Two-Dimensional Versus Three-Dimensional Cell Counting: A Practical Perspective

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Opinion TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.24 No.

1 January 2001 11

Two-dimensional ‘unbiased’ data, and have contended that this method

also rests on a variety of assumptions11. It has even
been asserted that 2-D techniques might yield an

versus three- accurate assessment of numerical density, even when

differences in the size of objects are present12, if this
potential confounding effect is corrected

dimensional cell mathematically using an equation described by

M. Abercrombie in 1946 (Ref. 13). There are other
factors, however, that must also be considered when

counting: a practical assessing the relative strengths and weakness of

various cell-counting methodologies. In the discussion
that follows, these issues are explored from the

perspective vantage point of several theoretical and practical

considerations that might influence the precision and
cost-effectiveness of object-counting in the brain (see,
for example, Fig. 1).
Francine M. Benes and Nicholas Lange Over the last several decades, there has been a
tremendous amount of emphasis within the
stereology community for reducing estimation bias,
In recent years, it has been argued by some neuroanatomists that three- and relatively little attention has been given to
dimensional (3-D) counting approaches must be used in studies of neural reducing an estimate’s variability or to the possible
systems, so that ‘unbiased’ counts of neurons can be obtained. By contrast, bias of an estimate of variability14. More recently,
two-dimensional (2-D) cell-counting methods are said to be ‘assumption- stereologists have devoted greater effort to these
based’ and to yield inaccurate results.Working from the premise that all latter important areas15–18. Overall, the properties of
scientific methodologies are assumption-based and suffer from inherent estimators of cell number are never entirely devoid of
biases, the current review considers the relative strengths and weaknesses of ‘model-based,’ ‘assumption-based’ or ‘design-based’
2-D versus 3-D counting approaches.This comparison is from the standpoint of premises, and the common stereological (and
predictive performance with respect to bias, variance and fidelity to the actual mathematically convenient) assumption of complete
spatial arrangements of cells in the tissue under study.When these spatial randomness for complex systems, such as the
considerations are taken, together with the human resources that are required brain, does not apply in practice (Fig. 2).
in using either methodology, 2-D methods offer more practical alternatives that
might even provide more scientifically accurate estimates compared with their
3-D counterparts.
some investigators have begun to
challenge the premise that optical
‘The cerebral cortex is…composed of several layers
where neuropil and cells show characteristic types
disector counting yields ‘unbiased’
and densities. This will evidently impose certain data...
sampling conditions and require appropriate
adaptations of the general stereological methods.’
H. Haug, in E.R. Weibel, 19791. The structural neuroscientist interested in cell
counting is confronted with the treacherous
Two recent articles, a commentary2 and a review3, intersection of theory and application. It is extremely
have prompted an intense debate as to whether rare that a person can become expert in both worlds.
so-called ‘unbiased’ stereological (three-dimensional, The theorist might find applied data ‘interesting,’ yet
or 3-D) methods of cell counting are superior to so- might not really care about the scientific implications
Francine M. Benes*
Laboratory of Structural called ‘assumption-based’ (two-dimensional, or 2-D) of his or her theory in practice. The empirical scientist
Neuroscience, McLean approaches. In essence, these articles reflect a shift in might seek out the best mathematical abstractions
Hospital, Belmont, MA the field of neuroscience toward the use of optical and apply these ideals to a problem without adequate
and the Program in
Neuroscience and Dept of
disector counting techniques4–9 for determining the understanding of the underlying assumptions.
Psychiatry, Harvard total number and numerical density of neurons, Although all empirical methods employ assumptions
Medical School, Boston, synapses and other neural structures10. Indeed, there and principles, current stereological theory is falsely
is now a widespread belief that this latter approach believed to be almost assumption-free19. It is far more
*e-mail: benesf@ must be used for all studies in which objects are being dangerous to think that one employs no assumptions
counted, whether they are neuron somata or axon whatsoever, than it is to make one’s assumptions
Nicholas Lange
Statistical Neuroimaging
varicosities3. A central issue that drives this position explicit and testable. As we attempt to show below, it is
Laboratory, McLean is the fact that differences in object size between two simply incorrect to think ‘unbiased counting methods’
Hospital, Belmont, MA groups under investigation can result in distortions of equate to ‘assumption-free methods’. Most
and the Dept of
their apparent number and density10. More recently, importantly, the central assumption of stereological
Psychiatry, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, however, some investigators have begun to challenge theory – that objects are arranged in a completely
MA, USA. the premise that optical disector counting yields random fashion – does not apply to the brain. A generic 0166-2236/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0166-2236(00)01660-X
12 Opinion TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.24 No.1 January 2001

Fig. 1. Characteristic bias in 2-D techniques10. However, proponents of the

six-layered organization
2-D approach maintain that this confound can be
of the human neocortex.
The diagram depicts a controlled through an Abercrombie correction11,12. By
thick section of human I contrast, issues related to the sampling window size
neocortex in which both and sampling in a distorted (x,y,z) coordinate system,
pyramidal and
non-pyramidal neurons
in addition to the question of cost effectiveness have
are present throughout not, as yet, been compared for 2-D and 3-D
the layers.The size and methodologies.
density distribution of
these neurons varies
among the laminae and Size of the sampling window in the (x,y) plane
even within a single layer. The sampling window size is one of the most crucial
The large yellow box is factors in determining the fidelity of a cell-counting
approximately 150 µm on
one side, whereas the
method (see Fig. 1). A general rule that can be applied
small red one is only to the choice of a window size is to determine what is
50 µm on one side.The needed to obtain a ‘representative’ sample. As shown
large yellow box contains
in Fig. 3a, this is a particularly important issue in
many more cells and can
sample more effectively some brain regions, such as human cortex, where the
the spatial distribution of packing density of neurons is low (Blinkov and
neurons compared with
IV Gleser22). Thus, a sampling window that is small will
the small red box.
tend to produce a rather distorted view of the
distribution of neurons in tissue space (Fig. 1). In
cerebral cortex, for example, the effect of this
V confound would vary on a layer-by-layer basis even
within individual laminae, because of the complex
arrangements of cells that vary according to both size
and numerical density (Fig. 1).
The ‘unbiased’ method of cell counting typically
employs a sample window that is 50 µm on one side10.
Because the average neuronal diameter could be
VI 15–20 µm (e.g. for human pyramidal neurons), the
number of such cells that can be represented in this
small sampling window is actually relatively low
(Fig. 3). This problem could be overcome by using
multiple windows, but this strategy might repeat the
same sampling error and result in a distorted set of
TRENDS in Neurosciences
counts. In the cortex, columns of narrow windows are
typically employed (Fig. 3); however, three or even
five such columns is still a relatively small number
Poisson model is one in which there is no systematic and might be inadequate to overcome the sampling
variation and neighboring regions have neither higher error, which is inherently present in a narrow
nor lower densities20. As ‘practitioners’, we find column. Results obtained with small windows
complete spatial randomness implausible for neural containing 0, 1, or perhaps 2 neurons might be
systems (Fig. 2) in which the spatial arrangements of reproducible, and the common, yet invalid,
neurons are not Poisson21, that is, these arrangements assumption of complete spatial randomness might
vary systematically and have differing numbers and remain unchallenged. However, these findings will
densities in different neighboring regions. lack requisite fidelity to the actual neuronal structure
Another important issue is the fidelity with which of the cortex. A viable alternative is to use a much
cells and other objects can be detected in a 3-D tissue larger sampling window (e.g. 150–300 µm on one
system. In other words, any sampling protocol must side), such as those employed in 2-D cell-counting
be capable of producing a reliable estimate of object methods, to obtain a more accurate assessment of the
numbers that is ‘representative’ of their actual spatial distribution of cells in the (x,y) plane23–25.
distribution in a tissue section. The principal factors At issue here are tradeoffs between window size,
influencing the scientific utility of a counting protocol precision of cell counts and estimation of spatial
are: (1) object size, shape and orientation; (2) distributions. Assuming a spatial field of cells
numerical density; ( 3) sample window size and object distributed in a completely random fashion, which is
spatial distributions in 3-D space, and (4) cost- the assumption made by the 3-D optical disector
effectiveness. Proponents of the optical disector methods, it would make sense to choose a small x–y
method have addressed extensively the influence of window size and a large number of disectors. Under
cell size, shape and orientation on the determination such an assumption, the expected number of cells and
of numerical density, believing this to be a source of the variance of an estimate of this number are
Opinion TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.24 No.1 January 2001 13

(a) Neurons Glia (a) (b)

Exclusion Clustering Layer Exclusion Clustering
−0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 −0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
(b) Neurons Glia
Exclusion Clustering Layer Exclusion Clustering
−0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 −0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
TRENDS in Neurosciences

Fig. 2. Non-Poisson identical (being a feature of every Poisson probability

neuronal arrangements in distribution). Thus, a small window size could indeed WM
primary motor and
anterior cingulate cortex.
result in a small standard error and a high degree of WM
Non-Poisson neuronal reproducibility. However, these features alone do not
arrangements in all layers necessarily reflect the degree of natural variability
of primary motor cortex
and the complexity of the system under study. Hence,
(Brodmann area 4) are TRENDS in Neurosciences
shown in (a) and of the results from such a simplistic approach would not
anterior cingulate cortex necessarily be generalizable. As shown in Fig. 2, given Fig. 3. Low-power photomicrographs showing layers I–VI of the
(Brodmann area 24) are that the distribution of neurons in cortical sections is cortical mantle in human anterior cingulate cortex. (a)The section was
shown in (b) for 12 control prepared from a formalin-fixed tissue block that was cryoprotected,
subjects. A total number
not completely random21, recommendations that rest frozen and cut on a cryostat at a thickness of 20 µm.The packing density
of 2098 neurons and 3443 on this faulty assumption are unreliable. Early of cells is low and there are large areas of neuropil surrounding the
glia were examined analyses of optimal window sizes for in vitro culture neuronal cell bodies. On the left side of the section, a contiguous series
according to a descriptive of red boxes (each 150 µm × 150 µm), depict how a column of the cortex
and plant specimens26,27 employed the
index of ‘exclusion’ would be sampled using a 25 × objective, with a depth of field that
(shown in red) or
mathematically convenient Poisson assumption of would include all of the cells in the section. By contrast, on the right side
‘clustering’ (shown in complete spatial randomness and indicated that of this section, a similar series of boxes is depicted of ~50 µm × 50 µm.
green); see Ref. 21 for expected counts of 0.7 to 3.0 cells per window are Within the larger boxes on the left, there is a relatively large number of
computational details. For cells included that reflect the density distribution of neurons within
optimal (see Box 1 for a derivation of this result). each of the laminae. In the smaller boxes on the right, however, each
neurons in both regions,
note clustering at layer I Indeed, in an informal survey of recent applications of box contains a very small number of cells and, in some cases, there are
and exclusion in all other the disector principle, a majority reported mean cell no cells present at all. (b)This section was taken from approximately the
layers. Such non-Poisson counts per disector within this range. More recently, same portion of the block as that shown in (a), except that the tissue was
neuronal distributions dehydrated, imbedded in celloidin and cut at a thickness of 40 µm. Note
contrast sharply with
Howard and Reed28 have advised an x–y window size the shrinkage of the cortical mantle across layers I–VI with (a). In
those of glia, which are that records between 2–5 cells on average, pointing addition the packing density in (b) is higher as a result of both the
neither strongly out that counting 0–1 cells per window might be shrinkage of the tissue and the greater thickness of the section.The
exclusionary nor optical disector counting method would employ a column of small
prohibitively tedious.
clustered at all layers and boxes similar to those shown in the right of (a). A 100 × objective would
in both regions. Instead There is a major problem with the preceding be used to define two focal planes through the z-axis in this section.
glia exhibit spatial analytical argument (Box 1) and small window size Abbreviation: WM, white matter.
patterns that are close to recommendation: in the brain, neurons are not
being completely
distributed in a Poisson fashion (Fig. 2), but instead distributions of cells can be obtained. Another
show inter-neuronal spacings that are much larger or important reason for a large window size is an
smaller than would be predicted by such an additional requirement of several recent strategies for
assumption21. Only glial cells exhibit Poisson assessing the precision of estimated counts16,17. These
randomness throughout the cortical matrix (Fig. 2). methods employ probability distributions that differ by
Mathematical and statistical details supporting these a multiplicative constant from those of the more
findings are given in Box 2. Therefore, it makes sense to commonly used point–pair distances described here29
design a sampling plan that employs a larger window (Box 2). Thus, even if one is interested only in cell
size, so that an accurate assessment of the spatial counting, recording spatial locations of cells in disectors
14 Opinion TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.24 No.1 January 2001

Box 1.When does a small sampling window size make sense?

Neuroscientists employing the optical disector often increasing as either a, d or both increase, as one would
use many disectors with small window sizes.This expect. If one defines an ‘emptiness probability’ p as
makes sense only if the objects in question are the probability of an empty window, then
distributed completely at random within the sample
p = e–λa
and if one is interested only in object number and not
in their spatial arrangement. Complete spatial if the objects are distributed completely at random
randomness is mathematically equivalent to a within the sample.The information re-expressed in
Poisson assumption.Technically, this is how one terms of emptiness probability p is found to be
would arrive at a recommendation for small window
I = a2dp/(1–p)
size under such an assumption. If a is the area of a
square window with cell packing density λ and n is the for a large number of disectors. Maximizing
average number of cells observed per window information across disectors by varying window size,
counted with d disector windows, then an estimate of one finds that the optimal mean number of cells
λ defined as: counted per disector is

λ = n/a nmax = λ amax = 1.59
has standard deviation equal to and is associated with an emptiness probability of
about 20%. Information remains high within the range
σ ( λˆ ) = λ /( ad ) of 0.7 to 3.0 cells per window when objects exhibit
complete spatial randomness. However, as shown in
The (Fisher) information for ␭, related inversely to the text, this is not the case for neuronal arrangements
variance, is in the brain, and hence use of small window sizes is ill
advised, regardless of the number of windows and
I = ad/λ their placements throughout the sample.

with a large window size will have the added advantage predictions of spatial arrangements of these cells
of producing data-driven estimates of precision. that are biased because one has not paid adequate
Precision and bias of an estimate are two attention to important neuroanatomic facts. As
fundamental issues in stereology and bear directly on noted, even if only estimating the number of
the comparison of 2-D and 3-D methodologies. Using a pyramidal neurons in these two layers, an estimate’s
‘bull’s eye’ analogy from elementary statistics, correct precision will also be biased if a completely random
use and understanding of these terms have been distribution of cells is assumed. By contrast, spatial
recently addressed3, providing examples of estimators distributions of glia are completely random across all
that are biased and unbiased, precise and imprecise. neocortical layers21. In this case, adopting an overly
One can go further and combine bias, precision and complex estimator of glial patterns that includes
prediction error in a single, simple formula to further layer effects will result in complicated predictions
understand relations between these important that perform poorly because of the attention given to
concepts (Fig. 4). Consider two targets, one of which spatial features that do not matter for glia. Thus,
shows an estimator that is slightly off-target, yet is sampling window size and location in the (x,y) plane
precise, exhibiting low variability around its average. interplay with the degree of exclusion or clustering
The other target shows an estimator whose average and thereby have a marked effect on the amount of
position is right on target, yet is imprecise, because its precision and bias that is inherent in estimates of cell
locations around its average are highly variable number and density.
(Fig. 4). In these cases, bias and variance combine to
yield the prediction error. Some form of bias/variance The z-axis
tradeoff is required in order to avoid too much bias The principal strength of the optical disector
(‘underfitting,’ or not taking important features into method is that it eliminates biases arising from
account) on the one hand, and too much variance differences in object size, shape and orientation by
(‘overfitting,’ or accounting for unimportant features) obtaining ‘unbiased’counts along the z-axis3. Using
on the other30,31. this approach, the tissue section must be thick
A concrete example of a bias/variance tradeoff is enough to obtain samples from a through-focus
shown in the primary motor cortex. As noted above21, series of image planes (Fig. 5a,b). Most histological
neurons are more clustered in layer I, but in layer II sections that are mounted on glass slides collapse
they are further apart than complete randomness along the z-axis when the tissue dries.
would predict (i.e. they exhibit exclusionary Consequently, a section that is 20 µm thick might
spacings; see Fig. 2). Therefore, if a simplistic have a final thickness of only 5–6 µm once it has
Poisson assumption is employed, this will produce completely dried on the slide. For the optical
Opinion TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.24 No.1 January 2001 15

Box 2. Quantitative description of spatial pattern: an example

As an example of the scientific importance of analyzing scale r. If K(r) is less than πr2, then there are fewer cells
spatial distributions of neurons, consider the careful than would be expected under a Poisson assumption,
identification and positional recording of pyramidal as a result of the presence of exclusionary ‘sub-
neurons in layer II of human cingulate cortexa,b. One Poisson’ distances between neurons at that scale. If
quantitative descriptor of spatial pattern for such a K(r) is greater than πr2, then there are more cells than
study is a function, K, that depends on point–pair would be expected under a Poisson assumption,
distances, r. This function is defined as followsc,d: because of ‘supra-Poisson’ clustering at that scale.
Therefore, a new function defined by
K(r) = λ–1E (number of other cells at a distance ≤r
from an arbitarily chosen cell) (1) K ∗ (r ) = Kˆ ( r ) / π − r

In equation (1), λ is the intensity of a null hypothesis will accentuate non-Poisson departures in spatial
Poisson process and E is the expectation operator arrangements.The square root is applied to K(r)/π as
(which, in this case, takes the form of a weighted an appropriate ‘variance stabilizing’ transformation.
average). In stereological fashion, under the null Estimation of the K* function from the (x,y)
hypothesis, the value of K(r) for every distance r is coordinates of pyramidal neurons in layer II of human
equal to πr 2, the area of a circle of radius r centered cingulate cortex revealed exclusionary spacings of up
on each observed cell. An approximately unbiased to roughly 60 µm between cellsb.The small window
estimate of K(r) isc: sizes and ‘skips’ of systematic random sampling with
optical disectors preclude observation of such
Kˆ ( r ) = ( a / n )∑ wij−11( dij ≤ r ) / n (2) arrangements at distances greater than the spatial
i≠ j
extent of the disector window (50 µm × 50 µm) minus
In equation (2), n is the observed number of cells in a average neuronal diameter (15–20 µm). Such a
sampling window of area a, a/n is an estimate of λ−1, finding would not have been possible using the
and the weighted average common optical disector sampling strategy with a
small window size in the (x,y) plane.
∑ wij−11(dij ≤ r ) / n
i≠ j References
a Benes, F. and Bird, E. (1987) An analysis of the arrangement
replaces E(·). In this average, 1(dij ≤ r) is equal to 1
of neurons in the cingulate cortex of schizophrenic patients.
when dij, the point–pair distance between cells i and j, Arch. Gen. Psych. 44, 608–616
is less than or equal to r, and otherwise is equal to 0. b Diggle, P.J. et al. (1991) Analysis of variance for replicated
Finally, there is a correction for edge effects, wij, equal spatial point patterns in clinical neuroanatomy. J. Amer. Stat.
to the proportion of the circumference of a circle of Assoc. 86, 618–625
c Ripley, B.D. (1976) The second-order analysis of stationary
radius dij centered at cell i contained within a square
point processes. J. Appl. Prob. 13, 255–266
or rectangular window. If K(r) is approximatety πr2, d Stoyan, D. et al. (1987) Stochastic Geometry and Its
then the arrangement of cells is Poisson at spatial Applications, John Wiley & Sons

disector method, this problem is overcome using two this case, although shrinkage prior to sectioning can
different strategies. The first is to imbed the tissues be less than with celloidin, the collapse along the
in celloidin, a resin that allows the blocks to be cut z-axis can be as great as 67%. Thus, a tissue section
at a thickness of 40 µm; but, unfortunately, this can that is 70 µm thick could collapse to a thickness of
result in up to 40–70% shrinkage prior to sectioning 23 µm (Fig. 5b). Importantly, this collapse probably
(Fig. 3). The second approach is to cut sections that occurs in a non-linear fashion, with the greatest
are not imbedded in resin at a much greater degree of distortion occurring at, or near, one or both
thickness of 70–80 µm if imbedding interferes with of the two surfaces. An epoxy resin, such as Epon,
specialized staining techniques, such as in could theoretically eliminate the problem, but these
immunohistochemistry. For the celloidin-imbedded materials are generally brittle and, under ordinary
sections, in spite of their rigidity, there is still circumstances, not suitable for sectioning at a
significant collapse (~35%) along the z-axis. Using a thickness of 5 µm or greater. Modifications of this
z-axis encoder and through-focus measurements, form of processing could potentially overcome these
the final thickness of slide-mounted celloidin problems; however, such methods require
sections is approximately 26 µm. Together with the specialized expertise and equipment and it would
shrinkage prior to sectioning, the distortions not be practical for most laboratories to develop this
inherent in this approach are considerable. Using capability. In any case, the failure to take these
the second approach, sections that are not imbedded various factors into account in ‘unbiased’ cell
in resin exhibit a more-marked contraction along counting results in the possibility that such counts
the z-axis when they are mounted on glass slides. In are confounded by indeterminate degrees of
16 Opinion TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.24 No.1 January 2001

advantages accrued from using the ‘unbiased’ optical

(a) Low bias (b) No bias disector method will not be appreciated.
Low variance High variance An alternative method that can overcome these
limitations of working with thick sections, whether
they are imbedded or frozen, is to work with ‘thin’
sections with a thickness of 20 µm. For such sections,
counting of objects is conducted at a relatively low
magnification (e.g. 25 ×) where the depth of field is quite
large. Under these conditions, all of the cells present
along the entire z-axis of the section are included in the
TRENDS in Neurosciences analysis and the confounding effect of tissue collapse in
this plane is essentially eliminated. These conditions
Fig. 4. Bias/variance tradeoff. ‘Bias’ refers to how far off-center the are routinely employed in 2-D cell-counting paradigms
estimates are, on average.The problem is that one does not know what the and represent an important strength of this approach.
true center actually is, that is, the true number of cells. Low bias means
high accuracy. ‘Variance’ refers to the spread of estimates about their
average. Low variance means high precision. ‘Prediction error’ is taken Cost-effectiveness
here as the ‘mean squared error’ of the estimates, the two being A significant amount of resources must be expended
proportional to each other under a Gaussian (normal, bell-shaped curve)
in order to complete a morphometric analysis. Of
assumption. Mean squared error is equal to the average squared distance
between the estimates and their average. Low prediction error means greatest significance are the human resources needed
high predictive performance. Bias and variance combine to yield for stereology. All forms of morphometric analysis are
prediction error according to a simple formula: prediction tedious and time-consuming, regardless of whether a
error=variance+bias2.The figure depicts hypothetical values obtained by
two different estimators (a) and (b), i.e. ‘recipes’ applied to repeated
2-D or a 3-D methodology is employed. Therefore,
samples of numerical data to yield summary statistics, or estimates.The when an investigator makes the decision to
red dots depict the actual observed estimates, positioned identically in undertake a cell counting study, a significant
both (a) and (b).These two estimators possess different bias and variance, commitment of human resources must be made to the
and hence different prediction errors. Note the location of the dark cross
hairs near or on the ‘bull’s eye’ in each case. In (a) the estimator might be
project. One must find the ‘right’ individual, who is
slightly off-target on average (‘biased’) yet it might still be a superior willing and able to sit for long periods of time
predictor because it exhibits lower variability around its average. performing microscopic sampling by focusing
Although the estimator in (b) is theoretically on-target on average
intensely on single cells. In carrying out such work,
(‘unbiased’), it might yield poorer predictions because it is more variable
than the estimator in (a). Some modern estimation procedures resolve the
bias/variance tradeoff by trading a small amount of bias to achieve great x
reductions in variance and thus improve overall predictive performance. (a) z

distortion, depending upon where along the z-axis

the optical disector is placed11.
Another important issue is that optical disector
sampling is conducted using 100 × oil immersion
lenses that typically have a narrow depth of field. As
shown in Fig. 5, contraction of the tissue along the z-
axis will have differential effects on the estimation of (b)
70 µm a z-axis
the numerical density of objects, depending upon
their size. For example, pyramidal cell density might
be as much as 150% greater in a thin section after 23 µm a′
collapse along the z-axis. For non-pyramidal cells, the Pyramidal Non-pyramidal
density might increase by only 30%. Therefore, for the cells cells
optical disector to generate accurate counts, it is a 2 3
necessary to determine the precise amount of a′ 5 4
contraction that has taken place along the z-axis and TRENDS in Neurosciences
the influence this change might have had on the
numerical densities of different cell populations. A Fig. 5. Effects of z-axis collapse in tissue sections. (a) Diagram showing the
further issue that has not been considered is whether distribution of neurons in the (x,y,z) space of a tissue section. (b) Diagram
depicting the effect of z-axis collapse on the distribution of cells within a
the compression of the section along the z-axis might tissue section. When a ‘wet’ tissue section is mounted on a glass slide and
influence the size of objects. As the tissue section permitted to dry, there is approximately 67.5% shrinkage along the z-axis.
collapses, it is conceivable that cell bodies located Using a z-axis encoder and a ‘through-focus’ measurement of the distance
between the upper and lower surfaces, a 70 µm thick section, a, was found
within the section might flatten in such a way that
to be compressed down to 23 µm in thickness, a′. Based on a computer
their apparent cross-sectional size is altered. Because simulation, the table below shows estimates of the number of pyramidal
the collapse along the z-axis is non-linear, its relative and non-pyramidal cells that would be present within each optical section.
effect on cell size could vary with section depth. For pyramidal cells a disproportionately high degree of compression of the
larger pyramidal neurons results in a density 150% higher in the collapsed
Without controlling for these two confounding effects section. For non-pyramidal cells, the density is increased by only 32.5% in
of compression on cell density and cell size, the the collapsed section.
Opinion TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.24 No.1 January 2001 17

physical and mental fatigue impact significantly on optical disector has been proscribed as the sole
the speed with which the project can proceed. method of choice for cell counting. Some young
For optical disector counting, the level of difficulty investigators are opting to avoid any form of
is much greater compared with 2-D counting. First, microscopic quantification whatsoever, lest they be
the work must be conducted with a 100 × objective criticized for using a 2-D approach. If this trend
lens so that the depth of field is narrow enough to persists, it could have a negative impact on the
permit an accurate disection in the z-axis. Second, quality of the science that is produced by the field.
optical disection through the z-axis requires that the
investigator move the sampling field meticulously Conclusions
through a continuous depth of field in the tissue. Based on the discussion above, it seems obvious that
Going deeper into the tissue, there is a significant loss both 2-D and 3-D cell counting are capable of providing
of spatial resolution as a result of the light-scattering estimates of the total number and numerical density of
properties of the tissue and/or of the imbedding resin. objects in the brain and each approach has its own
Not surprisingly, mental and physical fatigue are relative strengths, weaknesses and biases. A reasonable
much greater using this method compared with 2-D conclusion that might be drawn from the above
counting. Even more significant is the fact that the discussion is that it is prudent to employ a common sense
overall length of time required for the data collection approach in selecting a methodology for quantifying cell
is greater. Whereas, a 2-D counting study might numbers, features and distributions in neural tissue.
require six months to collect the necessary data, the Although it is certainly appropriate in some cases to plan
optical disector counterpart might require as much as to ‘do more less well’32, as suggested by some, the
one and a half years. Overall, the difference in structural neuroscientist might want to exercise an
personnel cost to undertake a 3-D project could be alternative strategy of aiming to ‘do less much better.’
three times greater than that of a 2-D analysis. Do the Weighing the relative costs and benefits of each, in
This work was supported
data obtained with the optical disector technique relation to the scientific question being asked, offers a
by grants from the justify the additional expenditure of resources? rational way of choosing an appropriate methodology.
National Institutes of Practical concerns such as these are particularly
Health (MH00423,
pressing for young investigators establishing new ‘The truth as near as we can get at it…’ Miller and
MH42261, MH31154,
MH31862, NS37483) and research programs with relatively small amounts of Carlton, 1895, the earliest published use of the
the Stanley Foundation. funding. A disturbing new trend has arisen since the disector principle33.

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