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│ Meta Changelog


Table of Contents:
1. General Changes
2. Stable Build:
a. Weapon Changes (Stable)
3 Experimental Build:
a. General Changes (Experimental Only)
b. Weapon Changes (Experimental Only)

║ [1] General Changes


────────────────────────────────────────────[[ System ]]───────────────────────────


-Multiplayer matchingmaking and SOS is now isolated to ICE players.

-CRC Bypass added for purposes of plugin support and increased CPU performance.

───────────────────────────────────────────[[ Monsters ]]──────────────────────────


The dominance of the Clutch Claw has been drastically reduced to bring back the
original combat
pacing from base World. The goal is for softening to be an option, but not a
-(Plugin) Clutch Claw's effect on monster HZV has been reduced to "HZV+5" (down
from "3/4*HZV + 25")
-Monster "Clagger" behavior has been removed. Instead monsters will flinch and trip
like normal.

Since Capcom reduced Iceborne HZV values to accommodate the powerful effects of
softening, Monster
hitzone values have been rebalanced in ICE to compensate for the Clutch Claw nerfs
found above.
Details can be found here:

────────────────────────────────────────────[[ Player ]]───────────────────────────


-Attack cap increased to 3.0x (up from 2.0x). This reverts a nerf from IB.
-Element cap increased to 3.0x/+30 (up from 1.6x/+15).
-Status cap increased to 3.0x (up from 1.6x)
-Clutch Claw weapon attacks:
All weapons attacks now soften with 1 use.
Heavy Weapons now have crystalburst-like flinch damage so that proper counting
pre-crystalbursting gives a chance of clean execution of their weapon attacks
without clagger.

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Progression ]]─────────────────────────


[Master Rank]
Master Rank experience gain has been doubled between MR25 and MR100 to help reduce
the long grind
that is required to unlock augments and play with other players in their GL zones.

[Guiding Lands]
The Guiding Lands total zone experience cap mechanic has been disabled. Normally, a
player would
have to complete around 7100+ hunts in level 7 GL zones in order to level all their
zones to 7.
While this did add a long term goal for players and encouraged multiplayer sessions
to share GL
zones, we find this unncessary as:
1) The requirement was far too extreme for the vast majority of players to ever
2) The Iceborne multiplayer community is naturally diminishing over time.
Please note: This change is only active while ICE is installed, but you will still
continue to make
progress towards the original 7100+ hunts requirement. Be sure to lock your zones
should you decide
to play without ICE installed as the game will use your real cap value again.

[Decoration Drop Rates]

Decoration drop rates have been completely reworked and significantly improved.
-Decorations are classified by their value, based on the strength and usability of
skills provided.
-Higher value decorations will drop from higher rarity Feystones.
-Full details can be found here:

Dracolites have been added to Guiding Lands drop tables, allowing players to
continue upgrading
their Safi'Jiiva weapons outside of the siege.

[Guiding Lands Materials]

-Guiding Lands Material mining and gathering rates have been strongly boosted.
-Full details can be found here:

────────────────────────────────────────────[[ Skills ]]───────────────────────────


[Skill Balancing]
Many skills have been tweaked with the intention of giving players more interesting
options that
have a meaningful impact on gameplay.

-Weakness Exploit:
Affinity bonus no longer requires softening. This reverts a nerf from IB.
This change helps alleviate over reliance on clutch claw tenderizing.
Bonus gauge generation increased to 10/18/25% (up from 5/10/20%).
This change helps gauge-based weapons reach certain breakpoints.
-Heroics: Base Attack bonus changed from 0/5/5/10/15/25/40% to
Duration increased to 9.1 hours (up from 50 minutes). This partially reverts a
nerf from IB.
Capcom's nerf only encourages players to restart their Guiding Lands session
every 50minutes.
-Quick Sheathe: Speed increase changed to 15/30/40% (from 10/20/40%).
-Maximum Might:
Level 5 Affinity bonus increased to 50% (up from 40%).
Max Stamina time requirement decreased to 0 seconds (down from 5). This reverts
a nerf from IB.
Lingering buff duration changed to only apply at level 4 and level 5.
(2 seconds for level 4, 3 seconds for level 5)
-Non-Elemental Boost: Base Attack bonus increased to 10% (up from 5%). This reverts
a nerf from IB.
-Power Prolonger: Effects specific to Switch Axe reduced from 1.3/1.6/2 to
-Alatreon Divinity (Set Bonus):
Element Conversion rate for normal weapons increased to 8% (up from 5%).
Element Conversion rate for Bowguns increased to 8% (up from 2%).

───────────────────────────────────────────[[ Equipment ]]─────────────────────────


-Health Regen augment cooldown decreased to 0.1s (down from 0.2s).

-Element augment bonus for Bowguns increased to +3/6/9/12 (up from +2/5/4/6), to
match other weapons.
-Awakened Abilities:
Attack V: Attack bonus for GS and Hammer increased to 10 (up from 9), to match
other weapons.
Attack VI: Attack bonus for GS and Hammer increased to 15 (up from 14), to
match other weapons.
-Ammo tables for Safi LBGs have been updated to match Aquashot for other elements.
-Fatalis and Velkhana Gamma Nerfed. Changes to armors will be tracked on the Armor

────────────────────────────────────────[[ Quality of
Life ]]───────────────────────────────────────

-Chat channel no longer changes during certain actions (joining party/session/etc).

-Despawn time for item drops from Monsters increased to infinity (up from 120
-Cutscene Skip option enabled on all cutscenes in the game. Given most players will
experiencing ICE as a second (or later) playthrough, this quality of life
improvement should help
quicken the LR and HR experiences, as well as full game speedruns within ICE.
(CAUTION: This is still a work-in-progress. Some cutscene audio might not skip

───────────────────────────────────────────[[ Bug
Fixes ]]──────────────────────────────────────────

-DPS Tick Fix is enabled to mitigate the negative effects of framerate on player
DPS output.
Aim behavior has been adjusted for Bow and Bowgun at short ranges to mitigate the
occurance of
projectiles that incorrectly fly straight up (and seemly towards the moon/sky)
and completely
miss the intended target.

║ [2-a] Weapon Changes: Stable


─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Great
Sword ]]──────────────────────────────────────────

[New Playstyle: Combo Great Sword!]

The following changes are intended to add a new playstyle option for GS that is
competitive with
the current TCS-focused playstyle. Combat will be focused around utilizing the non-
charging combo
attacks and Jumping Wide Slash as a powerful combo finisher. Finding windows to fit
in JWS safely
and also achieving longer combos, will be core to mastering this playstyle.

-New Combo System:

Overhead Slash, Wide Slash, and Rising Slash increase combo count by 1 (max of
These moves combo into JWS (Triangle+RB), with its power level determined by
combo count.
Side Blow can be used after Overhead Slash, without resetting current combo
Combo count resets when performing all other actions or attacks (idle, evading,

-Overhead Slash:
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Wide Slash:
MV increased to 39 (up from 26).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Rising Slash:
MV increased to 50 (up from 38).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Side Blow:
Stun buildup increased to 40 (up from 20).
Exhaust buildup increased to 30 (up from 15).
-Wide Slash v2:
MV increased to 42 (up from 26).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Rising Slash v2:
MV increased to 54 (up from 41).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Side Blow v2:
Stun buildup increased to 50 (up from 30).
Exhaust buildup increased to 35 (up from 20).
-Jumping Wide Slash Lv1:
MV increased to 92 (up from 75).
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Element Modifier increased to 2.6x (up from 2.2x).
Status Modifier increased to 2.6x (up from 2.2x).
-Jumping Wide Slash Lv2:
MV increased to 123 (up from 96).
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.3x (up from 1.0x).
Element Modifier increased to 3.6x (up from 3.15x).
Status Modifier increased to 3.6x (up from 3.15x).
-Jumping Wide Slash Lv3:
MV increased to 163 (up from 118).
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.4x (up from 1.0x).
Element Modifier increased to 5.0x (up from 3.5x).
Status Modifier increased to 5.0x (up from 3.5x).

[General Changes]
Great Sword's main playstyle (charged-based attacks) is in a solid place currently.
As such, only
minor quality of life improvements were added.
-Kick: Stun value increased to 50 (up from 10).
-True Charge Slash:
First Hit: Status Mod decreased to 0.0x (down from 1.0x). Prevents niche cases
where the first
hit might cause the monster to move out of range of the second hit.
Second Hit: Status modifiers increased by +1.0x. Compensates for the loss of
status application
on the first hit.
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Repeated Hits: Merged into a single hit, with an MV of 25, Ele/Status Mod of
2.0x (from 6x MV
and 0.5x Mod per hit). This change brings sharpness drain more in-line with
other GS attacks.
Final Hit:
Partbreak Mod increased to 1.85x (up from 1.0x).
Compensates for earlier hits having Partbreak Mods of 0.0x.

────────────────────────────────────────[[ Sword &

Shield ]]────────────────────────────────────────
─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Dual
Blades ]]──────────────────────────────────────────

──────────────────────────────────────────[[ Long
Sword ]]──────────────────────────────────────────

[Element Weapon Usage]

Long Sword has frequently been on the edge of being able to run element weapons for
match-ups, but has been held back due Spirit Helm Breaker (the highest damage
throughput ability in
the kit) having an absurdly low element modifier, even though a standard modifier
of 1.0 would
provide an appropriate ratio of raw to element damage, relative to the rest of the
-Spirit Helm Breaker:
Element Modifier increased to 0.4x/0.6x/1.0x per Gauge level (up from

[LS Rework]
Spirit generation and usage has been reworked, in an effort to make it a more
interesting core
component of Long Sword gameplay. The changes move the focus away from extreme
generators and
consumers (such as Foresight Slash). In general, Spirit generation and consumption
will be smoother
and require more long term management where the player can use various spirit
generating attacks
to balance out their spirit consumption.
-Foresight Slash:
Spirit cost increased to 25% (up from 10%).
Spirit deletion after use has been removed (was deleting 100% spirit).
Spirit generation on successful counter decreased to 25% (down from 100%).
-Spirit passive decay has been removed (was 5% every 6 seconds, reset on attacks).
-Spirit passive regen has been added at a rate of 1%/s.
-Iai Slash:
Spirit generation increased to 5% per hit (up from 0%).
Spirit regen buff changed to 2%/s for 20 seconds (was 6.67%/s for 15s).
Successful counter changes buff duration to 30 seconds.
-Iai Spirit Slash:
On successful counter, upgrades Gauge by one level.
Spirit Cost increased to 35% (up from 0%).
On successful counter at Red Gauge: 10% Spirit is refunded.
-Spirit Roundslash:
Spirit cost increased to 35% (up from 25%).
Spirit deletion after use has been removed (was deleting 100% spirit).
On successful attack at Red Gauge: 10% Spirit is refunded.
-Spirit Helm Breaker:
Red Gauge: Spirit regen buff changed to 2%/s for 30 seconds (was 6.67%/s for
White/Yellow Gauge: Spirit regen buff changed to 2%/s for 20 seconds (was
6.67%/s for 10s).

Most attacks have been adjusted in an effort to bring up weaker or under-utilized

moves to allow
more variety in useful attacks. Player damage output will be strongly tied to their
ability to
generate and spend spirit efficiently. Players should expect to use more spirit
generating attacks
compared to before, thus lowering their overall DPS output to a degree despite
higher damage per
hit on many attacks.
In general, the following targets were considered when tuning damage values:
-Spirit Helm Breaker is used as the reference point for peak DPS output.
-Spirit attacks are balanced around 80~90% of peak DPS output (up from 40%~90%).
-Normal attacks are balanced around 60% of peak DPS output (up from 40%~60%).
-Attacks that have additional utility are balanced about 10% lower.
-Attacks within a category are balanced relative to each other based various
factors such as:
Animation commitment
Combo accessibility
Additional utility

Damage changes are as follows:

-Step Slash: MV increased to 28 (up from 24).
-Overhead Slash: MV increased to 26 (up from 21).
-Fade Slash: MV increased to 28 (up from 22).
-Lateral Fade Slash: MV increased to 28 (up from 22).
-Spirit Jumping Slash:
Without Spirit: MV increased to 20 (up from 18).
With Spirit: MV increased to 34 (up from 28).
-Spirit Blade I:
Without Spirit: MV increased to 18 (up from 14).
With Spirit: MV increased to 30 (up from 26).
-Spirit Blade II: MV increased to 32 (up from 30).
-Spirit Blade III: MV increased to 16+20+38 (up from 14+19+34).
-Spirit Roundslash:
MV increased to 76 (up from 38).
Spirit Cost increased to 35% (up from 0%).
Element Modifier increased to 2.0x (up from 1.0x).
DPS output now above normal attacks, but still below other Spirit attacks.
-Spirit Thrust:
Partbreak Modifier decreased to 0.0x (down from 1.0x).
Avoids situations where flinch/trips on first hit cause the rest of the attack
to miss.
-Spirit Helm Breaker:
Element Modifier increased to 0.4x/0.6x/1.0x per Gauge level (up from
Status Modifier increased to 0.4x/0.6x/1.0x per Gauge level (up from
Last Hit:
Partbreak Modifier increased to 4.0x (up from 3.0x).
Compensates for Spirit Thrust having a Partbreak Mod of 0.0x.
Now additionally combos into Fade Slash or Lateral Fade Slash.
Reliability increased slightly.
-Special Sheathe:
Quick Sheathe bonus effect changed to apply fully to sheathing animation.
-Iai Slash:
MV increased to 20+15 (up from 18+13).
Spirit generation increased to 5% per hit (up from 0%).
Now combos into Spirit Blade II (was previously Spirit Blade I).
-Iai Spirit Slash:
On successful counter, upgrades Gauge by one level.
Spirit Cost increased to 35% (up from 0%).
First Hit:
When preformed at White, Yellow, or Red Gauge, this hit is removed
Second Hit:
MV increased to 77/110/142 per Gauge level (up from 55/72/86).
Element Modifier increased to 3.0x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifier increased to 2.0x (up from 1.0x).
These damage changes compensate for the first hit being removed, and for a
bug that
prevents this second hit from benefitting from Gauge level bonuses.
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Repeated Hits:
MV increased to 18 (up from 6).
Element Modifier increased to 0.6x (up from 0.2x).
Status Modifier increased to 0.6x (up from 0.2x).
Spirit generation increased to 10% per hit (up from 5%).
Overall delay between hits increased to 0.21 seconds (up from 0.07).
These changes increase the damage per hit by 3x, but reduce the number of
hits by 3x.
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.4x (up from 1.0x).
Compensates for the first hit having a Partbreak Mod of 0.0x.

────────────────────────────────────────────[[ Hammer ]]───────────────────────────


─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Hunting
Horn ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

[General Changes]
-Echo Wave "Dragon" changed to Echo Wave "Element" to support multiple elements:
No longer scales with Attack.
Uses the weapon's element type and element value (i.e. scales with weapon
Has Element Modifiers of 4.0x/8.0x/12.0x. Compensates for lack of Attack
-Echo Waves and Shockwaves are now capable of critting and are affected by Critical
Boost. These
attacks generally fell behind due to lack of crit scaling.
-Jumping Smash: MV increased to 39 (up from 35).
-Right Swing: MV increased to 33 (up from 27).
-Left Swing: MV increased to 33 (up from 22).
-Forward Slam: MV increased to 36 (up from 28).
-Back Slam: MV incrased to 50 (up from 37).
-Hilt Stab / Echo Attack (Initial Hit): MV increased to 11 (up from 10).
-Superpound: MV increased to 17+50 (up from 14+39).
-Flourish: MV increased to 17+24 (up from 15+22).
-Recital: MV increased to 32 (up from 29).
-Encore: MV increased to 39 (up from 35).
-Jumping Strong Overhead Smash: MV increased to 61 (up from 55).
-Midair Recital: MV increased to 40 (up from 35).
-Mounting Overhead Smash: MV increased to 30x3+110 (up from 18x3+55).
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Overall, MV increased to 32+50 (up from 29+45).
Second Hit:
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.65x (up from 1.0x).
Compensates for the first hit having a Partbreak Mod of 0.0x.

────────────────────────────────────────────[[ Lance ]]────────────────────────────


[General Changes]
Overall, Lance has a solid playstyle and was only lacking damage to compete with
other weapons. As
such, various attacks were buffed both in raw and element damage.
-Mid Thrusts:
MV increased to 26/26/35 (up from 20/20/27).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x).
-High Thrusts:
MV increased to 28/28/35 (up from 22/22/27).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x).
-Wide Sweep:
MV increased to 30 (up from 20).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x).
Changed to have Mind's Eye effect.
-Guard Thrust: MV decreased to 14 (down from 20).
-Counter Thrust:
MV increased to 60 (up from 40).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x).
-Leaping Thrust:
MV increased to 10 (up from 8).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 0.5x (up from 0.3x).
Reverted a previous change to delay between ticks.
-Dash Attack:
MV increased to 14 (up from 11).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 0.5x (up from 0.2x).
-Finishing Thrust:
MV increased to 75 (up from 50).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.4x (up from 0.8x).
Choo Choo, motherfucker.
-Finishing Twin Thrust:
MV increased to 38+75 (up from 25+50).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x+1.4x (up from 0.7x+0.8x).
-Reverse Attack:
MV increased to 75 (up from 50).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.4x (up from 0.8x).
-Jumping Thrust / Advancing Jump Thrust:
MV increased to 40 (up from 30).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x).
-Dash Attack (Midair):
MV increased to 33 (up from 25).
Element and Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x).
-Shield Attack:
MV increased to 20 (up from 14).
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Stun buildup increased to 45 (up from 27).
Exhaust buildup decreased to 25 (down from 27).
-Counter Claw (Second Hit):
MV increased to 24 (up from 16).
Stun buildup increased to 35 (up from 30).
Exhaust buildup decreased to 30 (down from 33).
-Mounting Finishing Thrust: MV increased to 80/20/40 (up from 40/10/20).
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Second Hit:
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.75x (up from 1.0x).
Compensates for the first hit having a Partbreak Mod of 0.0x.

───────────────────────────────────────────[[ Gunlance ]]──────────────────────────


[XanSamHi's OmniLance Rework]

All shelling types have been unified into new "Omni" type. Players can now actively
choose between
all shelling attacks in response to the threat being faced, rather than being
locked into spamming
a single shelling attack type for an entire run.

"Omni" Shelling Type:

-Base shell count changed to 5.
-Shelling (Uncharged):
Uses "Wide" type damage scaling and hitbox.
-Charged Shelling:
Uses "Wide" type damage scaling, but uses "Long" type hitbox.
Fixed Damage modifier increased to 1.8x (up from 1.4x).
Partbreak Modifier decreased to 1.2x (down from 1.5x).
-Full Burst:
Uses "Wide" type damage scaling, but uses "Normal" type hitbox.
Fixed Damage modifier decreased to 0.63x (down from 0.9x), due to higher shell
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Per shell delay decreased to 0s (down from 0.05s).
Sharpness consumption decreased to 1 per shell (down from 2).
Uses "Wide" type damage scaling and hitbox.
Damage increased by 3x at all levels.
Hits decreased to 1 (down from 3).
-Wyrmstake Blast:
Uses "Wide" type damage scaling.
Fixed Damage modifier for Full Burst decreased to 1.075x (down from 1.65x).
Fixed Damage modifier for Charged Shelling decreased to 2.625x (down from
Fixed Damage modifier for Wyvernfire decreased to 2.625x (down from 3.00x).
Duration changed to 300s base, and bonus duration from ammo doubled except for
Dragon Pod bonus duration increased to 40s per ammo (up from 10s).
Puddle Pod bonus duration increased to 40s per ammo (up from 10s).
Scatternut bonus duration increased to 24s per ammo (up from 14s).
Crystalburst bonus duration increased to 24s per ammo (up from 14s).
Thorch Pod bonus duration increased to 24s per ammo (up from 14s).
Brightmoss bonus duration increased to 24s per ammo (up from 14s).

General Changes:
-Hop can now combo into Shelling attack or Full Reload.
-Lateral Thrust: MV increased to 32 (up from 24).
-Guard Thrust: MV increased to 24 (up from 18).
-Overhead Smash: MV increased to 52 (up from 48).
-Wide Sweep: MV increased to 80 (up from 68).
-Aerial Burst: First Hit MV increased to 80 (up from 68).

──────────────────────────────────────────[[ Switch
Axe ]]──────────────────────────────────────────
[Sword Gauge Rework]
Sword Gauge generation has been changed to be focused around the active use of Axe
Mode attacks,
instead of either waiting for Sword Gauge or only using Axe Mode Morph Attacks. In
addition, gauge
generation and consumption has been increased to reduce resource pooling and
encourage more
proactive switching between modes to manage Sword Gauge and Amp Charge.
-Sword Mode minimum gauge requirement decreased to 0% (down from 30%).
-Reload: Gauge generation decreased to 5% (down from 30%).
-Axe Mode passive regen decreased to 0% (down from 4% per 1.5sec).
-Axe Mode Attacks: Gauge generation increased to 8% (up from 0%).
-Axe Mode Morph Attack:
Gauge generation decreased to 10% (down from 15%).
Also counts as an Axe Mode Attack, so generates 18% gauge in total.
-Sword Mode Attacks:
Gauge consumption has been increased.
See General Changes section for details on individual attacks.
-All sources of Sword Gauge generation now affected by Focus skill (10%/15%/25%).

[Phial Type Rebalancing]

Too much of Switch Axe's damage output was locked behind phial bonuses, especially
Power Phial,
thus limiting the number of competitive weapons to choose from. To correct this,
phial effects have
been rebalanced, and the lost power is now baked directly into Sword Mode attacks
-Power Phial: Total Attack multiplier decreased to 1.07x (down from 1.17x).
-Power Element Phial: Total Element multiplier decreased to 1.21x (down from
-Exhaust Phial: Bonus Stun buildup for Sword Mode increased to 10 (up from 5).
-Sword Mode attacks:
MVs have been increased. See General Changes section for details on individual
Element Modifiers of most attacks increased to 1.20x (up from 1.00x).

[General Changes]
-When performed from idle stance, Axe: Side Slash replaced with Axe: Overhead
-"Axe: Side Slash": MV increased to 27 (up from 23).
-"Axe: Forward Slash": MV increased to 21 (up from 19).
-"Axe: Rising Slash": MV increased to 37 (up from 31).
-"Axe: Overhead Slash": MV increased to 54 (up from 45).
-"Axe: Wild Swing":
Right Swing: MV increased to 25 (up from 21).
Left Swing: MV increased to 27 (up from 23).
-"Axe: Fade Slash": MV increased to 40 (up from 34).
-"Sword: Phial Burst":
Delay significantly decreased, to mitigate situations of missing the intended
attack location
on fast moving monsters.
-"Sword: Overhead Slash":
MV increased to 39 (up from 29).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Sword Gauge consumption increased to 12% (up from 7%).
-"Sword: Right Rising Slash":
MV increased to 30 (up from 21).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Sword Gauge consumption increased to 12% (up from 7%).
-"Sword: Left Rising Slash":
MV increased to 25 (up from 18).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Sword Gauge consumption increased to 12% (up from 7%).
-"Sword: Double Slash":
MV increased to 31+34 (up from 22+26).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Sword Gauge consumption increased to 20% (up from 10%).
-"Sword: Bridging Slash":
MV increased to 22 (up from 15).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-"Sword: Heavenward Flurry":
MV increased to 33+46 (up from 24+35).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Sword Gauge consumption increased to 20% (up from 10%).
-"Sword: Jumping Slash":
MV increased to 39 (up from 35).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-"Sword: Jumping Rising Slash":
MV increased to 39 (up from 35).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-"Element Discharge":
MV increased to 11 (up from 10).
Element Modifier increased to 0.24x (up from 0.20x).
MV increased to 9 (up from 8).
Element Modifier increased to 0.6x (up from 0.5x).
MV increased to 94 (up from 85).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-"Zero Sum Discharge":
MV increased to 20 (up from 18).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
MV increased to 14 (up from 13).
Element modifier increased to 1.38x (up from 0.5x).
MV increased to 94 (up from 85).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Raw damage multiplier increased to 3.0x (up from 1.4x).
(Plugin) Amp State is now terminated upon finishing a Zero Sum Discharge.
-Element Discharge (Mounted):
MV increased to 22 (up from 20).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
MV increased to 6 (up from 5).
Element Modifier increased to 0.6x (up from 0.5x).
MV increased to 110 (up from 100).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Amp State:
Amp State versions of the above Sword Attacks now share the same MV and gauge
Amp State duration increased to 80 seconds (up from 45).
-Power Axe: Duration increased to 80 seconds (up from 45).
-"Sword: Hop":
Forward: Hop distance increased by about 34%.
Left: Hop distance increased by about 47%.
Right: Hop distance increased by about 25%.
Backward: Hop distance increased by about 36%.
The above change provides much needed distance for this evasion move, while
also fixing an odd
descrepancy where left hop is significantly shorter than right hop, in vanilla.
-Special Claw Shot:
MV increased to 8+61 (up from 7+55).
Element Modifier increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Second Hit:
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.4x (up from 1.0x).
Compensates for the first hit having a Partbreak Mod of 0.0x.

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Charge
Blade ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

[General Changes]
-Amped Sword Mode: Remaining buff duration increases by 1 second per successful
sword attack.
-Charge Phials: Now combos into Element Discharge II (was previously Element
Discharge I)
-Condensed Elemental Slash: MV increased to 75 (up from 60).
-Amped Element Discharge: MV increased to 90 (up from 82).
-Super Amped Element Discharge:
First Hit:
Partbreak Modifier decreased to 0.0x (down from 1.00x).
Avoids situations where flinch/trips on first hit cause the rest of the
attack to miss.
-Savage Axe Slash:
MV increased to 65 (up from 30).
Backwards movement greatly reduced. Avoids forcing player out of range.
-Impact Phials:
These changes are targeted at increasing the effectiveness of Impact Phial CB.
All Types:
Scaling penalty for Bonus Attack removed (was 50%). Reverts a nerf from
base World.
This should result in roughly a 5% buff to phial damage in endgame gear.
Normal Type:
MV increased to 5 (up from 4).
Stun buildup increased by 100% when triggered on guardpoints.
Exhaust buildup increased by 100% when triggered on guardpoints.
AED Type:
MV increased to 14 (up from 9).
Partbreak Modifier increased to 2.0x.
Sword Type:
MV increased to 4 (up from 2).
-Power Axe Ticks (Normal and AED/SAED Types):
These changes are targeted at increasing the effectiveness of Power Axe on
Impact Phial CB,
without affecting PEP CB.
Element Modifier increased to 0.4x (up from 0.2x).
Status Modifier increased to 0.4x (up from 0.3x).
PEP's bonus Element Modifier decreased to +0.4x (down from +0.6x) to cancel
out buff.
Element Modifier increased to 0.4x (up from 0.2x).
Status Modifier increased to 0.4x (up from 0.3x).
PEP's bonus Element Modifier decreased to +0.8x (down from +1.0x) to cancel
out buff.

────────────────────────────────────────[[ Insect
Glaive ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

Red: Increased to 150 seconds (up from 90).
White: Increased to 180 seconds (up from 120).
Orange: Increased to 210 seconds (up from 150).
Triple: Increased to 150 seconds (up from 90).
-Extract low duration threshold:
Increased to 15 seconds (up from 10). Controls when Extract icons start
-Dust Explosion:
Blast Type: Fixed Damage increased to 15 (up from 10).
Poison Type: Fixed Damage increased to 12 (up from 5).
Para Type: Fixed Damage increased to 10 (up from 3).
-Kinsect Attack: MV increased to 30 (up from 20).
-Kinsect Attack (Descending Thrust): MV increased to 46 (up from 35).
-Most Insect Glaive Attacks:
Element Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x or 0.8x).
Status Modifiers increased to 1.0x (up from 0.7x or 0.8x).
-Strong Double Slash:
Element Modifiers increased to 0.9x+0.9x+0.9x (up from 0.6x+0.8x+0.8x).
Status Modifiers increased to 0.9x+0.9x+0.9x (up from 0.6x+0.8x+0.8x).
-Bridging Slash: MV increased to 13 (up from 10).
-Dodging Slash: MV increased to 22 (up from 17).
-Jumping Slash
Element Modifiers increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifiers increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Jumping Advancing Slash:
Element Modifiers increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
Status Modifiers increased to 1.2x (up from 1.0x).
-Strong Jumping Slash:
Element Modifiers increased to 0.9x (up from 0.6x).
Status Modifiers increased to 0.9x (up from 0.6x).
-Strong Jumping Advancing Slash:
All hits except Finisher:
Element Modifiers increased to 0.8x (up from 0.5x).
Status Modifiers increased to 0.8x (up from 0.5x).

───────────────────────────────────────[[ Gunner
General ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

-(Plugin) Gunner defense penalty reworked into a different damage curve.

─────────────────────────────────────────────[[ Bow ]]─────────────────────────────


-(Plugin) Bow "Sticky Aim" behavior has been removed.

-Spare Shot / True Spare Shot:
(Plugin) Proc algorithm changed to be deterministic, instead of random.
Procs once every 5 shots for Spare Shot and every 3.33 shots for True Spare
-Dragon Piercer:
Damage type changed from Shot to Sever.
MV increased to 52/63/76/90 (up from 19/20/23/24).
Element Modifier increased to 0.3x/0.3x/0.45x/0.45x (up from
Status Modifier increased to 0.3x/0.35x/0.4x/0.5x (up from
Fixed Damage Removed (from 1/1/2/2)
-Wall Shot:
MV increased to 28/35 (up from 22/29).
-Power Shot arrow spread patterns:
Fixed a bug causing Power Shot Lv2 and Lv3 arrow patterns being right-biased.
Patterns are now correctly symmetrical.
Reference: <>
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Final Hit:
Partbreak Modifier increased to 1.875x (up from 1.0x).
Compensates for first two hits having a Partbreak Mod of 0.0x.

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Bowgun
Ammos ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

-Spare Shot / True Spare Shot:

(Plugin) Proc algorithm changed to be deterministic, instead of random.
Procs once every 5 shots for Spare Shot and every 3.33 shots for True Spare
-Rapid Fire: (Plugin) All individual projectiles within a shot must now be manually
-Normal Ammo: MV increased to 14/24/38 (up from 10/20/34).
-Pierce Ammo:
MV increased to 10/10/12.
Delay between ticks decreased to 0.050s/0.033s/0.033s (down from
Projectile speed increased to 30/30/25 m/s (up from 25/25/20).
Super Crit Start Distance decreased by 70%.
Light Bowgun: Damage reduced to 0% after the 6th hit (down from 20% after the
9th hit).
Heavy Bowgun: Damage reduced to 0% after the 5th hit (down from 20% after the
9th hit).
-Spread Ammo: Spread patterns changed to be grouped around central point (was
horizontal line).
-Sticky Ammo:
Damage Type changed to Blunt (was "HZV independent").
MV increased to 20/29/40 (up from 12/17/24).
Stun buildup decreased to 21/35/70 (down from 30/50/100).
-Slicing Ammo:
MV increased to 9 (up from 6).
Partbreak modifier increased to 1.4x (up from 1.0x).
-Wyvern Ammo:
MV increased to 100+10 (up from 70+19).
Fire damage decreased to 0+0 (was 40+20).
-Dragon Ammo:
MV increased to 4 (up from 2).
Dragon damage increased to 36 (up from 18).
-Cluster Ammo:
MV increased to 19/22/28 (up from 17/20/26).
Fire damage decreased to 0/0/0 (down from 5/8/10).
These changes allow the ammo to perform consistently across monsters.
The nerf to ammo capacity from IB has been reverted.

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Heavy
Bowgun ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

-Close Range Up Mod: Maximum active range increased to 8m (up from 6m).
-Long Range Up Mod: Minimum active range decreased to 10m (down from 16m).
-Special Scope Mod:
Removed scoped FOV and blur effects.
Pierce Ammo damage multiplier decreased to 1.15x (down from 1.30x).
Spread Ammo damage multiplier removed (down from 1.30x).
-Shield Mod:
Stacking x3: Increased guard thresholds removed.
Stacking x4: Increased guard thresholds removed.
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Backward impulse decreased to 300 (down from 800).
With this change, player will be dropped closer to the monster.
Main projectile: MV increased to 30 (up from 20).
Explosions: MV increased to 50/75/110 (up from 38/49/81).
-Wyvernsnipe Type 2:
Distance Match:
MV increased 165 (up from 98).
Stun buildup increased to 100 (up from 15).
HZV Match:
MV increased to 235 (up from 147).
Stun buildup increased to 200 (up from 40).
Perfect Match:
MV increased to 350 (up from 243).
Stun buildup increased to 300 (up from 60).

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Light
Bowgun ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

-(Plugin) Light Bowguns mod slot limit increased to 5 (up from 4).
-Close Range Up Mod: Maximum active range increased to 8m (up from 6m).
-Long Range Up Mod: Minimum active range decreased to 10m (down from 16m).
-Evade Reload Mod:
-(Plugin) Ammo reloaded per mod increased to 3 (up from 1).
-(Plugin) Light Bowgun neutral unsheathed roll is an evade reload slide, if the
mod is equipped.
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Backward impulse decreased to 250 (down from 700).
With this change, player will be dropped closer to the monster.
Charge consumption decreased to 1/2/3 (down from 1/2/4).
-Wyvernblast Type 2:
MV increased to 43/75/87/130 (up from 26/49/73/110).
Fire damage decreased to 0/0/0/0 (down from 3/5/6/7).

║ [3-a] General Changes: Experimental Only

────────────────────────────────────────────[[ System ]]───────────────────────────

-(Plugin) Combat inputs modified to allow for "holding" inputs to allow immediate
combo execution
on the earliest valid frame. As a result, players no longer need to mash keys
as often to avoid
delays between actions. However, players should only hold inputs if they intend
to immediately
execute a follow-up action. Existing hold actions (bow charging, GS charging,
etc) are unaffected
by this change.
Examples of actions that are affected:
-Bowgun firing and reloading
-Most melee combo attacks
-Item usage from Item Bar (but not Radial Menu)

────────────────────────────────────────────[[ Player ]]───────────────────────────


Carry limit for Recover (now Slicing) Ammo 1/2 changed to 30/18.
Carry limit for Slicing (now TriBlast/AED) Ammo reduced to 10.
Carry limit for Defense (now Dazzling) Ammo increased to 25.
Carry limit for Dragonfell Berry increased to 35.
Carry limit for bomberries increased to 15.
Carry limit for blastnuts increased to 60.
Slicing (now Triblast), Recovery 2 (now slicing 2), and defense (now Dazzling) are
no longer craftable.
Recovery 1 (now Slicing 1) is craftable using Slashberry and Normal Ammo 1.
Buffed Attack Awakening III/IV/V/VI on HBG from 6/8/10/15 to 7/9/12/18, to account
for the 20% raw increase HBG got in general.

────────────────────────────────────────────[[ Skills ]]───────────────────────────


-Spareshot and True Spareshot:

(Plugin) Activations only affect total ammo for Bowguns (was affecting ammo in
Spareshot chance increased to 30% (up from 20%). Increases total ammo to ~1.43x
on average.
True Spareshot chance increased to 40% (up from 30%). Increases total ammo to
~1.67x on average.

║ [3-b] Weapon Changes: Experimental Only


───────────────────────────────────────────[[ Gunlance ]]──────────────────────────


[XanSamHi's OmniLance Rework + WBS Kill]

The experimental Gunlance uses what's now the stable Gunlance changes as base, it
applies the following changes:

-Shelling (Uncharged):
Fixed Damage increased to 23/33/42/53/67/78/90.
Fire Damage increased to 6/ 8/10/11/12/13/14.
-Charged Shelling:
Fixed Damage modifier increased to 2.17x.
-Full Burst:
Fixed Damage modifier changed to 0.75x.
Fixed Damage increased to 243/291/324/378/483/555/621.
Fire Damage increased to 45/ 54/ 63/ 72/ 81/ 90/ 99.
-Wyrmstake Blast:
Base duration decreased to 0 seconds, and bonus duration from ammo decreased to

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Light
Bowgun ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

The following changes recommended by Phemeto are highly experimental and highly
subject to change.
Check the addendums further below for additional changes for any additional

-(Plugin) Light Bowgun mod slot limit increased to 5 (up from 4).
-Rapid Fire (Recoil Type):
Secondary shot damage increased to 70% (up from 50%).
Secondary shot delay changed to 0.3s/0.3s/0.1s/0.1s (from
Secondary shot counts changed to 2/2/1/1 (from 2/2/2/1).
-Evade Reload Mod:
-(Plugin) Ammo reloaded per mod increased to 3 (up from 1).
-(Plugin) Light Bowgun neutral unsheathed roll is an evade reload slide, if the
mod is equipped.
-Close Range Up Mod: Maximum active range increased to 8m (up from 6m).
-Long Range Up Mod:
Minimum active range decreased to 10m (down from 16m).
Raw Damage multiplier changed to 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.45 (from 1.2/1.35/1.4/1.45).
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Backward impulse decreased to 250 (down from 700).
With this change, player will be dropped closer to the monster.
Charge consumption decreased to 1/2/3 (down from 1/2/4).
-Wyvernblast Type 2:
MV increased to 60/80/100/150 (up from 26/49/73/110).
Fire Damage decreased to 0/0/0/0 (down from 3/5/6/7).

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Heavy
Bowgun ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

The following changes recommended by Phemeto are highly experimental and highly
subject to change.
Check the addendums further below for additional changes for any additional

-All Heavy Bowgun base Attack values increased by 20%.

-Rapid Fire (Recoil Type):
Various HBGs now support Rapid Fire for specific ammos.
Secondary shot damage increased to 100% (up from 50%).
Secondary shot delay changed to 0.15s/0.22s/0.10s/0.15s (from
Secondary shot counts changed to 2/2/1/1 (from 2/2/2/1).
-Close Range Up Mod:
Maximum active range increased to 8m (up from 6m).
Raw Damage multiplier changed to 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 (from 1.2/1.3/1.35/1.4).
-Long Range Up Mod:
Minimum active range decreased to 10m (down from 16m).
Raw Damage multiplier changed to 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.45 (from 1.2/1.35/1.4/1.45).
-Special Scope Mod:
Removed scoped FOV and blur effects.
Normal Ammo damage multiplier decreased to 1.2x (down from 1.3x) and Distance
Ratio increased to 0.6 (up from 0.3).
Pierce Ammo damage multiplier decreased to 1.2x (down from 1.3x) and Distance
Ratio increased to 0.4 (up from 0.3).
Spread Ammo damage multiplier removed (down from 1.3x).
-Shield Mod:
Guard Angle increased to 140 degrees (up from 120 degrees).
Guard Thresholds for Lv3 and Lv4 decreased to match Lv2.
Bonus damage reduction for Lv4 is unchanged.
-Clutch Claw Weapon Attack:
Backward impulse decreased to 300 (down from 800).
With this change, player will be dropped closer to the monster.
Delay between shots decreased to 0.15s (down from 0.2s), resulting in a 33.33%
increased fire rate.
Ammo Regen per second increased to 0.56 (up from 0.27).
MV increased to 30/50/75/110 (up from 20/38/49/81).
Explosion limit increased to 9 (up from 7).
Explosion configuration changed to 3L+3M+3S (from 2S+2M+3L).
This change results in more consistent damage across every size of monster.
-Wyvernsnipe Type 2:
Distance Match:
MV increased 165 (up from 98).
Stun buildup increased to 100 (up from 15).
HZV Match:
MV increased to 235 (up from 147).
Stun buildup increased to 200 (up from 40).
Perfect Match:
MV increased to 350 (up from 243).
Stun buildup increased to 300 (up from 60).

─────────────────────────────────────────[[ Bowgun
Ammos ]]─────────────────────────────────────────

The following changes recommended by Phemeto are highly experimental and highly
subject to change.
Check the addendums further below for additional changes for any additional
-Normal Ammo:
MV increased to 18/25/40 (up from 10/20/34).
Projectile Speed changed to 100/100/100 meters per second (up from 37/45/100).
Critical Range End increased to 17m (up from 15m).
Long Barrel Mod's Critical Range Start decreased to 0m (down from 2m).
Long Barrel Mod's Critical Range End increased to 20m (up from 15m).
-Pierce Ammo:
MV increased to 14/16/18 (up from 7/7/9).
Projectile Speed increased to 50/50/45 meters per second (up from 25/25/20).
Critical Range End increased to 30m (up from 25m).
Power Barrel Mod's Critical Range End decreased to 20m (down from 23m).
Power Barrel Mod's Projectile Speed modifier changed to -20m/s (from -5m/s).
Long Barrel Mod's Critical Range Start decreased to 0m (down from 10m).
Long Barrel Mod's Critical Range End increased to 50m (up from 27m).
Light Bowgun: Damage reduced to 0% after the 5th hit (down from 20% after the
9th hit).
Heavy Bowgun: Damage reduced to 0% after the 6th hit (down from 20% after the
9th hit).
-Spread Ammo:
MV changed to 7/7/8 (from 6/7/8).
Spread patterns changed to be grouped around central point (was horizontal
line). Reference:
Projectile Speed increased to 90/95/100 meters per second (up from 80/80/80).
Power Barrel Mod's Projectile Speed modifier changed to -10m/s (from -15m/s).
Long Barrel Mod's Projectile Speed modifier changed to +10/+15/+20 meters per
second (from +15m/s).
Maximum Range increased to 20m/20m/22m (up from 11m/11m/11m).
Long Barrel Mod's Maximum Range increased to 24m/24m/26m (up from 13m/13m/13m).
Critical Range End increased to 10m (up from 7m).
Power Barrel Mod's Critical Range End increased to 9m (up from 7m).
Long Barrel Mod's Critical Range End increased to 14m (up from 7m).
-Sticky Ammo:
Damage Type changed to Blunt (was "HZV independent").
MV increased to 20/29/40 (up from 12/17/24).
Stun buildup changed to 50/70/100 (from 30/50/100).
-Cluster Ammo:
MV increased to 18/22/28 (up from 17/20/26).
Fire damage decreased to 0/0/0 (down from 5/8/10).
Partbreak Modifier increased to 0.5x (up from 0.2x).
-Recover Ammo:
Replaced with Slicing Ammo 1 and Slicing Ammo 2.
Hit count changed to 3/5.
-Poison Ammo:
MV increased to 15/18 (up from 1/1).
Poison Buildup increased to 100/200 (up from 40/80).
-Paralysis Ammo: Paralysis Buildup increased to 70/120 (up from 40/80).
-Sleep Ammo: Sleep Buildup increased to 70/120 (up from 40/80).
-Exhaust Ammo:
MV increased to 15/18 (up from 1/1).
Stun buildup removed (down from 20/50).
Exhaust buildup removed (down from 50/100).
Blast buildup increased to 50/100 (up from 0/0).
Will be renamed on a later update.
-Elemental Ammo:
MV increased to 20 (up from 8).
Element Modifer increased to 2.0x (up from 1.0x).
Piercing property removed.
-Slicing Ammo:
Replaced with Triblast Ammo.
MV of 15.
Damage type is "HZV independent".
Hits 3 times.
Partbreaker modifier of 1.2x.
Stun buildup of 50.
Affected by Artillery skill.
-Wyvern Ammo:
MV changed to 100+10 (up from 70+19).
Fire Damage removed (down from 40+20).
-Armor Ammo:
Replaced with Dazzling Ammo.
MV of 65.
Projectile Speed of 150m/s.
Critical Range Start of 0m.
Critical Range End of 100m.
Recoil type changed to Recoil+1 or Auto-Reload on weapons with this ammo type.
Clip size increased on some weapons.

──────────────────────────────────────[[ Bowgun Addendum

#1 ]]──────────────────────────────────────

Additional Changes To Phemborne (25th May 2020, override some older things)
Normal, Pierce, Paralysis, Sleep, Blast, and Poison Ammo 1 are all replaced by
their level 2 versions. Naming haven't changed.
Normal and Pierce Ammo 2 were replaced by their level 3 version. Naming not
Impact Ammo's built in fire element was removed. Instead, an elemental modifier of
5/5/7 for levels 1/2/3 was added, to be used with innate element bowguns.
Spread 1 and 2's MV were increased to 10 per pellet, so that they may function as
spread 2 and 3 instead. Naming still not changed.
Spread pellets were given 2.6 elemental modifier per pellet, to be used with innate
element bowguns.
Normal 1/2 (originally 2/3) were given a 5/7 elemental modifier.
Pierce 1/2 (originally 2/3) were given a 2/2.5 elemental modifer.
Slicing Ammo's slices were given a 2.6 elemental modifer per slice.
Cluster Explosions 1/2/3were given an 4/5/6 elemental modifer.
Wyvern Ammo was given a 30 elemental modifier on the first big hit, and a 3
elemental modifier on the extra smaller hits

──────────────────────────────────────[[ Bowgun Addendum

#2 ]]──────────────────────────────────────

Aditional Changes To Phemborne (13th July 2020, override older things)
Pierce 1 and 2's MV's changed to 11/14.
Spread 2's ele modifier was nerfed down from 2.6 to 2.2.
Impact 2 replaces Impact 1, and Impact 3 replaces Impact 2.
Cluster 1's changed to 17x5, cluster 2 is changed to 20x7. Cluster 3 retired.
Poison ammo's MV changed to 20, poison build up changed to 150.
Sleep/Para/Blast ammo MVs changed to 20. Status build up changed to 100.
Ele Ammo are all changed to behave like Dragon ammo, and all were changed to have
18 physical MV and 40 ele MV and 1.75 ele modifier. Their built in status was
ELe ammo (including dragon) crafting recipes removed. Additionally, their carry
capacity has been reduced to 5.
Pierce Ammo 3 also changed to behave like dragon ammo. MV set to 30 and ele modifer
set to 3 per tick. Prolly a bad idea.

Various lbg/hbg changes, including reworking ammo tables, adding custom recoils,
adding built in element to some guns were done by phemeto. Details can be found

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