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Department of Education

Science 11
General Biology - Quarter 1
Cell Modifications and
Cell Cycle
Module 3

Mary Vienne M. Pascual


Armida S. Oblinada

Darylle Cesar G. Hilapo


Schools Division Office – Muntinlupa City

Student Center for Life Skills Bldg., Centennial Ave., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa
City (02) 8805-9935 / (02) 8805-9940
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
describe some cell modifications that lead to adaptation to carry out
specialized functions and characterize the phases of the cell cycle and their
control points. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Describing Cell Modifications that Lead to Adaptation
• Lesson 2 – Characterizing the Cell Cycle Phases and Control Points

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. define cell modifications

2. identify some specialized cells that lead to adaptation
3. explain how specialized cells are adapted to their functions
4. summarize the events that occur in different phases of the cell cycle and
their control points
5. analyze the cell cycle data for a human cell

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for
your answers.

1. Specialized, or differentiated cells that function together constitute __________.

A. tissues B. organ systems C. organisms D. organs

2. Which of the following is an example of specialized cells?

A. blood cells C. sperm cells
B. nerve cells D. all of the choices are correct

3. Which of the following specialized cells can change shape and can kill bacteria in
the body?
A. egg cell B. palisade cell C. red blood cell D. white blood cell

4. How are nerve cells specialized?

A. They have a large amount of cytoplasm.
B. They have lots of mitochondria to provide energy.
C. Instead of nucleus, they have a lot of hemoglobin to deliver oxygen.
D. They have long connections that transmit electrical impulses quickly.

5. Which specialized cell is found in the surface of roots that absorbs water and
A. ciliated cell B. palisade cell C. root hair cell D. sperm cell

6. Which of the following is not a function of cell division?

A. repair of multicellular organisms
B. growth of multicellular organisms
C. reproduction of single-celled organisms
D. aerobic cellular respiration of multicellular organisms

7. When does DNA replication occur in the cell cycle?

A. anaphase B. interphase C. metaphase D. telophase

8. Which of the following is not associated with interphase?

A. G1 phase B. G2 phase C. mitosis D. synthesis

9. What cell structure is produced in large amount during the G2 phase?

A. chromosomes C. mitochondrion
B. endoplasmic reticulum D. plasma membrane

10. DNA replication is controlled at the __________ checkpoint?

A. G1 B. G2 C. M D. S

Describing Cell Modifications
1 that Lead to Adaptation
Unicellular (single-celled) organisms like bacteria need to carry out all of the
functions necessary for living. That is, such functions as the transport of molecules,
metabolism and reproduction all take place within a single cell. On the other hand,
multicellular organisms can divide up these functions among different types of cells.
This is called as cell specialization/modification.

Different types of cells play a specific role given that they have varied
structures. For instance, blood cells play an important role by delivering oxygen all
throughout the body whereas the nerve cells play a crucial role in the transmission
of messages to different parts of the body.

In this lesson, you will discover some cell modifications in plants and
animals that lead to adaptation to carry out specialized functions.

Directions: Name the specialized plant and animal cells using the words from the
box below.

ciliated cell egg cell muscle cell nerve cell palisade cell
red blood cell root hair cell sperm cell white blood cell

Image by bccoer is licensed under CC0 1.0. Image by Jlipuma1 - Own work, CC0,

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

Image by
is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

Image by NIH-NCATS is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Image by Henry Vandyke and Henry Gray

5. __________________________ 6. __________________________

Image by is licensed Image by Louisa Howard

under CC BY-ND 2.0.

7. __________________________ 8. _________________________

Image by Science and Plants for Schools is licensed
under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

9. __________________________

Directions: Complete the table to explain how each specialized cell is adapted to its
function. Use the Information Sheet as your reference.

Specialized Cell Function Adaptation

ciliated cell

egg cell

muscle cell

nerve cell

palisade cell

red blood cell

root hair cell

sperm cell

white blood cell

Specialized Cell Adaptations
Information Sheet
Functions Adaptations
To To move To absorb - Biconcave - Lots of - Cytoplasm
transmit microorganisms water and shape to easily mitochondria contains
electrical and dust away minerals from move through to provide nutrients for
impulses from the lungs the soil blood vessels energy the
around - Large surface - Store developing
the body area for glycogen embryo
to diffusion which can be - membrane
coordinate - No nucleus broken down changes
responses - Contains for use in after
hemoglobin respiration fertilization
- can to stop any
contract and more sperm
relax getting in.

To be To carry oxygen To contract to - Long tail to - Long, thin - Tiny hairs

fertilized around the help parts of swim axon called cilia to
by the body the body to - Lots of - branching sweep
sperm cell move mitochondria dendrites at particles
to provide either end away
energy - can carry - lots of
- chemicals in electrical mitochondria
head to get impulses to provide
into egg cell energy

To fight To fertilize an To carry out - Tall and thin - Change - Large

pathogens egg cell to make photosynthesis - Lots of shape to surface area
which a baby using energy chloroplasts squeeze out - no
cause from sunlight for of blood chloroplasts.
disease photosynthesis vessels and
- Produce

Adapted from:


Your body contains more than 200 different types of specialized cells. Each
type is adapted to do a particular job well and has developed special characteristics
to do it. Just as you can’t use a pair of scissors as a hammer, you can’t replace a
bone cell with a muscle cell and expect to get the same result.

Specialized cells vary widely with respect to:

• shape
• size
• number of organelles
• types of organelles

For instance, muscle cells are specially adapted to perform their key role of
contraction. They:
• tend to form long fibers,
• range in size from about 1-40 mm long depending on the needs of the muscle
they belong to,
• have larger numbers of mitochondria to meet their high energy demands and
can have up to 100 nuclei to control activity along their length, and
• contain special cylindrical organelles called myofibrils that are involved in


Significance of Cell Specialization

Aside from the production of cells with specialized functions, the process of cell
specialization is important in many other aspects. The following are some of them:

1. Replacement of Old and Worn-out Cells

The most popular stem cells are cells that have the potential to divide into
almost any cell in the body.

• The division of these stem cells into specialized cells is often triggered by
certain environmental conditions. For instance, these new cells from the
stem cells will then be used to replace any old or worn-out cells, hence
maintaining their integrity as tissues or organs.
• Interestingly though, these stem cells can remain “un-specialized” until
they need to.

2. Preserve the Genetic Material

In living organisms, the DNA serves as the genetic material that contains the
necessary information used in growth, reproduction, and normal functioning
of individuals.

• During transcription, the DNA becomes prone to mutations and the

process of cell specialization makes it less susceptible to them, hence
preventing further damage in the gene.

3. Importance in Cell-To-Cell-Communication

One of the most overlooked significance of cell specialization is its importance

in the production of cells that can produce signals that influence the activities
of their neighboring cells. As a result, these cells collectively react toward a
specific stimulus.

• One of the most common examples are the neurons or nerve cells in
animals. These cells can send impulses to other nerve cells or other types
of cells as well.

4. Possible Medical Importance

At present, scientists are looking into the possible uses of stem cells for
treating certain diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular ailments.

• One of their hypotheses was using stem cells and inducing them to
differentiate as replacements for the lost cell in the pancreas and the heart.

Source: “Cell Specialization: Mechanisms, Examples, & Significance,” in Bio Explorer, August 8, 2020,

What do Specialized Cells do?

Your task is to watch six animations to see each of the specialized cells in
continuous action. To do this, go to this link:
and click on the picture of a cell. Then click on the button that says “Entire
Animation.” Repeat this for the other five cells.
Next, watch each step-through animation at your own pace using the step-
through buttons.
As you watch the step-through version, discuss each specialized cell. In the
space below describe:
a. what you see. For example, describe the structures and organelles you
notice in the cell and what they appear to be doing (Note: not all of the
basic structures and organelles are shown.)
b. the overall function of the cell.

• Animation # 1:
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
• Animation # 2:
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
• Animation # 3:
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
• Animation # 4:
a. ____________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________
• Animation # 5:
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
• Animation # 6:
a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________

Adapted from: Science Education for Public Understanding Program. Activity 5 What do Specialized
Cells do?

Directions: On the lines below, write about what you have learned by doing the
activities in this module. Be as specific as possible and answer in complete

Let me tell you about some of the important things I’ve learned about specialized cells.
First, I’ll start with…

Next, I’ll tell you about…


Something else I learned was…


Lastly, I now really know about and understand…


Put Your Cells to Work

Directions: Imagine you are a specialized cell in the human body. Your task is to
research your cell type and then prepare a resumé so that you can apply for a job
that suits your skills. Organize your resumé as follows:

➢ Name: state which type of specialized cell you are.

➢ Address: identify where in the body you can be found.
➢ Place of birth: identify where in the body you were formed.
➢ Appearance: provide two images – a drawing and a microscope image – and
label your main features, such as your shape, organelles and any special
➢ Skills: list your main roles in the body and explain how your various features
allow you to perform them.
➢ Clubs and organizations: describe your role in forming tissues and organs
and your associations with any other specialized cell types.
➢ Closing statement: write a paragraph to describe the type of job you are
looking for and highlight how your skills would suit this job.

Assessment Rubric:

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity & The contents and The contents and The ideas are copied
Original Work way of presenting way of presenting from other
ideas are really ideas are quite resources.
original. original.
Text Structure The text is really The text is quite The reader cannot
easy to read and easy to read and follow the ideas
understand and it is understand. expressed in the text
well developed. easily.
Grammar There are not any Some grammar Information contain
Correctness and grammar mistakes mistakes are found a lot of grammar
Vocabulary in the written in the written mistakes that
Adequacy information. The information. A few prevent the reader
vocabulary used is words related to the from understanding
adequate to the topic are used. the messages.
topic. Students hardly use
key vocabulary.

Characterizing the Cell Cycle
2 Phases and Control Points
Humans, like other sexually-reproducing organisms, start life as a zygote
(fertilized egg). In our species, billions of cell divisions subsequently must take place
in regulated manner in order to produce a complex, multicellular human comprising
trillions of cells. Once a human is fully grown, cell reproduction is still needed to
repair and regenerate body tissues, and sometimes to increase our size. All
multicellular organisms use cell division for growth and the maintenance and repair
of cells and tissues. Cell division is closely regulated, and the occasional failure of
this regulation can have life-threatening consequences.

In this lesson, you will investigate the different phases of the cell cycle and
their control points.

Sexual vs Asexual Reproduction

A. Directions: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue.

6 7 8


Across Down
3. Two individuals that mate 1. Reproductive cells
4. A physical or behavioral feature 2. Fusion of an egg and sperm cell
7. The child or produced organism 5. Creates offspring with a mix of traits
9. Creates an exact copy 6. An example of asexual reproduction
10. Bacteria reproduce this way 8. These organisms can reproduce both ways


Cells Alive Web Activity

Directions: Go to Watch the animation,

and read the information about the phases of the cell cycle. Use this information to
summarize the events happening during each phase of the cell cycle in the table
below. Then, answer the question following the table.

G0 Phase

G1 Phase

S Phase

G2 Phase


Why might a cell enter G0 phase?


Source from:

The cell cycle is an ordered series of events involving cell growth and cell
division that produces two new daughter cells. Cells on the path to cell division
proceed through a series of precisely timed and carefully regulated stages of growth,
DNA replication, and nuclear and cytoplasmic division that ultimately produces two
identical (clone) cells. The cell cycle has two major phases: interphase and the mitotic
phase. During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated. During the mitotic
phase, the replicated DNA and cytoplasmic contents are separated, and the cell
cytoplasm is typically partitioned by a third process of the cell cycle
called cytokinesis. We should note, however, that interphase and mitosis
(karyokinesis) may take place without cytokinesis, in which case cells with multiple
nuclei (multinucleate cells) are produced.


During interphase, the cell undergoes normal growth processes while also
preparing for cell division. In order for a cell to move from interphase into the mitotic
phase, many internal and external conditions must be met. The three stages of
interphase are called G1, S, and G2.

G1 Phase (First Gap)

The first stage of interphase is called the G1 phase (first gap) because, from a
microscopic point of view, little change is visible. However, during the G 1 stage, the
cell is quite active at the biochemical level. The cell is accumulating the building
blocks of chromosomal DNA and the associated proteins as well as accumulating
sufficient energy reserves to complete the task of replicating each chromosome in the

S Phase (Synthesis of DNA)

Throughout interphase, nuclear DNA remains in a semi-condensed chromatin

configuration. In the S phase, DNA replication can proceed through the mechanisms

that result in the formation of identical pairs of DNA molecules—sister chromatids—
that are firmly attached to the centromeric region. The centrosome is also duplicated
during the S phase. The two centrosomes of homologous chromosomes will give rise
to the mitotic spindle, the apparatus that orchestrates the movement of
chromosomes during mitosis. For example, roughly at the center of each animal cell,
the centrosomes are associated with a pair of rod-like objects, the centrioles, which
are positioned at right angles to each other. Centrioles help organize cell division. We
should note, however, that centrioles are not present in the centrosomes of other
eukaryotic organisms, such as plants and most fungi.

G2 Phase (Second Gap)

In the G2 phase, the cell replenishes its energy stores and synthesizes proteins
necessary for chromosome manipulation and movement. Some cell organelles are
duplicated, and the cytoskeleton is dismantled to provide resources for the mitotic
phase. There may be additional cell growth during G2. The final preparations for the
mitotic phase must be completed before the cell is able to enter the first stage of

The Mitotic Phase

The mitotic phase is a multistep process during which the duplicated

chromosomes are aligned, separated, and move into two new, identical daughter
cells. The first portion of the mitotic phase is called karyokinesis, or nuclear
division. As we have just seen, the second portion of the mitotic phase (and often
viewed as a process separate from and following mitosis) is called cytokinesis—the
physical separation of the cytoplasmic components into the two daughter cells.

Reference: Clark, Mary Ann, Matthew Douglas, and Jung Choi. “Biology 2e.” OpenStax, 2018. March

Regulation at Control/Check Points

It is essential that the daughter cells

produced be exact duplicates of the parent cell.
Mistakes in the duplication or distribution of the
chromosomes lead to mutations that may be
passed forward to every new cell produced from
an abnormal cell. To prevent a compromised cell
from continuing to divide, there are internal
control mechanisms that operate at three
main cell-cycle checkpoints: A checkpoint is
one of several points in the eukaryotic cell cycle
at which the progression of a cell to the next stage
in the cycle can be halted until conditions are
favorable. These checkpoints occur near the end
of G1, at the G2/M transition, and during

The G1 Checkpoint

The G1 checkpoint determines whether all conditions are favorable for cell
division to proceed. The G1 checkpoint, also called the restriction point (in yeast), is
a point at which the cell irreversibly commits to the cell division process. External

influences, such as growth factors, play a large role in carrying the cell past the
G1 checkpoint. In addition to adequate reserves and cell size, there is a check for
genomic DNA damage at the G1 checkpoint. A cell that does not meet all the
requirements will not be allowed to progress into the S phase. The cell can halt the
cycle and attempt to remedy the problematic condition, or the cell can advance into
G0 and await further signals when conditions improve.

The G2 Checkpoint

The G2 checkpoint bars entry into the mitotic phase if certain conditions are
not met. As at the G1 checkpoint, cell size and protein reserves are assessed.
However, the most important role of the G2 checkpoint is to ensure that all of the
chromosomes have been replicated and that the replicated DNA is not damaged. If
the checkpoint mechanisms detect problems with the DNA, the cell cycle is halted,
and the cell attempts to either complete DNA replication or repair the damaged DNA.

The M Checkpoint

The M checkpoint occurs near the end of the metaphase stage of

karyokinesis. The M checkpoint is also known as the spindle checkpoint, because it
determines whether all the sister chromatids are correctly attached to the spindle
microtubules. Because the separation of the sister chromatids during anaphase is
an irreversible step, the cycle will not proceed until the kinetochores of each pair of
sister chromatids are firmly anchored to at least two spindle fibers arising from
opposite poles of the cell.

Reference: Clark, Mary Ann, Matthew Douglas, and Jung Choi. “Biology 2e.” OpenStax, 2018. March

Interpreting Cell Cycle Data

Directions: Study and analyze the cell cycle data for a typical human cell in culture.
Then, answer the given questions.

Phase Key Process Time Interval Sets of DNA Number of

(hours) present in organelles in
each cell at each cell at
end of phase end of phase
Gap1 11 1 560
Synthesis 8 2 570
Gap2 Protein and 4 2 600
organelle synthesis
Mitosis Cell and nuclear 1 1 300
Total time: 24


1. Looking at the third column of the cell cycle data table, compare the time spent in
mitosis with the time spent in Gap1, in human cells. What can you say about their


2. Imagine 100 cells were chosen randomly from a tissue sample and examined under
a microscope. In which phase of the cell cycle would you expect to find the largest
number of cells? Explain your answer.


3. Look again at the table. Compare the amount of DNA at the beginning and end of
synthesis. Why did the amount of DNA change?


4. What are the “Key Process” for Gap1 and Synthesis phase. Fill in your answers in
the Key Process column.


5. If a culture in the lab starts with one human cell, how many cells will there be
after 24 hours?


Adapted from:

Write 3 sentences to sum up what you have learned in this lesson.

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________

Now, write 3 separate words to sum up what you have learned in this lesson.

What 1 word sums up what you have learned today?

Life of a Cell Comic Strip

What if your cell was a character in a comic strip?

Directions: Draw what would happen to a particular

cell through the course of one cell cycle in a comic strip.
You must have a plot line that includes the REASON
your cell decided to divide, any relevant events that
occur on the way to cell division, and how the cell
division ultimately HELPED your cell or organism.

Adapted from:


Assessment Rubric:

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Comic strip accurately Comic strip somewhat Comic strip does not
represents all phases of portrays the events of accurately portray the steps
Accuracy cell cycle and resulting cell cycle, details may be of cell cycle, details are
cells lacking or information incorrect or not present and
may not be 100% correct information is incorrect.

Comic strip Comic strip looks like it No effort was afforded in
demonstrates effort and was thrown together and this task
creativity lacks effort and
Comic strip is Comic strip looks Comic strip is disorganized,
aesthetically pleasing, sloppy, may be messy, and unable to be
easy to follow, and easy disorganized and understood
to read difficult to read

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which type of cell sends messages throughout the body in the form of electrical
A. gamete B. muscle C. nerve D. skin

2. Which of the following cells can expand and contract to allow for movement?
A. bone cell B. muscle cell C. neuron D. white blood cell

3. What specialized cell is fertilized by sperm cell and has nutrient-rich cytoplasm
for developing embryo?
A. blood cell B. egg cell C. palisade cell D. root hair cell

4. Multicellular organisms have specialized cells that perform specific jobs. Blood
cells are specialized. What is their job?
A. They carry oxygen and help fight infections.
B. They absorb water and minerals from the soil.
C. They dust away microorganism from the lungs.
D. They carry out photosynthesis by using sun’s energy.

5. Which specialized cell has long tail to swim and contains extra mitochondria to
provide energy?
A. egg cell B. palisade cell C. sperm cell D. white blood cell

6. Which of the following events does not occur during some phases of interphase?
A. DNA duplication C. organelle duplication
B. increase in cell size D. separation of sister chromatids

7. What is the main prerequisite for clearance at the G2 checkpoint?

A. cell has reached a sufficient size
B. an adequate stockpile of nucleotides
C. accurate and complete DNA replication
D. proper attachment of mitotic spindle fibers to kinetochores

8. If the M checkpoint is not cleared, what stage of mitosis will be blocked?

A. anaphase B. prometaphase C. prophase D. metaphase

9. Chromosomes are duplicated during what stage of the cell cycle?
A. S phase C. prophase
B. G1 phase D. prometaphase

10. What will happen at the end of a normal cell cycle?

A. The parent cell grows large and then dies.
B. The parent cell splits into two identical daughter cells.
C. The parent cell splits into thousands of daughter cells.
D. The parent cell splits into two dissimilar daughter cells.

Control of the Cell Cycle Interactive Game

1. Go to this website:

2.As soon you click on this address and it comes up, you can click on the cell and
then its daughter cells to watch replication. Then click “enter” in pink.

3.While you proceed through the information and game, record answers to the
questions in your notebook.

4.Click on the “doorway” to the nucleus and follow the prompts. You are now inside
the nucleus or the control center of the cell.

5.Pay attention to the meter on the upper left side that shows which stage of the cell
cycle you are at. This will help guide what cell activity comes next. Use your notes to
help you decide. If the cell self-destructs you can begin again.

6.After you successfully replicate the cell, click on the information that follows to
answer the rest of the questions. Especially pay attention to the ideas about cell cycle
regulation and tumors.

Control of the Cell Cycle Questions (answer in your journal as you watch the

1. How many cells in our bodies are replaced each minute?

2. Why would our skin cells and the cells lining our stomach and intestines
constantly grow and divide?
3. How does our body know when to replace a cell?
4. What does a cell check for in Checkpoint 1? Checkpoint 2? Checkpoint 3?
5. How might a damaged chromosome negatively affect the cell?
6. What can the cell do if it detects a problem at the checkpoint?
7. Explain what happens in a tumor with cell checkpoints.

Adapted from:

March 28. Access for free at
Clark, Mary Ann, Matthew Douglas, and Jung Choi. “Biology 2e.” OpenStax, 2018.
What I Know Lesson 1: What's In
1. A 1. root hair cell 1. C
2. D 2. sperm cell 2. B
3. D 3. red blood cell 3. B
4. D 4. white blood cell 4. A
5. C 5. nerve cell 5. C
6. D 6. egg cell 6. D
7. B 7. muscle cell 7. C
8. C 8. ciliated cell 8. D
9. A 9. palisade cell 9. A
10. B 10. B
Lesson 2: What’s In
1. gamete
2. fertilization
3. parent
4. trait
5. sexual
6. asexual
7. offspring
8. plants
9. budding
10. binary fission

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