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Compare and Contrast of the Seated Statue of Gudea and the Statue
of Memi and Sabu

University of the People

AHIST 1401: Art History

Jeanette Lamb

20 June 2023


We can understand artifacts by “Materials have specific properties that dictate the ways

they can be manipulated and the effects they can produce” (Glass, R., n.d.). Sculptures are one of

the artworks which humans used long ago and still use for numerous purposes. Comparing the

philosophies, styles, and techniques of two sculptures from different cultures and periods, the

Statue of Memi and Sabu and the Seated Statue of Gudea, provide insight into how the intended

purpose or function of the sculpture affects the appearance. By examining these sculptures, we

can gain insights into how their respective functions have influenced their artistic representation.

The Statue of Memi and Sabu

The Statue of Memi and Sabu was created during the Old Kingdom of Egypt, around

2575–2465 B.C, and was made from limestone (“The King’s Acquaintance Memi and Sabu”,

n.d). This sculpture consists of two figures in a side-by-side posture, with Memi standing to the

right facing forward while Sabu stands to the left facing outward. According to the information

provided on the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s website, the statue creates a sense of closeness

and emotional connection between Memi and Sabu, despite Sabu’s slightly distant glaze (“The

King’s Acquaintances Memi and Sabu”, n.d).

The Seated Statue of Gudea

The Seated Statue of Gudea was created in Sumerian culture during the Neo-Sumerians

Dynasty period of Mesopotamian civilization, around 2090 BCE (“The Seated statue of Gudea”,

n.d). It was made for Gudea, the leader of the Sumerian city-state of Lagash which “produced a

remarkable number of statues of its kings as well as Sumerian literary hymns and prayers under

the rule of Gudea (ca. 2150–2125 B.C.) and his son Ur-Ningirsu (ca. 2125–2100 B.C.)” (“The

Seated Statue of Gudea”, n.d). In this sculpture, his face is turned forward with a difference in

the sizes of his eyes indicating his state of alertness and wisdom. His hand position is “in a

traditional gesture of prayer and greeting” (The Thatmuse Team, n.d).

The differences between the two sculptures

The differences in the designs of the two sculptures are easily identifiable and reflect the

different cultural beliefs being expressed. The Statue of Memi and Sabu focuses on the spiritual

and supernatural elements of the culture, as seen in its large scale and its representation of the

two officials as permanent figures. To construct the Statue of Memi and Sabu, the artist utilized

carefully polished and deeply incised material, creating definitions sharp enough to show exact

clothing details and jewelry. On the other hand, the Seated Statue of Gudea focuses on the

material wealth of the culture and represents Gudea as a knowledgeable and wise ruler. This is

conveyed through the use of bright colors, rich materials, and a relaxed pose.

Thus, it is evident that in both the Statue of Memi and Sabu and the Seated Statue of

Gudea, the intended purpose or function of the sculpture has had a substantial impact on its

appearance. The different philosophies behind each sculpture are highlighted, creating a greater

understanding and appreciation of the two cultures and their belief systems.

Word Count: 500



Glass, R. (n.d.). Introduction to art historical analysis. Khan Academy.


The Seated Statue of Gudea (n.d). The metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved from

The King’s Acquaintances Memi and Sabu (n.d). The metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved


The Thatmuse Team (n.d). The Statue of Gudea & the Art of Serenity. Retrieved from

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