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Business Intelligence and Analytics:

Systems for Decision Support

(10th Edition)

Chapter 3:
Data Warehousing
Learning Objectives
 Understand the basic definitions and
concepts of data warehouses
 Learn different types of data warehousing
architectures; their comparative
advantages and disadvantages
 Describe the processes used in developing
and managing data warehouses
 Explain data warehousing operations
 … (Continued…)
3-2 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Learning Objectives
 Explain the role of data warehouses in
decision support
 Explain data integration and the
extraction, transformation, and load (ETL)
 Describe real-time (a.k.a. right-time
and/or active) data warehousing
 Understand data warehouse
administration and security issues
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Opening Vignette…
“Isle of Capri Casinos Is Winning with
Enterprise Data Warehouse”

 Company background
 Problem description
 Proposed solution
 Results
 Answer & discuss the case questions.
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Questions for the
Opening Vignette
1. Why is it important for Isle to have an EDW?
2. What were the business challenges or opportunities
that Isle was facing?
3. What was the process Isle followed to realize EDW?
Comment on the potential challenges Isle might have
had going through the process of EDW development.
4. What were the benefits of implementing an EDW at
Isle? Can you think of other potential benefits that were
not listed in the case?
5. Why do you think large enterprises like Isle in the
gaming industry can succeed without having a capable
data warehouse/business intelligence infrastructure?
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Main Data Warehousing Topics
 DW definition
 Characteristics of DW
 Data Marts
 ODS, EDW, Metadata
 DW Framework
 DW Architecture & ETL Process
 DW Development
 DW Issues

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What is a Data Warehouse?
 A physical repository where relational data
are specially organized to provide
enterprise-wide, cleansed data in a
standardized format
 “The data warehouse is a collection of
integrated, subject-oriented databases
designed to support DSS functions, where
each unit of data is non-volatile and
relevant to some moment in time”
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A Historical Perspective to
Data Warehousing
ü Mainframe computers ü Centralized data storage ü Big Data analytics
ü Simple data entry ü Data warehousing was born ü Social media analytics
ü Routine reporting ü Inmon, Building the Data Warehouse ü Text and Web Analytics
ü Primitive database structures ü Kimball, The Data Warehouse Toolkit ü Hadoop, MapReduce, NoSQL
ü Teradata incorporated ü EDW architecture design ü In-memory, in-database

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s

ü Mini/personal computers (PCs) ü Exponentially growing data Web data

ü Business applications for PCs ü Consolidation of DW/BI industry
ü Distributer DBMS ü Data warehouse appliances emerged
ü Relational DBMS ü Business intelligence popularized
ü Teradata ships commercial DBs ü Data mining and predictive modeling
ü Business Data Warehouse coined ü Open source software
ü SaaS, PaaS, Cloud Computing

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Characteristics of DWs
 Subject oriented
 Integrated
 Time-variant (time series)
 Nonvolatile
 Summarized
 Not normalized
 Metadata
 Web based, relational/multi-dimensional
 Client/server, real-time/right-time/active...
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Data Mart
A departmental small-scale “DW” that
stores only limited/relevant data

 Dependent data mart

A subset that is created directly from a data

 Independent data mart

A small data warehouse designed for a
strategic business unit or a department

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Other DW Components
 Operational data stores (ODS)
A type of database often used as an interim
area for a data warehouse
 Oper marts - an operational data mart.
 Enterprise data warehouse (EDW)
A data warehouse for the enterprise.
 Metadata: Data about data.
In a data warehouse, metadata describe the
contents of a data warehouse and the manner
of its acquisition and use
3-11 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Application Case 3.1
A Better Data Plan: Well-Established
TELCOs Leverage Data Warehousing and
Analytics to Stay on Top in a Competitive
Questions for Discussion
1. What are the main challenges for TELCOs?
2. How can data warehousing and data analytics
help TELCOs in overcoming their challenges?
3. Why do you think TELCOs are well suited to
take full advantage of data analytics?
3-12 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
A Generic DW Framework
No data marts option
Data Applications
Sources (Visualization)
ERP Business
Process Data mart

/ Middleware
Legacy Metadata Data/text
Extract mining
Data mart
Transform Enterprise
POS Data warehouse

Data mart Dashboard,
(Finance) Web
Other Load
Replication Data mart
(...) Custom built

3-13 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

Application Case 3.2
Data Warehousing Helps MultiCare
Save More Lives

Questions for Discussion

1. What do you think is the role of data

warehousing in healthcare systems?

2. How did MultiCare use data warehousing
to improve health outcomes?

3-14 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

DW Architecture
 Three-tier architecture
1. Data acquisition software (back-end)
2. The data warehouse that contains the data &
3. Client (front-end) software that allows users to
access and analyze data from the warehouse
 Two-tier architecture
First two tiers in three-tier architecture is combined
into one
… sometimes there is only one tier?

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DW Architectures

Tier 1: Tier 2: Tier 3:

Client workstation Application server Database server

Tier 1: Tier 2:
Client workstation Application & database server

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Data Warehousing Architectures
 Issues to consider when deciding which
architecture to use:
 Which database management system (DBMS)
should be used?
 Will parallel processing and/or partitioning be
 Will data migration tools be used to load the data
 What tools will be used to support data retrieval
and analysis?

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A Web-Based DW Architecture

Web pages

Client Web
(Web browser) Internet/ Server

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Alternative DW Architectures
(a) Independent Data Marts Architecture

End user
Source Staging Independent data marts
access and
Systems Area (atomic/summarized data)

(b) Data Mart Bus Architecture with Linked Dimensional Datamarts

Dimensionalized data marts End user
Source Staging
linked by conformed dimensions access and
Systems Area
(atomic/summarized data) applications

(c) Hub and Spoke Architecture (Corporate Information Factory)

End user
Source Staging Normalized relational
access and
Systems Area warehouse (atomic data)

Dependent data marts

(summarized/some atomic data)
Alternative DW Architectures
(d) Centralized Data Warehouse Architecture

Normalized relational End user
Source Staging
warehouse (atomic/some access and
Systems Area
summarized data) applications

(e) Federated Architecture

Data mapping / metadata

End user
Logical/physical integration of access and
Existing data warehouses
common data elements applications
Data marts and legacy systems

 Each architecture has advantages and

 Which architecture is the best?
Ten factors that potentially affect the
architecture selection decision

1. Information 6. Strategic view of the data

interdependence between warehouse prior to
organizational units implementation
2. Upper management’s 7. Compatibility with existing
information needs systems
3. Urgency of need for a data 8. Perceived ability of the in-
warehouse house IT staff
4. Nature of end-user tasks 9. Technical issues
5. Constraints on resources 10. Social/political factors

3-21 Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

Application Case 3.5
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Manages
Hotel Profitability with Data
Questions for Discussion
1. How big and complex are the business
operations of Starwood Hotels & Resorts?
2. How did Starwood Hotels & Resorts use data
warehousing for better profitability?
3. What were the challenges, the proposed
solution, and the obtained results?
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Additional DW Considerations
Hosted Data Warehouses
 Benefits:
 Requires minimal investment in infrastructure
 Frees up capacity on in-house systems
 Frees up cash flow
 Makes powerful solutions affordable
 Enables solutions that provide for growth
 Offers better quality equipment and software
 Provides faster connections
 … more in the book
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Technology Insights 3.2
Hands-On DW with MicroStrategy
 A wealth of teaching and learning
resources can be found at TUN portal

 The available resource includes scripted

demonstrations, assignments, white
papers, etc…

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DW Implementation Issues
 Identification of data sources and governance
 Data quality planning, data model design
 ETL tool selection
 Establishment of service-level agreements
 Data transport, data conversion
 Reconciliation process
 End-user support
 Political issues
 … more in the book
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The Future of DW
 Sourcing…
 Web, social media, and Big Data
 Open source software
 SaaS (software as a service)
 Cloud computing
 Infrastructure…
 Columnar
 Real-time DW
 Data warehouse appliances
 Data management practices/technologies
 In-database & In-memory processing New DBMS
 Advanced analytics
 …
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End of the Chapter

 Questions, comments

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