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Week 4 Lecture
Week 4 This weeks lecture will be in two parts:

Lecture Part A: Building a collaborative learning culture

Part B: Safe use of ICT (Linked to eSafety webinar)
Collaborative Learning culture:
Part A: • Should be supportive of and supported by all staff and
Building a learning is translated to improvements in classroom practice
so student learning is maximised
Collaborative • Teachers engaging in informal conversations as well as
Learning professional dialogue on teaching strategies and programs

Culture • Teachers working together to research, plan and design

effective teaching strategies and programs
• Collaboration is prioritised (AITSL,n.d.)
 Please pause the lecture and watch the following video
(11:48 mins) on building collaborate learning cultures in the
Building a
Collaborative  Consider the following questions while watching:
 How does Ms. Gray create a collaborative culture that allows for
Learning authentic professional learning?
Culture  How does the learning lab cycle help teachers deepen their
understanding of the mathematical content?
 How do the teachers support each other? How do they push
each other's thinking?
 Please post some comments on the discussion forum titled
“Week 4 video discussion”
Teachers are inspirational and admirable in all that
they bring to their teaching. We want our students to
learn under optimal conditions with the best teachers
The Please pause the lecture and watch this inspirational
difference video (4:47 mins). It describes many of the positive
characteristics that we see in teachers when they
professional work with our children. This video says thanks to
learning teachers.
makes 
The After watching the video, think about 21st
difference Century skills - what do teachers need to
professional be for their students??
 Sense of trust
 Approachable, friendly and caring
 Take responsibility
What skills  Courageous and brave to deal with the challenges
 Caring
does a  Creative to engage and have fun
teacher  Skillful – make sure I am updating skills regularly
need for 21st  Compassionate
 Collaborative – make sure I am connecting with
century others
students?  Dynamic and dedicated
 Proud to be a teacher
As part of a collaborative learning culture we also
need to consider our own philosophy and how it
fits in
Have a think about what is important to YOU
What is MY about your own personal philosophy?
philosophy? Brainstorm some ideas on a piece of paper of the
values that are important to YOU
 What is your learning approach?
 How do you build on social and emotional skills?
 What do you think is important for learning?
Break down that broad question into component
parts -- for example…

"What is my What do you believe about teaching?

What do you believe about learning? Why?
philosophy?" How is that played out in your classroom?
How does student identity and background
make a difference in how you teach?
Reflecting on what you don't like
can give you insights about what you do
What you like
don't like in
a teacher and that
can help you to define your own
teaching philosophy and goals
Read the following and watch the video
How to ://
write a
statement 
of a advice/career-development/how-to-
philosophy 
 The world has fallen in love with social media and
online platforms to research and buy products and
Part B: service. This gives us fantastic opportunities but
also big challenges of getting caught in a scam or
online predators

Digital  What are your thought based on the information

provided in the eSafety webinar?
Technologies  Please contribute some ideas on the Canva
and eSafety whiteboard on LEO
 Please read through the DET digital learning
resource (found in week 4 on LEO)
 In the video, the graduate teacher is shown
using iPads to teach an activity on number
AITSL Task patterns.
 Each student in the class has previously been
provided with an account by the teacher, which
ICT_Standard 2 allows them to interact with the activity on the
Focus area 3.4  The teacher subsequently outlines her lesson
preparation. This includes the selection and
adaptation of the interactive mathematics
resources that students used in completing the
four activities.
 Write your thought in the discussion forum
 Please note we will be discussing assessment 1 criteria and this is
your opportunity to ask any questions in Thursday’s 10 am tutorial
(Room 400.1.08)
 Everyone is welcome from both groups
Assessment 1  We will then move to Room 400.G.08 for our 12-30pm webinar
 You may choose to partake in the live webinar from home or as a
group at uni on Thursday
 Please use the discussion forum in the Assessment tile for any
questions you might have around assessment 1
Pro tips:
 Assessment 1 is due on 31 March 2023 11:59pm
 Please use the proforma/template to complete
your assessment task
 Delete all areas you are not using
Assessment 1  Look at the example profroma on LEO
 Please use references in the rationale section, the
proposed strategies to refine skills section, use
your discretion in the plan of action/goals section
(if you refer to literature to guide your discussion,
reference it!). Use references in the critical
reflection sections
 AITSL. (n.d.). The essential guide to Professional Learning:
References professional-learning---

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