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Comparison of the Parthenon and the Pantheon

University of the People

AHIST 1401: Art History

Jeanette Lamb

28 June 2023


Learning classical architecture is visually joyful. However, it takes time to understand

their purpose and the detailed work of art in their buildings. Two of the most well-known and

celebrated pieces of architecture are the Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in Rome. Both

buildings were designed in the classical style of architecture and served multiple functions,

although in different ways. While the similarities and differences between ancient Greece and

Rome are evident in these.

The Parthenon

The Parthenon in ancient Greece was dedicated to the goddess Athena and it was built in

447–438 B.C.E (Diffen, n.d). The Parthenon was built as “a Doric peripteral temple, which

means that it consists of a rectangular floor plan with a series of low steps on every side, and a

colonnade (8 x 17) of Doric columns extending around the periphery of the entire structure”

(“The Parthenon”, n.d). The Parthenon is an example of Classical Greek temple architecture

exemplified by its shape and its distinctive Doric order columns. Its principal purpose was as “a

temple to the Greek Goddess Athena. It is now a museum” (Diffen, n.d).

The Pantheon

According to smartHistory (n.d), the Pantheon in Rome represents an architectural

marvel of exceptional significance. When it comes to significant monumental buildings in

Roman architecture, the Pantheon is one of the first things to learn. The Pantheon was designed

as a circular-shaped building with Corinthian columns which are made of marble, granite,

concrete, and bricks (Diffen, n.d). In the first century B.C.E., the Pantheon in Rome was founded

as a temple to the Roman gods (Diffen, n.d). Its purpose “was originally built as a temple to all

the Roman gods. It is currently a Roman Catholic church and a popular tourist attraction”

(Diffen, n.d). According to Ambler, J (n.d), “Roman architecture was unlike anything that had

come before”.

The differences between Parthenon and Pantheon

The main significant difference between the Parthenon and the Pantheon is their location.

The Parthenon is in Athens, Greek while the Pantheon is in Rome, Italy. The key differences

between the Parthenon and the Pantheon are seen in their function and construction. Visually, the

Parthenon was constructed in a rectangular shape, while the Pantheon was built in a circular

shape (Diffen, n.d). Despite their similarities, there are also significant differences in their

materials and purpose. In addition, their purposes were to the gods of their culture. The

Parthenon was built to honor the goddesses of the Greek Athena, while the Pantheon was as

temple to all the Roman gods (Diffen, n.d).

In conclusion, the Parthenon and the Pantheon are two of the most iconic monuments of

the ancient world. Although the Parthenon and the Pantheon are two of the most well-known

classical architectures, the functions that they served speak to the distinct cultures that created

them. Together, these two buildings serve as a reminder of the stories, values, and beliefs of

ancient Greece and Rome, and the impact that these cultures continue to have on the world


Word Count: 489



Diffen. (n.d), Parthenon Vs Pantheon, Retrieved from

“The Parthenon” (n.d), Retrieved from

Ambler, J. (n.d.). Roman Architecture. Khan Academy.

smartHistory. (n.d), The Pantheon. Retrieved from

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