Yr 8 Population - Ans

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Year 8

1. What is Population Distribution?

Answer: World population distribution describes how people are spread out
across the globe.

2. Define Population Density?

Answer: Population density is the number of people living in an area. It is
worked out by dividing the number of people in an area by the size of the area.
So, the population density in an area is equal to the number of people per sq km,
divided by the size of the area in sq. km.

3. What causes population to change?

Answer: births (eg. availability of good medical facilities and trends)
deaths (eg. war and disease)
migration (eg. people moving into or out of a country)

4. Define the term terms:

Densely Populated: A crowded area

Sparsely Populated: An empty area

5. Write the meaning of these key terms:

Birth rate - The number of births per 1000 people per year

Death rate – The number of deaths per 1000 people per year

Natural change(Natural increase /decrease) – The difference between the

birth rate and the death rate
6. The world population has changed since 1800 write the reasons why it

7. List few problems caused due to growing population.

Answer: Poverty.
Demand for resources
Faster climate change

8. People are having fewer children, so why has the population continued to
Answer: Because people are living for longer due to good availability of medical
facilities and resources.

9. Why will the world population grow by 4 billion by 2100, even though the
total number of children will never increase above 2 billion?
Answer: People are living for longer (adding 1 billion more people) and also the
generations who are currently children are bigger than the generations above
them, meaning population increases as they get older (and fill in the gaps in the
population pyramid up to 60).

10. List the factors that lead to a dense population.

Answer: Vegetation - Areas of open woodland and grassland are easy to settle
in. e.g. The Pampas in Argentina.
Accessibility - Coastal areas with easy access to transport and trade
Economic - Good infrastructure such as roads, railways etc as well as a skilled
and varied labor force
Climates - Moderate climates with enough rain and warm temperatures to allow
crops to grow and ripen e.g. W. Europe & Japan.
Soil - Thick fertile soil that increase agricultural production.
Resources - Plenty of water, timber, minerals such as coal, oil and copper
enable countries to develop. e.g. Western Europe & Eastern America

11. Explain what happens to the Earth’s resources when more of us are there.

Answer: Student’s response (Refer textbook page 26)







12. What is Life Expectancy? Explain the reasons for high and low life
Expectancy using the graph on Page 25 in the Geography Text book in
your own words.

Answer: Student Response.







13. What is global warming? Explain the causes for Global warming.
Answer: Global warming is a phenomenon of climate change characterized by a
general increase in average temperatures of the Earth, which modifies the
weather balances and ecosystems for a long time. It is directly linked to the
increase of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, worsening the greenhouse
Causes of Global Warming:
• Burning of fossil fuels
• Deforestation
• Intensive farming
• Waste disposal
• Mining
• Over Consumption
Refer to the following link for notes on Global Warming:

14. Analyze the graph given and describe using number facts how the world
population has grown, and how it will change in the future.

Answer: Student Response.






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