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Day One

Welcome the participants and workshop

15 Min introduction Lecture Description

Museum collections are the hallmark of museums. While its management is the heart of
the museum's operations and the focus of its management; and the basis for all other
60 Min Managing museum collections operations of the museum. Collections management is one of the pillars of museum
management, and the focus of its work. It is an ongoing process, not a product. In this
lecture, we will learn about the position of managing collections from museum
management, specializations, dimensions of its activity, and its management philosophy.
15 Min
The museum collections policy is everything related to the regulations, laws, policies,
and applied means through which the museum's functions are organized from
acquisition, documentation, research, interpretation, preservation, etc.
60 Min Museum Collections Policies
The lecture will focus on acquainted with the museum collections policy, its
importance, specializations and divisions. With exposure to some examples of museum
policy regulations around the world and cases of application
15 Min
In this lecture, we will highlight the acquisition as a major function of the museum, the
specialization and the distribution of responsibilities. We will discuss the acquisition in
The Collection and Acquisition Policy of
light of the scope of the acquisition and the ICOM Charter of Ethics and Professional
60 Min Museum Collections (A Case in Practice of
Ethics by standing on some of the positions that can be presented to them as trustees
the Metropolitan Museum of Art)
and officials of the museum. As well as identifying this in light of the collections policy
of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
15 Min Questions and discussions

Day Two

Digitization & Digitalization and Digital Transformation for Heritage and Cultural
Museum Collection Management System
60 Min collections and Museums and applying standards to it's procedures with understanding
of the benefits of it with AI Deep learning using overview for protecting the collections
and helping managers and curators to monitor and analyze data more efficient.
15 Min

Digitization & Digitalization and Digital Transformation for Heritage and Cultural
Museum Collection Management System
90 Min collections and Museums and applying standards to it's procedures with understanding
of the benefits of it with AI Deep learning using overview for protecting the collections
and helping managers and curators to monitor and analyze data more efficient.
15 Min
Data collection management describes how museums manage and care for their
collections to meet standards and legislation relating to museums and collections.

This includes safeguarding the preservation of the collections through appropriate

60 Min Registration - Data Collection Methods conservation, handling, storage, and display methods. It also includes encouraging
research and public engagement by making available up-to-date essential information
about collections and ensuring the Museum develops and uses its collections in line
with legislation and Museum policy through registration and suitable collection
management software.
15 Min Questions and discussions

Day Three
The lecture will include the following topics:
The use of the new technology, - Content development
60 Min multimedia and applications in the - content editing
museum scenario display - needed materials
- customisation and adaptation of the content
15 Min
Although the treatment and restoration of antiquities within museums is an important
necessity, treatment alone is not sufficient to preserve collections in the future as they
will inevitably be exposed to damage again if conditions and controls are not available
The approach for preventive conservation to stop damage and deterioration to the maximum extent possible. Accordingly,
60 Min preventive Conservation aims to reduce damage and deterioration of the collections
and Emergency Stabilization
through a set of procedures that ensure the protection of the archaeological objects and
protect it in the future from the effects of destructive environmental factors and
conditions during their use, transportation, handling, or when displaying and storing it.
15 Min
Many museum storages suffer from overcrowded and inadequate storage conditions, to
the extent it pose a series risk to the collection in storage which represents about 90% of
An introduction to reorganizing museum the entire museum collection. The introductory lecture of RE-ORG will overview the
60 Min
storages methodology (RE-ORG) inclusive and decisive solution the methodology provides to address these issues and to
meet the professional storage criteria through methodological reorganization process of
preparation, assessment, planning and implementation ultimately leading to regaining
control over the storage function and resume the interrupted collection message
15 Min Questions and discussions

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