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The chart shows information about the percentages of visitors during different

purposes of visits to five cities in the UK in 2013.

According to the chart, the percentage of visitors visiting Edinburgh with the
purpose of holiday (compared to other purposes given) is the highest,
approximately 67%. Then, the same purpose had a smaller percentage of
visitors: in London, namely 50%, in Manchester about 21%, in Birmingham a
lower percentage – 19% and in Liverpool roughly 32%. The highest percentage
of visitors with the purpose of business is in Birmingham – 48% and on the
other hand, the lowest percentage with the same purpose was in Edinburgh, just
10%, then in Manchester over 30%, approximately 32%, in London the
percentage was lower – 18% and in Liverpool was almost the same percentage
as in London, but a little bit lower, namely around – 16%. The percentage of
visitors who visited friends or relatives in Liverpool was around 27% and in
Manchester almost the same, around 26%, in Edinburgh it was the lowest
percentage- exactly 10%, in Birmingham – 22% and in London 21%. Liverpool
had the highest percentage of visitors for miscellaneous purposes and namely –
around 18%, then Manchester – around 16%, London – 8%, Birmingham – 7%
and Edinburgh nearly 2%.
In conclusion, the importance of the purposes was different in different cities in
the UK.

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