مثل‬is , am , are) ‫( إلى‬be) ‫الفعل‬
A\ He has three brothers . (have)
B\ We have red car . (have)
C\ I am a teacher . (be)
D\ He is a fat boy . (be)
E\ We are skillful football players . (be)
: ‫ فى جملة المضارع البسيط المنفية مثل‬don't , doesn't ‫ بدال من‬am not , aren't , isn't ‫ أحيانا نستخدم‬/2
A\ Ali isn't good at cooking . (not , be)
B\ I am not a carpenter . (not , be)
C\ They aren't very friendly . (not , be)
: ‫ مثل‬Does , Do ‫ في جملة السؤال فى المضارع البسيط بدال من‬Is , Am , Are ‫ أحيانا نستخدم‬/3
A\ Is he a teacher ? (be)
Yes , he is .
B\ Are you students ? (be)
Yes , we are .
C\ Am I clever ? (be)
Yes , you are .

6 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson two : ‫الدرس الثاني‬
Past simple : ‫الماضي البسيط‬
Key words : ‫الكلمات الداله‬
yesterday ‫ البارحة‬ago ‫ مضى‬before ‫قبل‬
last .... ‫ الماضي‬when ‫ عندما‬in the past ‫فى الماضي‬
this morning ‫ هذا ألصباح‬in those days ‫ فى تلك األيام‬on that day ‫فى ذلك اليوم‬
in + past date ‫ تاريخ ماضي‬+ ‫فى‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة اإلثبات‬
)ied ‫ أو‬ed ‫ أو‬d) ‫ اذا كان الفعل منتظم نضف له‬/1
Subject + verb2 )‫ اذا كان الفعل غير منتظم (نكتب صيغته‬/0
)‫ اذا كان الفعل شاذ (نكتبه كما هو‬/1
1\ Regular verbs : ‫األفعال المنتظمة‬
used / moved / lived helped / cooked / washed try : tried / cry : cried / study : studied
play : played / enjoy : enjoyed / obey : obeyed travel : travelled / plan : planned / stop : stopped
2 \ Irregular verbs : ‫األفعال غير المنتظمة‬
eat : ate / drink : drank / write : wrote / go : went / buy : bought / do : did
3\ Odd verbs : ‫األفعال الشاذة‬
cut : cut / shut : shut / put : put / read : read / hit : hit / cost : cost

Use / Function : ‫اإلستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬

1\ To talk about actions that happened in a known past time : ‫للتحدث عن احداث حصلت في زمن ماضي معلوم‬
A\ I visited Amman last week . (visit)
B\ I watched T.V yesterday . (watch)
2 \ With the past continuous : ‫مع الماضي المستمر‬
A\ While Ali was reading outside , it started to rain . (start)
B\ They were playing cards when the telephone rang . (ring)
3\ With the past perfect : ‫مع الماضي التام‬
A\ I had said Bismillah before I started eating . (start)
B\ After I had eaten my lunch , I watched T.V . (watch)

7 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
: V2 ‫ بالجملة شرط أن يقع بعدها‬till , until , as soon as ‫ عند وجود‬/4
A\ He waited here till the train left . (wait)
B\ She was the head teacher until she retired . (be)

Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬

Subject + didn't + verb (infinitive)
A\ I didn't watch T.V yesterday . (not , watch)
B\ She didn't go to work last week . (not , go)
C\ Omer didn't play table tennis on that day . (not , play)
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Did + subject + verb (infinitive) ?
Answer: ‫الجواب‬
Yes , …….. did Or No , …… didn't
A\ Did she visit her grandmother last week ? (visit)
B\ Did you go to school yesterday ? (go)
: ‫مالحظة‬
. ‫) فى الماضي البسيط‬were( ‫) و‬was( ‫) الى‬be( ‫يصرف الفعل‬
َّ /1
A\ Ali was at school yesterday . (be)
B\ Students were happy last week . (be)
: ‫ كاألتي‬didn't ‫ بدال من‬wasn't , weren't ‫ أحيانا نستخدم‬/0
A\ They weren't in the class last Tuesday . (not , be)
B\ It wasn't rainy this morning . (not , be)
: ‫ كاآلتي‬Did ‫ فى السؤال بدال من‬Were ‫ و‬Was ‫ احيانا نستخدم‬/1
A\ Was Ali at school yesterday ? (be)
B\ Were you happy last week ? (be)

8 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson three : ‫الدرس الثالث‬
Present continuous : ‫المضارع المستمر‬
Key words : ‫الكلمات الداله‬
now ‫اآلن‬ be careful ‫كُن حذرا‬ take notice ‫انتبه‬ at this moment ‫فى هذه اللحظة‬
look ‫انظر‬ be quiet ‫كُن هادئا‬ look out ‫احذر‬ at this minute ‫فى هذه الدقيقة‬
listen ‫استمع‬ watch out ‫احترس‬ pay attention ‫انتبه‬ in these days ‫فى هذه أأليام‬
today ‫اليوم‬ keep silent ‫اصمت‬ nowadays ‫هذه األيام‬ at the present time
hurry up ‫أسرع‬ shut up ‫أخرس‬ this day ‫هذا اليوم‬ ‫فى الوقت الحاضر‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة اإلثبات‬
He , She , It , Singular noun + is + verb + ing
I + am + verb + ing
We , You , They , Plural nouns + are + verb + ing
Use \ Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
1\ For things that are happening now : ‫لألشياء التي تحدث اآلن‬
A\ You are drinking tea now . (drink)
B\ Look ! He is dancing . (dance)
C\ Be careful ! The car is moving back . (move)
2 \ For temporary events or situations : ‫لألحداث واإلجراءات المؤقتة‬
A\ She is crying now . (cry)
B\ I am making a sandwich at this moment . (make)
C\ Look ! The dog is chasing a cat in the garden . (chase)
3\ For progressive changes : ‫للتعبير عن التغيرات التدريجية‬
A\ The children are growing quickly . (grow)
B\ Your English language is improving . (improve)
C\ The price of gold is increasing rabidly . (increase)
4\ For Future plans and arrangement : ‫للخطط والترتيبات المستقبلية‬
A\ I am studying to be a doctor . (study)
B\ We are spending honeymoon in Cairo . (spend)
C\ Tom is starting a new job on Friday . (start)
5\ For annoying repeated actions : ‫لألحداث المزعجة المتكررة‬

9 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ He is always coming to class late . (come)
B\ Fatima is constantly talking aloud . (talk)
C\ He is always changing his mind . (change)
: ‫) اليها‬ing( ‫مالحظات على األفعال عند اضافة‬
win : winning , run : running , cut : cutting visit : visiting , open : opening , show : showing
move : moving , come : coming , write : writing lie : lying , die : dying , tie : tying

Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬

He , She , It , Singular noun + isn't + verb + ing
I + am not + verb + ing
We , You , They , Plural nouns + aren't + verb + ing
A\ He isn’t playing foot ball now . (not , play)
B\ I am not working now . (not , work)
C\ We aren’t drinking tea at this moment . (not , drink)
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
IS he , she , it , Singular noun + verb + ing ?
Am I + verb + ing ?
Are we , you , they , Plural nouns + verb + ing ?
Answer : ‫الجواب‬
Yes , …….. is / am / are or No , …….... isn't / am not / aren't
A\ Is he reading a book now ? (read)
B\ Are they selling a lot of newspapers today ? (sell)
: ‫مالحظة‬
: ‫( مثل‬state verbs) ‫ال يستخدم المضارع المستمر مع األفعال الخبرية‬
like , love , hate , prefer , need , want , wish , think , remember , forget , know , believe
see , hear , smell , taste , feel , seem , have , own , belong , possess , cost

10 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson four : ‫الدرس الرابع‬
Past continuous : ‫الماضي المستمر‬
Key words : ‫الكلمات ألداله‬
while ‫اثناء‬ when ‫عندما‬ as ‫بينما‬
: ‫مالحظة هامة جدا‬
While + past continuous + past simple
As + past continuous + past simple
When + past simple + past continuous
The rule : ‫القاعدة‬
Positive form : ‫صيغة االثبات‬
He , She , It , I , Singular noun + was + verb + ing
We , You , They , Plural nouns + were + verb + ing
Use / Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
1\ To describe an action that started in specific time in the past :
. )‫لوصف الحدث الذي بدأ فى زمن محدد فى الماضي (واستمر بعده‬
A\ We were swimming at 1:15 pm last night . (swim)
B\ He was working in the farm at 3:00 pm yesterday . (work)
C\ I was teaching the students at 10:00 am this morning . (teach)
2\ With the past simple . . ‫مع الماضي البسيط‬
A\ While , she was writing , the computer suddenly went off . (write)
B\ We were living in London when we met Ali . (live)
C\ The accident happened while we were drinking coffee at a cafe . (drink)
3\ To describe the scene in a story before the real action starts .
. ‫لوصف المشهد (المقدمة) فى قصة ما قبل أن يبدأ حدثها الرئيسي‬
The sun was shining (shine) , the birds were singing (sing) and the other animals were relaxing (relax) in the
shade of the trees .
4\ With (always , constantly) to describe annoying habits in the past .
)‫ باستمرار‬، ‫ مع كلمتي (دائما‬. ‫لوصف عادات مزعجة متكررة فى الماضي‬
A\ Nobody liked the manger . He was always shouting . (shout)
B\ David had a bad habit . He was constantly smoking . (smoke)

11 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
He , She , It , I , Singular noun + wasn't + verb + ing
We , You ,They , plural nouns + weren't + verb + ing
A\ They weren't watching T.V when I came . (not , watch)
B\ Students weren't paying attention to the teacher . (not , pay)
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Was + he , she , it , I , singular noun + verb + ing ?
Were + we , you , they , plural nouns + verb + ing ?
Answer : ‫الجواب‬
Yes , ……. was / were or No , …….. wasn't / weren't
A\ Were you eating your dinner yesterday at 6 pm ? (eat)
B\ Was it raining when you left a party ? (rain)
: ‫ مضافا إليها احد مفاتيح الماضي البسيط مثل‬at this time ‫ فى حالة وجود عبارة‬past continuous ‫ يمكن استخدام أل‬/1
(yesterday , ago , last)
A\ I was playing foot ball at this time yesterday . (play)
B\ She was singing at this time last week . (sing)
. (state verbs) ‫ مع أألفعال الخبرية‬past continuous ‫ ال يستخدم أل‬/0
like , love , hate , prefer , need , want , wish , think , remember , forget , know , believe
see , hear , smell , taste , feel , seem , have , own , belong , possess , cost

12 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson five : ‫الدرس الخامس‬
Present perfect : ‫المضارع التام‬
Key words : ‫الكلمات الداله‬
already ‫سابقا‬ just ‫قبل قليل‬ all ‫طوال‬ never ‫أبدا‬
recently ‫حديثا‬ ever ‫من قبل‬ at last ‫أخيرا‬ up to now ‫حتى اآلن‬
lately ‫مؤخرا‬ yet ‫حتى اآلن‬ still ‫ال يزال‬ up till now ‫وحتى اآلن‬
since ‫منذ‬ so far ‫حتى اآلن‬ only ‫فى اآلخر‬ over the last ‫خالل الماضي‬
for ‫ لم َّدة‬/ ‫منذ‬ once ‫ذات مرة‬ until now ‫حتى اآلن‬ many times ‫مرات عديدة‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة اإلثبات‬
He , She , It , Singular noun + has + V3
We ,You , They , I , Plural nouns + have + V3
Use / Function: ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
1\ To describe an action that happened in unspecified time before now .
. ‫لوصف حدث حصل فى زمن غير محدد قبل اآلن‬
A\ He has already eaten his breakfast . (eat)
B\ They have just drunk milk . (drink)
C\ I have ever been to Amman . (be)
2\ To describe an event in the past to explain the situation in the present .
. )‫ ( ما زالت نتيجته موجودة فى وقتنا الحاضر‬. ‫لوصف حدث حصل فى الماضي يفسر الوضع الحالي‬
A\ Sarah isn't playing football , because she has broken her leg . (break)
B\ Ali is sad , because his cat has died . (die)
C\ Fatima is very happy , because she has won a prize . (win)
3\ For news reports in the media : ‫للتقارير اإلخبارية في وسائل اإلعالم‬
A\ The prime minister has promised to create more jobs for young people . (promise)
B\ The president has had a heart attack . (have)
C\ Barak Obama has just gone to Jordan . (go)

Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬

He , She , It , Singular noun + hasn't + V3
We , You , They , I , Plural nouns + haven't + V3

13 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ My mother hasn't got any job yet . (not , get)
B\ He hasn't prepared to meeting yet . (not , prepare)
C\ The rain hasn’t stopped yet . (not , stop)
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Has + he , she , it , singular noun + V3 ?
Have + we , you , they , plural nouns + V3 ?
Answer : ‫الجواب‬
Yes , …… has / have or No , …….. hasn't / haven't
A\ Have you ever visited London ? (visit)
B\ Has she already answered the question ? (answer)
C\ Has Ali just finished his work ? (finish)
: ‫مالحظات هامة‬
. ‫ مع صيغتي النفي والسؤال‬yet ‫ مع الجمل المثبتة بينما نستخدم‬already ‫ نستخدم‬/1
. never ‫ فى جملة‬hasn't , haven't ‫ ال تستخدم‬/0
)for seven days , since a week( . ‫ بداية الفترة الزمنية‬since ‫ طول ألمده الزمنية وتصف‬for ‫ تصف‬/3
‫ بشرط أن تكون الجملة التي قبلها في ألمضارع البسيط‬because ‫ في االستخدام الثاني عادة ما نستخدم في الجملة كلمة‬/6
‫ وعند عكس الجملة‬future simple ‫ او المستقبل البسيط‬present continuous ‫ أو ألمضارع المستمر‬present simple
: ‫ مثل‬so ‫ ويوضع بدلها كلمة‬because ‫تحذف‬
A\ Ali is sad , because his cat has died .
B\ His cat has died , so Ali is sad .

14 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson six : ‫الدرس السادس‬
Past perfect : ‫الماضي التام‬
Keywords or (adverbs) : )‫الكلمات ألداله أو (الظروف‬
Before + past simple + past perfect ‫قبل‬
By the time + past simple + past perfect ‫بحلول وقت‬
By the end + past simple + past perfect .... ‫بنهاية‬
After + past perfect + past simple ‫بعد‬
Past simple + because + past perfect ‫بسبب‬
By yesterday / last + past perfect ‫باألمس‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة االثبات‬
Subject + had + V3
Use / Function: ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
To describe an action in the past before another action in the past .
. ‫لوصف حدث فى الماضي حصل قبل حدث آخر (ماضي بسيط) فى الماضي‬
A\ After I had eaten my lunch , I watched T.V . (eat)
B\ She had done her homework before she went to bed . (do)
C\ By the time my husband got home , I had cooked dinner . (cook)
D\ By the end of 2015 , I had moved to new house . (move)
E\ He passed the exam , because he had studied hard . (study)
F\ She had visited Amman by yesterday . (visit)
G\ My parents had cleaned the house by last week . (clean)
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
Subject + hadn't + V3
A\ I hadn't studied English before I moved to America . (not , study)
B\ She was happy , because she hadn't walked to work . (not , walk)
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Had + subject + V.3 ?
Answer : ‫الجواب‬
Yes , …… had or No , …… hadn't
15 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬
- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ Had you seen her before you came here ? (see)
B\ Had you made your homework before the film started ? (make)
C\ Had he left the room before the police arrived ? (leave)
. ‫ انظر للتحويل ادناه‬: ‫مالحظة هامة جدا‬
Past simple + then + past simple Past perfect + before + past simple
A\ Mohammed checked his emails , and then he started work .
Mohammed had checked his emails before he started work .
B\ Ali did his homework , and then he went to sleep .
Ali had done his homework before he went to sleep .
C\ Omer ate his breakfast , and then he drank tea .
Omer had eaten his breakfast before he drank tea .

16 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson seven : ‫الدرس السابع‬
Present perfect continuous : ‫المضارع التام المستمر‬
Key words : ‫الكلمات ألدالة‬
how long ‫ كم طول المده‬since + time ‫ زمن‬+ ‫منذ‬
for + time ‫ زمن‬+ ‫ منذ‬all + time ‫ زمن‬+ ‫طيلة‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة االثبات‬
He , She , It , Singular noun + has + been verb + ing
We , You ,They , I , Plural nouns + have + been verb + ing
Use / Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
1\ To describe an action that started in the past and continuing up to now and perhaps into future .
. ‫لوصف الحدث الذي بدأ فى الماضي واستمر حتى أالن وربما فى المستقبل أيضا‬
A\ He has been working as a chauffeur for ten years . (be , work)
B\ I have been studying English for six hours . (be , study)
C\ Ali has been teaching mathematics since 1999 CE . (be , teach)
D\ They have been playing tennis since 2000 CE . (be , play)
E\ He has been sleeping since 9 o'clock . (be , sleep)
2\ To describe an action that started in the past and stopped recently , but it has a result in the present .
. ‫لوصف الحدث الذي بدأ فى الماضي وانتهى قريبا ولكن نتيجته ال تزال ظاهرة فى وقتنا الحاضر‬
A\ I am tired , because I have been running for two hours . (be , run)
B\ You have been crying since 6 am , so your eyes are red . (be , cry)
C\ The ground is wet , it has been raining for nine hours . (be , rain)
D\ Sorry , my hands are dirty , I have been working in the garden since the morning . (be , work)
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
He , She , It , Singular noun + hasn't + been verb + ing
We , You ,They , I , Plural nouns + haven't + been verb + ing
A\ I haven't been learning English for a long time . (not , be , learn)
B\ She hasn't been waiting here for over an hour . (not , be , wait)
C\ The students haven't been doing well since last year . (not , be , do)
D\ Ali hasn't been coming to office since march 2013 . (not , be , come)
E\ Fatima hasn't been feeding her kids since 9 o'clock . (not , be , feed)

17 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

‫‪- 2690662962‬‬ ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ ‫قواعد ‪Grammar‬‬
‫صيغة السؤال ‪Question form :‬‬
‫‪Has‬‬ ‫‪+ he , she , it , singular noun‬‬ ‫? ‪+ been verb + ing‬‬
‫‪Have‬‬ ‫? ‪+ we , you , they , I , plural nouns + been verb + ing‬‬
‫)‪A\ Has he been reading Science all the day ? (be , read‬‬
‫)‪B\ How long have you been learning English ? (be , learn‬‬
‫مالحظات ‪:‬‬
‫يتم تمييز ‪ present perfect‬عن ‪ present perfect continuous‬كاآلتي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ /1‬من خالل معنى الجملة فالحدث فى المضارع التام ‪ present perfect‬يحدث فى الماضي ويستمر اثره فى الحاضر ‪ ،‬اما‬
‫الحدث فى المضارع التام المستمر ‪ present perfect continuous‬يحدث فى الماضي ويستمر الحدث نفسه حتى وقتنا‬
‫الحاضر وربما فى المستقبل ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /0‬من خالل نوع الفعل بين االقواس فالمضارع التام ‪ present perfect‬يستخدم مع افعال الحركة ‪ dynamic verbs‬واألفعال‬
‫الخبرية ‪ stative verbs‬بينما المضارع التام المستمر ‪ present perfect continuous‬يستخدم مع افعال الحركة فقط ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /1‬وجود الفعل ‪ be‬مع الفعل المراد تصريفه فى الجملة يعنى ان هذه الجملة فى المضارع التام المستمر مثال (‪)be , go‬‬
‫او (‪ )not , be , drink‬وغيرها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /6‬جملة المضارع التام المستمر احيانا تتكون من جملتين احداهما فى المضارع البسيط ‪ present simple‬او المضارع‬
‫المستمر ‪ present continuous‬واألخرى تحتوى على (‪)since / for / all‬‬

‫صفحة ‪18‬‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson eight : ‫الدرس الثامن‬
Future simple : ‫المستقبل البسيط‬
Keywords (be going to) : ‫الكلمات الدالة‬
tomorrow ‫ غدا‬next ‫ القادم‬soon ‫ قريبا‬tonight ‫ الليلة‬today ‫اليوم‬
sure ‫ متأكد‬certain ‫ مؤكد‬definitely ‫ بالتأكيد‬almost certainly ‫بكل تأكيد‬

Keywords (will) : ‫الكلمات الدالة‬

I think ‫اعتقد‬ I believe ‫ اعتقد‬I guess ‫اعتقد‬ I predict ‫ اتوقع‬I expect ‫اتوقع‬
I hope ‫اتمنى‬ I promise ‫ اعدك‬I suppose ‫افترض‬ I wonder ‫ اتساءل‬probably ‫من المحتمل‬
possibly ‫من المحتمل‬ likely ‫من المحتمل‬ perhaps ‫ ربما‬maybe ‫ربما‬
later ‫فيما بعد‬ in the future ‫فى المستقبل‬ in + future date ‫ تاريخ مستقبل‬+ ‫فى‬

: ‫مالحظات‬
He , She , It , Singular noun ‫ مع الضمائر واألسماء المفردة‬is going to ‫ ونستخدم‬I ‫ مع الضمير‬am going to ‫ نستخدم‬/1
We , You , They , Plural nouns ‫ فتستخدم مع الضمائر واألسماء الجمع‬are going to ‫اما‬
. will ‫ فإننا نستخدم‬be going to ‫ واآلخر ل‬will ‫ اذا اجتمع ظرفين فى الجملة احدهما ل‬/0

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة االثبات‬
Subject + verb (infinitive) ‫مجرد‬
is / am / are going to
Use / Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
be going to : ‫متى نستخدم‬
1\ To make predictions or forecasts about the future depending on the evidences which can be seen .
. ‫لعمل توقعات أو تنبؤات مستقبلية باالعتماد على أدلة يمكن أن نراها‬
A\ The sky is getting darker and darker , it is going to rain . (rain)
B\ It has been raining for three weeks , the river is going to flood . (flood)
C\ I stopped smoking , I am going to be healthier . (be)
D\ The glass is too near the edge of the table , it is going to fall . (fall)
E\ I feel sick , I am going to go to the doctor . (go)
2\ To talk about an action in the future that has been planned or prepared .
. ‫للتحدث عن حدث فى المستقبل تم التخطيط أو اإلعداد له مسبقا‬

19 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ I am going to buy a car next week . (buy)
B\ Omer is going to travel to France tomorrow . (travel)
C\ I am going to help my sister tonight . (help)
D\ My parents are going to sell their house next month . (sell)
will : ‫متى نستخدم‬
1\ To make predictions or forecasts about the future depending on our opinion and our belief .
. ) ‫لعمل توقعات أو تنبؤات مستقبليه باالعتماد على رأينا واعتقادنا (ال توجد أدلة‬
A\ I think the people will live in the space in the future . (live)
B\ People will probably live in cities under water . (live)
C\ It is likely that examination will be easy . (be)
D\ I predict my family will live in a big city in 2050 CE . (live)
E\ I guess she will pass the exam or she won’t . I don’t know . (pass)
2\ When we make sudden decision (without planning or preparation) .
. ‫عندما نتخذ قرار فجأة بدون إعداد أو تخطيط مسبق‬
A\ A : Your car is very dirty . B : I will clean it . (clean)
B\ A : This book is nice . B : I will read it . (read)
C\ You look tired , I will stay at home to help you . (stay)
3\ To talk about facts that will happen easily in the future .
. ‫للتحدث عن حقائق ستحصل بسهولة فى المستقبل‬
A\ I will be 18 years old after 6 months . (be)
B\ I will graduate from university in 2025 . (graduate)
C\ Lunch break today will be 10 minutes longer than usual . (be)
4\ To talk about promises that we give to other people .
. ‫للتحدث عن الوعود التي نعطيها لآلخرين‬
A\ I will keep your secret . (keep)
B\ If I finish my work early , I will visit you . (visit)
C\ I will be there , I promise you ! (be)
D\ If I visit London , I will buy you a present . (buy)
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
Subject + verb (infinitive) ‫مجرد‬
isn’t / am not / aren't going to
A\ She isn't going to sing at the party tomorrow . (not , sing)
B\ I am not going to buy new laptop next week . (not , buy)
C\ They aren't going to eat much tonight . (not , eat)
D\ I won't listen to your advice in the future . (not , listen)

20 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Will + subject + verb (infinitive) ?
Is / Am / Are + subject + going to + verb (infinitive) ?
A\ Is she going to sing at the party tomorrow ? (sing)
B\ Are you going to eat sandwiches tonight ? (eat)
C\ Will you buy me drink please , I am thirsty ? (buy)

Student’s Book and Activity Book ‫حل اسئلة كتابي‬

7\ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box . (AB – P16)
be going to + do be going to + miss be going to + take will + have will + stay will + tell
Rami has broken his leg . It (1) is going to take a long time to get better . He (2) will stay in hospital for at least
two weeks , and he (3) will have his leg in plaster for much longer .
‫ وسيبقى ساقه‬، ‫ سيبقى في المستشفى لمدة أسبوعين على األقل‬. ‫ سيستغرق وقت ًا طويالً ليتحسن‬. ‫رامي كسر ساقه‬
. ‫مغطى بالجبس لفترة أطول‬
Rami (4) is going to miss a lot of lessons at school , but he (5) is going to do some work while he’s in hospital ,
and he also hopes his friends (6) will tell him about the lessons he has missed .
‫ ويأمل أيضًا أن‬، ‫ لكنه سيقوم ببعض األعمال أثناء وجوده في المستشفى‬، ‫سيفقد رامي الكثير من الدروس في المدرسة‬
. ‫يخبره أصدقاؤه عن الدروس التي فاتته‬

21 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
‫تمارين اخري متنوعة‬
6\ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets . (SB – P7)
People (1) ………….. (use) smartphones since they (2) ………….. (invent) in the early 2000s . During the early
2000s , people (3) ………….. (buy) phones in different colours and different designs . In 2010 CE , the first tablet
computer (4) ………….. (produce) . By the end of 2010 CE , companies (5) .……….. (sell) more smartphones
than PCs for the first time .
Now , about one billion smartphones (6) ………..….. (sell) around the world each year . In the near future ,
it (7) ………….. (estimate) that over 40% of the population in Jordan will have a smartphone .
It is probable that this market (8) ………….. (expand) in the future . At the moment , people aged 16 – 30
(9) ………….. (buy) the most smartphones , but experts say there (10) ………….. (be) a growth in the number
of older people buying smartphones in the future .
1\ have been using (Present Perfect Continuous) 2\ were invented (Past Simple Passive)
3\ bought (Past Simple) 4\ was produced (Past Simple Passive)
5\ had sold (Past Perfect) 6\ are sold (Present Simple Passive)
7\ is estimated (Present Simple Passive) 8\ will expand (Future with will)
9\ are buying (Present Continuous) 10\ will be (Future with will)
6\ Circle the correct words (1 mark each) . (AB – P5)
1\ We’re going to Aqaba again in / on the summer . I have / had been looking forward to it since last year .
2\ We had the computer repaired / repairing because it had stopped to work / working .
3\ Mahmoud was walking home when the rain was starting / started .
It was very heavy , so he must / can’t have got very wet .
4\ In the past , most letters wrote / were written by hand , but these days they are usually typed / typing .
1\ in ; have 2\ repaired ; working 3\ started ; must 4\ were written ; typed
7\ Complete the sentences with the cooking verbs in the box . One verb is not needed . (1 mark each) (AB – P5)
boil ‫يغلى‬ fry ‫يقلي‬ grill ‫يشوي‬ melt ‫يذوب‬
mix ‫يخلط‬ roast ‫يحمص‬ season ‫يتبل‬ slice ‫يقطع‬ sprinkle ‫يرش‬
1\ When you heat cheese , it …………… s .
2\ Put some flour and sugar in a bowl and …………… them together .
3\ You need a sharp knife to …………… the bread .
4\ Heat the water until it ………….. s .
5\ Put the eggs in oil or butter to …………… them .
6\ …………….. some salt and pepper over the potatoes to …………. .
7\ ………………….. the meat in the oven .
1\ melt 2\ mix 3\ slice 4\ boil 5\ fry 6\ Sprinkle ; season 7\ Roast

22 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
6\ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets . (AB – 7)
In 1943 CE , the chairman of a ‘business machines’ company (1) ……………….…. (say) that the world only
(2) ………..….. (need) two or three computers . He ……………… (be) wrong ! Since then , there
(4) ……….……… (be) a technological revolution . These days , millions of families (5) ….………... (have) at
least one computer at home, and many people (6) …………… (carry) smart phones and tablets with them
everywhere . A few people even (7) ………….…. (wear) them – either on their wrists , round their necks or on
their belts . There’s even more : experts say that one day soon we (8) ………….…… (attach) them to our skin !
1\ said (past simple) 2\ needed (reported speech) 3\ was (past simple) 4\ has been (present perfect)
5\ have (present simple) 6\ carry (present simple) 7\ wear (present simple) 8\ will attach (future simple)
1\ Choose the correct form of the verbs below . (AB - P 7)
1\ Children often use / are using computers better than their parents .
2\ If you will play / play computer games all day , you won’t have time to study .
3\ I want to get / getting a tablet , but I can’t afford to buy / buying one at the moment .
4\ Look at the black sky ! It’s raining / going to rain soon !
5\ I’m coming / come from Ajloun , but I’m staying / stay in Irbid for a few months .
I will return to Ajloun in the spring .
6\ Nadia has been doing / did her homework for two hours ! She is / will be finished very soon .
7\ If Ali had / has his own computer , he wouldn’t / doesn’t need to use his friend’s computer .
8\ I was writing / wrote an email when my laptop was switching / switched itself off .
1\ use 2\ play 3\ to get ; to buy 4\ going to rain 5\ come ; 'm staying
6\ been doing ; will be 7\ had ; wouldn’t 8\ was writing ; switched

23 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson nine : ‫الدرس التاسع‬
Reported speech : ‫الكالم المنقول‬
: ‫يقسم الكالم فى اللغة االنجليزية إلى قسمين هما‬
. ‫ هو الكالم الصادر عن نفس المتكلم و يوجد بين فاصلتين مقلوبتين أو في أقواس صغيرة‬direct speech ‫ الكالم المباشر‬/1
. ‫ هو الكالم المنقول على لسان شخص ما بواسطة شخص آخر‬: reported speech )‫ الكالم الغير مباشر (المنقول‬/0
: ‫خطوات التحويل إلى الكالم المنقول‬
. pronouns ‫نحول الضمائر‬ّ /2 . said that ‫ نبدأ الجملة باسم الذي قال القول ومن ثم عبارة‬/1
. )‫ (الظروف‬adverbs ‫حول تعابير الزمان والمكان‬
ّ ‫ ن‬/6 . )‫ (االزمنة‬verbs ‫حول تصريفات األفعال‬ّ ‫ ن‬/3
. " " ‫ ال ننسي حذف الفواصل المقلوبة أو األقواس‬/5
verbs ‫تحويل أزمنة األفعال‬
Direct speech Reported speech
present simple (V + s / v ‫(مجرد‬ past simple (V2)
past simple (V2) past perfect (had + V3)
present continuous (is / am / are + Ving) past continuous (was / were + Ving)
past continuous (was / were + Ving) past perfect continuous (had + been + Ving)
present perfect (has / have + V3) past perfect (had + V3)
past perfect (had + V3) past perfect (had + V3)
present perfect continuous (has / have + been + Ving) past perfect continuous (had + been + Ving)
past perfect continuous (had + been + Ving) past perfect continuous (had + been + Ving)
will / shall / can + V ‫مجرد‬ would / should / could + V ‫مجرد‬
would / should / could + v ‫مجرد‬ would / should / could + V ‫مجرد‬

pronouns ‫تحويل الضمائر‬

Direct speech Reported speech
I he / she
subject pronouns
we they
‫ضمائر الفاعل‬
you I / we / he / she / they
object pronouns me him / her
‫ضمائر المفعول به‬ us them
you me / us / him / her / them
possessive adjectives my his / her
‫صفات الملكية‬ our their
your my / our / his / her / their
possessive pronouns mine his / hers
‫ضمائر الملكية‬ ours theirs
yours mine / ours / his / hers / theirs

24 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
adverbs ‫تحويل تعابير الزمان والمكان‬
Direct speech Reported speech
now then
this that
these those
here there
today on that day
ago before
tonight at that night
tomorrow the day after
last ………… the ………. before
at the moment at that moment
next ………. the ………… after
yesterday the day before

Statement : ‫الجمل الخبرية‬

1\ "I bought this dress yesterday."
She said that she had bought that dress the day before .
2\ "I was sitting here 3 hours ago."
He said that he had been sitting there 3 hours before .
3\ "I am going to school now."
Mona said that she was going to school then .
4\ "I will study English tomorrow."
Ali said that he would study English the day after .
5\ "I have done my homework."
Omer said that he had done his homework .
6\ '' We visit our grandparents every Friday.''
The boys said that they visited their grandparents every Friday .
: ‫مالحظات‬
)always , usually , everyday , often , sometimes , ……… ( : ‫ ال يتم تغيير ظروف التكرار فى الكالم المنقول مثل‬/1
‫ يتم التعامل مع الجمل المنفية فى الكالم المنقول بنفس قاعدة الجمل المثبتة اعاله مع مراعاة صيغة النفي الخاصة‬/2
. ‫بكل درس من دروس األفعال‬
َّ ‫ إذا احتوت جملة الكالم المباشر على فعلين متتالين ي‬/1
. ‫حول الفعل األول فقط‬
. ‫) فيجب تحويل شقي الجملة‬when / while / as / before / after / that( : ‫ اذا احتوت الجملة على كلمات ربط مثل‬/6
‫ اما اذا وجدت‬told ‫ فهي تعود على المتكلم وهو االسم االول قبل كلمة‬I / me / my ‫ اذا وجدت فى الجملة الضمائر‬/1
Ali told Fatima …….. : ‫ مثال‬told ‫ فهي تعود على المخاطب وهو االسم الثاني بعد كلمة‬you / your ‫الضمائر‬
Student’s Book and Activity Book ‫تمارين كتابي‬
25 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬
- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
1\ Report the following statements . (AB - P4)
1\ "I have some questions for you , Muna" . ‫لدي بعض األسئلة لك يا منى‬
Nour told Muna that she had some questions for her .
2\ "I’ve lived in Amman for six years." . ‫انا عشت في عمان منذ ست سنوات‬
Sami said that he had lived in Amman for six years .
3\ "Yesterday I bought all the ingredients for a chocolate cake." . ‫امبارح اشتريت كل مكونات كعكة الشوكوالتة‬
Huda told me that she had bought all the ingredients for a chocolate cake the day before .
4\ "I really enjoyed the book that I finished this morning." . ‫انني استمتعت حقا بالكتاب الذي انهيته هذا الصباح‬
Tareq said that he had really enjoyed the book that he had finished that morning .
5\ "My favourite subject this year is Chemistry." . ‫مادتي المفضلة هذا العام هي الكيمياء‬
Hussein told me that his favourite subject that year was Chemistry .
4\ Write the sentences from the recording in reported speech . (SB - P10)
1\ “Many computers have filters which stop people seeing certain websites.”
He said that many computers had filters which stopped people seeing certain websites .
.‫تحتوي العديد من أجهزة الكمبيوتر على عوامل تصفية تمنع األشخاص من رؤية مواقع ويب معينة‬
2\ “If they share information on social media with their friends , it might be accessed by other people , too.”
He said that if they shared information on social media with their friends , it might be accessed by other
people , too .
. ‫إذا قاموا بمشاركة المعلومات على وسائل التواصل االجتماعي مع أصدقائهم فقد يتمكن اآلخرون من الوصول إليها أيضًا‬
3\ “On social media , you should only connect to people you know well.”
He said that on social media , they should only connect to people they knew well .
. ‫ يجب عليكم فقط االتصال باألشخاص الذين تعرفهم جيدًا‬، ‫على وسائل التواصل االجتماعي‬
4\ “Later we will give you , our dear listeners , information about websites where you can find more advice on
Internet safety.”
He said that later they would give the listeners information about websites where they could find more advice
on Internet safety .
‫ معلومات حول مواقع الويب حيث يمكنك العثور على مزيد من النصائح‬، ‫ مستمعينا األعزاء‬، ‫في وقت الحق سنقدم لكم‬
. ‫حول أمان اإلنترنت‬
5\ Report what these people are saying . Pay attention to the time phrases . (SB - P10)
Farida : Our teacher told us about the dangers of the Internet yesterday .
I have to write an essay about it tonight . I think I’m going to need some help .
Farida said that their teacher had told them about the dangers of the Internet the day before . She said that
she had to write an essay about it that night . She thought she was going to need some help .
Saleem : We have to give a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet next week , so I’ll need to
prepare it this week .
Saleem said that they had to give a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet the week
after , so he would need to prepare it that week .

26 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson ten : ‫الدرس العاشر‬
Passive voice : ‫المبنى للمجهول‬
Ali played football yesterday . : ‫يكون الفعل مبنيا للمعلوم إذا كان فاعل الجملة معلوما مثل‬
Football was played yesterday . : ‫يكون الفعل مبنيا للمجهول إذا كان فاعل الجملة مجهوال مثل‬
Present simple passive : ‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول لفعل المضارع البسيط‬
Object + is / am / are + v3 + by subject
Object + isn't / am not / aren't + v3 + by subject
A\ Mona cleans the kitchen every day .
 The kitchen is cleaned every day by Mona .
B\ Mona doesn't clean the kitchen every day .
 The kitchen isn't cleaned every day by Mona .
Past simple passive : ‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول لفعل الماضي البسيط‬
Object + was / were + v3 + by subject
Object + wasn't / weren't + v3 + by subject
A\ Jamal pushed the car yesterday .
 The car was pushed yesterday by Jamal .
B\ Jamal didn't push the car yesterday .
 The car wasn't pushed yesterday by Jamal .
Present continuous passive : ‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول لفعل المضارع المستمر‬
Object + is / am / are + being + v3 + by subject
Object + isn't / am not / aren't + being + v3 + by subject
A\ Ali is cleaning the car now .
 The car is being cleaned now by Ali .
B\ Ali isn't cleaning the car now .
 The car isn't being cleaned now by Ali .
Past continuous passive : ‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول لفعل الماضي المستمر‬
Object + was / were + being + v3 + by subject
Object + wasn't / weren't + being + v3 + by subject
A\ They were cleaning the house .
 The house was being cleaned by them .
B\ They weren't cleaning the house .
 The house wasn't being cleaned by them .
Present perfect passive : ‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول لفعل المضارع التام‬
Object + has / have + been + v3 + by subject
Object + hasn't / haven't + been + v3 + by subject

27 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

‫‪- 2690662962‬‬ ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ ‫قواعد ‪Grammar‬‬
‫‪A\ Jamal has made mistakes .‬‬
‫‪ Mistakes have been made by Jamal .‬‬
‫‪B\ Jamal hasn't made mistakes .‬‬
‫‪ Mistakes haven't been made by Jamal .‬‬
‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول لفعل الماضي التام ‪past perfect passive :‬‬
‫‪Object‬‬ ‫‪+ had‬‬ ‫‪+ been‬‬ ‫‪+ v3‬‬ ‫‪+ by‬‬ ‫‪subject‬‬
‫‪Object‬‬ ‫‪+ hadn't‬‬ ‫‪+ been‬‬ ‫‪+ v3‬‬ ‫‪+ by‬‬ ‫‪subject‬‬
‫‪A\ The Flood had destroyed several buildings .‬‬
‫‪ Several buildings had been destroyed by the flood .‬‬
‫‪B\ The Flood hadn't destroyed several buildings .‬‬
‫‪ Several buildings hadn't been destroyed by the flood .‬‬
‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول للمستقبل البسيط ‪Future simple passive :‬‬
‫‪Object‬‬ ‫‪+ modal verb‬‬ ‫‪+ be‬‬ ‫‪+ v3‬‬ ‫‪+ by‬‬ ‫‪subject‬‬
‫‪Object‬‬ ‫‪+ modal verb + not‬‬ ‫‪+ be‬‬ ‫‪+ v3‬‬ ‫‪+ by‬‬ ‫‪subject‬‬
‫‪A\ He will eat apples .‬‬
‫‪ Apples will be eaten by him .‬‬
‫‪B\ He won't eat apples .‬‬
‫‪ Apples won't be eaten by him .‬‬
‫عند تحويل الجملة المبنية للمعلوم إلى المبنى للمجهول نتبع الخطوات التالية ‪:‬‬
‫‪ /1‬نقسم الجملة إلى فاعل وفعل ومفعول به على التوالي ‪ ,‬ثم نضع المفعول به فى أول الجملة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /0‬نضع احد أفعال )‪ )be‬حسب زمن الجملة و فاعل الجملة الجديد من حيث اإلفراد والجمع ‪.‬‬
‫نحول فعل الجملة الرئيسي إلى التصريف الثالث )‪. )v3‬‬
‫‪ّ /1‬‬
‫‪ /6‬يجوز أن نضع (الفاعل ‪ (by +‬فى نهاية الجملة فهي اختيارية ‪.‬‬
‫مالحظات هامة جدا ‪:‬‬
‫‪ /1‬إذا كان المفعول به في الجملة المبنية للمعلوم ضميرا متصال مثل ‪(me , us , you , them , him , her , it) :‬‬
‫يتم تحويله في الجملة المبنية للمجهول إلى ضمير منفصال ‪)I , we , you , they , he , she , it( :‬‬
‫‪ /0‬ال تستخدم (‪ )does , doesn’t , do , don't , did , didn't‬في صيغة المبنى للمجهول كأفعال مساعدة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /1‬تستخدم نفس األفعال الشكلية ‪ Modal verbs‬في المبنى للمجهول إن وجدت مسبقا في جملة المبنى للمعلوم ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /6‬لو بدأت الجملة ب )‪ )No one , No body‬تعامل بصيغة النفي فى أل ‪: passive voice‬‬
‫)‪A\ No one turned on the light . (The light wasn't turned on.‬‬
‫)‪B\ Nobody told me anything . (I wasn't told anything.‬‬

‫يتم تمييز جملة المبني للمجهول ‪ passive voice‬فى امتحان الوزارة باالتي ‪:‬‬
‫‪ /1‬اذا وجد فى نهاية الجملة المعطاة ‪by + subject‬‬
‫‪ /0‬تمييز الجُمل من خالل الكلمات الدالة الخاصة بكل درس من دروس ال ‪tenses‬‬
‫‪ /1‬يمكن تمييز جمل المبني للمجهول عن جمل المبني للمعلوم من خالل الكلمة التي تبدأ بها الجملة ‪ ،‬فجمل المبني للمعلوم‬
‫تبدأ بفاعل له القدرة على القيام بالفعل بينما جمل المبني للمجهول تبدأ بمفعول به غير قادر على القيام بالفعل ‪.‬‬

‫صفحة ‪28‬‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson twelve : ‫الدرس الحادي عشر‬
Conditional sentences : ‫ُج َمل الشرط‬
: ‫مالحظات‬
. main clause ‫ و تسمى الثانية جملة جواب الشرط‬if clause ‫ تتكون جملة الشرط من جملتين تسمى األولى جملة الشرط‬/1
. ‫ أما إذا جاءت بعد جملة الجواب فال نضع فاصلة‬، ‫ فى البداية نضع فاصلة بين الجملتين‬if ‫ إذا جاءت جملة‬/0

‫أنواع ُج َمل الشَرط‬

1\ Zero conditional : ‫جملة الشرط من النوع صفر‬
If + present simple , present simple
: ‫تستخدم للتعبير عن‬
General facts ‫ الحقائق العامة‬/0 Scientific facts ‫ الحقائق العلمية‬/1
A\ If you heat water , It boils . (heat / boil)
B\ If you boil water at 100C° , It evaporates . (boil / evaporate)
C\ If you freeze water , it becomes ice . (freeze / become)
D\ If you mix red and blue , you get purple . (mix / get)
E\ If you listen to Holy Qur'an , you feel better . (listen / feel)
F\ If babies are hungry , they cry . (be / cry)
G\ If people eat too much , they get fat . (eat / get)
H\ If you stand in the rain , you get wet . (stand / get)
I\ Wood doesn't burn if there is no air . (not , burn / be)
J\ If you touch a fire , you get burned . (touch / get)
2 \ First conditional : ‫جملة الشرط من النوع األول‬
If + present simple , will + verb (infinitive)
: ‫تستخدم للتعبير عن‬
. ‫) يمكن أن تتحقق بسهولة فى المستقبل‬possible or probable events( ‫أحداث ممكنة أو محتملة‬
A\ If you study hard , you will pass the exam . (study / pass)
B\ If it is hot out there , I will use an umbrella . (be / use)
C\ If I miss the bus , I will take the train . (miss / take)
D\ If I see Ali , I will invite him to the party . (see / invite)
E\ If they don't invite us , we won't go . (not , invite / not , go)
3\ Second conditional : ‫جملة الشرط من النوع الثاني‬
If + past simple , would + verb (infinitive)
: ‫تستخدم للتعبير عن‬
To give advices ‫ لتقديم نصائح‬/0 Imagining some dreams ‫ عند تخيل بعض األحالم‬/1

29 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ If I won million dollars , I would travel around the world . (win / travel)
B\ If I met the king of Jordan , I would say hello . (meet / say)
C\ If I lived in USA , I would collect more money . (live / collect)
D\ If I were rich , I would buy a big house near the sea . (be / buy)
E\ If I controlled the world , I would end all the wars . (control / end)
F\ If I were you , I would study hard . (be / study)
G\ If I were you , I wouldn't work at this company . (be / not , work)
H\ If I were you , I wouldn't go out with that man . (be / not , go)
I\ If I were you , I would go to the doctor . (be / go)
J\ If I were you , I would stop doing that . (be / stop)
: ‫مالحظة‬
. ‫ مع كل الضمائر واألسماء سواء كانت مفردة او جمع‬were ‫ من النوع الثاني إلى‬if clause ‫ فى جملة‬be ‫يصرف الفعل‬ ّ /1
If I were you , I would ..… ‫فتحول الى عبارة‬
َّ ‫ فهى تدل على نصيحة ما‬I think you should ‫ اذا وجد فى الجملة عبارة‬/0
)‫ ( أي من النوع الثاني‬. ‫ثم نكمل الجملة‬
A\ I think you should get up early .
If I were you , I would get up early .
B\ I think you should study hard .
If I were you , I would study hard .

30 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson twelve : ‫الدرس الثاني عشر‬
Causative : ‫الجملة السببية‬
Use / Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
When we ask someone to do something rather than us .
. ‫عندما نطلب من شخص أن يقوم بنشاط ما بدال منا‬

Causative ‫قاعدة الجملة السببية‬

has / have
Subject had object (it / them) V3
having ‫اسم او ضمير‬
will have
1\ She asks someone to write a report .
She has a report / it written .
2\ I ask someone to fix my laptop .
I have my laptop / it fixed .
3\ Ali asked someone to repair his car .
Ali had his car / it repaired .
4\ They asked someone to plant these trees .
They had these trees / them planted .
5\ I asked someone to fix my computer . (had) (AB – P7)
I had my computer / it fixed .
6\ She will ask someone to close the doors .
She will have the doors / them closed .
: ‫مالحظات هامة جدا‬
‫ المبينة أعاله ويتم‬have ‫ معاملة‬get ‫ و تعامل‬have / get ‫ فعلين رئيسيين هما‬Causative ‫ نستخدم فى الجملة السببية‬/1
: ‫تصريف الفعلين كاألتي‬
have has had having
get gets got getting
. ‫ تبدأ دائما بنفس فاعل الجملة الرئيسية‬Causative ‫ الجملة السببية‬/0
. ‫ ويتم حذفها عند التحويل للجملة السببية‬ask someone to ‫ توجد بالجملة المراد تحويلها لجملة سببية عبارة‬/1
asks / ask / asked / asking : ‫ فى العبارة اعاله كاألتي‬ask ‫وتكون تصريفات‬
. ‫ الوارد فى الجملة‬object ‫ بدال من اسم المفعول به‬it / them ‫ الضميرين‬causative ‫ يمكن ان نستخدم فى جملة ال‬/6
. ‫ فى اسئلة امتحانات الوزارة‬causative ‫ احيانا بين اقواس فى نهاية الجملة المراد تحويلها لجملة‬get ‫ او‬had ‫ قد تجد‬/1

31 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

‫‪- 2690662962‬‬ ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ ‫قواعد ‪Grammar‬‬
‫الدرس الثالث عشر ‪Lesson thirteen :‬‬
‫االحتمالية والمنع ‪Possibility and prohibition :‬‬
‫قاعدة االحتمالية ‪The rule of possibility :‬‬
‫‪1\ Subject‬‬ ‫‪must / can't / might‬‬ ‫)مجرد) ‪+ Verb‬‬
‫‪2\ Subject‬‬ ‫‪must / can't / might‬‬ ‫‪+ have + V3‬‬
‫مالحظات هامة جدا على قاعدة االحتمالية ‪:‬‬
‫‪ /1‬نستخدم القاعدة األولى اذا كان زمن الجملة فى ال ‪ present simple‬بينما نستخدم القاعدة الثانية اذا كان‬
‫زمن الجملة فى ال ‪ past simple‬او ال ‪. present perfect‬‬
‫‪ /0‬اذا كانت جملة االمتحان الوزاري تتكون من جملتين فان الحل يكون فقط للجملة التي توجد بها داللة‬
‫التخمين مع حذف الجملة االخرى تماما ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /1‬لمعرفة زمن الجملة الواردة فى االمتحان الوزاري ننظر الى الفعل الرئيسي فى جملة التخمين وهو‬
‫الفعل الذي يقع بعد داللة التخمين فى الجملة و اذا لم نجد فعل بعدها ننظر للفعل الواقع قبلها مباشرة فى‬
‫جملة التخمين وبناء عليه نختار احدى القاعدتين اعاله ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /6‬بعد تحديد القاعدة المناسبة لحل جملة التخمين من بين القاعدتين اعاله ‪ ،‬يتم اختيار فعل التخمين‬
‫المناسب من بين األفعال (‪ )must , can't , might‬بناء على نوع داللة التخمين الموجودة في الجملة‬
‫فلكل فعل من االفعال الثالثة دالالت تخمين خاصة به يجب حفظها جيدا وتمييزها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ /1‬اذا لم يعطى الفاعل فى جملة الحل فى األسئلة الوزارية فإننا نقوم بتحديده و كتابته اوال وهو الضمير او‬
‫االسم الذي يقع مباشرة بعد داللة التخمين فى الجملة ‪.‬‬
‫دالالت التخمين لألفعال الثالثة‬
‫‪must‬‬ ‫متأكد ‪sure‬‬ ‫متأكد ‪certain‬‬ ‫مؤكد ‪definite‬‬
‫‪can't‬‬ ‫مستحيل ‪ unlikely‬مستحيل ‪impossible‬‬ ‫(نفي ‪sure / certain / definite .......... + )not‬‬
‫‪might‬‬ ‫محتمل ‪possible‬‬ ‫محتمل ‪probable‬‬ ‫غير متأكد ‪ unsure‬ربما ‪ maybe‬ربما ‪perhaps‬‬
‫‪1\ I am sure that Ali is an intelligent boy .‬‬
‫‪Ali must be intelligent boy .‬‬
‫‪2\ I am certain that he found his keys .‬‬
‫‪He must have found his keys .‬‬
‫‪3\ I am sure that Omer doesn't study hard .‬‬
‫‪Omer can't study hard .‬‬
‫‪4\ It is impossible that they travelled to USA yesterday .‬‬
‫‪They can't have travelled to USA yesterday .‬‬
‫‪5\ It is probable that my father repairs my bike .‬‬
‫‪My father might repair my bike .‬‬

‫صفحة ‪32‬‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
6\ Perhaps , she met him in the park .
She might have met him in the park .
7\ Perhaps Issa's phone is broken . (might) (AB - P7)
Issa's phone might be broken .
8\ These people are very thin . That is why I am sure they haven't eaten much food lately .
They can't have eaten much food lately .
9\ Mona's plants are dead . I am almost sure she didn't water them .
She can't have watered them .
. ‫يجب حذف الجملة االخرى والتركيز فقط على حل الجملة التي بها داللة التخمين‬ : ‫مالحظة‬
The rule of prohibition : ‫قاعدة المنع‬
not necessary don't have to / doesn't have to + verb ‫مجرد‬
‫ليس من الضروري‬ ‫ ال داعي‬/ ‫ليس من الضروري‬
necessary have to / has to + verb ‫مجرد‬
‫ضروري‬ ‫من الضروري‬
not allowed mustn't + verb ‫مجرد‬
‫غير مسموح‬ ‫غير مسموح‬

: ‫مالحظات هامة جدا على قاعدة المنع‬

‫ الواقعة بعد عبارة‬for ‫يحول الى ضمير فاعل) الواقع بعد كلمة‬
ّ ‫فاعل جملة المنع هو االسم او الضمير (ضمير مفعول به‬
. not necessary
1\ It is not necessary for me to wake up very early on Friday .
I don't have to wake up very early on Friday .
2\ It is not necessary for Ali to help me .
Ali doesn't have to help me .
3\ It isn’t necessary for him to work overtime .
He doesn’t have to work overtime .
4\ It isn't necessary to switch off the screen . (AB - P7)
You don't have to switch off the screen .
5\ You aren't allowed to come late .
You mustn't come late .
6\ He isn't allowed to eat in the classroom .
He mustn't eat in the classroom .
7\ I am not allowed to play in the street .
I mustn't play in the street .
8\ You aren't allowed to touch this machine . (must) (AB - P7)
You mustn't touch this machine .

33 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson fourteen : ‫الدرس الرابع عشر‬
Infinitive (to + infinitive) and Gerund (verb + ing) : ‫الفعل المجرد والمصدر‬
: ‫) هي‬verb + ing( ‫) أي‬Gerund( ‫ األفعال التي يتبعها مصدر‬/1
avoid ‫يتجنب‬ consider ‫يفكر‬ enjoy ‫يستمتع‬ suggest ‫يقترح‬ ‫لالحتياط‬

Verb + (verb + ing) : ‫قاعدتها هي‬

A\ Ali avoids talking with strangers . (talk)
B\ I consider moving to the city . (move)
C\ He enjoys playing football . (play)
D\ They suggested going to the cinema . (go)
: ‫) هي‬to + infinitive( ‫ األفعال التي يتبعها مجرد‬/0
want ‫يريد‬ afford ‫يستطيع ماليا‬ hope ‫يأمل‬ intend ‫ينوى‬ plan ‫يخطط‬ ‫مهم جدا‬

Verb + (to + infinitive) : ‫قاعدتها هي‬

A\ I want to be a teacher in the future . (be)
B\ I can't afford to buy a new car for you . (buy)
C\ Omer intended to visit Amman tomorrow . (visit)
D\ Ali is planning to clean his car tonight . (clean)
)‫ كي‬/ ‫ تعنى (أن‬to : ‫مالحظة‬
: ‫) هي‬to + infinitive( ‫) أو‬verb + ing( ‫ األفعال التي يمكن أن يتبعها‬/1
stop + (v + ing) ‫للتعبير عن التوقف عن فعل شيء ما بشكل نهائي‬
A\ I stopped speaking loudly . (speak)
B\ He stopped being lazy . (be)
C\ We stopped eating sugar . (eat)
D\ She stopped working in this company . (work)
stop + (to + infinitive) ‫للتعبير عن التوقف عن فعل شيء ما من اجل القيام بعمل شيء اخر‬
A\ We stopped to take a break for lunch , but we'll start again after an hour . (take)
B\ While I was driving my car I stopped to buy some bread from the bakery . (buy)
C\ She stopped to help her mother in the kitchen in order to open the door . (help)
1\ Choose the correct form of the verbs below . (AB - P 7)
3\ I want to get / getting a tablet , but I can’t afford to buy / buying one at the moment .
to get / to buy : ‫الجواب‬
6\ Circle the correct words (1 mark each) . (AB – P5)
2\ We had the computer repaired / repairing because it had stopped to work / working .
repaired / working : ‫الجواب‬

34 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
intend / hope / plan + (to + infinitive) : ‫األفعال الثالثة للتعبير عن المستقبل‬
. ‫ بصيغة المضارع للتعبير عن المستقبل سواء بوجود دالالت مستقبل فى جُملها او بدونها‬intend / hope / plan ‫ تكتب‬/1
‫ او ال‬present simple ‫ بصيغتي ال‬plan ‫ بينما يأتي الفعل‬present simple ‫ بصيغة ال‬intend / hope ‫ تأتي األفعال‬/0
. ‫ للتعبير عن المستقبل‬present continuous ‫ ولكن يفضَّل استخدامها بصيغة‬present continuous
. future ‫ بصيغة المستقبل‬intend / hope / plan ‫ ال نستخدم األفعال‬/1

Examples : ‫امثلة‬
A\ I intend to study medicine at university next year . (study)
B\ They hope to visit us tomorrow . (visit)
C\ I'm planning to get some work experience before I find a job . (get)
D\ He intends to go to Australia next holiday . (go)
E\ Mona hopes to do well in her exams this year . (do)
F\ I'm not planning to stay here much longer . (stay)
G\ I intend to improve my English skills . (improve)
H\ Ali hopes to become a teacher in the future . (become)
I\ She is planning to be a doctor in 2025 CE . (be)
J\ I intend to buy a new car . (buy)
5\ Make correct sentences about the future . (SB – P23)
1\ He / hope / become a teacher one day .
He hopes to become a teacher one day .
2\ I / intend / apply for job when I finish university .
I intend to apply for a job when I finish university .
3\ Many hospitals / plan / use robots to help nurses in the future .
Many hospitals are planning to use robots to help nurses in the future .
4\ How / you / intend / solve the problem ?
How do you intend to solve the problem ?
5\ Our school / hope / raise enough money to build a new library .
Our school hopes to raise enough money to build a new library .
6\ you / intend / buy tickets for the play ?
Do you intend to buy tickets for the play ?
6\ Read the following sentences , then talk about yourself . Use hope , plan and intend . (AB – P16)
1\ I intend to study Medicine at university then I hope to work in the hospital near my home town .
2 \ I hope to be an engineer one day . I’m planning to get some work experience before I go to university .
3\ I hope to do well in my exams this year . Then I intend to go to university and study Archaeology .
4\ I plan to go abroad when I leave school . I intend to improve my English .
Then I hope to return to Jordan and get a good job .
35 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬
- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
1\ I am planning to travel to Egypt . I intend to see the pyramids .
2 \ I hope to be very rich . I am planning to build a school for the poor .
3\ I plan to learn French . I hope to learn it in a short time .
7\ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets . (AB – P30)
1\ Are you planning to go shopping tomorrow ? (go)

intend be + planning
‫ فى زمن‬intend ‫ أو العكس يجب مراعاة زمن الجملة المراد تحويلها حيث تأتي‬be + planning ‫ الى‬intend ‫التحويل من‬
. present continuous ‫ فى زمن المضارع المستمر‬plan ‫ بينما تأتي‬present simple ‫المضارع البسيط‬
1\ Omer intends to use his laptop now . 
He is planning to use his laptop now .
2\ They intend to write poetry . 
 They are planning to write poetry .
3\ She doesn’t intend to find a work in a bank . 
She isn’t planning to find a work in a bank .
4\ I am planning to visit Petra in summer . 
I intend to visit Petra in summer .
6\ Write one sentence that means the same . (AB – P30)
2\ Ali intends to finish his project tonight .
Ali is planning to finish his project tonight .

36 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson fifteen : ‫الدرس الخامس عشر‬
used to – be used to : ‫كان ـ تعود على‬
used to ‫كان‬
. ‫ عندما نتحدث عن حقائق وأوضاع كانت موجودة فى الماضي ولكنها تغيرت و لم تعد موجودة اآلن‬used to ‫ تستعمل‬/1
. ‫ الخ‬.......... ‫ كانوا‬/ ‫ كنا‬/ ‫ كنت‬/ ‫ كانت‬/ ‫ تعنى كان‬used to /0
. infinitive ‫ فعال مجردا‬used to ‫ نستعمل دائما بعد‬/1
. used ‫ وليس‬use ‫ ويكون الفعل بعدها مجردا أي‬didn't ‫ يتم النفي باستعمال‬/4
. used ‫ وليس‬use ‫ ويكون الفعل بعدها مجردا أي‬Did ‫ يكون السؤال باستعمال‬/5

used to ‫قاعدة‬
Positive form ‫صيغة االثبات‬ Subject + used to + verb ‫مجرد‬
Negative form ‫صيغة النفي‬ Subject + didn't use to + verb ‫مجرد‬
Question form ‫صيغة السؤال‬ Did subject + use to + verb ‫? مجرد‬
Examples : ‫أمثلة‬
A\ She used to live in small village before she moved to this city . (live)
B\ Mona used to drink coffee everyday but now she drinks tea . (drink , drinks , drinking , drank)
C\ Khalid used to be fireman , now he is a policeman . (use to , used to , is used to , is use to)
D\ I didn't use to go swimming , but now I go swimming . (not , go)
E\ Humans didn't use to live in houses but now they do . (isn't used to , is used to , didn't use to , don't used to)
F\ I didn't use to have children , but now I have three . (used to have , use to have , use to having)
G\ Did Fatima use to be a nurse before she got married ? (is , was , be , been)
H\ Did this building use to be hospital during the war ? (Do , Does , Did , Is)
I\ Did you use to go to bed late ? (use to , used to , to use , to used)
be used to ‫تعود على‬
. ‫ عندما نتحدث عن أمر كنا نجده صعبا فى الماضي وأصبح االن أمرا عاديا أو مألوفا أو سهال‬be used to ‫ نستخدم‬/1
. ‫ الخ‬................. ‫ تعودنا على‬/ ‫تعودت على‬ َّ / ‫ تعنى اعتاد على‬be used to /2
َّ / ‫تعود على‬
. ‫ توضع حسب نوع الفاعل فى الجملة من حيث اإلفراد أو الجمع‬is , am , are ‫ فى المضارع نستعمل‬be ‫ يقصد بالفعل‬/1
. pronoun ‫ أو ضمير‬adjective + noun ‫ أو اسم وصفته‬noun ‫ أو اسم‬verb + ing ‫ أما‬be used to ‫ نستعمل دائما بعد‬/6
be used to ‫قاعدة‬
Positive form ‫ صيغة االثبات‬Subject is / am / are + used to + V + ing / noun / pronoun
Negative form ‫ صيغة النفي‬Subject isn't / am not / aren't + used to + V + ing / noun / pronoun
Question form ‫ صيغة السؤال‬Is / Am / Are subject + used to + V + ing / noun / pronoun ?
Examples : ‫أمثلة‬

37 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ I am used to reading a book every month . (read)
B\ Ali is used to getting up early each day . (get , getting , got , gets)
C\ They are used to the hot weather . (used to , are used to , is used to , are use to)
D\ I clean the dishes every day , so I am used to it . (is used to , used to , am used to , use to)
E\ I am not used to getting up early , I find it very difficult . (get)
F\ She isn't used to driving a big car . (didn't use to , aren't used to , isn't used to , am not used to)
G\ Ali isn't used to drinking a hot milk . (drink , drinks , drank , drinking)
H\ Are you used to living alone in Amman ? (living , live , lived , lives)
I\ Is she used to a cold weather ? (use to , to used , using to , used to)
‫مالحظات هامة جدا‬
: )‫ في اسئلة الوزارة (أكمل‬be used to ‫اذا وجدت احدى العبارات التالية فى الجملة يجب ان نستخدم‬
it is normal ‫من المعتاد‬ it is customary ‫من المعتاد‬ it is familiar ‫من األلوف‬
it is popular ‫من الشائع‬ it is easy ‫من السهل‬
Rewrite the following sentences so that the new one has a similar meaning to the ones before it .
1\ It is normal for me to wake up early .
I am used to waking up early .
2\ It is customary for him to sleep late .
He is used to sleeping late .
3\ It is not familiar for Mona to speak aloud .
Mona is not used to speaking aloud .
4\ It is popular for some students to cheat in exams .
Some students are used to cheating in exams .
5\ It is not easy for Ali to repair cars now .
Ali is not used to repairing cars now .
Student's Book and Activity Book ‫حل أسئلة كتابي‬
6\ Choose the correct option in each sentence . ( Student's Book - page 15 ) .
1\ I didn't use to / am used to understand English , but now I do .
2\ My cousin has lived in Lebanon for a year . He says he is used to / didn't use to living there now .
3\ My family and I are used to / used to go camping once a month , but we stopped doing that when we moved to
the city .
4\ Joining a gym can be very tiring at first if you used to / aren't used to doing much exercise .
5\ When I was young , I used to / am used to go fishing with my dad every weekend . Now I don't , unfortunately !
1\ Didn't used to 2\ is used to 3\ used to 4\ aren't used to 5\ used to
7\ Work in groups . Talk about your life now , and compare it with your life five years ago . What changes have
there been ? What did you use to do that you don't do any more ? What new activities are you used to doing
now that you didn't do in the past ? ( SB - p 15)

38 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Five years ago :
1\ I used to ride a bike .
2 \ I used to eat a lot of candy and chips .
3\ I used to sleep at 8 pm .
4\ I used to watch cartoons on T.V .
5\ I used to go with my mother to visit our relatives .
Now :
1\ I am used to getting up early in the morning .
2 \ I am used to studying for a long time .
3\ I am used to tidying up my room .
4\ I am used to working hard .
3\ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box . Two phrases are needed twice .
The first one is done for you . (AB - page 11)
be used to use to not be used to used to
1\ We needed warm clothes when we went to London . We weren't used to the cold weather .
2 \ My grandparents didn't use to send emails when they were my age .
3\ Rashid used to go swimming every morning , but now he doesn't .
4\ We always go to the market across the street , so we are used to eating fresh vegetables .
5\ Please slow down . I am not used to walking so fast .
6\ When you were younger , did you use to play in the park ?
4\ Choose the correct form of the verbs below . The first one is done for you . (AB - p 11) .
1\ I used to / am used to go shopping in the local supermarket , but it closed two years ago , so now I have to
drive into town to shop .
2\ There didn't use to / wasn't used to be so much pollution , but these days it is a global problem .
3\ I think television used to / is used to be better than it is now . Most of the programmes these days are just
reality T.V .
4\ Most Jordanians are used to / used to the hot weather that we have in summer .
5\ There was used to / used to be a lot more wild animals in the past , but they are becoming rare nowadays .
6\ Salma has been practicing the oud really hard and she is now used to / now used to playing it .
1\ used to 2\ didn't used to 3\ used to 4\ are used to 5\ used to 6\ is now used to
5\ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets . The first one is done for you . (p12)
1\ When I was student , I used to work (work) very hard . I used to get up (get up) very early and study alone
before my lectures , attend lectures all day , and then come home to study some more .
2 \ Are you used to living (live) in Jordan yet ? You have only been here for two months .

39 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
3\ When I was a child , my grandmother used to make (make) cakes for us all the time , and I liked helping her
a lot .
4\ My grandfather retired a month ago . He isn't used to having (have) nothing to do all day . He says he needs
a project to concentrate on .
5\ I just got glasses this week , and I 'm not used to wearing (wear) them yet , so I am still having difficulty .
5\ Choose the correct option , a , b , c or d . (AB – P 29)
4\ Where did they use to go to school ? a- used to going b- used to go c- use to go d- use going

7\Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets . (AB – P30)
3\ Our grandmother used to tell us stories at bedtime . (tell)
4\ Choose the correct option in brackets to complete the following sentences . (SB – P42)
3\ When we were younger, we used to live in a village . We moved to the city when I was about ten years old .
(were used to / use to / used to)
5\ Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first . (SB – P 42)
3\ It is normal for me now to get up early to study .
I am used to getting up early to study now .

40 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson sixteen : ‫الدرس السادس عشر‬
Past Perfect continuous : ‫الماضي التام المستمر‬
Key words or (adverbs) : )‫الكلمات ألداله أو (الظروف‬
past simple (v2 / adverb) + …….…….. for + time ‫منذ‬
past simple (v2 / adverb) + …………… since + time ‫منذ‬
past simple (v2 / adverb) + …………… all + time ‫طيلة‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة االثبات‬
Subject + had + been + verb + ing
Use / Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
1\ To describe along action that happened continuously before another short past action .
. ‫لوصف حدث طويل حصل بشكل متواصل قبل حدث آخر قصير فى الماضي‬
A\ She had been going to university for three years , when I met her . (be , go)
B\ He had been teaching English for 2 years before he got another job . (be , teach)
C\ Ali had been watching T.V since 12 o’clock before we visited him . (be , watch)
D\ I had been trying to open the door for 5 minutes when Ali found his key . (be , try)
E\ Fatima had been crying since seven o’clock because she lost her bag . (be , cry)
F\ Omer had been working all the day until his manager arrived . (be , work)
G\ He had been living in Amman for 15 years when he moved to Cairo . (be , live)
2 \ To show cause and effect of the action in the past : ‫لتوضيح سبب ونتيجة حدث ما في الماضي‬
A\ I was excited because I had been earning a lot of money since 1999 . (be , earn)
B\ I passed the test because I had been studying hard for 10 hours . (be , study)
C\ My mum was angry , because I had been listening to music all the day . (be , listen)
D\ He had a headache , because the kids had been noising since morning . (be , noise)
E\ He became a fat , because he had been eating all the time . (be , eat)
F\ Ali was tired , because he had been running since 9 o’clock . (be , run)
G\ She wanted to sit , because she had been standing the all day at work . (be , stand)
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
Subject + hadn't + been + verb + ing
A\ I failed in exam , because I hadn't been paying attention all the time . (not , be , pay)
B\ I hadn't been working here all the time before you knew me . (not , be , work)

41 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Had + subject + been + verb + ing ?
A\ Had you been working for 5 years before you left USA ? (be , work)
B\ Had Ali been waiting for 7 hours until Sami arrived ? (be , wait)
: ‫مالحظة‬
: ‫ مثل‬state verbs ‫ مع أل‬past perfect continuous ‫ ال يستخدم أل‬/1
like love hate prefer need want wish dislike remember
‫ يتحدثان عن اشياء حدثت‬past perfect continuous ‫ وزمن الماضي التام المستمر‬past perfect ‫ زمن الماضي التام‬/0
. past simple ‫قبل اشياء اخرى حصلت فى الماضي البسيط‬
. ‫ يتحدث عن اشياء حصلت بعد اشياء اخرى حصلت فى الماضي‬past simple ‫بينما الماضي البسيط‬
)‫( علما بان الحدث فى الماضي التام المستمر يحدث باستمرار و لفترة اطول فى الماضي‬
Student's Book and Activity Book ‫حل أسئلة كتابي‬
5\ Complete the sentences , using the past perfect continuous tense form of the verbs in brackets . (SB - P 19)
1\ A : When I saw you yesterday , you looked really tired .
B : Yes , I had been running for half an hour . (run)
. ‫ كنت أركض لمدة نصف ساعة‬، ‫ نعم‬: ‫ب‬ . ‫ بدوت متعبًا حقًا‬، ‫ عندما رأيتك باألمس‬: ‫أ‬
2\ My mother lost her purse yesterday . She had been shopping in the market ; she must have put it down
somewhere and left it there . (shop)
. ‫ البد أنها وضعتها في مكان ما وتركتها هنالك‬. ‫ كانت تتسوق في السوق‬. ‫فقدت والدتي حقيبتها أمس‬
3\ I made my mother a cup of tea . She was hot and tired ; she had been cooking all afternoon for special family
dinner . (cook)
. ‫ كانت تطهو طوال فترة الظهر إلعداد غداء خاص للعائلة‬، ‫ كانت حرارتها مرتفعة ومتعبة‬. ‫أعددت ألمي كوبا من الشاي‬
6\ Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb form . (SB – P 19)
Hind (1) has / had been working very hard for several weeks before she did her final exams .
. ‫كانت هند تعمل بجد لعدة أسابيع قبل أن تقدم امتحاناتها النهائية‬
When the results were published , she was delighted to learn that she (2) has / had passed .
. ‫ كانت مسرورة لمعرفة أنها قد نجحت‬، ‫عندما تم نشر النتائج‬
(3) (4)
She has / had done extremely well . She phoned / had phoned her parents from the college .
. ‫ لقد اتصلت بوالديها من الكلية‬. )‫لقد عملت بشكل جيد للغاية (فى االمتحان‬
They were / had been waiting for her call all morning . When she arrived home an hour later , there was a
surprise her .
. ‫ كانت هناك مفاجأة لها‬، ‫ عندما وصلت المنزل بعد ساعة‬. ‫كانا ينتظران مكالمتها طيلة الصباح‬
For several weeks , her parents (6) planned / had been planning a special weekend away to the Jerash festival .
. ‫ والديها كانا يخططان لقضاء عطلة نهاية أسبوع خاصة للذهاب الى مهرجان جرش‬، ‫منذ عدة أسابيع‬
They have / had managed to make it a surprise for Hind , even though they (8) were / had been using the family

computer to make all the arrangements ! Hind was delighted .

. ‫ بالرغم من أنهما كانا يستخدمان كمبيوتر العائلة لعمل كل الترتيبات ! كانت هند سعيدة‬، ‫فتمكنا من جعلها مفاجأة لهند‬

42 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
She has / had been talking about the Jerash Festival for months ; and now the whole family was going !
It was a wonderful graduation present .
. ‫ واآلن كل افراد العائلة كانوا ذاهبين (للمهرجان) ! كان هدية تخرج رائعة‬. ‫كانت تتحدث عن مهرجان جرش منذ شهور‬
7\ Work in pairs . Use the time periods in the box to talk about things you had been doing (SB –P19 )
1\ By 5 AM in this morning , I had been sleeping for 8 hours .
2 \ By the time I was ten , I had been learning English for 3 years .
3\ By the time my friend phoned me , I had been reading a story for 2 hours .

43 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson seventeen : ‫الدرس السابع عشر‬
Future continuous : ‫المستقبل المستمر‬
Key words or (adverbs) : )‫الكلمات الداله أو (الظروف‬
in + number + years' time (in ten years' time) ........... ‫في غضون‬
in + (an hour , a day , a week , a month , a year) ........... ‫فى غضون‬
in + month of the year (in June) ‫ أحد شهور السنة‬+ ‫فى‬
on + day of the week + (morning , evening , night) ‫ زمن‬+ ‫ احد األيام‬+ ‫فى‬
at this time + (tomorrow , next ..…. ) ...... ‫فى مثل هذا الوقت‬
this time (tomorrow , next .….) ...... ‫فى مثل هذا الوقت‬
at + ‫ زمن محدد‬+ (tomorrow , next ….) (at ten o'clock tomorrow)
when + present simple (v1 , v1 + s) ‫ فعل مضارع بسيط‬+ ‫عندما‬
still + ‫مؤشر مستقبل‬ ‫ما زال‬

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة اإلثبات‬
Noun / Pronoun + will + be + verb + ing
Use / Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
To describe an action that will be in progress at specific time in the future :
. ‫لوصف الحدث الذي سيكون قيد التنفيذ فى وقت محدد فى المستقبل‬
A\ I will be graduating from university in five years' time . (graduate)
B\ He will be building his house in a month . (build)
C\ She will be travelling to Egypt in December . (travel)
D\ Ali will be studying for his exam on Saturday evening . (study)
E\ I will be eating my breakfast at 7 o'clock tomorrow . (eat)
F\ At this time tomorrow , we will be sitting on the beach . (sit)
G\ This time next week , I will be preparing for my exams . (prepare)
H\ I will be waiting for you when you arrive tomorrow . (wait)
I\ Ali will be watching TV , when Mona leaves tonight . (watch)
J\ I will still be practicing law in 2025 CE . (practice)
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
Noun / Pronoun + will + not (won't) + be + verb + ing
A\ He won't be graduating at this time next year . (not , graduate)
B\ Bobby won't be barking noisily when we arrive . (not , bark)
C\ You won't be going to work at 6 am tomorrow . (not , go)

44 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬
Will + subject + be + verb + ing ?
A\ Will they be coming at this time tomorrow ? (come)
B\ Will you be watching TV at 5 pm tomorrow ? (watch)
C\ Will she be graduating at this time next year ? (graduate)
: ‫مالحظات‬
. Stative verbs ‫ مع األفعال الخبرية‬Future continuous ‫ ال تستخدم أل‬/1
‫ باستثناء فى حالة وجود كلمات ربط‬. ‫ اذا وجد سؤالين فى نفس الجملة فاألول يعامل كسؤال والثاني كجملة خبرية‬/0
. ‫ ففى هذه الحالة نتعامل معهما كسؤالين‬and / or : ‫بينهما مثل‬
. be ‫ والفعل المساعد‬will ‫ مع الفعل المراد تصريفه بين االقواس فنضعها بين الفعل المساعد‬still ‫ اذا وجدت كلمة‬/1
Student's Book – Activity Book ‫حل تمارين كتابي‬
5\ Complete the mini-dialogues using the Future Continuous. (SB –P21 )
1\ A : Can I call you tonight after 6 pm , or will you be having (you have) dinner with your family then ?
‫ أم أنك ستتناول العشاء مع أسرتك عندئذ ؟‬، ‫ مسا ًء‬6 ‫ هل يمكنني االتصال بك الليلة بعد الساعة‬: ‫أ‬
2 \ B : No , I will not be having (not have) dinner at that time . I will be watching (watch) the news .
My mum will be preparing (prepare) dinner , because we usually eat at about 7 pm .
‫ ألننا عادة ما نأكل في حوالي‬، ‫ ستجهز أمي العشاء‬. ‫ سوف أشاهد األخبار‬. ‫ لن أتناول العشاء في ذلك الوقت‬، ‫ ال‬: ‫ب‬
. ‫ مسا ًء‬7 ‫الساعة‬
3\ A : What do you think you will be doing (you do) in two years’ time ?
Will you be working (you work) , or will you be doing (you do) a university degree ?
‫ ماذا تعتقد أنك ستفعل في غضون عامين ؟ هل ستعمل أم ستحصل على شهادة جامعية ؟‬: ‫أ‬
4\ B : I certainly won’t be working (not work) because I want to do a degree in Medicine . It’s a very long course ,
so I will still be studying (still study) in seven years’ time !
‫ لذا سأستمر في الدراسة‬، ‫ إنها دورة طويلة جدًا‬. ‫ أنني بالتأكيد لن أعمل ألنني أريد الحصول على شهادة في الطب‬: ‫ب‬
! ‫بعد سبع سنوات‬
6\ Choose the correct form of the verbs . (SB – P 21 )
1\ If you need to contact me next week , we’ll stay / be staying at a hotel in Aqaba .
. ‫ فنحن سنقيم في فندق في العقبة‬، ‫إذا احتجت إلى االتصال بي األسبوع المقبل‬
)‫( الحظ االقامة فى الفندق ستكون مستمرة االسبوع القادم‬
2 \ If you need help to find a job , I will help / be helping you .
. ‫ فسوف أساعدك‬، ‫إذا احتجت إلى مساعدة للعثور على وظيفة‬
(will + infinitive ‫(هذا وعد وللوعود دائما نستخدم المستقبل البسيط اي‬
3\ I can’t call my dad right now . He’ll board / be boarding the plane . It takes off in an hour .
. ‫ وهى تقلع في غضون ساعة‬. ‫ سوف يستقل الطائرة‬. ‫ال يمكنني االتصال بوالدي اآلن‬
4\ We won’t be home tomorrow night . We’ll watch / be watching the football match at the stadium .
. ‫ سوف نشاهد مباراة كرة القدم في الملعب‬. ‫لن نعود إلى المنزل ليلة الغد‬
5\ Do you think you’ll miss / be missing your school friends when you go to university ?
)‫هل تعتقد أنك ستفتقد أصدقاء مدرستك عندما تذهب إلى الجامعة ؟ (هذا توقع‬

45 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
4\ There is one mistake in the verb tenses in each of the four conversations below . Underline the mistake and
rewrite the verb in the correct tense . (AB – P 16)
‫ ضع خطا تحت الخطأ وأعد كتابة الفعل بصيغته‬. ‫هنالك خطأ في صيغة الفعل الزمنية في كل من الحوارات األربعة أدناه‬
. ‫الزمنية الصحيحة‬
1\ A : What do you think you will be doing in two years’ time ?
B : I think I will be living in Karak , and I will study Geography .
‫ ماذا تعتقد أنك ستفعل في غضون عامين ؟‬: ‫أ‬
will be studying : ‫الجواب‬ . ‫ أعتقد أنني سأعيش في الكرك وسأدرس الجغرافيا‬: ‫ب‬
2 \ A : Don’t phone me at seven . I’ll have dinner with my family .
B : OK , I’ll phone at nine .
. ‫ سأكون اتناول العشاء مع عائلتي‬. ‫ ال تتصل بي الساعة السابعة‬: ‫أ‬
will be having : ‫الجواب‬ )‫ (يكون الغداء مستمرا‬. ‫ سأتصل عند الساعة التاسعة‬، ‫ حسنًا‬: ‫ب‬
3\ A : What time will you get here tomorrow ?
B : At about three , I think . I’ll be texting you the exact time later .
‫ في أي وقت ستصل هنا غدا ؟‬: ‫أ‬
)‫ (توقع‬. ‫ سأرسل إليك رسالة نصية في الوقت المحدد الحقًا‬.‫ على ما أعتقد‬، ‫ في حوالي الساعة الثالثة‬: ‫ب‬
will text : ‫الجواب‬
4\ A : Please be quiet when you come home tonight . The baby will sleep .
B : Don’t worry . I won’t forget .
. ‫ سيكون الطفل نائما‬. ‫ يرجى التزام الهدوء عندما تعود للمنزل الليلة‬: ‫أ‬
will be sleeping : ‫الجواب‬ . ‫ لن أنسى‬. ‫ ال تقلق‬: ‫ب‬
11\ Complete the sentences in the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous . The first one is done for you .
(AB – P 17 )
2\ Next Monday , I / work / in my new job .

Next Monday , I will be working in my new job .
)‫ (الحظ العمل سيكون مستمرا‬. ‫ سأعمل في وظيفتي الجديدة‬، ‫االثنين المقبل‬
5\ you / meet us / at the library this afternoon ?

Will you be meeting us at the library this afternoon ?
‫هل ستجتمع بنا في المكتبة بعد ظهر اليوم ؟‬
5\ Choose the correct option , a , b , c or d . (AB – P 29)
3\ Soon we’ll be packing for our holiday
a. ’re going to b. ’ll be c. ’re going d. will have
. ‫سنقوم قريبا ً بحزم امتعتنا لقضاء إجازتنا‬
7\ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets . (AB - P 30)
4\ Will it still be raining this evening ? (rain)
‫هل ستظل تمطر هذا المساء ؟‬

46 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson eighteen : ‫الدرس الثامن عشر‬
Future perfect : ‫المستقبل التام‬
Key words or (adverbs) : )‫الكلمات ألداله أو (الظروف‬
by + ‫زمن مستقبل‬ (by tomorrow , by 2025 , by next ……...)
by the time + v1 , v1 + s (by the time you arrive home ……….….)
by the end + ‫زمن مستقبل‬ (by the end of 2026 ……………)
by then + ‫زمن مستقبل‬ (tomorrow ……….. , ………… by then)
future continuous ‫ ظرف من ظروف‬+ stative verb (like , finish ….)
future continuous ‫ ظرف من ظروف‬, ………….. for + number + time

The rule : ‫القاعدة‬

Positive form : ‫صيغة اإلثبات‬
Subject + will + have + V3
Use / Function : ‫االستخدام \ الوظيفة اللغوية‬
To talk about an action that will be completed before a particular time in the future .
. ‫للحديث عن الحدث الذي سوف يكتمل قبل زمن محدد فى المستقبل‬
A\ By tomorrow morning , I will have finished my homework . (finish)
B\ By next week , he will have read this book . (read)
C\ By 10 o'clock she will have cooked dinner . (cook)
D\ By the time she turns 18 , she will have got her own car . (get)
E\ They will have painted the house by the time I return . (paint)
F\ The robber will have taken the money by the time I arrive . (take)
G\ Sarah will have graduated by the end of 2025 . (graduate)
H\ Ali will have bought his own house by the end of this month . (buy)
I\ By the end of this week Omer will have sold his old car . (sell)
J\ This time tomorrow , I will have studied Math for 12 hours . (study)
K\ This time next month , our family will have lived in this house for seven years . (live)
L\ In two years time , I will have finished doing 9 exercises . (finish)
M \ At this time next year , I will have graduated from the university . (graduate)
N\ In a month , I will have found a new job in my town . (find)
O\ My mother will cook my best food earlier tonight , so I will have eaten my supper by then . (eat)
P \ You can borrow this book tomorrow , I will have read it by then . (read)
Negative form : ‫صيغة النفي‬
Subject + will + not (won't) + have + V3

47 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ He won't have finished his work by tomorrow . (not , finish)
B\ She won't have written story by next week . (not , write)

Question form : ‫صيغة السؤال‬

Will + subject + have + V3 ?
1\ Will he have finished his work by next week ? (finish)
2 \ Will she have written story by next week ? (write)
: ‫مالحظات‬
‫) باإلضافة لوجود مؤشر مستقبل ففي هذه‬be , verb( : ‫ مثل‬be ‫ اذا وجد مع الفعل المراد تصريفه بين االقواس كلمة‬/1
. future continuous ‫الحالة نستخدم المستقبل المستمر‬
‫) باإلضافة لوجود مؤشر مستقبل ففي‬have , verb( : ‫ مثل‬have ‫ اذا وجد مع الفعل المراد تصريفه بين االقواس كلمة‬/0
. future perfect ‫هذه الحالة نستخدم المستقبل التام‬
‫ وكان الفعل المراد تصريفه‬future continuous ‫ اذا وجدت فى الجملة احدى الكلمات الدالة (ظروف) للمستقبل المستمر‬/1
‫) وغيرها ففى هذه‬like , hate , finish , find , graduate( : ‫ مثل‬stative verb ‫بين االقواس ال يقبل االستمرارية أي‬
. future perfect ‫الحالة يجب ان نستخدم المستقبل التام‬
Student's Book - Activity Book ‫حل تمارين كتابي‬
5\ Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect form of the verbs in brackets . (SB – P25)
1\ This time tomorrow , we’ll be celebrating because we will have finished our exams . (finish)
2\ This time next month , my parents will have been married for twenty years . (be)
3\ The books that you ordered will not have arrived by the end of the week . (not , arrive)
4\ By next year , will you have visited England ? (visit)
4\ Choose the correct option in brackets to complete the following sentences . (SB – P 42)
4\ By the end of this year , we will have live here for ten years . (will live / will be living / will have lived)
11\ Complete the sentences in the future perfect or the future continuous. The first one is done for you . (AB–P17)
1\ Next month , we / live / in this house for a year . Let’s celebrate ! 
Next month , we will have lived in this house for a year . Let’s celebrate !
3\ you / do / all your homework by eight o’clock ? 
Will you have done all your homework by eight o’clock ?
4\ It’s three o’clock now , so Miriam’s flight / arrive / at Queen Alia International Airport . 
It’s three o’clock now , so Miriam’s flight will have arrived at Queen Alia International Airport .
6\ You can borrow this book tomorrow . I / finish / it by then . 
You can borrow this book tomorrow . I’ll have finished it by then .
5\ Choose the correct option , a , b , c or d . (AB – P 29 ) :
2\ In three years’ time , my brother will have graduated from university .
a. has b. will have c. is going to d. will

48 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson nineteen : ‫الدرس التاسع عشر‬
Relative clauses : ‫ُج َمل الوصل‬
: ‫ إلى قسمين هما‬Relative clauses ‫تنقسم ُج َم ْل الوصل‬
: ‫ وتتميز باآلتي‬Definite clause )‫ ُج ْملة وصل ُمح ّدده ( ُمع ّرفه‬/‫أ‬
. No commas ‫ ال توضع بين فواصل‬/1
. ‫ عن االسم المذكور فيها‬Necessary information ‫ تعطينا معلومات ضرورية‬/0
. ‫ يتغيّر معنى الجملة فيها إذا حُذفت هذه المعلومات ألنها تُح ّد ْد االسم المذكور فى الجملة وتُميّزه عن غيره‬/1
. ‫ وذلك لعدم احتوا ُءها على فواصل‬who , which ‫ بدال من ضمائر الوصل‬that ‫ يجوز فيها استعمال‬/6
A\ I know someone who / that can help you .
B\ The clothes which / that he bought were quite expensive .
: ‫ وتتميز باآلتي‬Non-definite clause )‫ ُج ْملة وصل غير ُمح ّدده (غير ُمع ّرفه‬/‫ب‬
. commas ‫ توضع بين فاصلتين‬/1
. ‫ عن االسم المذكور فيها‬Extra information ‫ تعطينا معلومات إضافية‬/0
. ‫ ال يتغير معنى الجملة فيها إذا حذفت هذه المعلومات اإلضافية‬/1
. ‫ وذلك الحتوائها على فواصل‬who , which ‫ بدال من ضمائر الوصل‬that ‫ ال يجوز فيها استعمال‬/6
A\ My mother , who is 70 years old , lives in USA .
B\ Paris , which is in Europe , is very beautiful .
Relative pronouns : ‫ضمائر الوصل‬
1\ who : )people ‫ اللذين (تستعمل مع األشخاص‬/ ‫ التي‬/ ‫الذي‬
A\ I saw the man who had an accident .
B\ She is the lady , who everybody known , is a nurse .
C\ Is the colleague who you were telling me about ?
D\ The players who have joined the team lately are good .
2 \ which : )things ‫ اللذين (تستعمل مع األشياء‬/ ‫ التي‬/ ‫الذي‬
A\ Short Stories , which I finished last week , was an excellent book .
B\ Ali likes the cars which he saw yesterday .
C\ Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof ?
D\ The bear which lives in china eats a big fish .
3\ whose : )possession ‫ له (تستعمل للملكية‬/ ‫الذي يملك‬
A\ This is gentleman whose children I teach .
B\ The village , whose people work in a agriculture , is very poor .
C\ I know the woman whose daughter lives in Amman .
D\ Do you know the boy whose mother is an actress ?

49 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
4\ where : )place ‫ الذي (تستعمل للمكان‬/ ‫ حيثما‬/ ‫حيث‬
A\ The Hospital where I was born has closed .
B\ I visited the town where the crime rate was very high .
C\ That is the restaurant where I sometimes eat .
D\ I visited the desert where water was scarce .
5\ when : )time ‫ عندما (تستعمل للزمن‬/ ‫ الذي‬/ ‫ التي‬/ ‫حيث‬
A\ I remember a time when football was less violent .
B\ That was the day when we went to the zoo .
C\ 1983 is the year when I was born .
D\ July is the month when people go on holiday .
6\ that : )people or things ‫ التي (تستعمل مع األشخاص أو األشياء‬/ ‫الذي‬
A\ The movie that we saw last weekend was really good .
B\ The dress that she was wearing was beautiful .
C\ The Jacket that I bought last month is expensive .
D\ The man that is standing there is my father .
: ‫مالحظات‬
‫ يأتي‬where ‫ بينما‬verb ‫ يأتي بعدها فعل‬which ‫ كالهما يمكن ان يستخدم للمكان والفرق بينهما هو ان‬where ‫ و‬which /1
. noun / pronoun ‫بعدها اسم او ضمير‬
. ‫ دائما يأتي بين اسمين توجد بينهما عالقة ملكية او صلة قرابة‬whose ‫ ضمير الوصل‬/0

Student's Book and Activity Book ‫حل تمارين كتابي‬

5\ Complete the text with the correct word from the box . Sometimes , more than one answer is possible .
(SB – P 31)
that which where who
Qasr Bashir is an extremely well – preserved Roman castle (1) ………….…… is situated in the Jordanian desert ,
and is about eighty kilometers south of Amman . The walls an huge corner towers of the castle , (2) ……………
was built at the beginning of the fourth century CE , are still standing . It is thought that Qasr Bashir was built
to protect the Roman border . Apart from the rooms in the castle , there are also about twenty-three stables
(3) …………………….. horses may have been kept . People (4) …........ love exploring historical Roman ruins will
certainly find a visit to Qasr Bashir very rewarding . Once inside the building , one can imagine very vividly what
it would have been like to live there during the times of Roman Empire .
1\ which \ that 2\ which 3\ where 4\ who \ that
4\ Match the beginnings with the correct endings and join them with a relative pronoun . Then , write the
sentences out in full . The first one is done for you . (AB – P21)

50 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
1\ A mathematician is someone … a\ are studied by mathematicians .
2\ Geometry and arithmetic are subjects … b\ means ‘doctor’.
3\ ‘Physician’ is an old fashioned word … c\ works with numbers .
4\ A chemist is a person … d\ astronomers study .
5\ The stars and planets are things … e\ works in a laboratory .
1\ c : A mathematician is someone who works with numbers .
2\ a : Geometry and arithmetic are subjects that / which are studied by mathematicians .
3\ b : ‘Physician’ is an old-fashioned word that / which means ‘doctor’.
4\ e : A chemist is a person who / that works in a laboratory .
5\ d : The stars and planets are things that / which astronomers study .
5\ Complete the text about Ibn Sina , using the relative pronouns in the box . One pronoun is used twice .
Add commas for the non-defining relative clause . ( AB – P 21 )
that when which who
Ibn Sina (1) …………..……. is also known as Avicenna was a polymath . Ibn Sina was influenced as a young man by
the works of the philosopher Aristotle . He wrote on early Islamic philosophy (2) …………..………. included many
subjects , especially logic and ethics . He also wrote Al Qanun fi - Tibb , the book (3) ……………. became the most
famous medical textbook ever . In the last ten or twelve years of his life , Ibn Sina started studying literary
matters . His friends (4) ……………. were worried about his health advised him to relax . He refused and told
them ‘I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with length .’ It was the month of Ramadan (5) …………….
Ibn Sina died , in June 1037 CE .
1\ , who is also known as Avicenna , 2\ , which include many subjects , 3\ that
4\ , who were worried about his health , 5\ When
6\ Write one sentence that means the same . (AB – P 30 )
3\ London is a huge city . It’s the capital of the UK .
 London , ………………………...............................................................…………………….
London , which is the capital of the UK , is a huge city . : ‫الجواب‬
4\ Read the passage below and answer the questions . (SB – P30)
The Giralda tower , which is one of the most important buildings in Seville , Spain , stands at just over 104
metres tall . The person who is believed to be responsible for the design of the tower , which was originally a
minaret , is the mathematician and astronomer Jabir ibn Aflah .
The architect of the tower was Ahmad Ben Baso , who began work in 1184 CE . He died before the tower was
completed in 1198 CE . The design of the tower is believed to be based on the Koutoubia Mosque , which is in
Marrakesh , Morocco , and the Hassan Tower in Rabat .
1\ Identify the defining and non-defining relative clauses in the text .

51 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
A\ Defining relative clauses :
- who is believed to be responsible for the design of the tower
B\ Non-defining relative clauses :
- , which is one of the most important buildings in Seville , Spain ,
- , which was originally a minaret ,
- , who began work in 1184 CE .
- , which is in Marrakesh , Morocco ,
2\ What relative pronouns do we use for the things in the box ?
people , animals and things , places
A\ people : who , that
B\ animals and things : which , that
C\ places : where , which , that

52 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
Lesson twenty : ‫الدرس العشرون‬
Cleft sentences : ‫جزأة‬
َّ ‫ال ُج َمل المنقسمة \ ال ُم‬
‫ هي جملة واحده تتكون من جملتين أحداهما رئيسيه واألخرى تابعة لها‬Cleft sentence ‫ الجملة المنقسمة أو المجزأة‬/1
. ‫ومعتمدة عليها ليكتمل معناها‬
. ‫ تستخدم الجملة المنقسمة من اجل التوكيد على أجزاء معينه من الجملة وذلك باستعمال ضمائر الوصل‬/0
‫الطريقة األولى‬
+ who
It + is / was noun + which rest of the sentence
‫حسب زمن الجملة المعطاة‬ ‫الكلمة المراد تأكيدها‬ + where ‫بقية الجملة‬
+ when
1\ Ali read a poem in the school last week . (past simple)
A\ It was Ali who read the poem in the school last week .
B\ It was a poem which Ali read in the school last week .
C\ It was the school where Ali read a poem last week .
D\ It was last week when Ali read a poem in the school .
2 \ Fatima travels to Sudan every year . (present simple)
A\ It is Fatima who travels to Sudan every year .
B\ It is Sudan where Fatima travels every year .
C\ It is every year when Fatima travels to Sudan .
‫الطريقة الثانية‬
The person + who
The place (country , city , ….….) + where
+ rest of the sentence + is / was + noun
The time (year , month , ………) + when ‫الكلمة المراد تأكيدها‬
‫بقية الجملة‬
The thing (subject , sport , …….) + which
1\ Omer drank tea yesterday . (past simple)
A\ The person who drank tea yesterday was Omer .
B \ The thing which Omer drank yesterday was tea .
C \ The time when Omer drank tea was yesterday .
2\ Ali plays football every day . (present simple)
A\ The person who plays football every day is Ali .
B \ The thing which Ali plays every day is football .
D \ The time when Ali plays football is every day .
‫الطريقة الثالثة‬
+ the person + who
Noun + is / are + the place + where
rest of the sentences
‫الكلمة المراد تأكيدها‬ + was / were + the thing + which
‫بقية الجملة‬
+ the time + when

53 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
1\ Ali read the story last week . (past simple)
A\ Ali was the person who read the story last week .
B\ The story was the thing which Ali read last week .
C\ Last week was the time when Ali read the story .
2\ Mona visits Cairo every year . (present simple)
A\ Mona is the person who visits Cairo every year .
B\ Cairo is the place where Muna visits every year .
C\ Every year is the time when Muna visits Cairo .
. ‫ الواقع قبلهما‬preposition ‫ لتأكيد اسم الزمان والمكان يجب حذف حرف الجر‬where ‫ و‬when ‫ عند استخدام‬: ‫مالحظة‬

Student's Book and Activity Book ‫حل أسئلة كتابي‬

6\ We want to emphasis the part of the sentence which is in bold in sentences 1 - 3 . Match each one to an
appropriate cleft sentence a - c . (SB – P 29)
1\ The Great mosque in Cordoba was built in 784 CE a\ The year when the Great mosque in Cordoba
by Abd al-Rahman 1 . was built was 784 CE .
2 \ The Great mosque in Cordoba was built in 784 CE b\ Abd al-Rahman 1 was the person who built
by Abd al-Rahman 1 . the Great mosque in Cordoba in 784 CE .
3\ The Great mosque in Cordoba was built in 784 CE c\ The mosque that was built by Abd al-Rahman
by Abd al-Rahman 1 . 1 in 784 CE was the Great mosque in Cordoba
1\ b 2\ c 3\ a
7\Write this sentence in three different ways , emphasizing the parts underlined in each case . (SB - p29)
Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century .
1\ The person who invited the mechanical clock in the twelfth century was Al-Jazari .
2 \ The thing which Al-Jazari invented in the twelfth century was the mechanical clock .
3\ The time when Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock was the twelfth century .
8\ Rewrite these sentences , emphasizing the part in bold , and using the structure as shown . (SB - P29)
1\ Al-Kindi contributed to the invention of the oud .
The person who contributed to the invention of the oud was Al-Kindi .
2 \ Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory in Iraq .
The country where Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was Iraq .
3\ Ali ibn Nafi' established the first music school in the world .
It was Ali ibn Nafi' who established the first music school in the world .
4\ Jabir ibn Hayyan also invented ink that can be read in the dark .
It was Jabir ibn Hayyan who also invited ink that can be read in the dark .
5\ Al-Kindi is especially famous for his work in geometry .
It is for his work in geometry which Al-Kindi is especially famous .

54 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

- 2690662962 ‫توجيهي ـ المستوى الثالث‬ Grammar ‫قواعد‬
9\ Ask and answer these questions with your partner . Use cleft sentences in your answers . (SB – P29)
1\ Which successful person has influenced you the most in your life and why ?
My father is the person who has influenced me the most in my life because he is very friendly .
2\ Which person in exercise 3 do you think was the most successful and why ?
The person in exercise 3 who I think was the most successful was Al-Kindi because he was an expert in
many fields .
3\ How would you define success ?
The way which I would define success is being very good at something you care about .
3\ Make cleft sentences , stressing the information in bold . the first one is done for you . (AB – P20)
1\ Queen Rania opened the children's Museum of Jordan in 2007 CE .
It was Queen Rania who opened the children's museum of Jordan in 2007 CE .
2 \ Petra was made a world Heritage Site in 1985 CE .
The year when Petra was made a world Heritage Site was 1985 CE .
3\ I stopped working at 11 pm .
It was at 11 pm when I stopped working .
4\ My father has influenced me most .
The person who has influenced me most is my father .
5\ I like Geography most of all .
The subject which I like most of all is Geography .
6\ The heat made the journey unpleasant .
It was the heat which made the journey unpleasant .
6\ Write one sentence that means the same . (AB – P30)
1\ The Egyptians built the pyramids .
It was the Egyptians who built the pyramids .

55 ‫صفحة‬ ‫استاذ اسعد السوداني‬

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