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New Words a
a. Unscramble the words
1. tissommee
2. uyullas
3. nerve
4. tenfo
5. ayrerl
New Words b
b. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs of frequency

c. Look at the table. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs of frequency.

play tennis do yoga do martial arts play hide and seek

Julie 50% 90% 0% 70%

Daniel 90% 0% 100% 50%

1. Julie sometimes plays tennis with her brother on the weekends.

2. Julie plays hopscotch with her friends in the park.
3. Julie does yoga after school.
4. Daniel enjoys playing in the garden. He plays hide and seek with his little
5. Daniel does martial arts in the evenings.
6. Daniel plays tennis with his best friend on Sundays.
Grammar a
a. Match the questions to complete the conversation.
1. Where are you going?
2. Really? Do you like reading?
3. How often do you go to the library?
4. How often do you buy books?
5. OK. Where do you like to read?
A. I love it. I always learn useful things when I read.
B. I rarely buy books. Maybe just once a month.
C. I’m going to the library. I’m going to borrow-some book
D. I like reading at home, in my living room or in my yard.
E. I go there about once a week. I usually go on Fridays.
b. Unscramble the sentences.
1. hopscotch/with/rarely/l/play/my friends/at school.
2. on the weekends./play badminton/with my dad/l/often
3. buy/at the bookstore./new books/My parents/usually
4. never/after school./does/My sister/martial arts
5. to read books/We/the library/and study./often/go to
6. always/goes to/My mom/the supermarket/after work.

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