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Names: Teddie Mar Molina Jr.

Xyra T. Rivera
Verjore Ernie B. Viray

*Each meaning is scored 10 points ( Relevance/Content: 6 points, Appropriacy of the identified

images/elements to the meaning/interpretation: 4 points)

Types of Meaning Meaning or Images/Elements/

Interpretation (at least Symbols (bulleted
3 sentences) phrases)
Factual The artwork shows an image of a  The arrangement of the
boy with his head pressed against a motifs in the artwork
book with a workshop tool. On the enables us to identify
other side of the boy’s desk, stacks items such as the boy,
of books can also be seen. The books, and clamps.
artist used warm colors like orange,  The colors green and
yellow, and gold depicting as the brown, as well as the
source of light, which transitions to shadow, were
a darker value. distinguished by color and

Conventional The stack of books on the right side  The sizes and numbers of
of the desk depicts the education books on the table
system wherein the number of represent a type of
books signifies the workload a education system wherein
learner had to take in for their students are tasked to
studies. And despite the difficulty, accomplish things beyond
this right imposes on them, the their capability.
workshop tool used to press the  The boy is being bounded
boy's head on the big open book
indicates a restriction of movement by the workshop tool,
from the boy as he is forced to take which symbolizes a rule to
in said book that is bigger than his be heeded. This position
head thus, implying that said book implies that he must focus
is beyond his capacity. Lastly, the mainly on education to
boy's side, which made his arm meet society's
appear invisible to the shadows, is expectations while
an allusion to the dark side of forgetting the other things
education. That he cannot act on he enjoys.
his own according as there is no  The presence of value and
escape from the situation he is in, space in the painting
which also implies the lack of makes the boy look like
detail in the painting that made the he is in a dire situation,
space look cramped. simultaneously making
the room look small as
only limited details are

Subjective Overall, the painting depicts an

oppressive education system that
results in an ineffective learning
environment for learners. It not
only exhausts them physically,
mentally, and emotionally but also
makes them learn nothing in the
end - this kind of education system
needs reform. Students need to
have a hold of their time to adjust
and learn new things effectively
instead of being
controlled/mandated, which only
fails. As they said, good things take
time; therefore, we needed to be
patient throughout the process. We
had to remind ourselves that we
would be learning as we went.
Discovering new tools, resources,
and engagement strategies. While
we wanted to perfect Flipped
Learning right immediately, it was
OK to take our time to locate the
"right balance." We needed to
accept the fact that the procedure
would take time.

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