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Placement Coordination:
Please refer to the main Community engagement for students
LEO site for all Information


Community engagement rationale ................................................................................... 3

Community engagement aims .......................................................................................... 3
Community engagement requirements ............................................................................ 4
Community engagement procedures ................................................................................ 4
Stages of the community engagement experience ........................................................... 5
Assessing Risk and Incident Reporting .............................................................................. 6
Qld blue card requirements .............................................................................................. 6
Placement Insurance ........................................................................................................ 7
Letter of introduction ....................................................................................................... 0
Notes to aid reflection on the experience ......................................................................... 1
Expectations and responsibilities of pre-service teachers on community engagement
experience ........................................................................................................................ 2
Role of community organisation site/venue contact person ............................................. 2
Contacts for the pre-service teachers ............................................................................... 3
Notification of placement form [NOP] .............................................................................. 4
Community engagement - certificate of participation....................................................... 5
Accident and Incident Report Community Engagement ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Community engagement rationale

Informed by the Mission and ethos of the University, the Australian Catholic University
(ACU) Faculty of Education Vision Statement says that the Faculty is “recognised for its
commitment to human rights, social justice and those marginalised in society, and for its
outstanding graduates and staff”. The Community Engagement experience that pre-service
teachers are required to undertake is predicated on the notion that Education students will
become more sensitively-attuned, compassionate and justice-focused teachers as a
consequence of having had at least some exposure to life circumstances different from
their own and to others in society from whom they may learn life skills of resilience, trust,
optimism and courage.

It is hoped that through the Community Engagement experience, ACU pre-service teachers
will, in the words of the prophet Micah, experience and learn, if only a little more, what it
means to…

...act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).

Community engagement aims

Community Engagement (CE) aims to create links between the University and the wider
community, and offers pre-service teachers an opportunity to broaden their educational
experiences outside the school classroom. This assists in breaking down artificial
distinctions often drawn between formal and informal education settings. ‘Out-of-school’
settings offer legitimate and authentic experiences for learning and should therefore be
recognised and valued.

Through CE, pre-service teachers are able to engage in a variety of professional learning
experiences that should increase their knowledge and skills and further their understanding
of the potential for learning within the broader community. The program aims to develop
pre-service teacher initiative and independence through a Community Engagement
experience. It encourages individualised learning as pre-service teachers are able to work
in environments that extend their personal strengths and intelligences, and challenge their
pre-conceived notions about life and people.

More specifically, Community Engagement seeks to:

encourage the development of open and flexible thinking and responsiveness to
change in non-school settings;
provide opportunities for pre-service teachers to develop a range of workplace skills,
including caring, service and administrative skills, among others;
promote an awareness of the concept of life-long learning through participation in
experiences that cater for a range of individual developmental stages from early
childhood through to aged-care;
facilitate the development of compassion, care, service and cognitive strengths,
including specific intelligences and preferred learning styles; and
provide opportunities for pre-service teachers to make a significant contribution to the
life of the community through the sharing of personal expertise and time.

Community engagement requirements

Pre-service teachers are required to complete ten (10) days or an equivalent 70 hours in a
in a ‘range of non-mainstream educational settings such as high support needs special schools,
hospital and aged care education programs, refugee and community educational support
programs and international, rural and remote teaching opportunities.’

Pre-service teachers are encouraged to participate in new and stimulating environments

for their CE other than their usual workplace or voluntary work environments, in order to
expand their repertoire of skills.

CE is a course requirement and failure to complete the program will result in a FAIL grade.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is not offered for CE. Please note that neither pre-service
teachers nor their organisation/venue supervisors receive payment for service while
completing CE.

Community engagement procedures

1. Placement: Pre-service teachers will be required to select a CE placement from the

range of options listed on the Student community engagement opportunities page
on LEO. Please note that there will be only limited places in each setting/site/venue
available across the range of CE settings and once students have made their choice
and quotas at each place are filled, variations or changes will not usually be
permitted. You make your placement application through Inplace. You also have the
option to seek out your own community engagement placement. You will need to
complete the Notification of placement form in this handbook and email it to

2. Voluntary Service: Pre-service teachers will be required to provide voluntary

(unpaid) community service and attendance must be verified on the Confirmation
of Participation form on the LEO site.

3. Assessment: Assessment occurs in for students enrolled in these units. All other
students must complete a refection task.

4. All components MUST be submitted via LEO on dates published in the Unit Outline.

Stages of the community engagement experience

Stage 1: Preparation

The CE Handbook provides details regarding all relevant documentation, including a

rationale for undertaking CE, CE aims, requirements, procedures, a Letter of Introduction,
Blue Card requirements, a proforma to assist with Reflection on the CE experience and an
ACU letter for organisations regarding insurance cover for students while on CE. Pre-
service teachers are expected to assume a high level of responsibility for the quality of
their work during the CE experience.

Stage 2: Placement & contact with the CE site/venue

Students begin their wiki postings before CE begins and throughout their placement.
Having received formal confirmation of their CE placement from the CE Placement Co-
ordinator via an email through Inplace, pre-service teachers are responsible for making an
initial contact with their chosen institution/ organisation, site/venue, prior to commencing
their Community Engagement service. After contact, pre-service teachers should further
negotiate the daily starting time and routine of the experience with the appropriate
personnel, as well as other matters such as appropriate mode of attire, etc.

Students allocated a 70 hours approach to CE, (in lieu of the 10 day block) will find their CE
experience may extend beyond the designated block dates

Stage 3: Evaluation & Reflection on the CE Experience

After completing CE, pre-service teachers are asked to critically reflect on their experience
in terms of the outcomes of the program. The requirements for assessment are described
on the LEO site.

Assessing Risk and Incident Reporting

While you are on CE you need to be mindful of Workplace Health and Safety rules and
regulations at the center in which you are volunteering. As safety is everyone’s
responsibility, please read carefully through the information on Safety and Wellbeing on
Placement. All accidents or incidents need to be reported through Riskware.

Qld blue card requirements

All students enrolled in an Education degree and entering a Classroom/School/Centre must

have a valid “Blue Card” in accordance with The Commission for Children and Young People
Act (2000).

Pre-Service Teachers should apply for a Blue Card through the Faculty of Education Qld
office. Identification documentation will need to be provided at the time of application.
There is no fee involved and applications can take up to 10 weeks to be processed by the
Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guidance.

It is the students’ responsibility to ensure they have a “Blue Card” and that it is valid.
Students without a valid Blue Card are prohibited from entering classrooms/child care

Students who have a valid blue card through an external organisation need to complete an
'Authority to Confirm' form which is available from the Faculty of Education Qld Office.

Placement Insurance

24 October 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

‘Organisations’ those who provide unpaid industry experience or volunteer

community engagement experience for students of Australian Catholic University.
The purpose of this letter is to advise organisations that provide unpaid industry
experience or a volunteer community engagement experience to students of
Australian Catholic University in relation to course requirements, that the following
insurance covers have been arranged by the University:

1. General & Product Liability

Policy Number: ACU 23 GPL
Period of Cover: 01/11/2022 to 31/10/2023

2. Professional Liability
Policy Number: ACU 23 PL
Period of Cover: 01/11/2022 to 31/10/2023

3. StudentCare – Personal Accidents

Policy Number: 02.PAE.0110727
Period of Cover: 01/11/2022 to 31/10/2023

Should you have any queries or require further information, please email for assistance.

Yours sincerely

Rajan Wijey
Financial Accountant

Letter of introduction


This letter introduces Ngan Thi Kim Nguyen who is completing a

Bachelor of Education course at the Australian Catholic University.

As part of the Community Engagement Unit, EDFX267, pre-service teachers are required to
undertake a Community Engagement (CE) experience in a community setting other than a formal
educational/classroom setting. These experiences should increase the pre-service teacher’s
knowledge and skills and further develop his/her understanding of the potential for learning within
the broader community. Further information regarding the program is available from the student.

An aim of CE is to develop the pre-service teacher’s initiative, independence and interdependence

through the CE experience. The Community Engagement experience that pre-service teachers are
required to undertake is predicated on the notion that education students will become more
sensitively-attuned, compassionate and justice-focused teachers as a consequence of having had at
least some exposure to the life circumstances, different from their own, of others in society from
whom the students may learn life skills of resilience, trust, optimism and courage.

In this regard, the University is appreciative of any assistance you might be able to offer this pre-
service teacher to gain optimum benefit from the experience of encounter within your

EDFX267 PEP Coordination Office

Notes to aid reflection on the experience

Thi Kim Ngan Nguyen

Pre-service teacher name:_________________________________________

Wimble Street Child Care Co-operative

Name of organisation:____________________________________________

Wimble Street is a non-profit cooperative

Description of the role of the organisation:___________________________

that provides educational programs and long day care for children from 6 months to 5 years old.

Regarding experience in
The rationale for your selection of this placement:____________________

profession, I have not worked with students with special needs. So that I want take this opportunity

to _______________________________________________________________
gain experience in supporting students’ needs and learn more about them.

In this placement,
Description of your role when undertaking this experience:_____________
I support a student with delayed speech and another student with Autism. Besides that, I am also
help teachers in the room when needed including the routine transition, group activities, etc.

List the various activities in which you participated while completing this
- Encourage students to speak simple words such as good bye, hello, toys…

Provide support with toilet training

- _______________________________________________________________
Support during meal time such as guiding students to wash hands, wearing bibs, finding seats, etc.

Reflection on learning: (new page)

You might valuably reflect on your learning experiences during this placement and discuss:
the challenges encountered when participating in this professional placement;
your contribution to the organisation, program or community resource; and
the way in which this experience has assisted you to develop new knowledge, skills and
attitudes relevant to your professional learning process.
Expectations and responsibilities of pre-service teachers on community engagement

When meeting initially with the venue organiser or contact person, give the organiser a timetable of visits
and contact phone numbers.
Be in attendance at the site/venue 15-30 minutes before commencement, in order to be available for
discussion and planning with venue organiser. Remain each day until all daily duties are completed.
Use good manners and common courtesies. If there is a problem, explore this honestly, with the venue
organiser initially. Work through correct channels. Good communication is essential for professional
Be appropriately attired, befitting a professional person. Please check with the venue organiser as to what
is the expected appropriate attire.
Prepare thoroughly for all aspects of your responsibilities.
Be open to and appreciative of the professional expertise and advice of experienced colleagues at the
Community Engagement site/venue.
You are considered professional members of the Community Organisation for the duration of your CE
experience. Consequently, you are in a privileged position in sharing socially and professionally with
qualified members of an established community. Demonstrate a professional ethic and be circumspect
about your comments to and about clients, peers and staff members.

Role of community organisation site/venue contact person

The Community Organisation site/venue contact person’s role includes the following responsibilities:

interpret the aims of the organisation/site/venue to the pre-service teachers;

work with the pre-service teachers to determine the most suitable experiences for achieving the aims of
Community Engagement that the Community Engagement experience can provide;
arrange an initial orientation of the pre-service teachers to the organisation;
allocate pre-service teachers to appropriate tasks and personnel and make alternative arrangements and
alterations as may be necessary from time to time;
advise pre-service teachers on aspects of the experience they may have questions about;
verify the attendance records of the pre-service teacher on Community Engagement; and
communicate with the University Community Engagement (Indigenous Studies) Coordinator on aspects of
the program as necessary.
Contacts for the pre-service teachers

Pre-Service Teachers with personal circumstances that may affect their performance or participation in the
Community Engagement experience are encouraged to contact the staff below for advice and support as early
as possible.

Community Engagement Program

07 3623 7442
Notification of placement form [NOP]


This form MUST be submitted to the Professional Experience Office BEFORE commencement of the Community
Engagement. Pre-service teachers will be notified by email when approval has been granted.

DATE: 15/03/2023
NAME OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHER: Ngan Thi Kim Nguyen Student Number: S00272643


PHONE NUMBER: 0435759997

NAME OF ORGANISATION/AGENCY: Wimble Street Child Care Co-operative

ADDRESS: 18 Wimble Street, Parkville VIC 3052



Supporting children with special needs





NAME OF SUPERVISOR(if different to authorising officer): SIGNATURE:




Community engagement - certificate of participation
This Form must be completed at the conclusion of the Community Engagement experience and submitted
via your E-portfolio at the completion of placement.

PRE-SERVICE TEACHER NAME: ____Thi Kim Ngan Nguyen__________________________________

Date Day Hours Date Day Hours

12 / 04 / 23 1 ______8_____ 24 / 04 / 2023 6 ______6______

13 / 04 / 23 2 ______8_____ 26 / 04 / 2023 7 ______7______

17/ 04 / 23 3 _____7______ 24 / 04 / 2023 8 ______7______

19 / 04 / 23 4 ______7_____ 03 / 05 / 2023 9 ______6______

21 / 04 / 23 5 ______6.75_____ 10 / 05 / 2023 10 ______7.25______

If the program has been undertaken in a different format from that outlined above, please provide details

CONFIRMATION BY SUPERVISOR (This section must be completed by the Supervisor)
Thi Kim Ngan Nguyen
This is to certify that ______________________________________________ has undertaken a
Community Engagement Experience at the organisation (named below) and has completed the required 10
days / 70 hours of voluntary service.

Comments by Supervisor:
Kim was great at encouraging social interactions and was able to use strategies to model to support the child in
his social interactions. She was also showed initiative and was great at reading the room, familiarising herself
with the routine and supporting the teachers where needed.
Name of Supervisor: _____________________________________
Joanna Tan Kinder teacher
Position: _______

Signature of Supervisor: __________________________________ Date: __________
Wimble Street Child Care Co-operative
Organisation: ___________________________________
Phone: _____________________ Email: ____________________________________
18 Wimble Street, Parkville, VIC, 3052
Postal Address: ________________________________________________________

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