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Robert Brown was a Scottish-born botanist
(plant scientist) responsible for discovering
and identifying the nucleus of a cell around
1827. He even named it. Robert described the
nucleus' natural occurrence in living
organisms' cells and attempted to
understand its importance in cellular activity.


Theodor Schwann was a German biologist in
the 1800s. He is considered one of the
founders of the official cell theory alongside
Matthias Schleiden. He conducted
experiments to disprove spontaneous
generation, which was an important step in
the progression of the cell theory.

Matthias Schleiden was a German botanist whose
love for plant studies soon developed into a full-
time pursuit. Around 1838 he became the co-
founder of the cell theory alongside Theodor
Schwann. Upon further study, the partners
established the initial cell theory: 1. all living
organisms consisted of one or more cells and 2. the
cell is the basic unit of structure for all living

Rudolph Virchow was a very multi-faceted German scientist
who added to the initial cell theory, building on the work of
Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden. He was one of the
first to accept the work of Robert Remak, who showed that
the origin of cells was the division of preexisting cells. His
famous aphorism "omnis cellula e cellula" states "every cell
stems from another cell". This is officially the third rule of the
cell theory.


Louis Pasteur was a French biologist who is well
known for discovering and naming the process of
pasteurization, where bacteria is destroyed by
heating beverages and then cooling them down. He
also greatly contributed to the cell theory by
further disproving spontaneous generation and
coming up with the theory of biogenesis, which
states all life comes from preexisting life.

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist and biologist
famous for many studies, the most well known being his
theory of evolution. He contributed to the cell theory
around 1868 by proposing the pangenesis theory, which
refers to the process of hereditary genes being passed
down from parent to offspring. This theory originated
from the idea that characteristics acquired during an
organism's life were heritable.
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