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Marine biology

Host identity and symbiotic association affects the taxonomic and functional
diversity of the clownfish-hosting
sea anemone microbiome
Cite this article: Titus BM, Laroche R, Benjamin M. Titus1,2, Robert Laroche3, Estefanía Rodríguez1,2,
Rodríguez E, Wirshing H, Meyer CP. 2020 Host Herman Wirshing4 and Christopher P. Meyer4
identity and symbiotic association affects the 1
Division of Invertebrate Zoology, and 2Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics, American Museum of
taxonomic and functional diversity of the
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Natural History, New York, NY, USA

clownfish-hosting sea anemone microbiome. 3
Department of BioSciences, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Biol. Lett. 16: 20190738. Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA
BMT, 0000-0002-0401-1570; CPM, 0000-0003-2501-7952

All eukaryotic life engages in symbioses with a diverse community of

Received: 8 October 2019 bacteria that are essential for performing basic life functions. In many
Accepted: 9 January 2020 cases, eukaryotic organisms form additional symbioses with other macro-
scopic eukaryotes. The tightly linked physical interactions that characterize
many macroscopic symbioses create opportunities for microbial transfer,
which likely affects the diversity and function of individual microbiomes,
and may ultimately lead to microbiome convergence between distantly
Subject Areas: related taxa. Here, we sequence the microbiomes of five species of clown-
ecology fish-hosting sea anemones that co-occur on coral reefs in the Maldives. We
test the importance of evolutionary history, clownfish symbiont association,
Keywords: and habitat on the taxonomic and predicted functional diversity of the
microbiome, symbiosis, sea anemone, microbiome, and explore signals of microbiome convergence in anemone
taxa that have evolved symbioses with clownfishes independently. Our
clownfish, coral reef
data indicate that host identity and clownfish association shapes the majority
of the taxonomic diversity of the clownfish-hosting sea anemone micro-
biome, and predicted functional microbial diversity analyses demonstrate
Author for correspondence: a convergence among host anemone microbiomes, which reflect increased
Benjamin M. Titus functional diversity over individuals that do not host clownfishes. Further,
we identify upregulated predicted microbial functions that are likely affected
by clownfish presence. Taken together our study potentially reveals an even
deeper metabolic coupling between clownfishes and their host anemones,
and what could be a previously unknown mutualistic benefit to anemones
that are symbiotic with clownfishes.

1. Introduction
The importance of symbiosis is underscored by its ubiquity—virtually all of life
engages in complex multi-level symbioses that critically impact the formation
and distribution of biodiversity around the globe [1–3]. Minimally, all multi-
cellular life engages in symbioses with prokaryotic microbiota that are
essential for individual health, development and nutrient acquisition, and
which serve as a primary interface between individuals and their environment
Electronic supplementary material is available (e.g. [4–12]). The composition and diversity of an individual’s microbial
online at community (i.e. microbiome) has been shown to be influenced by a variety of
factors, but are generally discussed as a combination of evolutionary history
and ecology (e.g. [13–17]).

© 2020 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
In addition to microbial symbioses, many multicellular Maldives (0°110 45.8900 N, 73°110 3.5300 E)—Cryptodendrum adhaesivum, 2
eukaryotes engage in symbioses with other multicellular Entacmaea quadricolor, Heteractis aurora, H. magnifica and Stichodac-
tyla mertensii (table 1; electronic supplementary material, figure
organisms. Central features of these interactions are the phys-
ical linkages between constituent partners which provide S1). Focal anemones come from three clades that have evolved
symbiosis with clownfishes independently [24]. Samples were
an opportunity for microbial transfer, adding a layer of com-
collected from three atoll reef habitats: (i) outer atoll fore reef
plexity to the factors that affect the diversity and function
(10–25 m depth), (ii) lagoonal fringing reef slope (5–25 m
of individual microbiomes. Many macroscopic symbioses
depth), and (iii) shallow (1 m depth) reef flat (electronic sup-
involve diverse partners, occur across distinct habitats, and plementary material, figure S2). Only specimens of H. magnifica
have evolved independently multiple times across the tree were present across all three habitats (table 1). On shallow reef
of life [18–20]. Consequently, macroscopic symbioses provide flats, H. magnifica exhibited a pale column phenotype and did
an important framework for exploring the processes that may not host fish (electronic supplementary material, figure S1F), in
lead distantly related taxa to converge on microbiomes with contrast with the common purple phenotype on deeper reefs
similar genetic and functional profiles. that hosted the Maldivian endemic clownfish Amphiprion nigripes
Among the immense symbiotic diversity on the planet, the (electronic supplementary material, figure S1E). All other ane-

Biol. Lett. 16: 20190738

clownfish–sea anemone mutualism stands out as an iconic mone species and individuals sampled in this study hosted
Amphiprion clarkii (electronic supplementary material, figure
example, and holds characteristics that make it a useful
S1A–D). Samples were collected by clipping two tentacles per
system for understanding the processes that affect microbiome
anemone. A total of 94 tentacles from 47 individual anemones
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diversity and function within macroscopic symbioses. A clas-

were sampled and preserved immediately in RNAlater.
sic example of mutualism, the 30 species of clownfishes (or
anemonefishes) have adaptively radiated from a common
ancestor to live with 10 species of sea anemones on coral (b) DNA extraction and 16S amplicon sequencing
reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans [21–23]. Within sea ane- Genomic DNA was extracted from both tentacle samples
mones (order Actiniaria), symbiosis with clownfishes has collected from each individual using Qiagen DNeasy Blood
evolved independently at least three times [24]. The clown- and Tissue Kits. DNA was quantified and standardized to
fish–sea anemone symbiosis is found across a range of reef 5 ng µl−1 for each sample. Microbiome diversity was assessed
via Illumina sequencing targeting a 252 base pair sequence of
habitats and involves many combinations of sea anemone–
the hypervariable v4 region of the 16S rRNA SSU gene using
clownfish associations [21,23–27]. Clownfishes are considered
primer pairs 515F and 806R. 16S amplicon libraries were pre-
obligate symbionts of sea anemones, have evolved a range pared following the Earth Microbiome Protocol [32,33].
of host specificities, and are never found solitarily [21,27]. Ane- Sequencing of 16S amplicons was conducted on an Illumina
mones in contrast, while receiving substantial benefits from MiSeq using a V2 500 cycle kit (250 × 250 bp) at the National
hosting clownfishes [28,29], can be found solitarily [25]. Museum of Natural History’s Laboratory of Analytical Biology.
The ability of clownfishes to live within the otherwise lethal
tentacles of sea anemones stems from their mucus coating, which
is maintained through regular physical contact with anemone (c) Microbiome data analyses
Amplicon sequence data were demultiplexed, denoised to identify
hosts [30]. The long- and short-term maintenance of the symbio-
amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), assembled and analysed
sis thus requires constant interaction, which should lead to
using QIIME2 and associated plug-ins (see electronic supplemen-
regular microbial transfer. In a laboratory setting, the microbial tary material) [34]. Following demultiplexing and read-joining, we
make-up of clownfish mucus was shown to change rapidly in pooled reads from replicate samples to increase the number of
the presence of an anemone host [31]. However, the microbial sequence reads per individual anemone. Microbial taxonomy
diversity of host anemones remains uncharacterized, and the was assigned using a naive Bayes classifier trained on the SILVA
multiple origins of symbiosis with clownfishes make these ani- 132 99% database (silva-132-99-nb-classifer). Resulting feature
mals useful for understanding if macroscopic symbioses tables were then filtered to remove ASVs that could not be ident-
generate microbial convergence across distantly related taxa. ified as bacterial, and taxonomy was visualized using QIIME2. We
Here, we use in situ field sampling to conduct the first com- used BLAST to identify ASVs that remained unclassified below
parative microbial study of clownfish-hosting sea anemones to the Domain Bacteria after filtering. We manually removed 24
ASVs that mapped with high confidence to sea anemone
test the importance of host identity, clownfish symbiont associ-
mtDNA that failed to be filtered out by the SILVA database.
ation, and habitat on the taxonomic and predicted functional
To test for variation in microbial taxonomic diversity across
diversity of the microbiome. We examine the microbiomes of host, habitat and clownfish association, amplicon data were stan-
five species of clownfish-hosting sea anemones that co-occur dardized using a rarefaction sequencing depth of 10 210 reads
on a fine scale on coral reefs in the Maldives, but that vary in per individual. We tested for significant ( p < 0.05) variation in
habitat and clownfish symbiont associations. Our five focal microbial alpha and beta taxonomic diversity in three sample
taxa come from three anemone clades that have evolved sym- metadata categories: (i) anemone host species, (ii) clownfish sym-
biosis with clownfishes independently [24] and therefore offer biont association (A. clarkii, A. nigripes or none) and (iii) habitat
a unique opportunity to explore the interplay between evol- (atoll fore reef, reef flat or lagoonal patch reef ). Alpha diversity
utionary history, environment and macroscopic symbioses in was calculated using Shannon’s Diversity Index (H ) and post
shaping the diversity of the microbiome. hoc comparisons made using non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis
tests. Significant variation in beta diversity between sample cat-
egories was tested for using Bray–Curtis distance measures of
community dissimilarity, and post hoc comparisons made using
2. Material and methods permutational multivariate analysis of variance ( perMANOVA).
Ordination plots for beta diversity analyses affect using non-
(a) Sample collection metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plots. Linear discrimi-
Microbial samples were collected from five species of clownfish- nant analysis effect size (LEfSe) was use to elucidate bacterial
hosting sea anemones in Huvadhoo Atoll, Republic of the taxonomic groups that were significantly more abundant in
Table 1. Clownfish-hosting sea anemones species, habitat, sample sizes and clownfish symbiont association sampled from the Maldives and included in this 3
sample size N = individuals
species habitat (tissues sequenced) fish symbiont

Cryptodendrum adhaesivum lagoon N = 1 (2) Amphiprion clarkii

Entacmaea quadricolor lagoon N = 8 (16) Amphiprion clarkii
Heteractis aurora fore reef N = 2 (4) Amphiprion clarkii
lagoon N = 5 (10) Amphiprion clarkii
Heteractis magnifica fore reef N = 7 (14) Amphiprion nigripes
lagoon N = 7 (14) Amphiprion nigripes
reef flat

Biol. Lett. 16: 20190738

N = 12 (24) none
Stichodactyla mertensii fore reef N = 3 (6) Amphiprion clarkii
lagoon N = 3 (6) Amphiprion clarkii
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total N = 48 (96)

anemones that hosted clownfishes versus those that did not (see supplementary material, table S5). This implies that there is
electronic supplementary material) [35]. some degree of microbiome convergence across distantly
Finally, we predicted and compared the functional diversity related anemones that host the same clownfish species. The
of the microbial metagenomes using phylogenetic investigation transfer of microbiota among macroscopic symbiotic partners
of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states
is well demonstrated in plant–pollinator symbioses (e.g.
(PICRUSt) [36]. All ASVs were normalized for 16 s copy
[11,39]) and microbiome convergence has also been noted in
number, and function was predicted by assigning ASVs to
some, but not all, leaf-cutter ant symbioses (e.g. [40,41]).
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Orthology cat-
egories (KEGG; see electronic supplementary material) [37]. Pratte et al. [31] recently demonstrated changes in microbiome
Significant variation in predicted alpha and beta metagenomic composition between anemone-hosting and non-hosting
functional diversity across sample metadata categories were A. clarkii clownfish in a laboratory setting, implying either
tested for statistically using Shannon Diversity (H ) and Bray– direct microbial transfer from anemone to clownfish or a shift
Curtis measures as above. We then used DESeq2 [38] and in microbial diversity in response to the interaction. Our data
log-transformations to detect differentially abundant and highly also suggest either direct microbial transfer from the clownfish
variable functional groups across sample metadata categories. to the host, or a shift in diversity may be occurring. Pratte et al.
[31] did not sample anemone microbiomes throughout the
duration of their experimental trials, and we did not sample
clownfish here, so it remains to be seen how convergent the
3. Results and discussion microbiomes from both symbiotic partners become when in
Our final dataset consisted of 47 individual anemones and association with each other.
6257 ASVs. Final ASV counts after rarefaction ranged from LEfSe analyses highlighted eight differentially abundant
42 to 606 per individual (electronic supplementary material, bacterial groups that are enriched in anemones that hosted
figure S3). The taxonomic composition of microbial commu- clownfish versus those that did not (figure 1e). Interestingly,
nities varied by anemone species, clownfish symbiont a number of these (e.g. Flavobacteria, OM27, SAR11,
association and habitat (electronic supplementary material, SAR86) have been implicated directly in the cycling of dis-
figure S4), but were largely dominated by Gammaproteobac- solved organic nitrogen [42], which can originate from the
teria, and to a lesser extent Alphaproteobacteria (electronic nitrogenous wastes of animals. It has long been known that
supplementary material, figure S4). waste by-products of clownfishes provide important sources
Alpha and beta diversity analyses indicate that anemone of nitrogen to host anemones and endosymbiotic dinoflagel-
species and clownfish symbiont association, rather than habi- lates [43,44]. These data potentially provide the first evidence
tat, drives the majority of the microbial taxonomic diversity that links this important mutualistic pathway between fish,
signal in our dataset (overall alpha diversity: anemone anemone and dinoflagellates with the bacterial community
species H = 14.22, p < 0.02; clownfish association H = 6.32, structure residing on the host anemones.
p < 0.05; habitat H = 5.70, p = 0.06; overall beta diversity: Functionally, alpha and beta diversity analyses using
anemone species F = 5.32, p < 0.002; clownfish association PICRUSt predicted metagenomes reinforce the role of ane-
F = 6.38, p < 0.002; habitat F = 1.01, p = 0.42; figure 1a–d; elec- mone host identity in shaping the functional diversity of
tronic supplementary material, tables S1–6 and figures S5 the host microbiome (Shannon Diversity Index, H = 28.38,
and S6). Bray–Curtis beta diversity analyses also indicate p < 0.0001; perMANOVA F = 14.82, p < 0.002; electronic sup-
that anemones that host clownfish symbionts, regardless of plementary material, tables S7–8). However, interestingly,
host or habitat, are more similar to other anemones that these analyses also highlight that hosting clownfish sym-
host the same clownfish species than they are to anemones bionts increase the functional alpha and beta microbial
that host a different clownfish, or that do not host fish diversity of host anemones over those that do not (H =
( perMANOVA F = 6.38, p < 0.002; figure 1d; electronic 15.67, p < 0.0001; F = 14.86, p < 0.002; figure 2a–c; electronic
(a) (c) 4
7 0.50
clownfish species
Shannon Diversity (H)

A. clarkii
0.25 A. nigripes
5 none

0 anemone species
Cryptodendrum adhaesivum
Entacmaea quadricolor
3 –0.25 Heteractis auroroa
Heteractis magnifica
2 Heteractis magnifica PP
–0.50 Stichodactyla mertensii
–0.3 0 0.3





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(b) (d)

6 0.3
Shannon Diversity (H)

clownfish species

A. clarkii
4 0 A. nigripes

2 –0.3

Amphiprion Amphiprion none –0.50 –0.25 0 0.25 0.50

nigripes clarkii NMDS1



–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
LDA score (log 10)

Figure 1. Host identity and symbiotic association affects the taxonomic diversity of the clownfish-hosting sea anemone microbiome. (a) Variation in microbial
genetic diversity (H ) grouped by host species. (b) Variation in microbial genetic diversity (H ) grouped by clownfish symbiont association. (c) nMDS plot of
Bray–Curtis dissimilarities coloured by anemone host species with 95% confidence ellipses. (d ) nMDS plot of Bray–Curtis dissimilarities of host anemone species,
coloured by clownfish symbiont association with 95% confidence ellipses. (e) Differential abundance of major microbial taxonomic groups between clownfish-hosting
(green) and non-clownfish hosting (red) anemones. (Online version in colour.)
(a) (d)
habitat type
11.2 clownfish species
anemone species
Shannon Diversity

10.8 secondary bile acid biosynthesis

metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450

atrazine degradation

10.0 glycosaminoglycan degradation

gni is
ivu m

dri ea

aur ractis

rten yla
gni ctis

ma eract
aes dru

qua tacma

me odact

ma tera

limonene and pinene degradation

Biol. Lett. 16: 20190738

adh toden





toluene degradation

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synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies

Shannon Diversity

geraniol degradation

styrene degradation

10.4 fatty acid metabolism

tetracycline biosynthesis
Amphiprion Amphiprion none D-arginine and D-ornithine metabolism
clarkii nigripes

other glycan degradation

biosynthesis of ansamycins
D-alanine metabolism

flagellar assembly

bacterial chemotaxis

naphthalene degradation
tropane, piperidine and pyridine alkaloid biosynthesis

–0.4 ethylbenzene degradation

–0.50 –0.25 0 0.25 0.50
clownfish species NMDS1
1.0 habitat type
A. clarkii atollfore reef
0.5 lagoon
A. nigripes shallow lagoon
none clownfish species
–0.5 none
–1.0 A. clarkii
anemone species A. nigripes
Cryptodendrum adhaesivum –1.5
anemone species
Entacmaea quadricolor –2.0 Heteractis magnifica PC
Heteractis magnifica
Heteractis auroroa
Cryptodendrum adhaesivum
Heteractis magnifica Entacmaea quadricolor
Heteractis magnifica PC Heteractis auroroa
Stichodactyla mertensii
Stichodactyla mertensii

Figure 2. Host identity and symbiotic association affects the predicted functional diversity of the clownfish-hosting sea anemone microbiome. (a) Variation in
predicted functional alpha diversity (H ) grouped by host species. (b) Variation in predicted functional alpha diversity (H ) grouped by clownfish symbiont association.
(c) nMDS plot of Bray–Curtis dissimilarities of host anemone species, coloured by clownfish symbiont association, with 95% confidence ellipses. (d ) Twenty most
variable predicted KEGG functional categories. (Online version in colour.)

supplementary material, tables S9–10). Anemones that hosted health, as in many other taxa, these data may represent the
A. clarkii and A. nigripes did not differ functionally from each first evidence of a previously unknown mutualistic benefit
other in either alpha or beta diversity measures (figure 2a–c; of hosting clownfishes gained by host anemones. Meta-
electronic supplementary material, table S8), and if increased genomic and/or metatranscriptomic data are needed to
functional microbial diversity is indicative of increased confirm these predicted metabolic functions.
Table 2. Top significantly enriched predicted microbial KEGG functions for clownfish hosting (grey highlighted) and non-clownfish host sea anemones. Positive 6
log-2-fold-change values indicate microbial functions enriched in host versus non-host anemones.
KEGG function log-2-fold-change p-adj clownfish association

ARA metabolism 25.841 2.57 × 10−12 host

protein digestion and absorption 2.100 9.71 × 10−10 host
renin–angiotensin system 1.903 0.040 host
non-homologous end-joining 1.730 0.007 host
lysosome 1.543 0.002 host
phosphonate and phosphinate metabolism 1.534 1.19 × 10 host
linoleic acid metabolism 1.527 1.96 × 10−9 host

Biol. Lett. 16: 20190738

flavonoid biosynthesis 1.516 0.006 host
penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthesis 1.431 9.71 × 10−10 host
primary bile acid biosynthesis 1.422 0.001 host
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RNA polymerase −0.608 1.19 × 10−6 non-host

flagellar assembly −0.645 0.005 non-host
D-alanine metabolism −0.711 2.00 × 10 non-host
biosynthesis of ansamycins −0.740 5.29 × 10−6 non-host
insulin signalling pathway −0.803 2.95 × 10−6 non-host
D-arginine and D-ornithine metabolism −1.029 0.0008 non-host
amoebiasis −1.355 0.0003 non-host
proteasome −1.431 0.0178 non-host
systemic lupus erythematosus −1.798 0.0107 non-host
cell adhesion molecules −2.909 0.0017 non-host

Using DESeq2 analyses, we identified predicted KEGG If so, these data could indicate a hidden cost of hosting mutua-
functions that were differentially abundant and highly variable listic clownfishes for the anemones. However, ARA are used in
between clownfish-hosting and non-hosting anemones (table 2 a myriad of physiological processes, and its derivatives such as
and figure 2d). In clownfish-hosting anemones, arachidonic platelet activating factors, are also known to be involved in
acid (ARA) metabolic functions, part of the broader lipid tissue growth and coral competition (e.g. [50,51]). More
metabolism pathway, were 25-fold more abundant over non- detailed microbial and metabolomic studies are needed to pin-
hosting anemones (table 2). No other predicted functional point the source of any increased levels of ARA in the host
pathway was over threefold more abundant (table 2, electronic anemones in the presence of clownfish. Regardless of its
supplementary material, table S11). ARA is an essential poly- origin here, the degree to which microbial communities differ
unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) that could be acquired by host in ARA functions is a striking metabolic signal that the
anemones via translocated photosynthate from their Symbiodi- microbial communities on host sea anemones may be respond-
niaceae community, heterotrophic prey capture, or via waste ing to clownfish presence. Minimally, this finding is consistent
by-products from clownfish symbionts (e.g. [45–48]). Predicted with the literature that clownfish presence has a significant
cytochrome P450 monooxygenase pathways, which catalyse impact on the metabolism and physiology of the host anemone
ARA and other PUFAs to biologically active, intercellular sig- [28,29,43,44].
nalling molecules (eicosanoids), were also highly variable and In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time that
enriched primarily in host anemones (figure 2d). Eicosanoid clownfish presence may increase the functional diversity of
lipids participate in oxidative stress response and are hypoth- the anemone host microbiome, potentially revealing an
esized to play a role in the oxidative stress response in even deeper metabolic coupling between clownfishes, host
symbiotic cnidarians [48,49]. It is well documented that clown- anemones, endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae, and what could
fish symbionts increase gas transfer and oxygenate their host be a previously unrecognized mutualistic benefit of the
anemones while also passing organic wastes to their anemone symbiosis at the microbial level.
hosts, which functionally act as fertilizers for endosymbiotic
Symbiodiniaceae [28,29]. It is possible that the increase in Ethics. Field research and sample collection in the Maldives was
oxygen free radicals produced by fish movements through conducted under permit #30-D/Indiv/2018/27.
the host, and by the oxygen produced as waste during photo- Data accessibility. Raw sequence data, barcodes and sample metadata are
synthesis, could stimulate a metabolic response by the host publicly available through the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.
org/10.5061/dryad.sbcc2fr28 [52].
anemone that mimics an oxidative stress response. Conse-
Authors’ contributions. B.M.T. and C.P.M. conceived the study. B.M.T. and
quently, anemones that host fish could see a corresponding C.P.M. collected the samples. H.W. conducted library preparation
shift in microbiome diversity and function to compensate for and sequencing. B.M.T. and R.L. analysed the data. B.M.T., R.L.,
increased ARA metabolites that could be harmful to the host. E.R., H.W. and C.P.M. interpreted the data, and wrote and edited
the manuscript. All authors agree to be held accountable for the con- funding was provided by the National Museum of Natural History 7
tent therein and approve the final version of the manuscript. to C.P.M.
Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests. Acknowledgements. We thank the Small Island Research Center for field
Funding. This work was supported by the Gerstner Scholars Postdoc- research support. Aaron Hartmann, Melissa Ingala, Jennifer
toral Fellowship and the Gerstner Family Foundation, the Lerner- Matthews and Susan Perkins provided valuable advice on data
Gray Fund for Marine Research, and the Richard Guilder Graduate analysis and anthozoan metabolic functions. Samples were collected
School, American Museum of Natural History to B.M.T. Additional under research permit 30-D/Indiv/2018/27.

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