Kinds of Sentences Worksheets

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Kinds of


Name:________________ Date:______________

Four Kinds of Sentences

There are four kinds of
Exclamation or Exclamatory sentences show a
strong feeling. It ends with a !
Example: My head hurts!
Question or interrogative sentences ask
something. It ends with a ?
Example: Do you want to play?
Command or imperative sentences tell someone
to do something. It ends with a
Example: Do your homework, please.
Statement or declarative sentences tells about
something. It end with a
Example: My dog can do tricks.

Tell what kind of sentence each one is.

I have blue shoes.______________________

Would you like some cookies?____________________

I got a new toy! ___________________

Clean your room. ______________________

Can you go to the movies? _________________

I loved that book! _________________ PerfectingPrimary

Name:________________ Date:______________

All sentences begin with a capital
An exclamation is one kind of
sentence. It ends with an
exclamation point (!).
An exclamation shows strong
feeling such as surprise,
excitement, or fear.

I am going to Disney World!

Draw a line under each correct exclamation.

I play the drums.

I am sick!

I am getting a new dog!

My shoes are pink.

I passed my test!

The sky is blue.

Name:________________ Date:______________

What is a question?
A question is a sentence that
asks something.
A question begins with a
capital letter and ends with a
question mark.

capital letter

Do you like apples? Question mark

Write each question correctly.

1. does Bobby live in the city

2. are my shoes blue

3. do you think my kitten is little?

4. Does he like to swim

5. when will she plant flowers in her garden?

6. do you walk to school in the mornings

7. do you like to pick apples

8. how does she teach her dog tricks

9. When will Mark play with his friends

10. do you like to braid your hair

Name:________________ Date:______________

A command sentence tells
what to do. It end in a period
(.) Sometimes these
sentences do not include a

Do your homework, please.

Draw a line under the correct command sentence.

She went to the store.

Turn the television off.

Sit quietly, please.

I did my homework.

Go take a bath.

Take the dog on his walk. PerfectingPrimary

Name:________________ Date:______________

What is a statement?
A statement is a
sentence that tells
A statement begins
with a capital letter. It
end with a period.
capital letter

My shirt has polka-dots. period

Write each statement correctly.

1. bobby lives in the city

2. my shoes are blue

3. her kitten is little

4. he likes to swim at the pool

5. she plants flowers in her garden

6. i walk to school every morning

7. she picks apples for her apple tree

8. katy teaches her dog new tricks

9. mark plays with his friends

10. she likes to braid her hair

Cut out each box and sort them into the correct
category on the following page.

Would you
I can’t like to help
believe this! me make

Please You have

wash the many
dishes. friends.

Do you want You scared

to play me!

My teacher Do your
is nice. chores.
Exclamations Questions
Sentence Sort
Commands Statements
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