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BIOLOGY Speed Morphology of Flowering Plants No. of Questions | Maximum Marks Time = 3 45 180 1 Hour (GENERALINSTRUCTIONS + This test contains 45 MCQ's. For each question only one option is correct. Darken the correct circle bubble in the Response Grid provided on each pape, + You have to evaluate your Response Grids yourself with the help of sclutins provided at the end of this book. + Each comrect answer wil get you 4 marks and 1 mark shall be deduced for each Incorrect answer. No mark will be glven/ deducted if no bubble is filed. Keep a timer in front of you and stap immediatay at the end of 60 min. ‘+ The sheet follows a particular sylabus. Do not attempt the sheet before you have completed your preparation for that syllabus. + After completing the sheet check your answers with the solution booklet and complete the Result Gtid. Finally spend time to analyse your performance and revise the areas which emerge out as weak in your evaluation. 1. Which one ofthe following isa true fruit? 5. Themode ofeatching insects in Drosera plants shy means f@ Apple (b) Pear of (©) Cashew nut (@) Coconut (@) sensitive glandular hairs which secrete a sweet, 2. Pulses are belong tothe family viscous, shining substance (@) fabaceae (b) asteraceae (b) specially sensitive tigger hairs, (©) poaceae (@) solanaceae (6) leaveswhich are modified into pitcher. 3. In a cereal grain the single cotyledon of embryo is (@)_leafsegments modified into bladder. represented by 6 Inseotiverous plants grow in fa) scutellum (b)_prophyit (a) caleium deficient soil (©) coleoptile (@) coleorthiza (b) carbon deficient soit 4. Perispermis (©) magnesium deficit soil fa) remnantofendosperm (4) nitrogen éeficient soil (b)_ persistant nucellus 7. Which part of the coconut produces coir? (©) remnantofembeyo (2) Sead cout (b). Mesoearp (@)_partof endosperm (©) Epicarp (4) Pevicarp Laan 1. GOOD 2 @BOO 3 GOO 4 OOOO 5 OOOO 6 @OOO_7. OOOO ‘Space for Roush Work B18 10, UL 12, 13, Pineapple (ananas) fruit develops from (a) a multipistitlatesynearpous ower (©) a cluster of compactly bare flowers on a common axis (6) multilocular monocarpellary lower (@)_aunilocular polycarpellary ower Seutellum isan (a) protective covering of radicle (6) protective covering of plumule (0) endosperm of gymnosperms (@)shield-shaped cotyledon Fibrous root system is bater adepted than taproot system for (a) transport of organie matter (b) absorption of water and minerals (©) storage of food (@)_ anchorage of plant w soil ‘Velamen i found in (a) roots of screwpine (b)_ aerial andterrestral roots of orchids (©) leaves of Freus elastica (@)_ only aerial roots of orchids Hypanthodim is (@) thalamus () fruit (©) inflorescence (4) ovary Which ofthe following statement (5) is/are incorrect? (Calyxand corolla are reproductive organs ofs flower. Zygomorphie flower ean be divided into 160 equal radial halvesin any radial plane, Flowers without bracts are termed as bracteate, Parthenocarpic fruit is formed after fertilizavion of the ai ™ (0) In legumes, seed is non-endospermic, 4, 16. ra EBD_7506 NTANEET (si) Radical buds develop on roots, (®) (,G,GiD andy — (bY (H.C andy) © Gid,Gvjandiv) —(@)_ CH, Civandoy Milky water of green coconut is (a) Liquidnucellus (b) liquid of female gametophyte (©) liquid endosperm (@) Tiquidembeyo Clove is (a) flower bud (©) thalamus (b) axillarybud (@ ovle When gynoecium is present in the top mest position of thalamus, the lower is known as (@) inkeior (6) epigynous (6) periyynous (@ hypogynous Which isnot astem modification ? (@) Rhizomeofginger (6) Cormof Colocasia (0) Pitcher of Nepenthes (¢) Tuber of potato ‘Which option is correctly matched with the diagrams? OOO G@) ANalvate —— BTwisted, CAmbricate, DA‘xillary (b) A-Vexillay, — B-Valvate, CATWisted, ‘Delmbricate (c) Ambricawe, Bieta, Aula, D-Tuisted (@) A-Twisted, — BAmbricate, CNexillary, D-Vahate 8 @OQO 9. @QOO@ B.@@O® 4.@OCO@ B.OOOO Gr 1. QHOO 1. @@O@ 16.@@OO 2. GQOO@ @®OO 17. @OO@ ‘Space jor Rough Work Biology 19, Given beloware the diagrammatic representation of position of floral parts on thalamus, condition of ovary and example. Find the correctly matched combination? 20, Match Columa-I with Colum-Iland select the correct option from the eodes given below, Column-t (Colume-tt A. Thoms 1. Vegetative propagaticn BL Phylloclades Defensivemechanism Runners ‘Mechanical support D. Stiltroats Absorption of nutrition E Haustoria Photosynthesis (@) Ad; BAV; Cll; DAI; Bt ) © 2. 22. 23 2, B-19 Maize grain isa fruit known as (a) cypsela ()_caryopsis (©) legume (®)_achene Monocotyledonous root differs from dieot root in which of the following internal features (ato.d)? (a) Presence of parenchymatous pericyele. (b) Absence of fewre xylem bundle. (©) Presence of_arge and well-developed pith. (G)_ Presence of parenchymatous cortex without intercel- lular spaces. ‘Sdloct correct match wrt column 1 & TL ‘Column Columa Tt A. Modified tap root L Zea may for respiration B. Storage tap root 1. ipomoea C. Modiied aventitious IML, Rhizophora root for meehanical support D. Modified adventitious. «WN. Turnip oot for food storge (@) All: B4V;C-,D-. (b) AMIE BIV;C.l, DI () AAV;BUC: DAIL (@) ATEBIECA:DAV ‘The modified sem in some plants of arid region is (a) Tendril for climbringasin Passiftora (b).Spines for defence mechanism (©) Phylloclade for food synthesis (G)_Phyllode for food synthesis The modified stem in grasses, strawberry and Crysamhemun is concerned with special functions i.e, i. Food storage i Vogetative propagation iii, Assimilation iv, Spread to new niches vy. Perennation (a) iv itigy ©) giv (i,t Q VOODOO AGH 2OOS 5. OOOO 2B. Q@OOO Space jor Roush Work B-20 26, a1. 28. 29, 30, 33, In which ofthe following ype of flowers stamens are superior in position? (a) Hypogynous (b) Perigynous (0) Epigynous (ad). Protogynous Inner layer of pericarp is hardand stony in (a) Dateplam,Almond (6) Wood. apple, Pea (©) Mango, Coconut (¢) Pea, Litehi Find out the incorreet match (a) Sterilestamen —Staminode (b) Stamens attached to petals (o) Stamens attached to perianth (@)_ Free stamens ~ Polyandrous Ovary is said to be half inferior in which ofthe following conditions? (@) Hypozynous (>) Perigynous () Epigynous —_(@)-_ Both (band (c) entity the family which shows the following dingnostie features, Epipetalous Episepalous Flowers pentamerous, gynoccium-bicarpellary, smnearpous, ovaryplaced obliquely, placentation axile, placenta swollen, (@) Solanaceae (b) Leguminosae (©) Papilionacese —(@) Liliaceae Select the pair which contains moneectyleddonous families (a) Solanaceae and Brassicaceae (b) Fabaceae and Asterace (co) Liliaceaeand Poaceae (@)_ None of these In Nepenthes (pitcher plant), the pitcher is formed due to modification of | (a) leafpetiole ——(b)_eaflamina (0) tendeil (leat Example for tuberous adventitious roots (a)Dablia (b) Carrot (e) Radish (@) Beot A rooi-cap is usually absont in the roots of (a) Hydrophytes—(b) Epiphytes (c)Parasites (6) Allof the above BODOG 27-@OOOO H@AOOO 32@OO H.@O@OOQD 3-@OOD AN. QOOO 42. OOOO Pere Gr EBD_7506 NTANEET 35, An oxample of negatively geotropic root (2) Coralloid root of Cyeas (b) Paeumatophore of mangroves (o)ASsimilatory roots of Trapa (@) More than one of the above 36. Santalum album is normally ecesidered as 8 (a) Completeroot parasite (by Partial root parasite (c)Complete stem parasite (a) Partial stem parasite 37. Anexample of tuberous root that is amodication of tap fot (a) Radish (b) Mirabilis (©)SweetPouto ——(d)Jpomoea 38. Ginger isa stem and nota raat because (2) Itstores food (b) lis bitter in taste (6) It has nodes and internodes (@) Itisnon-green in colour In Affium, the leaflos part orthe stem whieh bears lower is called (a)Cuim —(b) Scape (c) Caudle 40. Swoot Potato isa modification of (a) Root ©) Stem (Bud (4) Flowering avis 41. Epiphyllous buds serve the function of (Respiration (b) Nutrition (e)Reproduetion (4) Absorption 42. Ina potato plant the tubers develop on (a)Primaryroot—_(b) Secondary root (o)Tertiary root (4) Stolon 43, Root isthe prolongation of (a) Plural (b) Radicle ()Stem (@) Branches: 44, Food stored ina bulb is within (a)A swollen stem (b)Swollen lexbases (Enlarged roots _(¢) In the inflorescence 45, Cladodeis the modification of (a)Wholestem —— (b) Axillary bud (Leaf (@) Leaflets BAGDOD MO@OSO HOO B.@AQOD 4@OOO 35. @@OO@ BOBO 2@OOO 40. @@OO@ B. OOOO 44. OOOO 45. DOO (Bub BIOLOGY CHAPTERWISE SPEED TEST-63 Total Questions Total Marks [Attempted Correct Incorrect Net Score Cut-off Score 45 [Qualifying Score 60 Success Gap = Net Score — Qualifying Score Net Score = (Correct x 4) — (Incorrect x 1) ‘Space for Rough Work

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