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1. 3. 5. 7. 9.
2. B 4. 6. A 8. B 10. B

1. A 28 year old female sought consult at a clinic for additional prescription for
insomnia. She self-medicated the drug daily for the past month. She claims
she feels the drug is not effective as before, hence she occasionally took it
with alcohol. The patient may already be having:
A. Addiction
B. Physiological dependence
C. Psychological dependence
D. Tolerance
2. Characteristic of a sedative agent
A. Encourage the onset and maintenance of sleep
B. Reduce anxiety and exert a calming effect
C. Leads to loss of consciousness with absence of response to pain
D. More pronounced CNS depression
3. This drug has sedative-hypnotic and antiseizure properties
A. Clonazepam
B. Midazolam
C. Ramelteon
D. Zolpidem
4. Major factor determining the rate of absorption of sedative hypnotics
A. CYP3A4 oxidation
B. Hepatic metabolism
C. Lipophilicity
D. Short half life
5. Alkalinization of the urine can increase the elimination rate of this drug.
A. Diazepam
B. Eszopiclone
C. Phenobarbital
D. Zaleplon
6. This drug increases the frequency of GABA-mediated chloride channel
A. Midazolam
B. Phenobarbital
C. Ramelteon
D. Zolpidem

This material is downloaded for Richmond A. Amurao (20200015401)

at FEU Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
7. Flumazenil is an effective antagonist of this drug:
A. Meprobamate
B. Phenobarbital
C. Primidone
D. Zolpidem
8. This drug increases stage 2 NREM sleep and in effect increases total sleep
A. Eszopiclone
B. Triazolam
C. Zaleplon
D. Zolpidem
9. Rifampicin increases the hepatic metabolism of this sedative hypnotic
A. Clonazepam
B. Eszopiclone
C. Phenobarbital
D. Thiopental
10. Clinical criteria for drug efficacy of sedative hypnotics
A. Increase sleep latency
B. Decrease hangover effects
C. Minimum cardiovascular effects
D. Low risk of drug interactions

This material is downloaded for Richmond A. Amurao (20200015401)

at FEU Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.

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