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4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

Sustainable stingray stock (Dasyatis sp.) in Malacca Strait,

Serdang Bedagai Regency

V R Manurung*, S F P Nasution, J S Hasibuan, A Fadhilah and H Husaini

Aquatic Resources Management Program Study, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera

Utara, Medan, Indonesia


Abstract. Sustainable stingray stock catches and increasing the potential that these fish populations
may become overfished this may have a negative impact on the size of fish stocks. In order to estimate
stock models and prospective resources of stingrays in the seas of the Malacca Strait, the descriptive
technique was utilized to collect secondary data. The necessary to conduct stock dynamics research that
examines the exploitation rate of stingrays. Based on the Schaefer model, obtained the value of
sustainable potential (MSY) for Stingray resources (Dasyatis sp.) at Tanjung Beringin fishing port of
37,24625 tons/year and the optimum effort value of 148,6119 trips/ years. The percentage of stingray
resource utilization rate which landed in Tanjung Beringin TPI during the last 5 years has an average
value of 0,925% and an effort level of 1,234%. TAC is 29,797 tons/year, shows that fishing can still be
increased to get more optimal results. The value of the allowable catch must be below the MSY value
which is 80%. The average allowable catch of stingray (Dasyatis sp.) is 80% of the MSY. This means
that fishermen's catches can still be optimized, but must not exceed MSY limit.

1. Introduction
Stingray is a commodity in Indonesian waters with a large population, this fish is a group of cartilaginous
fish of the Chondrichthyes class. By lowering stingray sustainable stock catches and increasing the
potential that these fish populations may become overfished, this may have a negative impact on the
size of fish stocks. Indonesia is listed as a country with the largest use of cartilaginous fish in the world,
with an estimated catch of 118,000 tons in 2008 at which time, the world's total catch of rays reached
736,491 tons [1]. The number of catches puts Indonesia as the third largest stingray catcher in the world,
replacing the United States [2].
Stingray catching activities that are carried out continuously expect increasing production
volumes to encourage all actors without paying attention to the sustainability of these activities, this can
have a significant effect on the quantity of fish stocks, decreasing catches from stingray resource stocks
so that the status of these fish stocks becomes overfishing. If unsustainable exploitation is allowed to
continue unmonitored and unregulated, it will cause the depletion of stocks and eventually lead to the
extinction of many stingray species in this region [3]. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct stock
dynamics research that examines the exploitation rate of stingrays in the waters of Malaka Strait Serdang
Bedagai Regency in order to obtain information that forms the basis for the management of stingray

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4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

2. Materials and method

This research was carried out in TPI Tanjung Beringin, Serdang Bedagai Regency North Sumatera
Province during from July to September 2021.

Figure 1. Research location

The descriptive technique was utilized to collect secondary data obtained from the Serdang
Bedagai Marine and Fisheries Service including data on the production of catches and effort units for
stingrays within the last 5 years that were landed at Tanjung Beringin port as an estimate of stock and
potential models stingray resources in Malacca Strait.

2.1 Data analysis

2.1.1. Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE)

The productivity of a fishing gear can be estimated by looking at the connection between effort and
catch. The equation for finding the CPUE value is as follows [4]
CPUE = (1)

CPUE = Catch per Unit Effort
Cpi = Catch per fishing gear in year i (tons)
ft = Attempt to catch in year (trip)

2.1.2. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and Effort Optimum (Fopt),

The production of surplus catch and effort is processes through by Schaefer and Fox model approach as
follows [4]:

The connection between catch (C) and catch effort (f) using the Schaefer method with the formula:
C = af + b (f)2 (2)

The Optimum Effort Value (Fopt) is:

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

Fopt = (3)

The Maximum Sustainable Potential Value (MSY) is:

MSY = (4)

The connection between catch (C) and catch effort (f) using the fox method with the formula:

C = Fexp(a+ b(f) (5)

The Optimum Effort Value (Fopt) is:

Fopt = - (1/b) exp(a-1) (6)

The Maximum Sustainable Potential Value (MSY) is:

MSY = b
C = Number of catches per unit of fishing effort (tons/trip)
a = Intercept
b = Slope
f = Efforts to catch (trip) in period
fopt = Optimal fishing effort (trip)
MSY = Maximum sustainable potential value (tonnes/year)

2.1.3. Level of Utilization (TPc) and Level of Effort (TPf)

The estimation of the utilization rate was carried out to find out how much the utilization rate of the
Stingray (Dasyatis sp.) was. The estimation was carried out with the maximum sustainable potential
value (MSY). The equation of the utilization rate is:
TPc = Ci × (8)

TPc = yearly utilization rate (%)
Ci = Fish catch in year (tons)
MSY = Maximum Sustainable Yield (ton)

2.1.4. Estimation of effort

This study was conducted to determine the level of effort to catch Stingray (Dasyatis sp.) resources, the
estimation was carried out with the optimal effort value (fopt). The formula for calculating effort level
TPf = 𝑓opt × 100% (9)

TPf = Effort Rate in year (%)
fs = Catch effort (standard effort) in year (trip)
fopt = Optimum fishing effort (tonnes/year)

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Production of Stingray Catches


Production (ton) 40
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 2. Production of Stingray Catches

The production of Stingray (Dasyatis sp.) resources for 5 years fluctuated from 2016 to 2020 tended to
experience 39,034 tons. This is due to the increasing use of fishing gear, where the highest production
is in 2020, the availability of abundant fish stocks and high fishing effort.

3.2 fishing effort.

Effort ( trip)

Rawai Dasar
Jaring Liong Bun
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 3. Fishing effort

The highest fishing effort is found in liong bun net fishing gear. This is due to the large GT size of liong
bun net boats measuring 30-90 GT can store large numbers of fish so that the fishing effort made will
increase. This is in according to [5], which states that bottom net fisheries (liong bun nets) are very
selective because they use a mesh size of 50 cm. The selectivity of liongbun nets is one of the factors
supporting the sustainability of fisheries, where liongbun contributes 16% of the total ray production in

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

3.3 CPUE

Table 1. CPUE

Year Total Catch CPUE (ton/trip)

(ton) Rawai dasar Jaring liong bun
2016 25,005 0,138 0,102
2017 24,86 0,127 0,125
2018 36,086 0,171 0,156
2019 39,034 0,265 0,181
2020 47,363 0,256 0,197
Total 172,348 0,959 0,763
Average 34,47 0,192 0,152

From CPUE for the last 5 years, starting from 2016 to 2020, it is dominated by liong bun net fishing
gear, can be seen in Table 1. Based on data obtained from the Department of Marine and Fisheries of
Serdang Bedagai, it shows that the catch of liong bun nets is more dominant than basic longline fishing
gear. This indicates that the liong bun net fishing gear is more productive than other fishing gear. This
is in according to [6], which states that the catch of liong bun nets dominates the number of stingray
catches at the Tanjung Beringin Fish Auction Place (TPI), where the operation of liongbun nets catches
a lot of stingrays which reaches 70% of the total population. total catch, so that the liong bun net is a
productive fishing tool in catching demersal fish, including stingrays.

3.4 Estimation of Sustainable Potential (MSY) and Optimum Effort

0,3 0
0,25 y = -0.001x + 0.501
0 100 200 300
0,2 R² = 0,667

0,15 -1
y = -0,0082x - 0,1879
0,1 -1,5 R² = 0,6196

0 100 200 300 -2,5

Figure 4. Regression Linier (Model Fox) Figure 5. Regression CPUE (Model Schaefer)

The coefficient of determination (R2) in Schaefer model is 0,667, and the coefficient of determination
in Fox model is 0,619 after being analyzed using Schaefer and Fox model, can be seen in Figure 4 and
5. The close association between output and effort is stronger than the value of the coefficient of
determination of the Fox model, according to the Schaefer model's coefficient of determination (R 2),
which is more than the Fox model coefficient of determination or close to 1.

Table 2. Comparison of Sustainable Potential between the Schaefer and Fox Models.

Score Schaefer Fox Unit

A 501 -0,187
B -0,001 -0,00823 Ton/year
MSY 37,24625 121,5601 Trip/year
Foptimum 148,6119 37,0571

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

R2 0,667 0,619

The Schaefer model is more suitable for estimating the potential resources of Stingray (Dasyatis
sp.) can be seen in Table 2. This is in according to [7], This states that a model's closer relation to the
real model is illustrated by one with a higher coefficient of determination (R2).

Production (ton)

F Optimum
5 148.6119
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400
Effort (trip)

Figure 6. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and Effort Optimum

The sustainable potential (MSY) of Stingray (Dasyatis sp.) resources in the waters of Tanjung
Beringin, Malacca Strait in the last 5 years is 37,24625 tons/year, meaning that the maximum sustainable
catch of Stingray (Dasyatis sp.) that can be caught is 37,24625 tons/year, can be seen in Figure 6. This
is in according to [8], that MSY is the largest catch that can be produced from year to year by a fishery,
to secure biological sustainability and avoid a surplus capacity expansion. Therefore, it can be claimed
that a growth in the number of catches is not always correlated with the number of trip operation, the
value of the trawl capture rate is not necessarily increased by increasing the number of fishing
operational days [9].
In 2016 it has a high fishing effort of 180 trips/year but production is still below the MSY value
of 25.005 tons/year. Then in 2017 the fishing effort was also higher at 195 trips/year but the production
was still below the MSY value, which was 24.86 tons/year or lower than the MSY value in 2016.
Likewise in 2018 the fishing effort was also higher, namely of 210 trips/year but the production is still
below the MSY value of 36.086 tons/year or higher than the MSY value in 2016 and 2017. Then in 2019
the fishing effort is also lower than the optimum effort value of 147 trips/year but the production already
exceeds the MSY value of 39,034 tons/year. According to [10] The sound stock assesment and
biological reference point, such as limits fo minimum stock size and fishing mortality for the MSY
target. Furthermore, in 2020 the fishing effort is also higher than the optimum effort value of 185
trips/year and the production has also exceeded the MSY value of 47,363 tons/year. The biomass of fish
stocks primarily depends on fishing preesure, for stocks to be at or above the abundance that would
produce MSY [8]. Estimation of biomass or fishing pressure relative to biological reference point such
as those based on maximum sustainable yield (MSY) or other management targets [11]

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

3.5 Estimation of Utilization Rate (TPC) and Effort Level (TPF)

Persentase (%) 1
0,4 TPF
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 7. Estimation of Utilization Rate (TPC) and Effort Level (TPF)

From the results of the calculation of the percentage level of resource utilization of Stingrays (Dasyatis
sp.) which landed at Tanjung Beringin TPI for the last 5 years, the average value of 0.925% and the
effort level of 1.234%, can be seen in Figure 7. This shows that the condition of the utilization rate of
stingray resources is in the low stage range, where the value of the effort level of the stingray in Tanjung
banyan for the last 5 years is still below the optimum effort value and does not exceed the optimum
effort value. This is in according to [12], which states that the level of effort that exceeds its optimum
effort can cause overfishing conditions which are characterized by symptoms in a fish resource,
including: fishermen's catches are decreasing from time to time; the fishing ground (fishing ground) is
getting further away and the size of the fish caught is getting smaller. While based on the rate of
exploitation according to [13] in Tanjung Berigin Serdang Bedagai a smaller percentage of older fish
compared to young fish are cought before mature, mortality of blue-spotted stingrays is more highly
dominated by death due to capture. The exploitation conditions of stingray in Malacca Strait have
experienced overfishing or excessive with exploitattion value is more than 0,5 [14]

3.6 Total Allowble Catch (TAC)

Table 3. TAC of Stingray

year production (ton) TAC (ton) TPC %

2016 25,005 29,797 0,671

2017 24,86 29,797 0,667
2018 36,086 29,797 0,968
2019 39,034 29,797 1,047
2020 47,363 29,797 1,271

Based on the results of the sustainable potential of Stingray (Dasyatis sp.), the total allowable catch
(TAC) is 29,797 tons/year, can be seen in Table 3. This indicates that fishing can still be increased to
get more ideal oyutcomes while remaining within the established Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY),
which is 37,246 tons/year. This is in according to [15], which states that the total allowable catch or
TAC (Total Allowable Catch) is 80% of the MSY value, where if the allowable catch is smaller than the
Maximum Sustainable Potential (TAC<MSY) it means fishing effort has not exceeded the existing
sustainable stock limit in the waters, so that fishing effort can be increased to obtain maximum results
but still based on the calculated MSY limit. The TAC with or without institutional constrants for estimate

4TH-ICFAES-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1221 (2023) 012023 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1221/1/012023

the cost and production function of the various vessel type in industry [16]. Providing scientific
knowledge for developing a future TAC regime, an overall management strategy, and create the
groundwork for joint management among key nations, minimum stock size and fishing mortality for
MSY are required. [9].

4. Conclusions
In conclusion, this studied showed that stingray fish stock at Tanjung Beringin port Serdang Bedagai
Regency is based on a production surplus model where the catch and catch effort does not exceed the
MSY and fopt values of 37,24625 tons and 148 units per year. Where fishing can still be improved to
achieve more optimal outcomes as it remains withn the low stage range and does not rise above the
MSY limit of 37,24625 tons.

This research was supported by TALENTA 2021 Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Sumatera Utara

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