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Table 1.

Biological classification of animal species from Order to Species


1 CHICKEN Galliformes Phasianidae Gallus Gallus gallus

2 TURKEY Galliformes Phasianidae Meleagris Meleagris gallopavo

3 DUCK Anseriformes Anatidae Anas

3a Mallard Anatidae Anas Anas platyrhynchos

3b Muscovy Anatidae Cairina Cairina moschata

4. GOOSE Anseriformes Anatidae Branta

4a Greek/European Anatidae Branta Branta canadensis

4b Chinese Anatidae Anser Anser canagicus

5. HORSE Perissodactyla Equidae Equus Equus caballus

6 DONKEY Perissodactyla Equidae Equus Equus asinus

7 BUFFALO/CARABAO Arrtiodactyla Bovidae Bubalus Bubalus bubalis

8 CATTLE Arrtiodactyla Bovidae Bos

8a European Bovidae Bos Bos taurus

8b Zebu Bovidae Bos Bos indicus

9 SHEEP Arrtiodactyla Bovidae Ovis Ovis aries

10 GOAT Arrtiodactyla Bovidae Capra Capra hircus

11 SWINE Arrtiodactyla Suidae Sus

11a European Suidae Sus Sus scrofa

11b Asiatic Suidae Sus Sus domesticus

12 RABBIT Lagomorpha Leporidae Oryctolagus Oryctolagus cuniculus

12 DOG Carnivora Canidae Canis Canis lupus familiaris

13 CAT Carnivora Felidae Felis Felis catus

2. Terms for the male and female parents, baby, and male and female when young under each animal species


CHICKEN Rooster Hen Chick cockerel pullet

TURKEY Gobbler/tom Turkey hen poult jake Hen poult

DUCK drake Duck hen duckling duckling duckling

GOOSE gander Goose hen gosling Young gander Young goose

HORSE studhorse mare foal colt filly

BUFFALO/CARABAO carabull caraballa calf bullock heifer

CATTLE bull cow calf bullock heifer

SHEEP Ram/buck ewe lamb Ram lamb Ewe lamb

GOAT buck Doe/nanny kid Buck kid Doe kid

SWINE boar sow piglet shoat gilt

RABBIT buck doe kit

DOG dog bitch pup

CAT TOM queen kitten

Table 3. Term for parturition, meat, voice produced, and castrated animal before and after puberty


HORSE fowling horse neigh gelding stag

BUFFALO/CARABAO calving carabeef bellow steer stag

CATTLE calving beef bellow steer stag

SHEEP lambing mutton bleap Wether sheep stag

GOAT kidding chevon bleap Wether goat stag

SWINE farrowing pork snort barrow stag

RABBIT kindling rabbit squeak lapin lapin

DOG whelping bark

CAT kittening meow

Table 4. The animal species referred to



BOVINE Cattle/buffalo







Lagomorphs Rabbit

Define the following terms

a. General Terms

any member of the group of vertebrate animals in which the young are nourished with milk from special mammary
1 Mammals glands of the mother

2 Avian Featheries, birds

the age in postnatal life when gonads produce gametes and sex hormones in sufficient quantities to enable an animal
3 Puberty to reproduce

Heat or a period during the reproductive cycle when female animals become sexually receptive, signaling they are
4 Estrus ready for mating

Ovulation, the cyclical pattern of ovarian activity that facilitates female animals to go from a period of reproductive
5 Estrous Cycle receptivity to non-receptivity ultimately allowing the establishment of pregnancy following mating

6 Dam Mother of an animal

7 Sire Father of an animal

8 Fertility ability of animals to produce healthy offspring

9 Fecundity fruitfulness and fertility

10 Sterility Infertility

11 Copulation A male introduces sperm into the female’s body

12 Conception Point in time when the sperm fertilizes the ova

13 Gestation the time between conception and birth

14 Castration the removal of a male animal's testicles

The physical separation of calves from the hinds so that the calves are no longer dependent on their mothers for food
15 Weanling (milk) and security

16 Impotency unable to engage in sexual intercourse because of inability to have and maintain an erection or an inability to copulate

17 Oviposition a tube-like organ used by some animals for laying of eggs

18 Incubation the maintenance of uniform conditions of temperature and humidity to ensure the development of eggs

the period immediately after hatch when special care and attention must be given to chicks to ensure their health and
19 Brooding survival

20 Parturition the process of giving birth

a. Calving the act of a cow giving birth to a calf

b. Farrowing The act of giving birth of swines

c. Kidding the act of the birthing process in goats

d. Foaling the process of a horse giving birth

e. Lambing the time in the spring when female sheep give birth to lambs
B. Cattle and Carabao

1 Ox a castrated bull used as a draft animal

2 Cattle domesticated bovine farm animals that are raised for their meat, milk, or hides or for draft purposes

3 Bull A male (un-castrated) bovine

4 Cow A fully grown female animal of a domesticated breed of bovine, used as a source of milk or beef

5 Heifer a female that has not had any offspring

6 Steer young neutered male cattle primarily raised for beef

7 Stag another word for a buck, or a male deer

8 Calf baby cow

9 Bullcalf

10 Caracow sexually mature female carabao that has given birth at least once and with age of 3 years old and above

11 Bullock Young neutered male cattle primarily raised for beef.

12 Carabull Sexually mature uncastrated male carabao usually kept for breeding

13 Caraheifer sexually mature female carabao that has not yet given birth

C. Horse

1 Stallion Male horse

2 Mare Female horse

3 Colt Young male horse

4 Filly Young female horse

5 Foal Young horses

6 Gelding A castrated stallion/male horse

a mare or female horse which has been bred and has given birth to a foal, but the foal has either died at birth, or within 2
7 Yeld Mare weeks of birth

A colt which does not have both testes palpable in the entirety below the external inguinal ring, and includes a colt that has
8 Ridgling had one testicle removed

9 Equitation the art and practice of horsemanship and horse-riding

D. Swine

1 Boar any of the wild members of the pig species Sus scrofa, family Suidae

2 Sow a female pig that has had piglets

3 Gilt young female pig that has never had piglets

4 Shote a piglet that has recently been weaned

5 Barrow a castrated male swine

The stage that comes after lactation in which the piglets are taken away from their dam and normally proceed to eat only
6 Weanling solid food

7 Suckling a piglet fed on its mother's milk

8 Litter the baby pigs born to a sow at one time

9 Litter Size the total number of born piglets per litter

10 Stag a male pig that was castrated after reaching sexual maturity

E. Sheep and Goat

1 Ram Male sheep

2 Ewe Female Sheep

3 Wether Sheep A castrated male sheep

4 Shearling skin from a recently sheared sheep or lamb that has been tanned and dressed with the wool left on

5 Fleece The coat of wool covering a wool-bearing animal, like sheep

6 Billy Goat Male goat

7 Pelt a usually undressed skin with its hair, wool, or fu

8 Doe A sexually-mature female goat/animal

9 Kid Baby goat

10 Wether Goat A castrated male goat

11 Doe Kid a young female goat less than a year old

12 Buck Kid A young male goat

13 Lamb the meat from a young sheep, and is also the name given to the animals themselves, up until one year of age

14 Buck Male deer/goat/animal

F. Poultry

1 Poultry Domesticated avian species that can be raised for eggs, meat and/or feathers
2 Chicken A type of poultry used for meat, egg and feathers

3 Rooster An adult male chicken

4 Cockerel a young male chicken/ immature

5 Capon male chickens whose testes have been surgically removed

6 Pullet a young female chicken/ immature

7 Hen An adult female chicken

8 Duck Adult female

9 Drake Adult male, a sexually mature adult male duck of any species, both wild and domestic

10 Duckling Baby duck

11 Gander adult male goose

12 Tom the male of various animals

13 Poult A young fowl

14 Squab A tender and moist dark meat. It has a slight game flavor, similar to duck

15 Chick Young baby chicken

16 Broiler Any chicken that is bred and raised specifically for meat production

17 Brood the natural behavior in which birds stop laying and sit on eggs to incubate them

18 Clutch the total eggs a bird lays per each nesting attempt

19 Layer Chickens raised to produce eggs

20 Spent Hen egg-laying hens reaching the end of their laying cycles
G. Nutrition

1 Nutrition The taking in and use of food and other nourishing material by the body

2 Nutrient elements in feed that are used by the animal for growth and production

3 Feeds Animal feed, food grown or developed for livestock and poultry

4 Feedstuffs a component of a ration or a diet that serves one or more functions

5 Concentrates Animal feeds that are rich in energy and/or protein but low in fiber

6 Roughages plant-based feedstuffs

The process of quantifying the amounts of feed ingredients that need to be combined to form a single uniform mixture
7 Feed Formulation (diet) for poultry that supplies all of their nutrient requirements

8 Digestion The breakdown of food into smaller components that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

All physical reactions such as absorption, degradation, transformation, excretion and utilization of nutrients supplied to the
9 Metabolism animal

10 Amino Acids the building blocks of proteins and polypeptides that are the major component of animals' muscles and tissues

H. Meat of Different Farm Animals

1 Chevon Goat meat

2 Beef The meat of mature or almost mature cattle

3 Carabeef Meat of the water buffalo or carabao

4 Lapan the meat of a castrated rabbit

5 Pork Meat of a swine

6 Mutton Meat from a mature sheep

7 Lamb meat from a young sheep or lamb

8 Veal the meat from a calf or young beef animal

9 Venison the meat from any kind of deer

10 Game Meat Wild animals and birds that are hunted and eaten

I. Slaughtering

1 Fasting Denied access to feed for a limited period of time

2 Stunning ensures the animal is unconscious and insensible to pain before being bled out at slaughter

3 Bleeding Severing the carotid arteries and jugular veins, or the blood vessels from which they arise

The process whereby the hides of the larger animals such as cattle or camels, or the skins of the smaller
4 Flaying animals, such as calves, goats or sheep, are removed from the carcass

5 Singeing the major process by which hair on the skin of slaughtered goat is removed

6 Evisceration removal of the birds' internal organs

The process of treating carcass with hot water or steam for efficient removal of the bristles or feathers by the
7 Scalding dehairer/defeatherer

8 Slaughtering the process for killing of animals intended for human consumption

9 Offals internal organs and entrails of a butchered animal

The neck and some other parts, such as the liver, of a bird that may be removed before the bird is cooked, or
10 Giblets that may be cooked and eaten themselves or used as a flavoring
J. Scientific Name of common farm animals:

Animals Scientific Name

Goat Capra aegagrus hircus

Cattle Bos taurus

Horse Equus ferus caballus

Sheep Ovis aries

Dog Canis lupus familiaris

Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus

Duck Anatidae

Quail Coturnix coturnix

Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus

Swine Sus scrofa domesticus

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