1b, Amurao, Richmond A., SGD 1-Renal 1

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1. Draw a nephron. Label the important parts. Give the function of each part of a
nephron in relation to urine formation.
i. Renal Corpuscle
responsible for the filtration of fluids and


d tubule 2. Proximal Convoluted Tubule itis the first site of water reabsorption and thesite

Distal where majority of water 's

salt reabsorption takes place
configuredt 3. Loop of Henle -

isa U -

shaped tube consisting of a

descending ascending limb

Renal It transfers fluid from the to the DCT The .

d scending limb is highly

corpuscle permeable to water therefore resulting to reabsorption , while the ascending
limb is impermeable to water but highly permeable to ions .

* Distal Convoluted Tubule is shorter and less convoluted than the PCT Further
- .

and secretion here
/ occurs .

5.co/leotingTubule/ColleotingDuof-lestpartsoflhenephwn.It- collects the urine

" collecting
uninhibited educt
2. Trace the blood flow to and from the kidneys. Discuss the mechanisms that regulate
renal blood flow.
The mechanisms that renal blood
flow are Myogenic mechanism
and the Tubular glomerular feedback .

Myogenic mechanism works if there is high blood volume w/o then results to high blood pressure,this

will then stretch the walls release of resulting

particularly the tunica media , there will then be
to smooth muscle contraction andreflex vasoconstriction therefore
decreasing BP .

Tubular glomerular Feedback happens when -

blood pressure maybe highorlowwhichwillthen

affect the renal blood flow and
glomerular filtration rate resulting to either high low Na or

filtration This will then be detected by the Macula densawkwillthenalertlheJC.ee/lsto release renin

in order to activate RAAS iwkwill normalize the abnormalities .

3. Give the differences between the 2 types of nephron.

The Ztypesof nephron are the Cortical and Juxtemedullangaephwns Their differences are the location .

number of their
length their function and lastly their relation to vascular structures
loops ,

Cortical Juxta medullary

location Cortex cortex butnear medulla
length of loops shorter loops of Henle longer loops ofHenle
Function Dilution of urine Concentration of Urine
Relation to Surrounded by From Peritubular
Peritubular Capillaries upto
vascular structures
capillaries Vasa rect
This material is downloaded for Richmond A. Amurao (20200015401)
at FEU Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
4. Give the composition of the glomerular filtering membrane.
glomerularfiltering membrane is composed of the Glomerulus , specifically the
epithelium of the Glomerular capillary next is the Visceral layer of the Bowman 's

capsule more importantly the Dodo cy les and lastly is the Basementmembrane wk is
made up of 2 fused 1am in as .

5. Discuss the factors that affect glomerular filtration.

The factors that affect glomerular filtration are the filterability ofthe membrane ,

capillary permeability , capillary surface area which is the Filtration coefficient and the Net filtration
Pressure w Ic is a result ofthe Starling forces ( CHP, COPP I HP, I OPPPP)

Filtration coefficient is defined as the change in transcapillary fluid exchange induced by a fixed change in trans

hydrostatic pressure .

outof the capillary Since filtration

Net Filtration Pressure represents the interaction of the hydrostatic and osmotic pressure driving

. ,

is defined as the movement offluid out of the capillary when reabsorption occurs the NFP is a negative number

6. Differentiate: Obligatory H2O reabsorption and Facultative H2O reabsorption

Obligatory water when water from the

reabsorption happens

plasma filtrate is
returned to the bloodstream Aqua porins presenthere .

regardless of the state of hydration .

which resulted
Facultative reabsorption -

happens when water from the plasma filtrate

from the negative feedback control of hydration under the influence
of AD Hor anti diuretic hormone Agua are only present with ADH

7. Discuss the following:

A. Counter current multiplier
Is a
single effect process in which small osmotic gradient established at any levelof

10 It is multiplied in to larger Active transport

gradient .
of Na and Chloride
on the thick as water is reabsorbed in the thin descending limb and
c.ending limb
. .

a solute gradient
is then created by the LOH in themedulla

B. Counter current exchanger

of the solvent gradient created
process is the maintaining to
by the Lott in the medulla by the vase recta Absorbed water is returned .

circulatory system by the vas are ate then because the blood flow in the capillariesfluidvery
to into the interstitial wk
diffuse back
solutes thatare reabsorbed into the bloodstream have time

maintains the gradient in the medulla .

This material is downloaded for Richmond A. Amurao (20200015401)

at FEU Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.

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